One photo every day: Playing with (and learning) the Hähnel Captur Transmitter and 2 Receivers (Studio) (67/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)

Today's #onephotoeveryday is a bit late, as it's already long past midnight. I just spent almost three long hours trying to find out how to remotely trigger both the camera and the flash in a way that they both sync.

Seems I just can't figure that shit out.

Yes, it is a piece of cake if the flash is mounted on the camera, but if both the camera and flash are on separate receivers, and I try to trigger them via the remote transmitter, the flash will always go off before the camera catches up.

It also works nicely if the transmitter is on the camera, and the flash is set as a slave. But for the life of me I can't seem to be able to set them trigger simultaneously if both are on separate receivers.

Does anyone know how to work this out? Do I have to use the on-camera flash to trigger the external one as a slave? And how should it work if my camera didn't have an on-board flash, like most of the professional cameras don't? Would I need to buy a second flashgun if I upgraded my camera body some day?

Well whatever, I'll go with this nice photo I took of my fine subject: A Kit Lens, Canon EFS 18-55 mm. Since it didn't have that much colour anyway I made it entirely a black and white photo.

Canon EFS 18-55 mm
Lens in a fog

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/1.4
Exposure: 1/200 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Btw. I dislike the 5 tag limit.

[Previous post: Story of Labels and Jute Yarn]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Fifth week in pictures (5/52)
Sixth week in pictures (6/52)
Seventh week in pictures (7/52)

Reconstructing the crash. (50/365)
Super Carenar MC f=35mm 1:2.8 (51/365)
Orange (52/365)
Fetching Leo from his Piano studies. (53/365)
Sleep mode (54/365)
Pikkuvesku (55/365)
First ride without training wheels (56/365)
Sore throat, bad cough. (57/365)
Experimenting (58/365)
Experimenting #2 (59/365)
Lahti Radio Hill Stadium, Radio Towers (60/365)
Something in the air (61/365)
One flame, a Pyramid (62/365)
Tools of the trade / What's in my bag? (63/365)
Three Beetles (64/365)
Clean desktop. :) (65/365)
At work, tying strings into ads. (66/365)

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so finally your lens are getting protrayed as pic.....yet its an awesome thumbs uo for you....

steem on & stay blissful....

damn its really amazing to capture like that glad u figured that out hows your health ?

I hope I'm not flushing my health down the drain by spending nights awake, but I guess I'm alright now. :) A little bit tired, and my head aches from all that cursing when trying to get the devices working together.

Oh, and I forgot to thank you. Thanks! :)

According to what I had read, I forgot the name of the article, it's best to rest or sleep around 10 pm to 2am because that's when your body can best repair itself. Then, you could wake up to do some work around 2am till 4am and take another nap! I tried this several times, the body clock responded nicely.

It's a bit like cats nap. I do hope you put your priority on your health first!
By the way, you are trying to beat technology! They are not negotiable, follow the rules! Ouch!
Hope your health will be on top form soon.

hey @gamer00, are you fine, i didnt see another #onephotoeverday from you for more than 16 hours. are you fine?? estas bien?

I was on a prolonged night photo escapade. Took me a while to get back to a computer. I'll be sleeping in tomorrow I guess. I heard there'll be fireworks in the harbour tomorrow night so I am hoping to get some photos there but not sure about my stamina though. This night took me a bit too long.

Whao. Photography is your second love obviously. I am confident in the quality of the escapades. Firework will be cool to capture. More power to your elbow. Take some rest and eat well. Descansa.

u photo your lens, in future photo you will photo your camera and then photo your photo ;)

I have already done all that. ;)

photo of my camera
Photo of my camera.

photo of my photo(s)
Photo of my photo(s). Just zoom to the monitor screens.


piece of cake for you photographer but not for us :P

Now that has to be the Best shot till now that was Just Epic !!

You are right I also don't like 5 tags concept,I think #steemit used more then 5 tags in past but don't know why just limited to 5 Here I checked more then 5 tags used on steemit Click Link

"Lens in a fog," cause you couldn't find out its mysteries ;) hehe

you ofcourse need some advice from photography veterans. I can always see thee great part of your pictures.

I advise you to apply to professional photographers or a hardware store, can they help you solve the problem of flash, I hope I helped you @gamer00

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