Exchange Transfer Report: 2/25/2018 to 3/3/2018

in #exchangereport7 years ago


Updated this week: New SBD and STEEM price feeds! Poloniex has been below market price for far too long so now I'm using the cryptocompare closing price.

USD values are calculated per day via API feeds from Cryptocompare (for STEEM and SBD values in BTC) and Coindesk (for USD value of BTC). For the top 50 reports in USD terms, I take the average USD value for STEEM and SBD for the week using the daily closing price which came out to:

  • STEEM: $3.38924
  • SBD: $3.66543

Previous Report:

  • STEEM: $3.54978
  • SBD: $4.03455


Please see the first report for a detailed explanation of my personal assumptions related to what this data could mean (along with commentary on previous reports). What it does not show is people powering up, powering down, or if they are buying or selling on an exchange. It's just some interesting data dealing with transfers to and from exchange accounts.

Linked Accounts

hitbtc includes hitbtc-exchange and hitbtc-payout, includes freewallet, openledger includes openledger-dex, binance includes binance-hot and deepcrypto8, upbit includes upbit-exchange and myupbit, and gopax includes gopax and gopax-deposit.

Previous Reports

81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Top 50 Accounts Transferring to and from Exchanges: 2/25/2018 to 3/3/2018

First included transfer: 2018-02-25T00:00:24+00:00
Last included transfer: 2018-03-04T00:00:00+00:00

----------------------------- Exchanges ------------------------------

@binance STEEM transfer total: 1,051,229.669
@binance SBD transfer total: 145.146
@gopax STEEM transfer total: 527,640.339
@gopax SBD transfer total: -16,954.683
@upbit STEEM transfer total: 290,937.203
@upbit SBD transfer total: 73,575.145
@changelly STEEM transfer total: 10,627.492
@changelly SBD transfer total: 16.106 STEEM transfer total: 1,704.016 SBD transfer total: 0.000
@rudex STEEM transfer total: 1,418.177
@rudex SBD transfer total: -149.165 STEEM transfer total: 113.303 SBD transfer total: -15.820
@poloniex STEEM transfer total: 41.344
@poloniex SBD transfer total: 21.131
@hitbtc STEEM transfer total: 0.000
@hitbtc SBD transfer total: 0.000
@steemexchanger STEEM transfer total: -290.932
@steemexchanger SBD transfer total: -802.899
@blocktrades STEEM transfer total: 42,114.524
@blocktrades SBD transfer total: -54,623.841
@openledger STEEM transfer total: -39,074.930
@openledger SBD transfer total: -67.055
@bittrex STEEM transfer total: -1,840,430.834
@bittrex SBD transfer total: 270,165.650

------------------------- Total Transferred --------------------------

Total STEEM transferred: -46,029.371
Total SBD transferred: -271,309.715
Total USD transferred: ($ 1,150,470.88)

-------------------- Withdrawal to Deposit Ratio ---------------------

Accounts withdrawing: 5618
Average withdrawal amount: ($       502.61)
Median withdrawal amount: ($        24.15)

Accounts depositing: 1793
Average deposit amount:  $       297.83 
Median deposit amount:  $        66.20 

