Slaughterhouse - Part 11 - Jim faces the Police

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

The writing prompt was:

"You are a cow and you have discovered that you and all the other cows are destined for the slaughterhouse, you draft a plan to free yourself and the others!"

Provided by @braveheart29

We had some back and forth writing collaborations with @braveheart29. Hope you enjoy it ^.^


Image provided by @rocking-dave

Part 1, written by @svashta
Part 2, written by @svashta
Part 3 written by @svashta, and Part 3 written by @braveheart29
Part 4, written by @braveheart29
Part 5, written by @svashta
Part 6, written by @braveheart29
Part 7, written by @svashta
Part 8, written by @braveheart
Part 9, written by @svashta
Part 10, written by @braveheart29
And before you is part 11, written by @svashta

knock knock knock

“Jim Smith, open up! It’s the police! We know you’re in there! We saw shadows moving inside the house when we pulled over!”

The door didn’t move, but police officers heard footsteps from inside the house coming closer.

“Open up, Jim! We just want to talk!”

The peephole closed and the footsteps began to make their way away from the door.

“Last warning! We’re tearing this door down in 10 seconds! We have a warrant!”

“Oh come on, what is all this about? Are the animal rights activists complaining again or what? I told you at least 10 times before, I don’t do anything illegal and all the slaughtering is done in correspondence to the state’s laws!” Jim yelled from inside the house, but didn’t walk any closer to the door.

“We’re not here for your cows, Jim. Open up, let’s have a word.”

“What’s all this about then?”

“Open the door or we’re coming in.”

Jim finally admitted defeat and unlocked the door. The police officers pinned him to the wall, checked him for any weapons he might have had, took his gun and put him in handcuffs.

“I thought you said we were just going to talk?” Asked Jim angrily.

“We are. But down at the station.”

They drove off to the police station with the two police cars and upon their arrival stuffed Jim into one of those interrogation rooms.

“Do you know why you’re here, Jim?” Asked the police officer sitting opposed to Jim Smith.

“No idea. I thought it must be something with my cows, but now I think it’s some misunderstanding,” Jim remained calm and tried to act unknowing.

“Allow me to rephrase that. Were you at John Svashta’s farm yesterday?”

Jim thought for a second and weighed out his options. He knew he needed a fake story and he needed it fast. He had to come up with something plausible.

“I was, yes. I thought it was him who stole four of my cows so I decided to pay him a visit. He assured me it wasn’t him so I left. John and I go years back. We don’t particularly like each other, but I believe the man when he tells me something. Why, has anything happened to John?”

“We believe you found out he stole four of your cows and shot him with your shotgun. There were your cows in his barn and when you found out you couldn’t control yourself and fired.”

“That son of a… He stole my cows!?” Jim tried his best to act surprised, but the cop saw right through him.

“We have a witness from the crime scene who saw you leave John’s farm after the gunshot, Jim. There’s no point in lying to us.”

“He got what he deserved. No one steals from me and walks unpunished. And he threw cow sh#t on my car. He more than deserved it. How is the bastard doing anyway?”

“He’s currently recovering at the hospital, but in stable condition. You should’ve called us and we would handle the situation. It does appear he stole your cows, but he remains innocent until proven guil-…”

“There are my cows in his barn god damn it! Is that not proof enough?!” Jim got restless and started yelling at the officer.

“Calm down, Jim. We are investigating the incident. John is claiming he didn’t steal any cows from you and that three of his cows were stolen as well. There might be a third person that is playing games with the two of you.”

“Good thing the bastard’s not dead then, eh? Don’t know how he survived a shot straight into his chest from 3 feet, but hey, no murder charges for me. I’ll bail myself out and walk out of here a free man. Third person trying to pay games with us, HAH! It’s all John, you hear me? It’s all John. That miserable twat just hates my guts. He can’t stand it that I’m successful and he’s on the edge of bankruptcy. So can I go now?”

“You knowingly shot a man with the intention of murder, Jim. You’re facing six to twelve months of prison minimum.”

“Oh come on,” Jim checked the badge on the left side of the officer’s torso; “Charles. How about $50.000 in cash? It’s an offer you can’t refuse.”

Charles looked Jim straight in the eyes and extended his arm toward Jim for a handshake.

“Pleasure doing business with you. I’ll collect the money tomorrow at noon.”

“Sounds about right. And while you’re at it, scratch all of this out of your record. Oh and, one last thing, keep me updated on John and the cow theft. If it really wasn’t him, I want to know who it was.”

Charles nodded and opened the door for Jim who walked out of the Police station a free man, just as he had foreseen.

The countryside police was corrupt all the way. They were lacking funds which resulted in lower salaries and made them very susceptible to bribing. Jim knew that and took advantage of the situation. He knew he could’ve even gotten away with murder had John Svashta passed away. Perhaps $50.000 wouldn’t have done it then, and he would’ve had to pay $100.000, but nevertheless, he knew he would remain a free, innocent citizen.

End of part 11

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in the comments below leave me a clue,
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Gif provided by no other than the awesome @rocking-dave

Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:


Provided by: @ewkaw


Say what? Jim is getting off a little too easy here. I’m not sure what to do with this! Clarabelle doesn’t like murderers.

The world is a corrupt place, and Jim knows his way around the law. Imagine his reaction when he finds out it was all Clarabelle.

Or maybe he doesn't find out. :p

Or maybe Clarabelle gets her revenge on Jim before he finds out? She's been known to take matters into her own hands. It might also sprout more conflict with Bob.

I think there's lots to continue here :D

I wrote the story the way I did mostly to state 3 things:
A, Clarabelle is to face a whole lot of consequence for her actions. By Jim, or by the Law.
B, to show what consequence something can have even when your intentions are good. (saving the cows is good. but not the way Clarabelle did it. Her actions nearly got Svashta killed!)
and C; sometimes in life the bad guys win, or at least hold the upper hand. It's not all roses :<

I shall undo what you have done .... somehow!

I believed @svashta is a little bit negative when he mention that 'sometimes the bad guys win...' I would say yes but for a short period... Bad guys never wins even when we can take winning or loosing as aspects of our opposing realities, just like ying and yang. I think I will get into the writing board collaboration here to add the power of the deathless, the power of the infinite universe into your tale.

My stories usually don't have a happy ending :p

They're fiction, after all :p

A new, uncorrupt, Sherif in town? ;D Could work. But if it justice you want... Clarabelle has A LOT of explaining to do, and some prison time on her back :p

With my story I also gave Clarabelle the chance to get away with her crimes without doing jail time. Up to you to decide, though. If justice wins, Clarabelle doesn't. Nor does Bob.

The new uncorrupt Sherif Okie Tokie arrived in town ...#lol What do you reckon? Sure it is a fiction which flourishes from each others mind <3

My husband actually suggested this for the storyline!

Wait, if I understand this correctly, you wish to come onboard and write this story with us? :p

Or are you just shooting out ideas for us to consider? :p You lost me~ :p

Yeap...I did a reply to @braveheart29 about my interest to read it all as I need sometime to get into the whole context of the writing . Sure would like to contribute by next year.

Could we see any of your other work beforehand?

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