Fuller House 407steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tv6 years ago (edited)

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DJ tells Max, her middle son, not to be confused with me, like Malcom in the Middle, that some Internet things, like making videos of yourself unboxing empty boxes to smell how fresh it is in order to get a few thousand views on YouTube is maybe a waste of time or maybe not the best thing for a young boy who is not even in fifth grade yet.

Fuller House

404 - 405 - 406 - 407

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The Future.

Lisa Havens said that corporate owners will launch even more false flags now in 2019, and beyond, in order to discredit YouTubers, in order to push people off of it and back to established news outlets like CNN and even Fox News. So, the beginning of Fuller House, season 4, episode 7, had a YouTube reference. DJ tells Max to do something in the real world which is good to do, I agree. I would say, do something, record it, but then upload it to YouTube and Bitchute. So, Max runs for 4th grade Class President. His girlfriend, Rose, gets mad and breaks up with him because she was running too. He puts up a hit piece against her with the help of Ramona. DJ tries to apologize to Rose' mother who was going to marry Steve before DJ snuck over to like Japan to accidentally break up their wedding in a previous season. They kind of do make up and become friends. Max decided to step down and Rose got back together with him. Meanwhile, Stephanie has a clown party battle with a clown for rights over performing at certain events, birthday parties as the clown was the veteran, he's been doing it for like decades, including for Kimmy and her brother, Stephanie's BF. In the end, Stephanie won and the clown wished her good luck and walked away. Danny talks about wanting to do bigger news stories than the pieces he covers with Rebekah on Wake Up San Francisco. So, the producer girl gets Danny to do a live operation, a check-up thing, something to do with what older men do but something that maybe they shouldn't do but it's like getting a vaccine shot which I don't do and you shouldn't either. But then there was a loose racoon in town hall and they cut to that. Danny then ended up showing up at DJ's house, his former house, again.

Two Genders?

I am getting downvoted for saying there are only 2 genders. Click here to see who is attacking me. I am being flagged for making this meme about Caren who was at GameStop on Friday, the 28th of December, 2018. The viral videos went all over the Internet. This post was downvoted for describing biology. Did you see that show on YouTube, the Radical Cram School (RCS) and what they do to little kids?

he she man gamestop misgendered caren 2018 meme npc sjw oatmeal joey arnold infowars drudge trump obama woman trasgender

Fuller House Photos

More of my favorite pictures from that episode, as follows:

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Fuller House 407

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