60 years of my favourite music – from musicals I’ve been insteemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Until I was in my twenties I thought I couldn’t sing. I longed to be in musicals, could dance ok, but couldn’t sing. That is, until a workmate sent me along to her singing teacher. I worked hard and got to be adequate to sing in the chorus.

One of my nieces, however, has a lovely singing voice, and has a degree in performing arts. She’s just moved back to Wellington and I caught up her with the other day. She mentioned she’d been asked to contribute a couple of solos to a concert by the local musical society, and the theme was musical theatre. She was having trouble thinking what to choose, and it got me thinking about some of the musicals I was in, back in the day.


One of the first ones was actually a light opera called The Bohemian Girl, by Balfe. It was about 3 hours long – our poor family and friends who had to sit through the thing! But the cast had a wonderful time. As is usual with amateur dramatics, there were a number of hairy moments, like the piece of set that went for a skate one night as the leading man stepped onto it, and the door handle that came off in the leading lady’s hand as she went to take out her prop for her big solo. That big solo is what I want to share with you today. It’s a gorgeous song, I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls, and here it’s performed by Enya.

I did quite a few shows with the now defunct Wellington Hospital Repertory Society, and made some life long friends. One of the first was Man of Steel. Despite several quiet words in his ear, the leading man never did deign to wear a jock strap under his tights and every night we’d guess which side he’d be hanging. The best thing about that show was the party at the leading lady’s house where I met @sift666 – his mate being her flatmate’s sister’s boyfriend. No songs worth sharing from that show however.

My favourite show was probably The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. My BFF and I had our own private photo shoot before the auditions and attached photographic proof that we had what it took to be in Miss Mona’s elite line-up of girls to our audition forms. (If you want to see the result, ask in the comments.) There’s a great song (Hard Candy Christmas) at the end of the show where all the girls sing about what they’re going to do now the house was closed and we each had a line or two. Here’s the movie version, with Dolly Parton as Miss Mona, and her girls.

And here’s a photo of Miss Mona’s girls in our show – being 1989, we were all considerably younger! Being a scanned photo, we are all considerably grainier as well. Can you spot me? In this photo we’re dressed up for a dance, but most of the time we were on stage just in lingerie. It was the middle of winter and we had to go outside to get from back stage to side stage. Thank goodness for long overcoats! These dresses were all held closed with Velcro, so we could whip them off at the required moment.

1989 Whorehouse girls & Gary.jpg
Photo by another cast member

There were lots of fabulous songs in Whorehouse and this one was a lot of fun. Our boys weren’t trained dancers like the ones in the movie but they worked their arses off, and it was a great scene. Here’s the movie version.

Another popular show we did was Grease. There are a number of well known songs in Grease, but I’m especially fond of Greased Lightening, with John Travolta and the T-birds. Our Kenickie (Kenickie is the character in the brown leather) died in 1996, way too young, and is sadly missed. RIP Tony Ellis, dear friend.

Some of the other shows I was in, or on the production team for, included The New Moon (another light opera), Jesus Christ Superstar (my favourite show of all time), The Music Man, and a smattering of pantomimes.

The last show I was in was West Side Story. Another “Cool” dance number from the movie. It must look like I go for the big dance numbers, especially with the men, which is probably true. In my next musical theatre post, I’ll share songs from favourite musicals that I haven’t been in, and there’ll probably be a bit more variety.

I did dance classes and recitals through my 20s and then musicals till about my mid 30s, before I drifted away from it. It was nearly 20 years till I joined the Wellington Community Choir and rediscovered the joys of singing and dancing with a group. Two of my previous posts about the choir: Benefits of joining a community choir ~ My choir singing on the streets of Wellington

Over those 20 years of not performing, I still went to many shows that I had friends in. Some were fabulous, but being am-dram, some pretty awful. But I always have a good time anyway. You have to find something nice to say to your friends later, and there’s usually something to compliment – the set, the costumes, the beautiful singing voice of (hopefully at least one of) the leads. If all else fails, you can fall back on “you must have such a great time with that show” because there’s a 99% certainty that much is true.

Thanks for reading, listening and enjoying.

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Some of my previous ENTERTAINMENT posts:

Benefits of joining a community choir ~ Wearable Arts Award Show ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~ Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~ If crying in movies was an Olympic sport ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014 ~ Remembering those who passed away in 2016 ~ 60 years of my favourite music – some randoms ~ 60 years of my favourite music – more randoms ~ 60 years of my favourite music – Kiwi classics ~ My fiction-trail competition 1 entry – Time to buy a Purple Hat ~ My fiction-trail competition 2 entry – The Broken Man ~ My choir singing on the streets of Wellington ~ Voices from the Front – a story of Gallipoli ~ RIP Kiwi comedian John Clarke aka Fred Dagg ~ Some New Zealand music ~ Pumpkin pie story contest entry


sounds and looks like fun

It was a lot of hard work, with rehearsals usually 3 times a week. I had a lot more stamina back then! But yes, it really was loads of fun. Support your local theatre group, they are working their arses off. Do you have one in Feilding, or would you have to go to Palmie?

Oh wow, how awesome is this!

Thanks! Haven't seen you about for a while (my fault, not yours). I'll have to get back into doing more music posts :-)

We are all guilty lol.
Have a stunning day

The weather today has been stunning! As in, if you went out in it you would be likely to be stunned by a hailstone. Very cold, wet and windy storm. How's winter over in SA?

