Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 and 9 continued

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Carrying on with @jokossita’s music challenge that I came across on a post by @ravenruis. My last post focused on my talented friends. The themes for these two days go back in time to the late 70’s.


If you checked out my last post, you will remember that my walk down memory lane took me to my favourite punk and new wave artists.

But there were too many for one post, so let’s carry on. I want to see you all leaping about energetically!

Let’s start with an iconic punk band. You don’t get more punk than the Sex Pistols. While some of the bands I’m sharing don’t sound that heavy to me now, the Pistols were 100% punk and of their time. Not something I would listen to a lot, but I rather like the rawness.

I was also rather fond of Shot by Both Sides by Magazine.

This is a little lighter – Airport by The Motors

This collection wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of XTC - Are You Receiving Me?

I don’t think we’ve had any women yet, but women became a much bigger part of the rock scene in this era. Patti Smith was known as the "punk poet laureate". Her most widely known song is "Because the Night", which was co-written with Bruce Springsteen.

Do any of you date back to the punk era? What were your favourites?

Thanks for reading and listening

Videos from Youtube

@jokossita’s most recent challenge post Day 18
@ravenruis’s most recent challenge post Day 17

Oh, I am SO behind!

My previous music posts

Benefits of joining a community choir ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~
Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014 ~
60 years of my favourite music – some randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – more randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – Kiwi classics ~
My choir singing on the streets of Wellington ~
Some New Zealand music ~
60 years of music - Musicals I’ve been in ~
Hang out in my kitchen this weekend - help me cook and listen to some music!
What Steemit friends are for
Rest in Peace Dad, and some music to remember you by
Summer music routine for my arthritis class
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 1 to 3
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 4
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 5 to 7
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 1

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I would post links to my favourite album Pink Flag by Wire but they don't have any vids so I'll go with this one from Gang of Four. Hell they were cool

Get those boys to a doctor fast. They have lost control of their bodily functions, poor devils.

Yup, they're certainly loose. They remind me of a later band, but I can't quite put my finger on who for the moment.

There was even an American punk band once!

He wants to be her dog. OK

I don't know what to say about this pic. Except maybe eeeewwww!

Oh man I remember in the mid 90's owning "Never Mind The Bollocks" meant you were pretty bad ass lol I can remember learning guitar by playing along to "God Save The Queen". I used to have Doc Martens and bright green hair lol Good memories!

Photos please, Adam!

Sadly school made me dye my hair back a few days later and I never got a pic with green hair.Back then you had to actually use film to get pics, we didn't have cameras with us at all times lol I might still have the Doc Martens somewhere at my parents.

It's never too late to be green... How about you dye your hair green and I (pretend I'm going to) dye my hair blue, for my 60th in 2 months time...

Ah yes, the days of film, and the excitement of getting the roll developed, and the disappointment when you realise every photo is out of focus. Or maybe that was just me.

I was never much of a shutterbug. I'm still not, I always forget to take pics when I'm at events etc... lol I MIGHT have a picture somewhere at my parents where my hair was blue - but it was pretty dark blue so it almost looks black. I tried to get away with the green because green was our school color but nope... I tried to dye it brown again, but the green still showed through and they sent me home gain. Oh well, the only way I could change it was to bleach it, and they allowed "blonde" hair so... It worked out OK in the end lol

@sift666 is the shutterbug in our family. The only time I think to pull out my camera is if I go on a trip without him, and then I try and get photos of everything so he can see what I did. They wouldn't win any awards though.

Haha, your poor hair!

Turns out green was too much for the girls, bleached was just right lol I still remember their reactions the first day I got on the school bus with my bleached hair. Ahh, high school lol

Sex pistols <3 that band just mark my rebel days hahaha I didn't know about XTC they sound cool

XTC also did - Making Plans for Nigel. That one you might know?

no idea hahaha never hear it before, but I do have to say that the voice of the singer sounds kinda familiar.

Hi kiwi.. You are doing inthis challange energetically...
Here noor jahan was very famous in 1960 and onward.. Even her songs were very famous in 1965s india and pakistan war.. It is said that her voice had magic..

I just went to youtube to listen to her. I don't know much about this style of music but I thought this one was really nice

Yeah i amazed although its not your language but you choose one of her most famous songs.. Personally i wonder why people dying for her voice also asked my mother many times but she said that you are tasteless about music so cant understand her magical voice.. She is still famous whenever i go out always found somewhere someone listening her... So all i heard about her is from outside mostly in public transport

I'm not that amazing really. It was the top one in youtube, so it probably has the most views.

I was too young for the original punk rock sweep. I was an ABBA girl at that stage, lol.

BTW I have some exciting news (at least I hope it is). A couple of us brainstormed and created a space for all us kiwis to hang out!
Please do spread the word, we'd love for everyone (kiwi & aussie) to come in. <3

I have to admit to enjoying a bit of ABBA too. Yes, @cryptonik stopped by today's post and gave me an invite. I'm struggling a bit to keep up at the moment, but do want to drop in. Like I said to him (?her?) if I don't show up within a few days, remind me!

Him. ;)

We used to watch ALL the ABBA shows on tv, and my favourite part was when the girls had those outfits that turned into other outfits, they were so cool in their day. :D

Now check out the bomb shit - Led Zep live in 69 - apparently the audience couldn't walk out afterwards because the floor was so slippery with body fluids!

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