Sister post to "The BEAST" - Community Engagement Challenge housekeeping

in #challenge7 years ago (edited)

This post is for housekeeping purposes and to start a fresh page for our Community Engagement Challenge participants!

All liquid funds earned from this post is being used to boost our prize distribution!

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We are currently at 310 SBD and growing!

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All donations are greatly appreciated!

What is "THE BEAST"?

It's the genesis post that launched the Community Engagement Challenge. I had no idea it was going to get so big! This makes me very happy but it also keeps me very busy! So I'm scrambling to keep everything organized.

As promised here is the spreadsheet

This is what I've been using to help stay organized and hopefully not lose or misplace your posts! It's also my tracker to see who I need to message, boot in the butt, or crack a whip on.

This is where we might see people being dropped from the challenge.

I am affording every opportunity to help you succeed.

  • If your word count is too low, you can fix it.
  • If you need to make citations to your blog, you can fix it.
  • If you forgot to post a link, I will forgive within a 12-hour window.
  • If you are not seeing your posts in the Daily Diary, check your comments.

With 43 people, I simply don't have the time to actively seek out individual posts (unless I have made previous arrangements with you).

Remember, I want to see you all succeed!

It's up to you to stay the course.

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As mentioned in the Day 4 Diary,
this is where the rubber meets the road.


BIG shout-out to our awesome donors

- - - 10 SBD - - -

@deanliu | @thecrazygm | @haphazard-hstead

@steempowerpics | @sgnsteems | @creatr

@denmarkguy | @nonameslefttouse | @tonyr

- - - 20 SBD - - -


- - - 30 SBD - - -




  • Challenge participants: Your original header is now in the comments area. Please use your thread to share post links. :) [edited]*

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Thank you!

Daily Diary

Curated posts still within the payout window

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4


@merej99, thanks for doing this follow-up-- makes for a MUCH easier reading list than the original "beast!" My laptop was starting to "protest" loading a comment stream quite so long... I was getting close to just creating a separate bookmarks folder for the participants.

An observation for everyone: As part of community engagement and a gift "pay it forward" economy, don't be shy about upvoting worthy comments on your posts! As we've all seen, these days there are a lot of people getting all wrapped up in "self-upvoting" and I'd love to see us be the "antidote" to that. I realize that if you have less than 500SP you may not be able to adjust your voting power... but for anyone who can even a 3% upvote is a nice "thank you" for an engaging comment, and it will not eat up your voting power.

right now inability to setup a less that 100% vote power is major Steemit problem overall. without constant checking my voting power I fell to less than 10% my VP one week ago and I still try to recover it

Just an opinion of mine, but as a minnow I would probably be down to 0%, upvoting everyone who caught my interest in order to grow my account and earn that slider. I'm not saying follow for follow (yuk!) but to engage people. Sure, at 0% vote strength your votes aren't going to be worth anything but your upvote/show of support could mean a lot to someone. Let's call them token gestures.

When I was a minnow my 100% upvotes were worth $0.001 <<<not a typo.

I know, before I leased SP my upvote costed 0.01 for 100%. Now with a current Steem rate it would worth a half from 1 cent.

I try to upvote every post which I like with 1-6 % of SP

Hey, @allfabeta - have you been posting your challenge links under a different post? I'd hate to bump you because we misplaced them! Let me know!

^ THIS 100% ^

Yeah, okay, I voted it 50% but you know what I mean. @denmarkguy makes an excellent point. I have always considered Steemit a bridge to the "gift economy". For transparency, I give my post 100% upvotes but I never upvote my own comments. Those are reserved for everyone else.

I can't wait for my slider bar. The 10 votes deal is killing my voting power. I want to be able to give more $ value to posts I like and I get spread thin way too fast.

