2020-01-13steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Elon Musk said that robots are taking over our jobs and that we will probably have universal basic income (UBI) which means authoritarianism under the guise of communism, socialism, neo-distributism, Obamaism, of sharing. Should we let the powers that be tell us how much money, how much income, we may or may not have or should we simply compete for them via free markets? Do you trust government to make these decisions on your behalf without falling to corruption excessively? If you are hesitant, then why not fight to limit the powers of governments, corporations, organizations, tech cartels, etc? My laptop battery is 97% full. It is refusing to go to 100% full. But yesterday, it was stuck at 12% for a few hours. It would stop and start charging on and off for a while. So, I turned off my laptop, unplugged everything off it except the power cord and left it plugged in to try to charge it up over night and after six hours, my laptop battery went from 12% full to 97% full. I bought the laptop back in 2015 or 2016. A good computer should be able to last more than ten years. I practiced driving today. Also, Jesus broke the windows?

2009-07-16 - Thursday - 05:30 PM - Laptop Theft
2011-10-13 - Thursday - 07:48 PM - Daddy Dinner
2020-01-13 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 397pics | Mirror

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is messing up society. What does David Wilcock say about aliens? If 90% of a tribe's men are destroyed during war, that tribe could then bounce back via making babies. Mothers give birth to the next generation. If you reverse that to turn every girl, every woman, into a Mulan, into a Xena Warrior Princess, into a Buffy The Vampire Slayer, then are a bunch of men going to have a bunch babies to help that tribe bounce back or will the overall population of that particular tribe decline towards possible extinction if too many females are killed after one or two generations? Are women not valued more? Why not protect the women? Alex Jones covered the programs that you put on your phone that maps out everything about you in order to manipulate you and much more.

The deepest thing I've learned how to do is to be shallow.

Daddy Dinner

03:49 PM - Steemit - 2011-10-13 - Thursday - 07:48 PM

LOL yeah so my daddy just cooked us French fries, fish sticks, pineapples, grape (not rape) juice, all mixed together (not actually mixed up together, but you know that's funny) and dished up in a thing called love.

Homeless Stole My Laptop

04:41 PM - Steemit - 2009-07-16 - Thursday - 05:30 PM

I had to go. When you have to go, you have to go. I was gone for a second. Not a literal second haha. But I was gone for several minutes, literally. I went off to the bathroom at the Portland Central Library in Portland, OR, around 05:30 PM, Thursday, the 16th of July of 2009. My laptop was gone from the table where I sat with other laptop users. So, I filled out a report and even drew a diagram for them and the library was able to identify the homeless Hispanic man (Matt Smith maybe?) that took my computer thanks to the security cameras. The police caught him as he was coming back to the library a day or so later. I didn't press charges. He might have removed some of my YouTube videos. I'm thankful for the police officers that helped. Wait, correction, I didn't go to the bathroom at that time. It turns out that I was printing something for my landlord. Oh, edit: it was probably not Matt Smith, well, unless if I didn't know him yet at that time or something.

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2020-01-13 - Monday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-12 13:40:22.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
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2011-10-13 - Thursday - 07:48 PM - Daddy Dinner, Christina Stocker Juggalo, Raptr video game site died, facebook, blogger fg or Screenshot at 2020-01-13 10:18:36.png
Daddy Dinner

Red Letter Media

12:00 AM - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #17

porn is dangerous, of course


12:12 AM - Steemit

Josh, are you also on Bitchute, Gab, Minds, etc? Did YouTube ban you? I hope not. I do watch your videos there sometimes.

Ray Donovan

2020-01-13 - Monday - 12:57 AM - 01:49 AM - Ray Donovan 709

The new man you become will be standing on the mountain made up of the dead versions of you said the old dying lady to that one guy, the oldest Donovan son.

Do you want Bitcoin?

Mick replies: what the heck is that?

Lawyer says: "Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary people..."

Mick says the truth is that everyone is a rat.

Ray cut the camera cord.

Silly design.





They try to kill the judge. He jumps out of the window of the cabin and begins running.

They will probably find him and kill him.

They already shot the one detective dead.

But this judge should have hid in the cabin.

Or maybe not.

But he is too old.

He can't outrun them, probaly.

Well, I guess he made the best choice.


Snow. Less than inch so far around here since Sunday evening.

Mark Dice

08:25 AM - 🚨THOUGHT CRIME ALERT 🚨 - It's Racist to Say Bad Things About Fat People

Matt Christiansen

08:28 AM - #189 | Iran Shoots Down Plane, the View Loves Spencer, Impeachment to Senate | Beauty & the Beta

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is messing up society.


08:33 AM - Steemit

In regards to Edward Snowden, you can look at the specifics to debate the details or you can look at the bigger picture.