Ratio of withdrawals to deposits: 3.13/1


AccountNet Transfer Amount
1alpha:($ 341,686.20)
2val-a:($ 271,139.49)
3appics:($ 169,462.18)
4ngc:($ 84,984.80)
5sesangsokuro:($ 82,360.30)
6smooth-a:($ 67,784.87)
7qkrnxlddl:($ 60,344.66)
8imacryptorick:($ 44,623.13)
9appreciator:($ 37,624.09)
10bayrene:($ 29,736.26)
11solisrex:($ 27,639.24)
12leesunmoo:($ 27,168.71)
13feruz:($ 25,017.15)
14thejohalfiles:($ 23,724.71)
15greene0:($ 23,724.71)
16someguy123:($ 22,369.01)
17triplej:($ 18,377.50)
18themarkymark:($ 18,160.93)
19uradick:($ 16,946.22)
20fiveboringgames:($ 15,455.30)
21corn113:($ 15,160.26)
22skt:($ 14,989.80)
23onehand:($ 14,359.82)
24ssg:($ 13,662.36)
25roelandp:($ 12,625.91)
26sander-lacerda:($ 11,669.94)
27bitcoincompany:($ 11,294.05)
28carface:($ 10,824.76)
29kwak:($ 10,668.47)
30hipster:($ 10,167.73)
31yabapmatt:($ 10,167.73)
32chainsquad:($ 9,743.32)
33tidex:($ 9,735.08)
34kakaotalk:($ 9,647.45)
35timcliff:($ 9,444.09)
36lightspd:($ 9,018.64)
37black-hole:($ 8,926.89)
38craig-grant:($ 8,666.42)
39rok-sivante:($ 8,580.96)
40uplus:($ 8,523.88)
41velimir:($ 8,477.85)
42j-bex:($ 8,473.11)
43reggaemuffin:($ 8,473.11)
44cryptomancer:($ 8,338.01)
45booster:($ 8,247.21)
46slavix:($ 7,820.73)
47trail:($ 7,792.70)
48coral-reef:($ 7,623.36)
49krexchange:($ 7,512.29)
50anyx:($ 7,444.79)


AccountNet Transfer Amount
1blockways:$ 138,789.54
2znnuksfe:$ 111,442.62
3genemk:$ 53,222.79
4z8teyb289qav9z:$ 40,670.92
5rhodium:$ 40,485.17
6xiaoliang:$ 40,362.10
7rob.roche:$ 37,841.13
8bluemist:$ 37,475.11
9schwiftybot:$ 34,114.76
10jsquare:$ 33,892.40
11cryptokidd:$ 31,806.13
12inceptionally:$ 23,671.06
13korbit2:$ 20,571.05
14pi50000:$ 20,335.46
15bigpanda:$ 20,060.93
16sc5tt:$ 19,712.99
17sandalphon:$ 17,961.43
18introvert-dime:$ 17,549.60
19dan-bn:$ 17,548.52
20gaman:$ 17,001.09
21investing:$ 16,708.84
22cutemachine:$ 16,519.80
23cryptoctopus:$ 16,312.38
24monsteroiids:$ 16,307.07
25austinprinceton:$ 14,160.12
26thewave:$ 13,963.92
27taqi:$ 12,970.19
28fedesox:$ 12,917.86
29drorion:$ 12,893.31
30try-market:$ 12,545.46
31uktr:$ 12,177.36
32verodato:$ 11,655.23
33photoholic:$ 10,845.55
34slider2990:$ 10,273.97
35wisdomandjustice:$ 10,250.83
36majesticgeek:$ 10,167.66
37thomasgutierrez:$ 9,710.54
38cektop:$ 9,488.22
39travelkorea:$ 8,791.15
40crypto2crypto:$ 8,504.36
41cryptoiceman:$ 8,415.05
42muratkbesiroglu:$ 8,280.25
43vonabell:$ 8,058.84
44derrick829:$ 7,617.82
45ssm1810:$ 7,521.70
46mshahabi:$ 7,481.64
47cryptoburner:$ 7,459.14
48protegeaa:$ 6,816.62
49japanesemask:$ 6,777.64
50airbud23:$ 6,569.78

Withdrawal to Deposit Ratio by User Count over Time

click the image for an interactive graph


  • The withdrawal ratio back up again to 3.13 to 1.

  • I updated the report to pull price information from Cryptocompare so this weeks USD numbers will be a little higher than previous reports which were pulling from the Poloniex API which has been lower than the market due to their STEEM/SBD wallets being down for quite some time.

  • The top of the deposit list belongs to @blockways and @znnuksfe who seems to be enjoying @minnowbooster profits.

  • Interesting to see @appics on the withdrawal list. I wonder if they are getting some cash for opperating and development expenses.

  • The decline in people powering down next week is 13.09% in the green compared to the previous week.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


thank you @lukestokes for the heads up with the difference in values for both Steem and SBD.

This is quite an important find actually and will mean a greater positive impact derived from steem. Means I can contribute to more reforestation in Northern Peru.

I have been working in international development (tourism and protected areas) for over 10 years. Long story short. I see steem as a radical new was of fund raising for worthy causes and projects. People simple click the upvote and voila! some funds raised at no cost.

