The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 6 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

It’s the end of Day 6 and the rubber has met the road for our

Community Engagement Challenge participants

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What's the total count so far?

At the time of this post we still have - - - 39 - - - who are in it to win it

- - - 11 amazing donors - - -

and 130 qualifying posts! (+27)

Our Daily Diary

consists of quality-checked, curated posts that fall within the strict guidelines of this challenge. Please consider showing them support with a visit, an upvote, and a comment.

They are relying on YOU to help them across the finish line.


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Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5


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Each have donated 10 SBD or more to be used toward the prize pot!
Our total SBD for distribution is currently 340 SBD and growing

@deanliu | @thecrazygm | @haphazard-hstead | @steempowerpics | @sgnsteems | @creatr | @denmarkguy | @nonameslefttouse | @tonyr

20 from @dreemit | 30 SBD from @jlufer


Come visit our participants here or track our progress by clicking on the spreadsheet.

Community Engagement Challenge ends
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What's at stake?

  • 340 SBD to be equally distributed among all participants who successfully finish the challenge.
  • ONE entry in the random drawing which will determine who, of the successful participants, will be delegated 5,000 SP for one week (July 23-30), which is roughly half of my account strength.

Please consider donating to the prize pot

as we get community strong!

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100% is being equally distributed to the successful candidates

megaphone-1468168_640.png SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT


has completed ALL minimum requirements!

At the time of this post she has submitted 7 qualifying posts and sprinkled 544 comments all across the Steemit community.

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@progressivechef and @steempowerpics

They have both submitted 7 qualifying posts and are very close to the minimum post requirements.

@progressive chef has 464 comments | @steempowerpics has 418 comments


If you are looking for active and engaged people, consider following some of these guys! They are interactive, fun, present, and real gems. I couldn't ask for a better group to work with.


Participants' posts in no particular order:

Leftover oatmeal got you down for the last time!

All Those Thousands of Words! A Morning Reflection...

Fad Diet Facts Vol.2 The Paleo Diet

I stayed with some Old Fogies at the Olde Fogie Farm. And it was AWESOME!


Challenged @ merej99 day 6 "We were always two" (Original work)

7 Reasons to Quit Steemit Right Now

How To Cook Hop Mac & Cheese - With Beer Hops! -- with a Bonus 9-Plant Wild Salad, too! - Thursday's Green

Ways to boost my winter immunity


If You Want to Succeed, Keep Doing What it Takes Until

What to Expect: When a Non-Artist Joins an Art Challenge...

Turning Own Flaws, Weaknesses And Some Virtues Into Funny Memes

Steem-Powered Camera Finally Arrived In The Mail Today!


War Is A Racket

The Harmonic Series #13: Elder - Reflections of a Floating World [prog and stoner metal synthesized to near-perfection]

A Story of some Bacon and a Boy Who's Goal Was to Be Different

The First Game That I Never Made



FOOD DIARIES Act 8 - *** Chicken with Lemon Confit *** A Moroccan Classic!

The Curmudgeon's Bible - What the Heck Is A "Pastor?"

Are you suffering from this disease too?


WOWZZA 1500 STEEMIT FOLLOWERS ! THANKS I 💙 YOU GUYS !! ( All Original Photos / Memes / Content ! )


Christmas in July: A Fireplace Story

Presenting the Whaleshares Court (Contest Entry Drawing with 15 Progress Pictures)


Are your goals clear enough?

The $20k Homestead - Part 9 - Fight for the CO

Learning Spanish 101



If your link is missing from the spreadsheet it's because I missed it. Please use THIS LINK and add the missing post under your individual banner. ~ Thank you!


You have a duty as a new Steemian to learn about witnesses and their important role within the community. Read @pfunk's Complete User's Guide to Steem Witnesses. You have 30 votes. Use them wisely.

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Thanks so much for the special announcement @merej99 ! This challenge has also challenged me and I had such a great week ! So its been awesome that I got to share it with this challenge as well ! Also congrats to @progressivechef and @steempowerpics ! Way to go for sure you will make it , your right behind me , that's really awesome ! Keep up the great work @merej99 , your almost done and doing a fabulous job !! Steem on !👍👍👍
So cool to see my name as a winner in your awesome graph !! Haha ! Do I get a special prize for finishing first !?!? LOL! Kidding !!! Thanks a bunch !!

