
Hey @creatr
Um... I was a little bit confused by your question but I'm going to try and answer anyway.
When I posted THE BEAST I hadn't expected anyone to join so quickly (and I forgot about time zones) which is why there was the potential to actually have 11 posts if you participated every day.

ALSO - While I did recommend only posting to your blog one or two times a day to concentrate on topic and format, the limit is sharing only one post for this challenge per day. Ideally, the exercise is to post something at least once a day for consistency.

What was not explicitly stated was the 12-hour "forgiveness" If you wrote two within one day you may use the second one the following day. But I do ask, using honor code, that it's not older than 12 hours.

I hope that answered your question :)

I think this long sentence has finally explained the 12 hour rule better.. Was confused before @merej99

Oh good @dean-mno
I'm also trying to accommodate the different time zones so there might be a bit of fudge room. The way it's going, we're either going to see a lot of people crossing the finish line early with a day to spare or they're going to squeak through by the hairs of their chin. :D Drop me your link @dean-mno. You're only 2 posts away from the minimum in that regard :)

Would do that in the next hour.. Fine tuning... @merej99

Yes, that clears it up for me, Thanks! ;)
Sorry if the question was not clear...

LOL - it may have been a combination of sleep deprivation and being distracted. (Hubby has the day off and the man loves to talk.) hahaaa

And talk is code for.......

......back scratchies?

The man really talks... and talks and talks until my eyes glaze over. Thank goodness he's napping. hahahaaa

lol...look who's talkin' must be over 3K comments all together within the confines of this challenge...oh're not actually doing the challenge are you?

ah.... hmm... you made me look. After this comment I will have posted 898 comments. How crazy is that?!? lol
It goes against my fabric to participate in my own challenge. :D I've only got my name on the spreadsheet to track my numbers.

ahhem...if I made you look then I'll take that as high praise. My last post to you was 889...this one will be toto...not progressing...much

but I do have another post to submit...just seeking the right pic somewhere in my HD...been back and forth on this one for a few days :)

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