⏺Are you suffering from this disease too?

in #welovesteemit7 years ago (edited)

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There is a common 'disease' that is forcing too many people further and further away from achieving their goals...

This disease is called...


The biggest killer for a person's hopes and dreams is 'Shiny Object Syndrome'.

This is a really bad habit people get into when they jump from one idea ('shiny object') to another. The thing about doing this is that no real progress in anything is ever accomplished. Some people do it so often that they don't even realize they are doing it!

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There's an analogy I live by lately in terms of success..

See, I am a big victim of trying to find balance. I have been so for years. I always used to suffer from 'Shiny Object Syndrome'. Always jumping from one 'shiny object' to another..

As part of the analogy, I like to look at this as in the eyes of a builder.. Now, when building your house of life, there are in my opinion, 3 phases.

PHASE 1: Building The Foundation
PHASE 2: Building The House
PHASE 3: Expanding The House Into A Mansion

What most people do is they will build a foundation, and they will put all their effort into it. These people's foundations are magnificent. The problem is, when they are done with that one, what they do is the get tired/bored, and start with a new great foundation. At the end of the day, they have a bunch of great looking foundations, but they are all just empty stands.

As of right now, I have tons of foundations (Knowledge of basic expertise of a ton of different niches), which is great when coming up in conversation, as I am very diverse. The problem is, I don't have nearly as many houses (Successful ideas) working for me because I always chop-and-change before most of them can succeed. This is due to simple impatience.

My advice would be to find out what you love, and just go with it. Not only go with it, but give it absolutely everything you've got. You need to ask yourself, what do you have to lose, versus what you have to gain by doing this.

Most people already have a few foundations, so just go and pick one. Always remember, there was a reason you starting something in the first place. Not sure if you have any foundations? Well, sure you do. Anyone reading this post right now has one.. YOUR STEEMIT ACCOUNT.

Your Steemit account can make you a millionaire. If you work it correctly, just like anything else in life :)

Further advice would be that once you have built your house, start upgrading that to a mansion. Because that's how you become great at anything :)

PHASE 1: Building The Foundation

Some of your guys' Steem account's are fresh. You need to start building your foundations. A 'foundation' in this case will be different for everyone. At the end of the day, it's about people reading what you have to say. If you have a base of regular people appreciating what you are telling them, then you have your foundation.

PHASE 2: Building The House

Other's have already built great foundations. Now, stop wasting time, and build your houses. Again, it's to your own judgement, but if you want something to work around, then this would be when you just got your first few loyal followers and first bit of $.

If you haven't achieved this stage yet, don't be discouraged. Discouragement will not solve anything. Just keep pushing until you do. If you do, I guarantee you will make progress.

A good guideline I would say when your 'house is built' would be around 500 followers. Again, it can vary depending of the quality of your followers, but the point is that they are supporting you and built something that will be able to last a really long time. They now trust you.

PHASE 3: Expanding The House Into A Mansion

Great, so you now have your house shelter you. What most people to at this point is they start to think that everything will be able to grow itself.. Well, that's not true.

Life rewards you for the effort you put in. Life will pay you in the ratio of what you DESERVE, not what you WANT. Put in the work and you will reap the rewards.

In this case, you need to carry on expanding towards your mansion. Eg. 1000+ followers


If you find value in what I have to say, please show your appreciation by having others see my content. That is what I care about most. You can do this by Resteeming! I believe sharing this content can, and will change many lives! :)

Your up votes are always appreciated! You don't have to if you don't want to however :)

As of right now, it has been 15 days since I have joined Steemit! Let's go :)

My main Instagram account just hit 35.6K+ Followers. Check it out HERE!

You Can Follow Your Boy Here @ENAZWAHSDARB (387+ Amazing Followers Strong)


This was excellent, I love well done analogies :) I also love discovering people who were just meant to be here, it's unbelievable how many kindred spirits I've met since I hopped on this ride, from all over the world. The only social media platform that lives up to the claim of being Global.

I hope you build that mansion (we'll be neighbors, haha ;)

Count me in! But I don't want a mansion - that's too much house to clean. I'll just park my tiny house in y'all's back yard. LOL

LOL! I imagine if we can afford mansions, we can also afford a housecleaning service - They can live in the tiny house in our back yards, hahahaha!

I mostly jest, I'm far more likely to buy little cottages in every fantastic place there is on the globe, a state of the art RV...and maybe a private jet ;)

Everyone to their own opinions.. But I'm definitely with your idea LOL!