Holy shitski batwoman, you kicked my arse but good (or is that butt good?) LOL too much butt talk on @merej99's pages hee hee!

I love teasing, Frank @lexikon082 LOL
I'm still cracking up with all the butt puckering.

Bwahahahha ! 😂😂😂 Im sure you will catch up !!! LOL! I had to put on my Big Girl Boots !! 👢👢👢👢👢

Unless you quit commenting right now, there is no way I am catching you hot pants, you blazed ahead leaving a trail of smoke so none of us can see! Hahaha!

That is sooo funny my friend !!LOL! 😂😂😂😂 Im the sister of The Flash !!! Haha , Road Runner look out !!! Steeming on to the moon and back , catch me if you can , bwahahahha ! 😂😂😂

Congrats! You're my role model!! Hoping to make it it there, too!

awe thank you for your kind reply ! You will for sure ! If I did it , so can you ! Never stop steeming on my friend ! 🚀🚀🚀👍👍👍

You're gonna get there. Don't worry about the numbers. Just do what you do. We'll help you cross the finish line :)

Fantastic job @karenmckersie! It's great to see someone conquer a goal set for their self. Do you think it helped with your writing and overall Steemit experience by keeping the three C's in mind? Don't worry, you can be truthful! @merej99 is only really organized and detail oriented with the slight possibility of having a side gig as an international assassin.

haha that is so funny @lexicon082 ! Thanks ! But your not supposed to tell everyone about @merej99 aka Meridiths secret side gig !! Ssssshhh ! LOL ! Best of luck to you ! This challenge has been an eye opening experience for sure . Steem on my friend !😂😂😂👍👍👍

Dammit, Frank! Now I need a new costume.

I swear if you make an assassin costume I may literally die from laughter. "Hey, Jeremy can I borrow some of your camo face paint"?

Hehehe... He'll be here for a couple days. I don't think he'll be up for doing a video but we might have some candid photos of our warrior faces. LOL
Cosplay is COOL. :D

Bwahahaha ! Its all his fault !! 😂😂😂

Hello @karenmckersie ! Thank you for the wishes dear and big congratulations to you for the achievement! It is really a wonderful challenge to participate in! It has made me meet and engage so many new amazing people out there!
Thanks again!

you are more then welcome @progressivechef ! And thanks for your kind reply ! Its been a great experience for sure , im so I glad I joined a year ago on the 13 th ! I entered that post in the challenge yesterday , its been quite the ride , and @merej99 has always stood by me and been such an aspiration to me ! Best of luck , steem on my friend !👍👍👍😴😴😴

Congrats @karenmckersie, Way to conquer the challenge! I should be able to cross the finish line by tonight just with my usually daily interactions now. This has been such a unique and interactive challenge indeed thank to Meredith.

That's awesome , way to go ! I didn't really realize just how many replies I actually do all the time LOL ! Its been an eye opening experience ! Good luck im sure tomorrows daily diary will show you as a winner too !! Steem on my friend ! 👍👍👍

Thank you. It's amazing actually. At first you think 500, whoa, but this makes you aware that you may actually write 50-75 comments/replies in a day and not even realize it. Meredith did a great thing with this challenge. I know it's a ton of work, but I hope she does it again in the future for the next batch of Steemians.

yes for sure me too ! Sorry im falling asleep here LOL ! Im sure she will if she survives this one LOL ! The first ones always the hardest , but she's doing a great job !! Way better then I could do haha ! Have a great day and good night for now ! 😴😴😴👍👍👍

That's the plan once this graduation ceremony craziness melts away :) If this is any indication of participation, I may need to lasso some volunteers. lol

Since it looks like I will be in the winner's pool this time, next time around I will donate back a bit more and not enter to "win", but just enter to show support of the challenge and the fun of it.

Oh, a donation would be fantastic but it's not necessary to recuse yourself from the next challenge. It's not an easy thing and I want to keep it open to everyone from minnows to whales. No exclusions.

that's awesome !! I would love to see some whales participating !! 🐳🐋🐳🐋🐳🐋

"daily interactions" makes my heart sing. <3

I had a tiara but Audrey gave me "the look."

