
And I believe it is naïve to think some VPN can protect you from the backdoors in your computers, the use of their lines and satellites for access.

It's math that protects you, it's encryption that renders all that tracking meaningless, and the ocean of data they are drowning in.

I know many much smarter than myself insist this is so. While I'm ignorant on much of this, I think it is safer to assume that since we are using their equipment, with known back doors, that they see everything. I also believe those in power are smart enough to not tip their hands on what is possible for them to do. Smart power will create areas that appear safe for those whey would control, and I see no reason why that principle wouldn't be applied here.

I also wonder if their supercomputers can break encryption (although it seems with their back doors they can record it before its encrypted). While its entirely possible you are right, I will proceed as if there is no privacy from their eyes when conducting myself through the tech they allow the public to use.

Open source is free of backdoors. As for '*they', I've heard all kinds of whistleblowers but none about backdoors that record everything before encryption. The closest thing would be from the Wingmakers Disclosure/ Ancient Arrow Project where Professor Andrew talks about a computer program that can expose how any other program runs and replicate it and potentially use to spoof and such, but that's not hardware as far as I can tell, which is what you consider is compromised.

Pump your breaks, at best they bugged some firmware. Considering the tech community and it's tenacity to hack and mod everything, hardware that was designed to spy or anything like that would be identified quickly and exposed, at best, compromised hardware was not done by Intel or Amd like you seem to falsely believe, but by those who had or have access to the hardware.

Could be falsely, but might not be. Gives me peace of mind to assume preemptively it is more likely than not given their penchant. Not sure how chips and such aren't hardware, but the fact the articles I linked to use the word will lean in the direction it is. It is a given I am ignorant on much of this, so will tread forward cautiously assuming the worst (and as mentioned, given their track record most likely).

but I've seen enough to satisfy me that those who would spy on us are, and through the hardware as well.

The smoking gun for me would be any such hardware that you speculate is exposed by a credible publisher in a transparent manner.

Fair enough. We all must decide what is credible for ourselves.

Do not steel, the govern-cement hates competition.

The entire problem is that the govern-cement was set up to manage people (tax livestock). And the number one responsibility of govern-cement is to continue govern-cement.

So, now lasting solutions can be reached.
You can not offer aid money to a person without first stealing it (at gunpoint) from someone else.

Thus, govern-cement is evil.
It is not a necessary evil, but humanity has not worked this one out.

Fortunately what is about to happen will seriously weaken govern-cement.

  • we are about to have small, community sized, sustainable power sources.
  • we are about to have small, community sized, water sources.

With these, people will leave the cities and form groups of like minded people. They will grow their own food and be fairly self sufficient. Much like the Amish, but with space age technology.

So, as the govern-cements try to tighten their controls, their power base is about to wash away.

Further, these groups will not only make less money, they may even forgo paying taxes all together noticing that the govern-cement is not giving them anything for it.

The govern-cements of the world are doomed.

as a community we are lost if we don’t separate those disagreements from the ideas/structures we do agree on.

We've lost this battle already

I'm not so sure on that. While I believe the casualty list will grow exponentially, that should prove to also speed up the fighting at the top as the maneuvering to unseat the top will happen from those near the top. History is full of such regime changes/dynasties falling. While I do believe there is a strong chance the same cast of characters remain in power, simply slide more into the shadows, there will be karma due. It is the law of life, action/reaction.

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded

I was just thinking about this the other day. I wonder how many murders and such the NSA knows about and they just ignore it because it isn't a 'national security' issue. Seems like we get none of the benefit of all this high tech surveillance.

Seems like we get none of the benefit of all this high tech

Which shouldn't come as a surprise really. Those who believe they own us fund most of the research/own most of the patents. I lean towards it being more sinister with all the proof on how they do everything from experiment on us, throw us in prisons for participating in their schemes (like the war on drugs, yet they are probably the largest dealers in the world), etc. Then you have the rules for thee not for me like insider trading and other conflicts of interest that are excused for some (like politicians and their constituents), aiding violent crime lords such as Whitey Bulger, Sammy the Bull etc, setting up violent dictators throughout the world, using training centers such as the school of the Americas. The list is endless on why they might not have common folks interests at heart.

Recently, it hit me while watching a true crime documentary that most crimes could be solved quickly if those who rule over us wanted to solve them. Or, perhaps they do solve them, and it would be better to say they could bring to account those responsible if they wanted to.

Have you ever seen the television show "The Wire"?

"follow the money"

"this game is rigged"

"these kids are profoundly damaged"

Haven't seen it. When I was younger, I was exposed to many from that lifestyle, due to their often simplified views seeing truth.

"these kids are profoundly damaged"

Some are, many understand those dictating the rules are on top and rich because they don't follow the rules. I was also exposed to law enforcement because of my dad when I was young, and cops also know whats up (at least then they did), despite the public mask. Amazing the things they felt free to discuss in the presence of a young boy.

I loved watching this show.

And I loved it even more when I found out afterward that it was written by a former Baltimore police officer who quit his job to become a school teacher.

Click to watch 40 seconds,

Taxes. Until WW2, taxes were not something the majority of people had to pay. It was pushed as a temporary tax (the Victory tax) to help fund the war, with promises it would end with the war. Not only did it not go away, it has been used quite extensively to comb through a persons financial transactions. Never mind the illusion of the fifth amendment, it does not apply to any financial transaction (incoming or outgoing).

100% this.

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