Waka Odyssey – Festival Opening Ceremony (with our choir)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Three and a half weeks of frenetic learning and practicing, and it’s all done and dusted in an hour. Such is the ephemeral nature of the performing arts. Especially when it’s a once only performance, as most of ours are.

We get a week off rehearsals this coming week, and then will have three weeks to prepare for our next gig. For something completely different, we will be performing with a Brazilian Samba band in the Cubadupa Festival.


But for now let’s look back at last night.

It was an awesome night on Wellington harbour, fine with a light northerly. We thoroughly enjoyed performing, and had the best view in the house of the boats. When you see the crowds, you can tell that a lot of them would not be seeing much. A couple of times, “chancers” slipped into the backstage area and tried coming up the steps to the stage!

As I mentioned before, the choir was 300 strong and comprised members of the Wellington and Lower Hutt Community choirs, and a strong contingent of Samoan and Cook Island singers.

The only video I can find is on FB, so you’ll have to go off Steemit to see it, but keep this post open, so you can choose which bits you want to see (total length is over an hour).

Here’s what the video covers.

The times are a bit approximate, but will give you an idea of where to go:

• First 21 minutes – not much to see, just the crowd, and the choir assembling
• 21 to 27:30 minutes – (start watching here) Birdsong, other nature sounds, and a good look at the crowd and the beautiful Wellington harbour.
• 27:30 to 32 minutes – Kupe speaks. Legend has it that Kupe (from Hawaiki)was the first Polynesian explorer to discover New Zealand. Read more about him here
• 32 to 37 minutes - Opening song by an awesome vocalist, Maisie Rika, following by drumming and shots of the sprint canoes coming into the harbour
• 37 to 46 minutes – Karanga (calls of welcome) by the women
• 46:30 to 56:30 – Our first two songs: Ngahiraka (solists and choir) and Malie E Tagifa (choir and drums). Most of the visuals are of the soloists and the wakas coming into the harbour, but there are occasional glimpses of the choir (at roughly 46:35, 47:30. 48:00, 53:00, 53:43).
• 56:30 to 1:02:00 – nature sounds and a song that sounds Hawaiian. I love the waka of wahine, all in time to the music.
• 1:02 to 1:09 Drumming (awesome drummer!) and korero
• 1:09 to 1:20 Gold boat comes into the harbour and woman on it speaks. Kupe replies. (I was a bit lost on this bit. The boat and the woman’s costume appeared to be oriental, but from the context of Kupe’s reply, it was maybe representative of the moon. If anyone has any better theories, please enlighten me.)
• 1:20 to 1:28:30 – Our last two songs: E Tiaki Ra (soloist and choir) and Aioa (choir)
• 1:28:30 to 1:35 - Haka


In this pic, you can see some choir members in the foreground, the harbour in the background and our choir leader, Julian, in front of the water, wearing a straw hat and waving. He was on a raised platform to conduct us, and by the end of the event he looked like the Pied Piper. So many children climbed up the sides of the platform and grouped around him (so they could see) that he could barely find space to stand and conduct. He took it very good naturedly though.

Thanks for reading and listening

Images from the Festival facebook page. GO – book your tickets to some other amazing events!

My previous music posts

Benefits of joining a community choir ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~
Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014 ~
60 years of my favourite music – some randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – more randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – Kiwi classics ~
My choir singing on the streets of Wellington ~
Some New Zealand music ~
60 years of music - Musicals I’ve been in ~
Hang out in my kitchen this weekend - help me cook and listen to some music!
What Steemit friends are for
Rest in Peace Dad, and some music to remember you by
Summer music routine for my arthritis class
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 1 to 3
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 4
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 5 to 7
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 1
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 2
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 10
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 11
Rehearsing for the Arts Festival Opening event

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Wow what a crowd for Wellington, you could be mistaken that it looks like the Auckland waterfront in some to the video.
Looks like an amazing performance, flicked through the video, something that would have been fabulous to attend.
What a mission that would of been to set up and organize everyone, it came off flawlessly.
You might have to start a Steemit Choir!

If it had been a roaring Wellington southerly that night, it might have been a different story! Or maybe Wellingtonians are tough and everybody would have just dressed up warmer.

You know, I had wondered whether it would be possible to set up a choir over Discord. It would need an experienced choir leader though. I don't have those skills. And there would be a number of logistical challenges. Wouldn't it be cool, though?