I can clean ur mansions for a free room..
..lol and cleaning and planing my next goal....a castle mabye built to move one step at the time.
U start living on bottomfloor.....when u atchive one of ur goal u move 1 floor up.
That way u know u live in the tower when u atchived ur goal.
If u need more goals u can do it all over again.
I'll start in tower and move down....
Why u wonder....thats me doing things my own way....backwards....lol

LOL, that bit of rambling was super fun to read! Haha! I think I followed it :)

Lol... thank u glad u did like it :0)
Im a little goofy sometimes but if u follow it then I would too....lol

I love tiny houses... I have a concept for a mobile, expandable tiny house that I desperately want to develop... ;)

I don't mind small either!

Awesome comment! You're so right. This is a real community of like-minded people. Let's build those mansions! I'm thinking something that looks like Bill Gates' village house :P What you think?

Sounds fantastic! A physical steemit town...and instead of being populated by elitist pricks, we'll have the most enlightened people on the planet :)

Yes exactly. Legit sounds like a great idea :D

Oh my, I definitely suffer from 'Shiny Object Syndrome'!! Also, like you, I have foundations in many different things. I read somewhere that focusing on one thing at a time and devoting 10,000 hours (if I remember correctly) to it will reap success. But, "success" is subjective and it's not always a monetary gain. I'm the kind of person that needs to continue learning/growing. I get bored easy - maybe that's why I've moved from one thing to another before reaching 'success'. OR, I didn't clearly define my goal(s) for that project. . . . Maybe gaining the foundation was all I really wanted in the first place. I have to believe that my collective foundations have somehow influenced reaching my happy life now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @enazwahsbarb, this was an insightful post!

It makes me so happy reading comments such as these.

Yes, it is said to be a common number that it takes around 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. I very well believe that stands true.

I am exactly the same when it comes to getting bored! LOL! That is my biggest downfall. The fact that I get way to bored, way to quickly. Good observation. I would actually say it is maybe a bit of both. Because of the fact that we need to keep on trying new things, but also the fact that goals are not clear enough.

I imagine creating goals with the idea of using a candle. If you light up a candle in a dark room, most people will assume that there is not enough light being produced by the candle. However, that is in fact incorrect. See, if you take the identical amount of light being produced, and you use a flash light, and point it at something in the same room, you will clearly be able to see whatever is in that spot.

The only difference being focus. The candle has small bits of energy shooting everywhere, never really impacting anything, where as the flash light is using the same amount of energy, but pointing it in a single confined spot :)

You will notice with any adjustable flash light that the bigger you zoom it out, the weaker the light.. Vice-versa for when you make the light zoomed in more, it is a lot brighter :)

I think this has actually inspired me for my next post.. I think I will us this :P

Awesome stuff. Thanks for your input!

Oooo! Cool analogy with the candle and flashlight. One thing I can add to our little conversation is a problem (or, is it??) of being WAY too interested in so many things. The world is so incredibly diverse and I'm curious by nature . . . . learning is like breathing to me. Prioritizing sucks

Totally agreed. I am exactly the same! Seems like you and I have the same thought patterns :P

I made my latest post about that very analogy I explained in your comment :)

OOoo!!! I am DEFINITELY reading both of those today. Awesome-ness, @enazwahsdarb :)

Sounds too good to be true! Have a great day!

I have suffered of that disease a couple of years ago. It is good for some people and it is all about how lucky and when You join to get that shinny object. but only a very small people end up being successful when using that technique.

It's true. Focus is key :) If everybody just stuck with the first idea that showed great potential, they would all be successful.. But people try and grow too many things at once..

This article just makes you look around yourself and start realizing new stuff just remembered I have a trailer to sell hopefully it brings me 5k

HAHA well I am glad it was able refresh your memory..

Maybe you should invest that $5k into Steem Power :P Would be cool!

Thanks my man :) I will assume you didn't read the entire post since you commented right after I posted LOL! Either way, cheers :)

No but a mental illness plus memory lost. I think im mind fucked

I'm sorry to here that.. :)

This post has received a 0.24 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @enazwahsdarb.

Thanks for this @enazwahsdarb, I agree. Also, I believe you need to know how to focus. My mentor says you gotta focus like for a bull's eye. Check out this post. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/248563

Definitely agree! Thanks for stopping by :) Glad you enjoyed it.

I have many other posts of this quality. I gave you a follow. Talk soon.

Thanks yes lets talk... Thanks for the follow.

Yes to building houses with solid foundations :D
I've never found much use for shiny things. I'll work the dirt all day to grow a garden. I'll dig a 1,000 feet for a deep well with good water. Once the footings are established, we can building anything. :)

Haha this entire post is like analogy-central xD

But so true. You have a really great mindset @Merej99! Keep at it :)

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