2020-03-03steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Over 10,000 Chinese people were protesting the pollution, etc, in Wuhan. Police were physically assaulting them. Then, after that, this virus thing came out. Coincidence? Just a happy accident as Bob Ross would call it? Nothing to see here, right? Doctors have been begging for tests for a long time. They refuse to give it to them. Globalists are trying to take over the world via this pandemic.

Why Not Both
Justin Sun Was Right
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2020-03-03 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-03 - Tuesday

Steem vs Tron 300 Meme.jpeg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Degrowth Debate

12:10 AM - Steemit

Forced degrowth is tyrannical. But when you say degrowth, if you're describing increasing decentralization, individualism, choices, decisions, conservatism, efficiency, and effectiveness, then yes. People can choose to use less, to waste less, etc.

Our Souls Forever

12:59 AM - Steemit

Soul, I like what you're saying and I have so much I want to say concerning these things. I wanted to come here and give you my two cents, pun intended, concerning the first two points. Specifically, I would try my best, if I was debating TRON and Justin Sun Bieber, to emphasize on how some of those things may be irrelevant.


You mentioned that one word, Malicious. So, if they used that word. If they were trying to say that the hard or soft forks were illegal or whatever they want to call it, I would say to them, "IRRELEVANT." I don't know how to highlight that any bigger than that. That is why I like what you're saying.

Private Property

I believe in ownership rights. I believe you mentioned things like that in this article. Well, maybe not specifically. You were talking about witnesses, voting power, etc. But I enjoy correlating and comparing things. I write a lot about property rights. That's why I hate taxes. I prefer republics over democracies. I don't even have time right now to talk about how all of this relates to Steem, to Steemit, to blockchain social networking, etc. To be continued. I really do have a lot to say. But I will try to stop myself from writing. Maybe I'll just say a few more things.


In the second point, you mentioned assets. Again, if Justin Sun used that argument, I would say irrelevant. I think John Mcafee said Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not like assets, etc, etc, and I don't even have time right now to get into all of that. But suffice to say that if Justin Sun and others are saying stuff like that, then shame on them.

Justin Sun

We can all talk so much about Sun, about TRON, etc, etc. There are many lessons to be learned. We can debate about whether Justin was dumb, evil, etc, etc. We really can go back and forth concerning these things similar to how people debate some of the decisions Disney made concerning Star Wars, etc, which you know, for crying out loud, for crying out original oatmeal, don't even get me started on that haha.

Community First

But here is my point. Here is a big thing I want to say. I want to say that we gotta be on our guard to protect what we own. Well, it is better that way. I tend to believe in propertarianism. I believe in family first values. So, specifically, Justin Sun probably came in here and said that we would have a fork and then we would come together and talk about things. I read his post that talked about that. It appears that Justin stabbed us in the back. I don't mean to overly simplify the situation. It's complex. But it appears that TRON betrayed us. The moral of the story is that we should never trust people in those types of situations. Well, to each his own. But risk is involved. We are vulnerable in those types of situations.


There are some Steem forks out there already, like Weku, Bear Shares, Serey, Dream Real, Smoke, etc. There is Minds, Gab, Read Cash, Cent, etc. I cross post to Steem, to these other networks, to Blogspot, Live journal, Wordpress, etc. Specifically, I encourage people to fork Steem yet again if they want. I also encourage people to pull money out of centralized money exchange websites. Some of us can continue to try to save Steem. I don't know if that is possible. But at the same time, people should have backup plans like I said. Invest in different cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, currencies, land, vitamins, etc. Diversify your portfolio. Buy a water well. Try to have as many different streams (not Steem lol) of income as possible, the more the better. Always work hard with a smile on your face, thank you.

Justin Sun & Overlord Disney

01:13 AM - Steemit

I encourage people to post articles, to make videos, just like the Fandom Menace are always posting Star Wars videos exposing the tyranny of Overlord Walt Disney.

Zip Lips to Lose

01:18 AM - Steemit

TRON Overlord Justin Sun, like Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Disney, Comcast, etc, will lie about the good people, will continue to try their best to bury the truth, will try to censor patriots, etc, etc. That is what they do and have been doing. It is an information war in so many ways. We have been talking about these things for years and years. We win as we expose them. They win as we zip our lips.


01:27 AM - Steemit

Is the ninja mined stake something that happened in 2016 or during the first two years of Steem of Steemit, which was around that time, around those years, right? I joined in 2017. I am going to assume the ninja thing must have happened near the very beginning or during one of the first ten hard forks.

Choosing Witnesses

03:35 AM - Steemit

I encourage people to post articles highlighting the types of witnesses who oppose the centralization of Tron Overlord Justin Sun who is done. Is it true that larger accounts have larger voting weight?

Voting Weight

According to one article, it appears that new Steem accounts were created in February 2020 and that around ten or so of these new accounts outvoted thousands of voters who voted for the other witnesses.

Electoral College

I'm not even sure if I want to compare this to the U.S. voting system where Trump got the electoral college votes and Clinton stole the popular votes. She didn't actually win the popular vote.

