SundayCook #30 - Cod with cream [EN] | Bacalhau com natas [PT]

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!!

This SundayCook and on next ones I will make an extra effort of cooking very traditional portuguese dishes. 'Cod with cream | Bacalhau com natas' can be easily found in any portuguese restaurant (but usually it's not my choice) and it's a great recipe to share with friends and family. You know, when food is prepared in the oven, it turns into a very comfort food meal.

Olá a todos!!

Neste e nos próximos SundayCooks farei um esforço para cozinhar pratos especialmente tradicionais da cozinha portuguesa. Encontra-se 'Bacalhau com natas' em qualquer restaurante português e é um excelem«nte prato para ser partilhado com a familia e amigos. Além do mais, vai ao forno, o que se traduz num prato muito confortante.

This Sunday I cooked | Este Domingo cozinhei:

Cod with cream | Bacalhau com natas


Figure 1 - Cod with cream - final result | Cod with cream , aspecto final

A few years ago a friend of mine said 'Cod with cream' was her favorite dish. I didn't know what it was, how it tasted like, but sounded amazing! She offered to ask her mother the recipe and she shared it with me That recipe was kept for years and today I prepared a version of it, that I'm more than pleased to share!

À uns anos uma amiga disse-me que o 'Bacalhau com natas' era o prato favorito dela. Eu não fazia ideia do que era, nem como saberia, mas tinha tudo para ser bom! Ela prontamente ofereceu-se para pedir a receita à mãe e partilhou-a comigo. Guardei esta receita por vários anos e hoje preparei uma versão da mesma, que tenho todo o gosto em partilhar!

Ingredients | Ingredientes:

Cod with cream | Bacalhau com natas

  • 750 g cod fish | - 750 g de bacalhau demolhado
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 2 medium onions | -2 cebolas médias
  • 3 cloves of garlic | - 3 dentes de alho
  • olive oil | - azeite
  • 1 bay leaf | - 1 folha de louro
  • 200 ml cod boiling water | - 200 ml água de cozer o bacalhau
  • 200 ml milk | - 200 ml leite
  • 2 tablespoons flour | - 2 colheres de sopa de farinha
  • 1 tablespoon margarine | - 1 colher de sopa de margarina
  • 200 ml whipping cream | - 200 m natas
  • nutmeg, salt and pepper (to taste) | - noz-moscada, sal e pimenta (a gosto)
  • grated cheese | - queijo ralado


Figure 2 - Ingredients for cod with cream | Ingredientes para o bacalhau com natas

Guarnish: Salad | Acompanhamento: Salada-mista

  • lettuce | - alface
  • ripe tomato | - tomate maduro
  • red onion | - cebola roxa
  • olive oil, vinegar​ and salt (to taste) | - azeite, vinagre e sal (a gosto)


Figure 3 - Ingredients for the salad | Ingredientes para a salada


1 - Place the cod fish in a pan with boiling water, season with salt. Let cook for 6-7 minutes. Remove the cod, let it cool slightly and remove the skin and bones. Flake it and set aside.
2 - Filter 200 ml of the water, it will be used in the cream preparation. Set aside.

1 - Cozer o bacalhau em água a ferver, temperada com sal. Cozer durante 6-7 minutos. Retirar o bacalhau, deixar arrefecer ligeiramente e retirar a pele e as espinhas. Desfazer em lascas e reservar.
2 - Filtrar 200 ml da água de cozer o bacalhau, vai ser aproveitada para preparar o creme. Reservar.

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Figure 4 - Cooking and shreding cod| Bacalhau cozido e lascado

3 - Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes. Cook in boiling water seasoned with salt. (in the traditional recipe the potatoes are fried in hot oil, but I don't make fries at home. I optioned for boiled potatoes, which is a healthier alternative).
4 - When cooked set the potatoes aside.

3 - Descascar, lavar e cortar as batatas em cubos. Cozer em água temperada com sal. (na receita tradicional as batatas são fritas em óleo, mas eu não faço fritos em casa. Optei por cozer as batatas, o que é uma alternativa mais saudável).
4 - Quando as batatas estiverem cozidas, reservar.

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Figure 5 - Boiled potatoes | Batatas cozidas

5 - Preheat the oven to 180 - 200 ºC.
6 - Peel and wash the onions and garlic. Cut the onion into thin slices, chop the garlic and add it to a saucepan with olive oil. Add the bay leaf and saute over low heat until the onion starts to turn golden brown.