@steempowerpics according to @nba05 if you use esteem app you can use slider even though you don't see it yet on steemit. You might want to give it a try? :)

Perfect! I didn't know that was up and running, been a while since I heard about esteem but no info on features at that time. Honestly forgot about it. Thank you for thinking to pass that info. New toys - yay! :-)

You are welcome! I know the pc version is still being worked on, but the mobile app is available. I am still getting acquainted myself, but have used it a few times for scheduled posts. That is an awesome feature esteem app has. Yes more toys! LOL

I gave it a try (android phone) gives me invalid value errors when I try to upvote. Looks nice though. Maybe needs more time to get the bugs worked out. I will try the PC version and see how that goes. Thanks again.

When I was new I couldn't wait for it either. Once I got it, I hated it because I gave everyone 100% upvotes anyway so what's the point of it? Then comes HF19 and screws up my 100% happy place. GRUMP. GRUMP.

Honestly from what I have been reading from the witness folk, all the upvoting on everything, every post, every comment, etc -regardless of if it is truly "good content" is a big factor in the reward pool drain, then being compounded by the drop in crypto prices. It's the facebook/instagram "like" mentality from how I understand it. I'm still trying to dig deeper into the minds of the witnesses to figure it out. I can't give my pennies away, like they were...pennies?

lol...not like I was bribing people...seems they like to see that upvote to me.

need to rethink the surfing plan...well I think most people prefer to see someone take the time to comment...than not. I think this challenge proves it. To me anyway.

I LOVE MAKING MONEY. I would be lying if I said I didn't like to watch the earnings grow on my posts but what gets me excited is seeing someone stop by with a comment. I've always pushed for at least a 4:1 upvote to comment ratio as a testament to engagement within the community. When I see 100+ upvotes and like 2 comments then I have to wonder exactly how many bots is following that person and what is their version of value? Everyone has their reason for creating content on Steemit. It's up to them to figure out WHY they stay. Hell, if I was here solely for making money, I sure as hell wouldn't be donating 150+ SBD for a challenge!

So true, nothing wrong with wanting to make money...just don't get those trail things. I have joined PAL and registered 'n all. Just haven't used it for upvotes...yet., and certainly not during this challenge.

Don't get me wrong...the MSP does much more than upvoting for members...and that I support. Just not my tribe so...not flying their banner.//know what I mean Jean? ;)

When Streemian came on line I was very happy to find a way to earn curation without actually curating. Hell, I didn't know what that meant at the time. But I've been a pretty active curator and soon realized that my SP was GONE.

So I quit all trails, started my own for the heck of it, and started using SteemVoter with strict guidelines on who gets an auto vote, but after HF19, I've shut that down too.

I might just turn it on when I do a #payitforward initiative, which would direct my 100% votes to that person or cause. I don't know. I haven't wrapped my head around how I'm going to bounce with this HF.

When you've got it figured out please share because I haven't a clue. :o/

Will do. Side note @aggroed made it to a top 50 witness today. One of the 3 witness accounts I have voted for so far.

Congratulations to @aggroed
I've been meaning to re-evaluate my witness list but also need to hammer out time to research them again. I think I may have one or two votes left. I'd love to hear your thoughts on your witness selections...maybe that might be a future post for you? It would definitely benefit the community to know the WHYS.

It's tough, but yes a bigger discussion for later. I'm trying to learn as I go and find those would are not just in it for fame and fortune, but for the long-term greater good of the community. If I plan to be in Steemit for the long-haul, I need to know the witness plans to keep it stable.

** so once we vote for 30, that's it forever? no unvoting later?

Great observation @denmarkguy! It's true...votes have become rare! I like to upvote even at small percentages to show you read the comment and it's a good comment. Thank you for bringing that up!

Thanks @merej99 for your encouragement and organization and for being our Fearless Leader! Just to be clear, do you want us to post our links from the previous days too, or just moving forward from here on out?

Just from here on out. Thank you for asking!
If you look at the spreadsheet and I'm missing one of your posts, include the missing one here as well.

Here's my post #5, not yet on the spreadsheet, but I'm late - but hopefully within the 12 hour grace period (I also posted the link below my header down below)

Gotcha for the next diary entry. If you could scroll down in comments, you'll find your header too. That will be easier for me to keep track of posts moving forward. Thanks :)

This is officially my 500th Comment!!

hahaha! I'M HONORED!