Sho, that hectic!! Where I live my winter is about 25 - 35 degrees celcius, so definately not complaining, we are pretty much on the equator.

Oh, too funny. We're lucky if we get that in summer.

Oh my gosh, I cannot even express how much I enjoyed this post! It really threw me back into some of my memories of performing. Holy moly, I nearly fell out of my seat at the mention of the guy that refused to wear a jock strap! HAHAHAAA... There's always one of them in a crowd, isn't there? I'm just cracking up over here. LOL

Indeed, some of those am-drams, as you say, can be quite terrible, but the people who perform... ah... well... I've never regret a day of stage time :D

Even when they're terrible, I seem to have the ability to register that with one part of my brain, but nevertheless really appreciate and enjoy them. That's a very handy gift when so many of my friends do theatre. After all, the whole point of it is not to be perfect but for everybody, cast and audience, to have fun.

That's so true. And it's kind of timely because I was looking through a local newsletter and saw a community dinner theater and thought, WOW, that would be so much fun! But I'm often torn with having fun in the audience or wanting to audition for the next musical. The brother/sisterhood of music and theater is really magical. I miss it sometimes.

It's a huge time commitment, and we have already have Steemit for that! That's why I like the choir. I get the joy of the music and the fellowship, but the time commitment is just one evening a week, during the school terms.

I have yet to find a local group to sing with since we moved to Florida. Most of the groups I would want to audition for are anywhere from 1 to 2 hours commute and that's a lot for once a week commitment and then all week during performance week. About 2 years ago I had a good talk with myself. I grieved a little and "retired" my voice. I don't regret it. Other things have come along that I enjoy just as much. But some days... I miss it sometimes.

I read somewhere a couple of days ago (probably on Steemit!) that in agrarian societies everybody sings, in some other kind that I can't remember some people sing. In modern society nobody sings. We gotta turn that around!

Didn't know you are performing as well. Seems like I've recently surrounded myself with few talented artists and actresses.

Thanks for sharing a piece of your musical theater life, @kiwideb. It's a lot of fun to participate in those. I have fond memories of my experiences - not only the people, but the confidence (one of many things) gained by partaking.

In my post about the community choir I'm in now, I listed 12 (I think) reasons I love being in the choir. There is so much we get from those experiences, I suspect at levels we don't even realise.

This is great! Must have been a lot of work. The most important thing is that you had fun :)

Yes, they do require a lot of work. But it IS fun, so you don't mind :-)

Thanks for sharing. The first song is really lovely. Good voice.

Yes, I love the first song. I suggested it to my niece for her show, but haven't heard back from her yet.

I grew up on musicals, and I still enjoy them today. The Music Man was a family favorite, especially with it being based on our home state and one of our own. That's so great you do musicals! I love singing and was never a great dancer. I did Grease in high school as part of the chorus and that's about it. I admire your confidence in being able to get out there and do what you love!

While talent is nice, not all of us have what it takes to be a lead. I think enthusiasm and enjoyment goes a long way in high school and amateur dramatics. It was back in the 80s and 90s that I did the musicals. I wouldn't be confident to do them now, but the community choir is great as it's an open choir and anybody can attend. So all ages and abilities can experience the joy of song and dance.

I've definitely thought about doing something like that as my children get older. My friend just joined one in her town and has loved, loved, loved it! My aunt decided to peruse her passion of singing and now sings with an opera group where she lives. All of you inspire me to do that some day as well!

You have rather a lot on your plate already. But music is so rewarding. I've got an idea milling round in the back of my mind. Watch this space!

Oh, I didn't know we have such a talent here. Well done dear! I'm already following you. Some day I may have the guts to reveal my talents on Steemit as well :O :))

I fear I have more enthusiasm than talent ;-) But I love it and that's the main thing, isn't it? Please do share your own enthusiasms with us all. That's what makes Steemit rich and varied.

Yep, I really admire people like @heart-to-heart for example about her courage to start singing again. Thanks for encouraging me @kiwideb. My goal is to develop into a another direction - like being able to support people like @hristoatanasov. I know I shouldn't compare myself with other people, however he's definitely a role model for me (no matter that he isn't a star here yet, but I believe he'll soon become one).

Thanks for introducing me to two such inspiring Steemians. But we all have our stories. Keep telling yours, and like you say - no comparing!

Yep, I should reveal the gems I'm hiding sooner or later.. :)

I'm usually good with faces, but I don't know why I'm not 100% sure who you are in that group photo! It's really gnawing at me!! Haha! The one in blue? No, no, I don't want to get sunk into a rabbit hole haha! It's nice that you snuck in your meet cute with @sift666 on a musical theater post no less!

When I was younger, I wasn't really a big fan of the theater, but I really respect the work ethic and effort put into it by everyone in the production. There are no second takes, just improvisations when it's already live. It's way harder that any other entertainment presentation. When musicals get it right, it's pure magic! :D

You're the only one who was brave enough to guess. I'm actually in black and white, in the middle of the back row. You can forgiven for not picking me, I do look rather like a startled rabbit.
Yup, have certainly had to improvise a time or time.

WHAT! Haha! I would've never guessed! My next guess was the pink dress in front of, well, you! Hahaha!

All that 1980s makeup - who could tell!

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