Saving Steem

But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here because I want to save Steem.


2020-03-03 - Tuesday - 03:52 AM - 04:49 AM - Outlander 309

Touch the horse shoe for good luck while on a ship

Talking to women or red heads can be bad luck


2020-03-03 - Tuesday - 05:26 AM - 06:23 AM - Outlander 310

They had her. They took her onto their ship to cure the sick.

A 14 year old boy helped her and then got sick and died.

Goats eat grass

She jumped into the freezing water with a raft at night when the guards were not helping with the help of the woman as she saved her husband and she wanted to return the favor to help Claire save Jaimee


Orange. Coffee. Plants coming out to play.

Alex Jones

11:38 AM - 3/3/20 alex jones info wars

Doctors have been begging for tests for a long time. They refuse to give it to them.

Pentagon Knows

12:02 PM - Facebook

The Pentagon estimates that at least 3 million Americans may die because of the virus in 2020. They're trying to cover this up. They don't want you to know this because they want more control over your life.

Shane Harro Harrison: How did you come across this information if they are covering it up?

Romelus Saladar: HAHAHAhahahahahaha because Joey Arnold is the one COVERING IT UP !!! HAHAHAHAHahahahahahaha the COVERER is COVERING the COVER UP !!!! AHHAHAHAhahahahahaahahahaha... then UNCOVERING IT !!!

Taking Over The World

12:05 PM - Facebook

Globalists are trying to take over the world via this pandemic.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

12:08 PM - Steemit

I wonder if KYC violates the 4th amendment potentially.


12:10 PM - Steemit

I like cooperation to the extent it is not mandatory.

Voting For Witnesses

12:17 PM - Steemit

So, in other words, we have seen Steemit staff resign but many or all of the former top 20 witnesses continue(d) to be witnesses, that is their servers are still running. Is there only one official website for voting for witnesses? I've voted before like two years ago. Do I have to vote again? Does my vote expire? Do we have like elections, like terms of like two years or something? I am guessing not. But I could go back and look at my votes. I voted for Jerry. It appears his name was crossed out. So, I probably have a few free votes, assuming I can only vote for like 30 witnesses.

Wuhan 10K Protest

12:21 PM - Steemit

Over 10,000 Chinese people were protesting the pollution, etc, in Wuhan. Police were physically assaulting them. Then, after that, this virus thing came out. Coincidence? Just a happy accident as Bob Ross would call it? Nothing to see here, right?

Dishes. Is there a party in my liver? Was it the pizza? I ate some garlic. There was some garlic that like evaporated.

The White House

02:12 PM - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Briefing

In this video, the doctors, the guys, with Trump, promoted centralization, tyranny, and talked about how good bigger government was. It is bad and they are saying the opposite of reality.

Offline Censorship

02:12 PM - Facebook

The pandemic is only the first wave of offline censorship. When I say censorship, I mean global depopulation.

Fighting COVID

02:30 PM - Twitter

Ben, long time no see since the death of Infocomms. It appears Trump is trying to help. But the swamp is lying to Trump way too much. CDC is pretty evil according to Mike Adams as they withheld info, etc.

Legalized Robbery

03:22 PM - Facebook

In California and Texas, they legalized theft at stores. Have you seen robbers come in with big garbage bags? They pack their bags with stuff and they walk away.

Justin Sun Was Right

05:14 PM - Steemit

I love your twist at the end about Justin Sun being right about Steemit being strong and yet, drum roll please, he aint part of it lol, but seriously, yeah, and I'm glad you always find your way back here and I'm glad like you said that people fight hard for their communities which is so very vital and crucial more so now than ever before.

Evil Justin Sun

05:58 PM - Steemit

Justin Sun might as well call us deplorables like Hillary Clinton did and not just hackers. Assuming Justin aint no dummy like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook who is most likely just a figure head, somebody we can point fingers at and blame, then we could assume Justin is pretty evil and I will assume the latter. When Justin said that the lawyers said it was illegal, I wonder if that statement could be illegal. What he said is extremely malicious. He should be held liable for causing defamation and who knows what else.

Cool Tech Mommy

06:00 PM - Steemit

But you are a cool mommy I hear and that is techy enough.

Steem Proxy

06:31 PM - Steemit

What is a proxy? So, a proxy means you delegate your votes to vote for whoever a proxy votes for. So, who can be a proxy? Can it be any user?

Saving Steem

07:06 PM - Steemit

Eli Powell better speak up soon. What Justin Sun of Tron is doing is like espionage, like treason, to undermine and circumvent the voting mechanism. What they did via the centralized crypto exchange websites like Binance, Poloniex, etc, is like what Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, centralized bankers, etc, did. It is the same. There are history books written on these things, including a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam.

Power Down

On the first day of March of 2020, I started powering down 50 SP into 50 Steem or some SP into 50 Steem. Not sure exactly of the exchange rate but it looks like it takes 13 payments and three months to complete a power down transaction on Steem, on Steemit. So, I probably mentioned this on Sunday. Today is Tuesday and this is the first time I ever powered down I think. I don't think I ever did this before or maybe did kind of accidentally or something but I am doing this now to make more communities. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn.