@merej99 I had a question. For the 500 comments is that the total in 10 days and we distribute as we wish or do we need to have 50 comments per day? Thanks again!

The only numbers I'm going to be looking at are your post count, rep score and number of followers. I thought it would be interesting to see if there was growth in rep score and followers at the end of this. If you bust out 7 posts and then go wild and crazy on comments for the remaining days, that's up to you :)

Great thanks for the reply dear! Halfway there! :)

I may start a fun post where y'all are encouraged to respond with pictures or gifs. That'll boost the post count. :) hmm... the brain is churning...

LOL that brain is churning! I have no experience with gifs though! :)

When you have a reaction or a short phrase that comes to mind, type it in their search and see if anything matches what you're trying "to say."

Did it work? you need to cite these?

PERFECT! hahahaaaa

I love George Clooney. OMG. I'm dyyyyyyying!!!
Naw, don't worry about citing these. If you got them from giphy you should be okay. Came out of the gate strong, didn't'cha? Show off. LOLOL

This was easy to find. Thanks a lot Meredith for the sister post to "The Beast". Below is my day 6 post

Hello Meredith, please find the link to my entry to day 9 of the contest;

haha! Going above and beyond??? :D
@mathworksheets, we've got to boost your comments count! Let's do this!

Comments are hard to earn but not for you Meredith, I see your posts where my 12GB memory computer denying to go to the very last comment of your post. I am trying my best but don't want comments just to stay in the contest (as I just made Mandeep, Pav, Binwant, Sukh, Gugly, Cookgraphy and Gautam aware of my entry into contest but never force them to comment, Just Sukh made some comments and none of others did any comment but which is usual as they never did before the contest either). I am preparing my last entry for the contest and leaving it to the community for the commenting part.

Hi Meredith, below is the link to my entry for day 7 of the contest

CONGRATULATIONS @mathworksheets!

You have reached the minimum post requirements for the challenge! With about 350 comments to go and about 5 solid days I'm certain you can reach the finish line! Woohooo!!!

Thanks a lot for the encouragement and update, Meredith. I will do all my 10 posts and will try to engage as many steemians as I could and try my best to match or exceed the requirements of the challenge.

I know you will @mathworksheets - you are an amazing example of what community looks like.

Hello Meredith. Below is link to my day 8 post for the contest entry;

Chanting: I believe that I will win, I believe that I will win! Thanks for staying on top of us, in any way you can. You are pretty awesome for trying to manage over 40 people. Virtual high five for you!

@kubbyelizabeth, just a reminder to use CTRL+F to find your thread within this post and drop your links there :) You can do this! I have faith :)

It is on my to do list! thank you!

Yoohooo! @kubbyelizabeth - I need that revised poem and today's post, love!

Tick, tock! <3

So much to do!!! YEs ma'am!!

Gotcha! This was in Day 6 Diary. Just be sure to add future post links to your personal thread. Easiest way to find it is CTRL+F and type your username. :) Thanks

Wow what a workload for you dear @merej99! Even when having a "sister" post, this will probably get long too...I am impressed at how organized you are. Are you this organized at home as well? :)

ROFLMAO - god no. My house is a disaster and half the time I've got a food stain on my shirt. I'm a right ol' mess. hahahaaaaa

:) That is so curious how we can be good in one certain area, but not in different atmospheres...I too am more organized at work than at home lol

You know what they say... The plumber always has a leaky faucet at home and the mechanic always drives a POS car. LOL

Lol! So true! :)

Do we need to have citations for every single image and gif in our posts or just one per post?

@kylek717 - This depends on a few things.
If you are using only your original photos, it's a good idea to watermark them and make a copyright statement at the bottom of your post...unless you're okay with other people using your work.
If you're using ALL pixabay or giphy material, a blanket statement works fine too.

I tend to "image source" everything but if I'm pressed for time, I will state something like, "all images used on my post are otherwise noted."

There is a great variety of ways to cite the photos/illustrations. Just remember that if it's not yours, it's a good idea to let your readers know it. This develops trust in you and helps build your authority.

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