The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 2 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

We've made it through Day 2 of the Community Engagement Challenge

What's the total count so far?

At the time of this post we have 37 Steemians (+2) who have signed up for the challenge; 5 donors (+2), 40 qualifying posts (+17), and 376 comments on the main post!

image source


Each have donated 10 SBD to be used toward the prize pot!
Our total SBD for distribution is currently 200 SBD and growing







The Challenge ends on Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The deadline for new participants to enter is July 11, at midnight EST

That means there is still time to join!

The rules are very clear

Visit the genesis post to read all the details and jump in on our conversations! The energy is fantastic!

If you are participating for a chance to win the SBD you must:


Excellent dear friend @ merej99 what good it is to see how many work they present per day and surely they will be adding others, congratulations for this great challenge
Have a nice day

@julfer, gracias por tu donacion de $30

translate: @jlufer, thank you for your $30 donation!

Te amo, mi amigo.

I sent you 10 SBD as a donation towards this prize pot. Enjoy!


Thank you so much @nonameslefttouse :)
This may turn into quite a generous pot indeed.

Indeed there is lot of unexpected work! I see you working like that gentleman on computer changing his typing gears!!LOL.

I think part of my surprise is that I didn't expect really any more than 5 people to join. I'm thrilled that we have over 30!

6 fold Surprise! Isn't it?

It could be worse! There could be NO ONE participating and that would have made me sad indeed. lol

Ha hahaa! No chance for that!!

Great job @merej99 ! Im glad there's so many people taking on the challenge and your getting some awesome donations , that's great to see ! Keep up the great work steeming on my friend ! 👍👍👍

Day 2 and I'm still hanging in there! Phew! It's been interesting trying to juggle home stuff and keep up. On the plus side, this is the first time EVER that one of my posts has more comments than upvotes! LOL

I know what you mean ! Its got to be keeping you quite busy having this challenge going on top of everything !! Haha your doing great ! Its great to see all those comments too LOL ! Just don't run out of steem and keep steeming on !! 👍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

I am sure that you remain in the "active" or "hot" page since comments keep on coming. LOL

Did you know that I never look at hot, trending or promoted pages? I have no idea what's going on in those tabs. LOL

Lol! Wow good for you. Do you look at new page though?

WAit a minute I don't see my post up there, did I not make it it?

I didn't see your post at the time I did a final sweep for this update but you're listed in Day 3!
Believe me, I want EVERYONE to succeed and I'll do everything I can to help those who help themselves. You're doing great.

This is great @merej99! Thank you so much for doing this project. I only have one question for you. Where do you get the time to respond to everybody, make your own post and cut an paste all links into another post? Wow, I am thinking you didn't think this was going to be so big right?

oh my gosh @sgnsteems - I had no idea it would be this big. I'm thrilled about it but WOW. LOL

Thankfully I work from home and I have what seems like a million tabs open all the time. I threw in the towel and getting myself a refurbished cheapy laptop to dedicate to Steemit. How's that for obsessive behavior? HA!
Oh, and I even took time to shower today too. That's pretty darned good in my book! ;)

LOL! Wow Kuddos to you! Working at home, requires even more of organizational skills. I work away from home which limits my time on the computer, especially because of my eight year old and you know, cooking, cleaning....So yes getting a shower done is awesome when time is limited! LOL

I'm feeling pretty good right now and for some reason I feel like I've got all the time in the world. Could be I shower 2 days in a row! haha!

Hahaha! Showers do make us feel good though! Lol

Sometimes those showers are necessary -- especially when one begins to offend one's self. LOL

Having classes throughout today.... Would likely my post before midnight though....
Mehn your organizational skills are dope @merej99

Thanks! I wish I had a clone to do all the other things that need to be done! On the bright side, I'm about half way to the post/comments finish line. :P I don't know if that's organizational skills or if I'm borderline insane? :D

Thanks for the update @merej99! Remember to get some well deserved rest my friend! :{)

Thank you @tonyr - tomorrow is back to the work grind and juggling this monster challenge. LOL
I'm off to bed...before 5 am today. I'd say that was progress :D

You'll probably sleep for a week when this challenge is over! :)

Enjoy your rest my friend! Speak again soon!

@merej99, these daily updates are really nice... that original post is getting loooong! Seems to me you might be ready for a vacation, by the time this challenge comes to an end!

HAHA! Vacation?
I may need a vacation from my vacation at the end of the month. LOL
It's definitely overwhelming if you're just getting over to the first post and reading over 300 comments. HA!
These little updates are a lot easier for everyone to check out posts and maybe find new people to follow. It's a good way to see who is engaged and active in the community - and the newbies are willing to take the extra step. It's fantastic.

Excellent - thank you for the update. Your efforts are truly appreciated. I have 162 comments posted so far towards my 500 goal. Steady progress. :-)

That's really awesome @steempowerpics. Keep up the really good work. :) Steady wins the race!

Thank you. On the challenge page you put a reply post to me about posting links under the reply you left? Is that what you meant? Put them under your comment, not my own?

Yes, post your links in the generic message thread that I left. With the amount of posts to sort through now, it's easier for me to do a CTRL+F to find the most current posts for the Daily Diary. I don't want to miss anyone's post :)

You got it. I can't even imagine the process behind this effort now. Thank you.

I have nicknamed this challenge THE BEAST

LOL - Perfect. When I go to the main challenge paid, my laptop freaks out trying to load the whole page . That's the sign of a truly active post.

I may have to create a sister post just to get a fresh page going. Come to think of it, that's really not a bad idea. I could dedicate earnings from that post to sweeten the prize pot!

Ok I am glad I read this, because I wasn't sure where to post my second link. Now I know! :)

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