Steem Voting

07:20 PM - Steemit

When I was voting, I noticed some witnesses were offline. So, I will go back and double check my votes.

Blockchain Pioneering

07:41 PM - Steemit

I would encourage people to do both. Some people should try to fork. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. We already have some forks, like Weku, Bear Shares, Smoke, Serey, Dream Real, etc. But at the same time, some of us should still be here on Steem voting for witnesses, etc, just like people should post on Bitchute and should also be on YouTube at the same time. Steemit will always be the YouTube of blockchain social networking, meaning they will always be the pioneers, the first ones to do it.

Be Ready

07:50 PM - Steemit

But that's not going to stop people from forking. People fork. We got Weku, etc. Yes, people should fight hard to keep Steem as decentralized as possible. We should vote for witnesses, etc. But that doesn't mean we should not also have backup plans if all else fails. It's smart to have backup plans. I'm not saying we should give up on Steem. Just keep an open mind. And have a plan B just in case. Focus on trying to save Steem and everything. But be emotionally prepared. Prepare yourself for failure as it can always happen.

Why Not Both
08:27 PM - Steemit

I would encourage people not only to vote for witnesses on Steem but to also consider forking. Now, we already have some Steemit forks like Weku, Bear Shares, Dream Real, Serey, Smoke, etc. So, why not another fork?

I'm not saying you should give up on Steem. I'm saying you should have backup plans in life just in case. I would encourage people to consider focusing on Steem as much as you can. But why not both? Why not emphasize on Steem like 80% of the time and the remainder can be spent on backup plans.

Eli Powell better speak up soon. What Justin Sun of Tron is doing is like espionage, like treason, to undermine and circumvent the voting mechanism. What they did via the centralized crypto exchange websites like Binance, Poloniex, etc, is like what Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, centralized bankers, etc, did. It is the same. There are history books written on these things, including a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam. Oddly enough, my younger sister might be a few months older than Justin Sun lol.

I saw the sun and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sun. Great song. I'm always powering up my Steem Power (SP). I did power down 50 SP recently because I want to make some more communities on Steemit.

Feeling tired. Sad on Facebook when you speak the truth and people say it is not true without proof. Now, the evidence is out there.

In California and Texas, they legalized theft at stores. Have you seen robbers come in with big garbage bags? They pack their bags with stuff and they walk away.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites
How do we promote Steemit on social networks?
Lol and I hope you enjoy New York. Great state. I was once there.
I wonder how Vimm compares with Dtube, etc. Well, keep up the good work, guys.
I was surprised and also excited. Even I voted today and I rarely do that haha.
One of my favorite cats growing up looked sort of like that, partly grey. His name was Poffer.
Now, if only I was a whale of a tale and not just a whale of a hoarder of words lol.
I would not criminalize plagiarism.

advice on fixing that, perhaps


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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Are you saying Steemit the company is corrupt or the actual Steem blockchain technology itself?

@ura-soul Witness Update - Anarchy vs. Empire: TRON Replaces Top Witnesses and Takes Over the STEEM Blockchain

Corona Virus Seattle Trending on Twitter

Attack on STEEM, Tron Vectors, Future of our Projects?

Justin Sun Was Right

"They came like ninjas in the night." That's my favorite part of your post. We gotta always out ninja the ninjas.

Your laundry game was very cleaver and I would totally try that out if I had kids.

Turning Fear Into Action - A Battle Plan For Parents In The CPS War - Enjoy with Troy!

Coronavirus - meme : bill gates with his depopulation agenda in the shadow of the masked liberty statute...


Justin Sun is not reckless but evil.

STEEMIANS! Tonight We Dine In Hell! Cast The Votes For Your Witnesses NOW! UPDATE!

What the exchanges did is what Rothschild did.

The winners and losers of living in a decentralized community

Contact a Steemian you know on these lists and urge them to vote!

Cockblocking Justin and friends

WATCH - Tommy Robinson On InfoWars - LIVE at 6pm

Our Souls Forever

Angelina Jolie Joined Steemit

Blacks Pray For Trump

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

Why Crypto Should Care About Justin Sun’s Steem Drama

My Laptop

My Laptop PDF

Another PDF

Zip Lips to Lose

Double Government

Trump Virus

Why Not Both


Love your sparta meme <3

All Praise Be To Jesus Sun

Mike Pence is for red-flag laws for restricting guns in America.

Television was created to lower down your attention span. What? Huh? What did you say? I was not listening.

The pandemic has been doubling weekly. That means the total number multiplied by two, each week. Also, watch out for secondary infection. Eat more garlic. Drink more water. Google natural remedies. Spread the word.

If we don't do more to stop COVID, over a million Americans will be infected before June of 2020.

@joeyarnoldvn, thank you for supporting @steemitboard as a witness.

Here is a small present to show our gratitude
Click on the badge to view your Board of Honor.

Once again, thanks for your support!

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

Use your witness votes and get the Community Badge

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