5 - Pré-aquecer o forno a 180-200 ºC.
6 - Descascar e lavar as cebolas e alhos. Cortar a cebola em fatias finas, picar o alho finamente e colocar numa panela com o azeite. Juntar a folha de louro e fritar um pouco até a cebola alourar.

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Figure 6 - Onion and garlic mixture | Refogado de cebola e alho

7 - Add the cod and stir gently. Let cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the potatoes, and stir a bit more.

7 - Juntar o bacalhau e mexer cuidadosamente. Deixar envolver os sabores por 2-3 minutos, mexendo ocasionalmente. Juntar as batatas e mexer.

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Figure 7 - Cod and potatoes mixture| Mistura de bacalhau e batatas

8 - Meanwhile, in another pan, add the margarine, let it warm until it melts. Add the flour and stir. Add the water reserved, and bring it to boil, stirring.

8 - Entretanto, noutra panela, adicionar a margarina e levar ao lume até derreter. Juntar a farinha e mexer. Adicionar a água do bacalhau, deixar ferver mexendo sempre.

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Figure 8 - Cream preparation I | Preparação do creme de natas I

9 - Finally, ​ add the milk and cream, and stir until it forms bubbles​ and gets thicker (bechamel). Season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

9 - Por fim juntar o leite e as natas, mexer até fazer bolhas e ficar espesso (béchamel). Temperar com noz-moscada, sal e pimenta.

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Figure 9 - Bechamel cream preparation II | Preparação do creme de natas II

10 - Place the cod and potatoes mixture in a baking tray. Cover with the bechamel cream mixture.

10 - Colocar a mistura de batatas e bacalhau num tabuleiro de ir ao forno. Cobrir com o creme de natas.

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Figure 10 - Mixture and bechamel cream in the bakink tray | Tabuleiro com a mistura e o creme de natas

11 - Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown.

11 - Polvilhar com queijo ralado. Levar ao forno por 25-30 minutos, até ficar dourado.

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Figure 11 - Grated cheese and placing it in the oven | Queijo ralado e ida ao forno

12 - Season the salad with olive oil, vinegar and salt.

12 - Temperar a salada com o azeite, vinagre e sal.


Figure 12 - Lettuce and tomatoe salad | Salada de alface com tomate

It's ready to serve!! | Está pronto a ser servido!!


Figure 13 - Cod with cream| Bacalhau com natas


Figure 14 - Final dish appearence | Aspecto do prato final


Figure 15 - Cod with cream detail | Detalhe do bacalhau com natas


Figure 16 - Our Sunday meal washed with Herdade do Rocim white wine | O nosso almoço de Domingo regado com vinho branco Herdade do Rocim

This dish was really good, but the wine was a great surprised me!! I felt I could drink two glasses (or more, who knows!), but I didn't because I wanted to be ok for a Sunday leisure walk in the city

If you are interested in knowing more about this "Herdade do Rocim" white wine, you can look this post: WinExperience - Herdade do Rocim Branco/White

I will come back with another delicious Sunday cook :D

Stay tuned!!

What is Sunday Cook?!

This Sunday Cook project began with a strong will to contribute to Steemit with my personal view of Portuguese cuisine. I really believe we have plenty of good food. Despite I'm not a professional or nothing similar, I can assure that I'm doing my best, and hopefully, I'm improving my skills too!

On Sundays (cold Sundays), I like to prepare more elaborate and delicious food. It requires time and patience. Usually, I cook some traditional Portuguese food, or at least with Portuguese inspiration :) I try to do it in a healthier way, using the minimum fat as possible, and normally I pick some recipe and transform it. During the week I don't like to spend much time cooking (no time at all), that's why I get totally motivated to cook on Sundays!!


Este bacalhau estava mesmo bom, mas o vinho surpreendeu-me bastante!! Acho que era capaz de beber dois copos (ou mais, sabe-se lá!), mas não o fiz porque queria estar bem para dar um passeio pela cidade nesta tarde de Domingo.

Se estiverem interessados em saber mais sobre este vinho branco "Herdade do Rocim", podem ver este post: WinExperience - Herdade do Rocim Branco/White

Eu voltarei com outro SundayCook delicioso :D

Fiquem atentos!!

O que é o Sunday Cook?!

