Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 11

in #music7 years ago (edited)

It’s been a bit of a week and I haven’t posted for 7 days. I can’t promise next week will be any better. Our choir is part of a mass choir in an outdoor event, to open the Arts Festival. We perform in 5 days time, we had less than a month to learn the music and we still have some to learn! But I’ve nearly finished Part 2 of my article on depression, so fingers crossed I’ll have that up within a couple of days.

Now, carrying on with @jokossita’s music challenge that I came across on a post by @ravenruis. Today it’s music I don’t like. A few days ago @ravenruis had this one, and everything she picked I like. I wonder if she will like the ones I hate?


Day 11: The last song that you hated

I’ve got two candidates here. They’re not recent but go back into my distant past.

Runner Up

This song was very popular, back in the day, but I found it really irritating. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin

I don’t know why, maybe I’m just a grinch.

First place

Now this song I really, really hated. So much so that when someone wanted to play it at a party, I begged him not to, as I hated it so much. He smirked and played it anyway, and somehow the contents of my glass found their way all over him. Dunno how that happened. I would never tip a glass of wine over a complete stranger, even if he did smirk.

It’s “Get Out of Your Lazy Bed” by Matt Bianca, and our local radio station used to play it every morning, to my disgust and horror. Though I have to admit that it doesn’t sound quite as ghastly now as I remembered.

I wonder if it’s because it’s kinda jazzy and I hate jazz!

Styles of music I hate

I think I have quite a big range of music I like, or at least tolerate. But there are some styles I just can’t be doing with. Drum and bass, electronica that’s really repetitive, not too keen on gangsta rap, metal that’s really heavy, a lot of the more contemporary classical that, but top of the list is jazz. And the thing I hate most about jazz is scat.

Wikipedia says:

In vocal jazz, scat singing is vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all. In scat singing, the singer improvises melodies and rhythms using the voice as an instrument rather than a speaking medium.

Ella Fitzgerald is generally considered to be one of the greatest scat singers in jazz history.

That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But boy, do I hate it! If anyone really wants to have a listen here’s seven minutes of Ella scatting (if that’s the word), but don’t make me listen to it!

Thanks for reading and listening (and feel free to share what your most hated song is.)

Videos from Youtube

@jokossita’s most recent challenge post – Day 24
@ravenruis’s Day 23 – songs she can’t stand – you get some bonuses with this one, if you scroll down to the comments

My previous music posts

Benefits of joining a community choir ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~
Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014 ~
60 years of my favourite music – some randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – more randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – Kiwi classics ~
My choir singing on the streets of Wellington ~
Some New Zealand music ~
60 years of music - Musicals I’ve been in ~
Hang out in my kitchen this weekend - help me cook and listen to some music!
What Steemit friends are for
Rest in Peace Dad, and some music to remember you by
Summer music routine for my arthritis class
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 1 to 3
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 4
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 5 to 7
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 1
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 2
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 10

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Yeah, I hear ya. Don't Worry, Be Happy is one of those earworms that can drive a person nuts! Any trendy song like that gets old really fast! Good luck with your concert! I hope you'll share a video of that with us!

Ooh, thanks Peggy. I was feeling all alone in hating it, lol. I do hope that it's video'd so I can share it.

Nice to see you back!!!

My worst song of ALL TIME is Whitney Houston, I will always love yoooooooooooo!

I hope your life gets a little more peaceful soon. :)

Not likely. After performing in the festival, there are lots of cool shows to go and see over the following 3 weeks! I can see how people can hate that song, though I have to admit to quite liking it. Hush, don't tell anyone.

This song was very popular, back in the day, but I found it really irritating. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin


I actually love the song. Maybe because it speaks to my carefree nature though.

Our choir is part of a mass choir in an outdoor event, to open the Arts Festival.

Explains why you've been away. Wish plenty of succes and fun.