Aliens Under Los Angeles

09:11 AM - Steemit

@merica#8334 I would love to know the ancient history to modern history chronology and timeline of Los Angeles in order to map out and figure out and archive what happened specifically. I should put that on my to-do list in order to better confirm or debunks alleged claims in regards to what may or may not be in the ground, underneath the depths of L.A., be it demonic, alien, military, other dimensions, and/or etc, which reminds me of the series finale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer which was all about a girl and her city just so happen to be on top of a gateway, like an underground volcano, tunnel, cave, or mouth, to Hell itself. I'm going to try to look up David Wilcock and some of the other things as well.


09:17 AM - Can WOMEN defeat MEN in SWORDFIGHTS? Reply to Andrew Klavan

If 90% of a tribe's men are destroyed during war, that tribe could then bounce back via making babies. Mothers give birth to the next generation. If you reverse that to turn every girl, every woman, into a Mulan, into a Xena Warrior Princess, into a Buffy The Vampire Slayer, then are a bunch of men are going to have a bunch babies to help that tribe bounce back or will the overall population of that particular tribe decline towards possible extinction if too many females are killed? Are women not valued more? Why not protect the women?

David Knight

09:32 AM - Infowars - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! - Thug Goosh | Steemit

Elon Musk said that robots are taking over our jobs and that we will probably have universal basic income (UBI) which means authoritarianism under the guise of communism, socialism, neo-distributism, Obamaism, of sharing. Should we let the powers that be tell us how much money, how much income, we may or may not have or should we simply compete for them via free markets? Do you trust government to make these decisions on your behalf without falling to corruption excessively? If you are hesitant, then why not fight to limit the powers of governments, corporations, organizations, tech cartels, etc?

Beliefs vs Brains

09:47 AM - Steemit

Intellectualism has that effect.

Practiced driving for like three hours. Still working on trying to straighten out the tires, the steering wheel, when turning and especially when parallel parking. I'm still trying to enforce some muscle memory into it all. Drove around near Love Inc. Was parallel parking around there. Also parallel parked a few other spots. Practiced backing up which I can do pretty well. I reacted a bit when turning into a road. I am learning not to react not too aggressively. When I say react, I mean that I saw that it was my turn and that other cars may have been waiting and I felt like I was slowing people down which led me accelerate into the road. I sped up a bit too fast or it was not super smooth.


02:24 PM - Alex Jones 1$t HR (1/13/2020)

The Expanse

02:37 PM - Free Square

Yeah, that reminds me of a show called The Expanse which is like Star Trek without the warp drive, the interstellar travel, light speed travel, where humans live on the different planets, asteroids, space stations, etc, in our solar system, set in like a century or more in the future.

The earth is one United Nation nation.

Mars appears to be governed by something military like the Navy and/or the other military branches. I would argue that that might be the remnants of what was left of the United States of America, that they were pushed off the planet by the U.N. Well, I'm currently on the second season of that television show. So, I don't know all of the details yet or who knows how much is explained on a show like that.

But meanwhile in real-life, I try to keep an open mind.

Who knows.

I try not to say something is not happening.

All I know is what I know.

But I should be hesitant to say anything beyond that.

Dumbest Family Fight

02:46 PM - Twitter - Ham - Pickle

Erin: "My mom and dad got into a feud that has lasted over 10 years or so about whether or not he might have once said he didn’t like ham (he swears he didn’t)."

AI vs Blockchain

03:23 PM - Steemit

Blockchain is countering AI. Globalists encourages people to overshare personal information in order to use all of that against humanity. Now, some of what we share with the world can help.

What is critical is in regards to who has control over the information, the mechanisms, the infrastructure, the free market systems, educational libraries, archives, communication, governments, etc, etc; a war between centralization and decentralization.

Without Lying Quiz

03:32 PM - Facebook | FB


  1. What was the last thing you drank?
    Water. Distilled.

2 Where was your profile picture taken?
Not Cambodia but almost. Saigon, Vietnam.

  1. Worst pain ever?
    Not sure.

  2. Favorite place you’ve traveled?
    I like Saigon.

  3. How late did you stay up last night? 1:49 AM.

  4. If you could move, where would it be?

  5. What do you collect?

  6. Which of your Facebook friends lives closest?

  7. Amusement park or museum?

  8. When was the last time you cried?
    All the time lol.

  9. Who took your cover photo?
    A Vietnamese stranger.

  10. Who's the last person you took a picture with?
    Not sure.

  11. What's your favorite season?

  12. If you could have any career?
    I like writing.

  13. What are you missing right now?
    Brain cells haha.

  14. If you could talk to anyone right now who would it be?
    George Washington

  15. Are you a good influence?

  16. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

  17. You have the remote, what are you watching?
    The Expanse

  18. Who do you think will play along?

Daddy Dinner

03:49 PM - Steemit - 2011-10-13 - Thursday - 07:48 PM

LOL yeah so my daddy just cooked us French fries, fish sticks, pineapples, grape (not rape) juice, all mixed together (not actually mixed up together, but you know that's funny) and dished up in a thing called love.