Este projeto iniciou-se com uma grande vontade de contribuir para o Steemit com a minha visão pessoal da cozinha Portuguesa. Eu considero que temos excelentes pratos. Apesar de não ser profissional nem nada que o valha, garanto que tenho feito o meu melhor, e espero estar a melhorar os meus dotes culinários!

Nos Domingos (quando está frio), gosto de preparar comida mais elaborada. Requer tempo e paciência. Normalmente, cozinho pratos da cozinha tradicional Portuguesa, ou pelo menos inspirados na mesma. Tento cozinhá-los de uma forma saudável, usando o mínimo de gordura possível e normalmente pego numa receita e adapto ao meu gosto. Durante a semana não gosto de perder tempo a cozinhar (nada mesmo), e é por isso que me sinto motivada a cozinhar nos Domingos!!

Links for previous posts | Lista de links para posts anteriores:


Delícia!!! Está na lista das tentativas para fazer! haha!

Que bom! Espero que gostes tanto como eu! :)

Very similar to scalloped potatoes except with cod added....looks really yummy. So does that salad - so fresh!

Hum, didn't know about scalloped potatoes, but it seems it has some resemblances indeed. This week I was lucky in the supermarket, otherwise, ​I would not photograph the vegetables before prepared. I forgot to photograph the seasoned salad and​ to add oregano, it would look even better ;)

Regardless of how you put it together, I'll bet whoever shared it with you is happy :)

Sure he was!! He's the responsible​ for the WinExperience :)

Nunca fui grande fa. Mas sei que é delicioso.

Nunca foste grande fã?! Bem, eu fiquei! Gostei mesmo deste bacalhau e o vinho então...pfff!! Nem te digo, nem te conto! ;)

Ehehe agora que sou vegetariano nao me tras nenhum appeal lol

That looks gorgeous, I do like fish :)

Thank you!! Yummy indeed, I can assure it! Already thinking in a version of this dish for Christmas dinner (we have the tradition of eating cod).

Nice, We stick with Turkey, just me and hubby like fish :)

Yes, turkey is USA tradition, in Portugal we eat this fish for Christmas. In the last years on tv programs they are sharing more turkey as an alternative, guess we are getting each more in a global world. But at my place there will always be "Bacalhau", no space for imported traditions ;)

Anyway, I'll be looking to see if our supermarkets will sell those big turkeys like we use to see in movies during Christmas​ season!

I like our own traditions, I buy a Turkey Crown as no one likes the legs here lol

I respect your traditions of course!! That's nice and different from what you can find in Portuguese butchers. We buy turkey, but not an entire one, or like the Turkey Crown you mentioned. I don't like turkeys leg either, it's difficult to find the meat ;)

I respect yours too I think its just what we have been brought up with. :)

Bacalhau. Now there is a word I know! You can't spend a month traveling around Portugal without eating Bacalhau. Great to read through your recipe and see how it is made. Bet yours is better than in the restaurants.

You are totally right! Portuguese are known to cook more than 1000 recipes with cod fish! Ahah.

I'm sure it is ;) (at least a bit ​healthier without the fried potatoes!) Thank you very much!

It is a very nice dish, but so so heavy! Your version look like something I would make.... maybe I will :)
Is this the one that people add those very thin chips, like matchsticks, that you can buy in supermarkets?

We didn't find this dish not heavy at all! We had half of the portion (I couldn't stop eating!).

That recipe you are talking about is Bacalhau à brás, very easy to prepare. Sometimes I do it during the week too ​because it doesn't take much time :)

Ohhh I though it was this one. There is so many cod dishes I get confused..
Your version is not heavy but if you use the deep fried potatoes... ;)

Yes, in restaurants I guess they always use fried potatoes, which makes it heavier for sure! But also delicious ;)

am off to bed and this is torture
that looks so yummy Lily!

Ups, sorry for that! I wanted to post it early but I went for a walk and when arrived home I had some troubles to post it (large post and lots of photos selection and collage).

Thanks for your compliment!! Hope you're ok :)

thanks am getting better
but i should log out now
and hit the bed
meds making my eyes really unbearably heavy now

Good night, sleep well!

Adorooooo 😍 só de ver fiquei com água na boca 😁😁 a forma como explicas a receita da para perceber exatamente como se faz. Parabéns 😘 @liliana.duarte

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