Yes, I think I'm totally in the minority on that song :-) The choir thing should be awesome as long as the weather is ok. We're expecting to be hit by a cyclone earlier in the week, but fingers crossed all is well by Friday.

fingers crossed all is well by Friday

Sings and dances: Don't worry, be happy

I agree totally with the sentiment, and am glad other people enjoy the song.

Oh my gosh, I hate scat singing, too. IT MAKES NO SENSE! It's just nonsense singing. Where's the enjoyment in that? I want lyrics, darn it, with real words and melody and harmony.

Yes, yes, yes!

omg thank you! I loathe jazz too! It is too 'messy' for me, plus that scat as you say. And yet on tv a character is considered 'cool' if they like jazz. :facepalm:

Not sure how I feel about Don't Worry, Be Happy the song, but I know the catchphrased was done to death after its release.

Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - the melody is bugging me because I'm sure that was used in a show we used to watch on tv. Way, way back in the day lol. Was it a kiwi show perhaps?

Good luck with your performance, I'm sure you guys will be fabulous. <3

Luckily it will be a huge choir, with maybe 200 people. So it should sound awesome!

I don't remember Lazy Bed being on a TV show. But if it was, I would have stopped watching it!

ermagherd! I had to check, didn't I... no friggen wonder it sounded familiar :P
from wiki:

The song was used as the theme tune by long running New Zealand children's breakfast show "What Now", and is now firmly linked to Saturday morning cartoons, in the minds of many New Zealanders that grew up during the 1980s and 1990s

Thank god I grew up in the 60s and 70s!

haha yep. We had Spot On - remember? It morphed into What Now? and my kids had that to grow up with.

Spot On was superior tho, in my humble opinion. :D

This was my first time hearing "Get Out of Your Lazy Bed". Wow! The keyboards are horrible! The video shows the guy playing a stand up bass, but I don't think there are any actual instruments in this song! :P

So glad to know it's not just me!

This is a catchy tune by Toby Keith, but I hate it. My husband's last band used to do it and I would have to leave the room when they played it. It's just annoying. Get outa ur clothes.

I don't object to the tune, as you say, catchy. But oh my god, the sentiment! Unless it's supposed to be ironic, it's appalling.

The last line is I got outa my clothes, She got outa my car. So.... meh... I can't tolerate it.

I didn't listen that far, but good for her! What a tosspot!

Have an awesome performance!! I hate anything that sounds like these songs lol

No, I'm not keen either. Though I could possibly tolerate it in the background for a while. A short while.
Oh, and I'm hoping they will record the event, so I can share it later.

That would be awesome I'd love to see it!!

I love jazz! lol Although I do agree scat is pretty annoying, I prefer instrumental music. For working I like electronic repetitive music. Basically when I listen to music, I listen to the music more than the lyrics. I can whistle the guitar solos to all kinds of songs but ask me the lyrics- err... I'll often draw a blank lol

Although I like some instrumental music, on the whole I go more for things with vocals. I think the things I like most in music are melody and harmony. Rhythm too, but not quite as important. But anything repetitive or discordant drives me into a state of tension that's unbearable. Funny how we all like different things.

Didn't you fling your glass of wine over my mate the day we met? - actually the tool fully deserved it..

But freaking out every time I play Prodigy shows a lack of good taste!

They were totally awesome

Ah, well, yes, I did do that. But I really don't make a habit of it.

And yes, Prodigy falls into one of the categories that I hate. Whatever kind of music they play, it should be on the list.

It's electronica rave dance hardcore ragga!

The Prodigy navigated the high wire, balancing artistic merit and mainstream visibility with more flair than any electronica act of the 1990s. Ably defeating the image-unconscious attitude of most electronic artists in favor of a focus on nominal frontman Keith Flint, the group crossed over to the mainstream of pop music with an incendiary live experience that approximated the original atmosphere of the British rave scene even while leaning uncomfortably close to arena rock showmanship and punk theatrics

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