Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 10

in #music6 years ago

Carrying on with @jokossita’s music challenge that I came across on a post by @ravenruis. It’s getting confusing now as their lists are a bit different. I’ll stick with @jokossita’s – at least for today, and when it suits me. But I figure as long as I’m picking something from one of the lists, it’s close enough ;-)


Day 10: A song from your favourite movie

Oh, come on now, how is anyone supposed to pick one favourite movie?

Let’s narrow it down. It has to be a movie that I’ve seen more than once, or would like to see again. Still a long list. Where’s my pin?

First place

Ok, I’m going to call it – “Truly Madly Deeply” starring the delightful Juliet Stevenson, and one of my favourite ever actors, Alan Rickman. This was the first movie I saw him in, and who could not fall completely in love with him in it?

The clip I’m going to share I have actually shared before, after he died, but it’s worth sharing again. If you get a little teary, watching this clip of him singing Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Any More, I won’t judge.

And if you’d rather see the original version, from the Walker Brothers, who I also adore – here it is:

Second place

I’ve seen this movie countless times (at least 3) and sometimes with Mum, who loves it too. If you remember my post about the movies I’ve embarrassed myself crying in, you’ll remember one where I embarrassed Mum even more. (If you didn’t read that post, go and read it next and have a good old laugh at me.) Mum doesn’t like to cry in movies, while I actually quite like it. But when this movie gets to the bit where I’d start bawling, Mum would whip out some lollies (candies) and start loudly unwrapping them, anything to not cry. @themagus may have guessed by now – yes, it is indeed Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson in A Star Is Born.

Oh, but now I have to choose the song. Given that it’s full of songs, easier said than done. Let’s have one each. Here’s Kris with the opening track, Watch Closely Now. And you thought he was just a dreary country singer.

And from Barbra, Woman In The Moon

Third place

This is possibly my favourite ever New Zealand movie – Hunt For The Wilderpeople. Funny as can be. If you ever get chance to see it – DO IT!

Here’s the opening music. Maybe not the music I would choose, but some great opening shots of the kiwi bush.

Ok, that’s me for tonight. Over and out. Have a good weekend.

Thanks for reading and listening

Videos from Youtube

@jokossita’s most recent challenge post – Day 21
@ravenruis’s most recent challenge post – Day 23 – you get some bonuses with this one, if you scroll down to the comments

My previous music posts

Benefits of joining a community choir ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~
Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007 ~
60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014 ~
60 years of my favourite music – some randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – more randoms ~
60 years of my favourite music – Kiwi classics ~
My choir singing on the streets of Wellington ~
Some New Zealand music ~
60 years of music - Musicals I’ve been in ~
Hang out in my kitchen this weekend - help me cook and listen to some music!
What Steemit friends are for
Rest in Peace Dad, and some music to remember you by
Summer music routine for my arthritis class
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 1 to 3
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Day 4
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 5 to 7
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 1
Music Challenge – 25 days, 25 songs – Days 8 to 9, part 2

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How are you and whts about your health?
Hunt for the wilderpeople is interesting and i am going to see it it tonight.. Thanx for sharing good movie..

Hiya - sorry I missed your comment before. How did you like the movie?

Hi kiwi.. My elder daughter got fever and cough that day.. She is somehow better now.. But their annual exams are here busy with them.. As i ll find free time i ll see it.. Hope in few days.. Here a virus is active almost half of city is sick..

Ah, free time - so scarce! That's worrying that so many people are sick. I'm glad your daughter is recovering and hope her exams go ok.

Ahhh.. Actully its better to say some peacefull time.. As nowadays routine is hectic.. After teaching kids 5 hrs.. I mentaly tired and can only do some work on steemit.. Even not posting my blog regulary only replying comments.. After 22 kids will be free.. And so i llbe.. Then there are few holidays of 2 weeks and no homework..

fun challenge. I need to get in on some of those. I always like movies with great soundtracks, like Sleepless in Seattle. We wore out a cassette of that one back in the day. My favorite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark, not much music to choose from. LOL Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the support with a little upvote and comment ! Have a great day down there!

Cassette! You're dating yourself, Mark ;-) Don't tell anyone, but before cassettes, I used to use my dad's reel to reel. Yes, you absolutely need to get onto some fun challenges, cos you don't have enough to do, lol. Maybe you have a little more time now, though. Thanks for dropping in.

HA! That's nothing, I'm so old, I learned the music for my role as Curly in Oklahoma, by rewinding the tape on a pencil! While driving! then popping it into my pink Sanyo dual cassette, because the rewind was too fast and I was working on a verse at a time! LOL And, my first experience with computer games involved writing them onto a cassette tape in basic!

If I remember right, you've done quite a bit of directing too, haven't you? (and really, you're not as old as me, unless you'll be 60 in the next 6 weeks.)

Well, anybody that grew up without the internet is part of another world, honestly. LOL And yes, I directed stage productions for almost twenty years. It's been a while.

Yes, that's true that your generation and mine are both fossils in a way. But there are some of us that have taken to the internet generation a lot more easily than others.

I thought you were quite a bit younger than me. It amuses me when people in their 30s and 40s talk about how old they are. But no doubt it amuses my aunts in their 90s if I talk about being old!

Barbara's voice still gives me chills - I would have picked evergreen as the song though - still love that album!!!!

Yes, that would have been a good choice too. But I thought I'd go for something people might not have heard before.

PS Did you ever come to the movie with us? Or just remember it from the record we thrashed to oblivion.

No I didn't go with you - I have seen it though. I was too young :D

LOL - how do we ever watch the same movies?

Here is one of my faves:

I can always rely on you for a different take on things...

Oh wow - Barbra and Kris ... talk about a flashback!
I remember how much my mother enjoyed the film, and the music. :)

Not even a flashback for me - I still have some of the songs on my random playlist.

I love Alan Rickman. Such a sexy guy. I've never seen "Truly, Madly, Deeply," though.

I always thought he would have been a great Doctor on "Doctor Who." :)

Yes, he would have. I think he could have turned his hand to anything. Oh, and that sultry voice.

He was wonderful in Sense & Sensibility <3

You picked some good ones here! I'm listening to the Walker Brothers as I write this. I miss this kind of music!

Hey Peggy, nice to meet you. I think I played their No Regrets album to death. Oh, let's be a little indulgent and listen to the title track.

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