Homeless Stole My Laptop

04:41 PM - Steemit - 2009-07-16 - Thursday - 05:30 PM

Once upon loved a rose a then a some other things happened. Last one up is a rotten egg haha. Imagine if kha lel broke windows. Then imagine if Jeffrey Walters was blamed for it. Well, it would be like blaming the broken God Windows on Jesus or to be more precise, it would be like Christ paying the debt that you owe. Imagine killing a person. Imagine getting punished with death. Imagine that is your debt. Well, Jesus died on the cross to pay for that debt. Say to Jesus you are sorry for breaking windows. Humans are sinners. We need help. Ask Jesus to give you a new heart, a new life. Ask Jesus to help you make better choices each day. I ran into the sky with an e. Tagged dot com. No running. 13 souls total. The lions had a friend oh dan iel. Monster Kaitlin Woods was an interesting force of nature. A man with hops in the NBA was Nate Robinson. Also my cousin. Imagine that new website social like minds oh to gab y gab some more. Gab dot com. Why? The leter y is a letter. In basketball, gotta lay la ball in la hoop. Friday the thirteen I said. Baby Kangaroo. I wanna i saac u in da balls. Three adults. No joe. I dont wanna put u in a bowl and put you in my mouth. U dont know what u are missing. Good game. What kind of car would gab be, Fixer up er. Oh actually. She says a monster car. RUnning in the streets. Eating snow flakes dan. Canning trials all day. Bikes in front of the bus. Cold. Maybe need an extra coat. Umbrella still there. Waving hand in car. Bye. His brother my name. Snow fort. A shop.

The Officer Tatum

08:29 PM - Cardi B Can't Even Spell Government


08:35 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Monday - 1/13/20

Restarting Civilization

09:04 PM - Discord - @merica#8334 | Steemit

Does sperm attract women? Can they smell it or something? I would imagine that when a man does not masturbate, he builds up the sperm, the semen, the swimmers, the seeds of mankind. Are women attracted to whichever men have more of that? So, the more a man masturbates, then the more soy boy and the more depleted the guy becomes perhaps. Like Pokemon but with Sperm, gotta catch them all. If any of this was even partly true or indirectly true to an extent, I would imagine that this kind of information would revolutionize manhood and families to restart civilization just as Stefan Molyneux demands that we do ASAP before it is too late.


10:00 PM - 08:00 AM - Ten hours or more. I probably went to bed closer to 09:30 PM, Monday. My alarm got me up at 08:00 AM Tuesday, exactly. There is less than an inch of snow outside Tuesday morning. Now Monday morning, there was even less snow which melted by like noon. So, it can be cold in the morning.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


If humans only use ten percent of their brains, then how is that not mentally challenging haha?

My dad is always drunk and he got up at the end as they were dragging me to jail haha. So, he was standing in the kitchen all confused as I was trying to grab some shoes. I didn't want to leave without shoes. Was arrest around 09:00 PM Friday the 13th of July of 2012 thanks to a fake prank 911 call by Robin Baker which was illegal on her part and yet the DA defended her meaning the DA did something illegal and I was punished for confronting that crime and my lawyer helped them meaning the lawyer joined them and the judge did as well. The cops didn't help and they are guilty of not going after Robin as well.

There are like apps that are built on Steemit (Steem). So, they had Dlive which has live-streaming. But Dlive then left Steem. Now, one app is called Dtube. That does not have streaming right now. There are different websites (apps) that branches from Steem which is like the roots of the tree. Now, right now, I cannot find any current live streaming video apps for Steem. They do have apps like Dtube for example and a few others. In other news, there is also Bitchute, Brighteon, etc. Now, there are also competitors to Steem, including blockchain networks like Bear Shares, Serey, Weku, Dream Real, etc. But Steem came out before they did. Steem also competes with Minds, Gab, etc. Now, video hosting and live streaming is harder to do on blockchains. Not impossible. But tougher. Decentralizing video hosting is an ongoing project that people are working on as they try to compete with YouTube.

Two main steps to building computers, hardware and software.

In some cases, it might be a waste of time to debate people like Dan. However, if enough people are watching, they may benefit from it even if Dan or other NPC SJW Couch Potato Puppets don't, perhaps. Not to say Dan is a leftist troll but Dan might be.

Everybody, do y'all like Steemit over Minds & Gab?

The UN took over the world in a show called The Expanse.

When I say blockchain, I'm talking about blockchain networks that uses cryptography either completely or to an extent.

Disney bought Fox, Star Wars, and even Porn Hub?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63248.94
ETH 2576.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85