Hahaha !! You deserve a tiara @merej99 !! Or since your such a Wonder Woman how about a golden lasso !?!? Or some cool bracelets !!! Your our hero !!! Woot ! 👑👑👑👑


Have I mentioned how much I love LOL

OMG ! Bwahahhaha ! I almost peed myself @merej99 !!!! I have not heard of this place but I 💙 love it !!! you look fabulous by the way !!! I always loved Wonder Woman , you must be her better sister , saving steemit , one steemian at a time ! hahaha 😂😂😂👍👍👍💙💙💙

I've used Face In Hole for holiday cards. It's a blast. LOL Have fun with it!

oh I will for sure haha !! As soon as I get a chance I will be checking it out ! LOL thanks !😂😂😂👍👍👍

Clarification of the rules, please...

So, is it OK to submit one or more articles, allocated to future days, in advance of your publishing the Daily Diary?


Hey @creatr
Um... I was a little bit confused by your question but I'm going to try and answer anyway.
When I posted THE BEAST I hadn't expected anyone to join so quickly (and I forgot about time zones) which is why there was the potential to actually have 11 posts if you participated every day.

ALSO - While I did recommend only posting to your blog one or two times a day to concentrate on topic and format, the limit is sharing only one post for this challenge per day. Ideally, the exercise is to post something at least once a day for consistency.

What was not explicitly stated was the 12-hour "forgiveness" If you wrote two within one day you may use the second one the following day. But I do ask, using honor code, that it's not older than 12 hours.

I hope that answered your question :)

I think this long sentence has finally explained the 12 hour rule better.. Was confused before @merej99

Oh good @dean-mno
I'm also trying to accommodate the different time zones so there might be a bit of fudge room. The way it's going, we're either going to see a lot of people crossing the finish line early with a day to spare or they're going to squeak through by the hairs of their chin. :D Drop me your link @dean-mno. You're only 2 posts away from the minimum in that regard :)

Would do that in the next hour.. Fine tuning... @merej99

Yes, that clears it up for me, Thanks! ;)
Sorry if the question was not clear...

LOL - it may have been a combination of sleep deprivation and being distracted. (Hubby has the day off and the man loves to talk.) hahaaa

And talk is code for.......

......back scratchies?

The man really talks... and talks and talks until my eyes glaze over. Thank goodness he's napping. hahahaaa

lol...look who's talkin' must be over 3K comments all together within the confines of this challenge...oh're not actually doing the challenge are you?

ah.... hmm... you made me look. After this comment I will have posted 898 comments. How crazy is that?!? lol
It goes against my fabric to participate in my own challenge. :D I've only got my name on the spreadsheet to track my numbers.

Excellent challenge dear friend @ merej99, thank you very much for what you do daily for this wonderful project.
Congratulations to all who reach the goals and those who are next.
I wish you all a great day

You're almost at the winner's circle too @jlufer! :)
You've already got over 500 comments. We need a minimum of 2 more posts! YAY!!!

Wow what an amazing journey we are having with this contest! Will try to hit the 500 today! I have been engaging a lot today!
Thank you @merej99
Steem on!

We can do it :-) just a few more steps from the finish line for us. I should be able to make the goal by tonight. See you soon in the winners' circle.

That's the spirit dear! Let's kick it! See you soon!

And everyone was so worried! I'm beginning to wonder if this challenge was hard enough.

Hmmm what's cooking more!? I'm smelling something!!!!

quite possibly end of August or September...once the home life settles down into some normalcy again :)

Will surely look forward to enter again dear! Well i feel you will make something very creative again!

I must be putting these in the wrong place, as Thursday didn't show up in the spreadsheet. I assume I comment back below my ddschteinn square? I am notorious for commenting to myself...

LOL I think you've got it figured out now! :)

We can always hope ( :

Interesting quest! Will be there the second run for new participants?

I'm definitely hoping to run a second one. Probably end of August or early September :)
I'm really hoping that some of our Steemians will launch one in their native language too. That would be WILD.

Congratulations @karenmckersie! @merej99, I really loved reading these extra announcements for the progress of the different participants! I need to catch up with the comments.

Hopefully it helps with the weekend just about here. Carve out some time where you can. :)

Dear Meredith,
I can assure you that at this moment I feel like one of those football players:

That's right, babe! Inch by inch we get there together.

TEAM WORK. No "I" in team. Oorah!

Great :) Thanks

I love the GIF because I love rollercoasters! ;)



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