At least it wasn't on the stormy night that past last week.

It would be cool, I'm surer you would have a great set of skills to do set it up.

Yes, earlier in the week, we were a bit worried that the storm wouldn't pass in time. But all good!

If I could get my head around the logistics, there are other people who would have the skills as a choir leader, if they had the time. The one popping into mind is @storybird, who has directed show choir before. But there are probably lots of others.

That sounds such a cool event was great to skip through to the relevant parts on the video with your timeline

I dont think events like that were held back when I was last living in NZ, mind you that was 30 years ago LOL

Wellington has had a couple of Mayors over that time who have dedicated their time to making Wellington a much more vibrant capital city. One of them was involved in the first Wellington Arts festival in 1986, which has now become a major feature in other centres as well. So yeah, over those 30 years, we've become a bit less of a back water!

That’s cool

Funny thing till I moved to work in NYC I didn’t like Wellington it was to big a city for me first trip back to Wellington after a year in NY I loved it lol

I've always lived in or near Wellington. I love to visit overseas cities, though I haven't been to many and haven't made it to NY (yet). But for living in, Wellington is just the right size for me.

I love it now if I was to retire back to NZ Wellington or nearby it would be one of my options

Its amazing kiwi.. I specially checked twice for your songs.. It was a big crowd.. Thanx for sharing as this is showing exact picture of all show that how it was..So many people and they were enjoying and enjoying..
You people did amazing work

Thanks. You probably got a better view than the people there!

You are welcome..
Have a good day

I'm still listening, it's beautiful, I really love it :)
I will say that the glim..of me on video is more of a glim than I can find of you though lol!

@dreemsteem managed to find me and post a "still" in her comment. That was about the only glimpse, I think. The daughter of a friend in the choir recorded a bit too. Maybe at some stage I;ll be able to post a bit of that. That will show us a bit closer up.

I would love to hear you sing !
pretty please !

No, really you wouldn't ;-) I'm strictly a group singer. But thanks for your vote of confidence.

It is first time I read post of someone from New Zealand so far I remember. This looks so nice celebration of inaugurate festival over there. :)

It was a nice celebration. If you want to see other New Zealand posts, check out the #teamnz tag. Thanks for visiting.

This is great. I got the unique tag from your post footer and found lots of new people there. Thanks . :)

lovely spot to hold the festivities over looking the water. Good weather and all.

We were very lucky with the weather. The night before, when we had the tech rehearsal, was much colder! And it's been cold since. So we just hit the sweet spot.

I watched a few pieces of the video, thank you for breaking it up and that was totally awesome!!! What a wonderful thing to be part of.

It was very special. Glad you liked it. (I thought it might be a bit long, without some idea of the structure.)

What a grand performance, @kiwideb! Loving how vibrant the entire event is. I love that you mention the ephemeral aspect of performances like these. It's like magic you want to capture in a bottle! Well done!

Yes, it can be magical. The most magical place was when we went on a road trip to perform with the Wanganui Community Choir. On the way back we visited a Maori church in Ratana. There is nothing worldly allowed in the church or grounds, so all phones, wallets, cameras, everything had to be left in the vans. You go in with nothing to distract you from God. The spirit was amazing. I could feel the energy from the second I stepped through the gates. It was just out of this world singing there.

I love the idea of leaving all of the devices behind. I once went to camp, and there were no phones allowed. Just connecting with people under a sky full of stars. Makes me want to do that more often - even just around the house. Keep me posted on upcoming performances you have!


Looks like a lovely evening - glad you had a good night :)

Wellington can be a bit tricky for outdoor events, but it was perfect weather with hardly any wind, yay!

hehehe how do i keep running into you :) we have the same friends!!! LOL

@andysantics48 and I are sisters :-)

hahahahahaha ok then!!!! but i've actually seen her on other posts and she just won my pirate treasure too!!!! LOLOL
(she can explain LOL)
small steemit world hehehe

It is a small Steemit world, and I admit I do keep finding that she has seen a post before me. How exciting that she won the treasure.

hehehehe yeah she be havin' the makin's of a sharp-eyed pirate on me crew! i be keepin' the lass!

I have way to much time on my hands and oh yea I'm a stalker :D bahahahaha

those sound like the only two qualifications of becoming a pirate. its all making sense to me now.

I'm just too slow...

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