Just over a month ago I planted one tree on behalf of Steemit. Just thought I could give something back and reduce our carbon foot print. Well I post about it and the feedback I got was amazing. I am now at my 6 post about it and I donate all the SBD to a local not for profit here in the village (northern peru). They give me tree saplings to plant and I plant.

I would like to increase my visibility for these posts, but even with well structured and detailed posts, at this stage may not bear fruit. What do you think? If you are interested please check out my posts on me planting trees for an upvote. I have just made my first ever steemit video and posted it yesterday.

Thank you.


If you're looking for advice on how to grow your audience and support, maybe this post will help.

at no cost.

Not really. Investors create all the value we see here in the rewards pool. Someone pays. If you can convince investors your project (which I think is really cool!) will increase the value of their investment and/or provide value in the world they want to support, you may get more involvement. It will take time. Maybe years. Don't expect overnight success and don't compare yourself to others who have been doing stuff for a decade or more.

Good luck!

Oh mate you are a legend! I just had my first ever steemit meet. It was in the Peruvian desert with @world-travel-pro . He gave a lot insight and motivation about what I was doing. He mentioned how you too are such a positive impact on so many levels. I can now see why!

Thank you ever so much for the upvote. Next blog everyone gets a mention for their upvote. I also include donation slips and legal receipts of the donations. I think total transparency goes without question and it is locked into the steem blockchain.

I totally agree with you, this isn't an over night process and I focus on what I am doing. But I am clearly seeing the extraordinary potential of steem. The potential to do so much good and positive change. Like simply planting more trees.

Again thank you.


It sounds like a great project. I followed to hopefully catch some of your posts in my feed now again. I love supporting people who want to make the world a better place and planting trees is an excellent step in that direction.

I am seeing many witneses withdrawing and also @appics is an interesting cases.I guess they need some cash to put final touches to their upcoming ICO which is a round the corner.

The witneses may be need money for maitaining their servers and nodes(my assumption!).

In the deposit section,i have seen a familiar name that has always advised us to Power Up and that is non other than @cryptoctopus

Yeah, a lot of people use STEEM to fund their life right now. Others see it as a long-term investment to be worth much, much more in the future. I'm hoping to bank on the later, though I'm sure some day I'll be withdrawing some value as needed also.

It is true,most people are surving on Steemit(me inclusive!).

I have been dividing the SBD into half to withdraw and the other Power Up.I am now going to change that to a bigger part Powering Uo for the long term investment.

accordingly looking at the SBD accident in the market, is at hand an opinion you tin collapse to me on if this is a clever time to invest and how to really invest in the crypto market, by means of the SBD? show appreciation you.

Unfortunately, your english makes it difficult for me to understand what you're saying.

When I get SBD, I sell for STEEM as that's where I think the long term value is.

@Imacryptorick with the fantastic name coming in at a HOT number 8 followed by @uradick bringing in some serious power at a smooth number 19 with @cryptomancer giving a final fade away finisher shocking move with the number 44❗

A big CONGRATULATIONS to everyone doing so well 👍✨

I shall now personally obtain.. The sacred Blockchain #1 Headband.

Please wish my adventure, Most Excellent Luck 💪⭐✨❗

Thanks for sharing this useful information.

Do you think your comments provide any meaningful value?

Thank you for providing the update @lukestokes ! -Zach

Thanks @lukestokes for your analysis. You are doing a great work here in steemit, especially your opinions of the price of the SBD and the economy of steemit.

I have created the Steemitnopoly - monopoly for steemit, and you are one of the protagonists of this game! I hope you check it out.

great work.. congratulations all of them & best wishes for you buddy..

So neat and organized. Just the links to the previous reports impress me so much , let alone the rest of the work on your blog! Thanks Luke bro!

OK. I don't mean to sound awkward, i just need your opinion sir @lukestokes. I don't know much about crypto, but i really want to know how to deal fairly with it. So looking at the SBD fall in the market, is there an advice you can give to me on if this is a good time to invest and how to actually invest in the crypto market, using the SBD? Thank you.

I don't use SBD. I sell it for STEEM.

Yeah.. Following your trail all this while i totally get that. So i guess that's it, sell SBD for steem. Thanks a lot!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64222.70
ETH 2651.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77