2020-02-19steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

I love topology. A coffee cup is a donut lol. I love homeomorphisms. If the main kernal or heart of the AT&T operating system(s) of the 1970's was in fact the root which Microsoft, Apple, Linux, and others, etc, may have stole from, stem from, evolved from, in this tree, completely or to an extent at least, and if AT&T as a phone company cartel and/or monopoly, previously or currently, is in fact a utility according to governmental regulations, funding, and/or whatever, then does that mean or would that mean that many operating systems (OS) on servers, desktops towers, laptop computers, devices, phones, smart devices, units, etc, are therefore part of that utility to any extent to grant some kind of liability protection or something relating to how they could be platforms and not publishers and that they should then not be allowed to censor, spy, sell our metadata, to manipulate, hide, influence, suppress, etc, etc, on the Internet, via the CIA, China, MI6, etc,etc, etc, I do in fact wonder.

March of 2018

March of 2018

03:59 AM - Steemit

Star Wars Rebels had an episode called the World Between Worlds. It dealt with time travel. Ancestry.com Versus WikiTree.org. Louder with Steven Crowder hosted the Anti-Oscars Party. Maryland Shooting. Bitcoin talk. CFR Admits: NWO is Dead. About Joey. Weekly photos. Facebook videos. YouTube videos. Ban No Ban Song. Uploaded videos to Dtube. Color Challenge. Karaoke contest. Oatmeal Meme Contests. Roseanne, season 10. Gotham, season 4. Rebels, season 4. The Walking Dead, season 8.

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2020-02-19 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-19 - Wednesday

Screenshot at 2020-02-19 21:24:35.png
Screenshot at 2020-02-19 21:24:25.png
Super Bowl 2020 Half-Time Show

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Clinton Bloomberg

12:14 AM - Steemit

But doesn't Bloomberg know that Clinton murders people? Do you really think Bloomberg is that dumb?

Two or Three Options

12:50 AM - Steemit

What would be better for Star Trek, all the energy it takes to generate the lasers and the proton phaser or would it be better for the Enterprise and other star ships to carry the weight and the bulkiness of physical missiles, bullets, rocks, etc? I could see that having both would be a good mix.

Tracker Beam, Humpty Dumpty

I wonder if they could, in that fictional world, at least try to put a tracker beam on a missile, a bullet, etc, in order to retrieve it via teleportation after it is fired. Even if a missile were to blow up, what would stop them from teleporting the molecules, the matter, back in order to recycle and reuse them to turn them back into new missiles, bullets?

Beaming People

Which brings up the art of moving people. Did we talk about teleportation yet?

Star Gates

It seems that it would be better to do what they did in Star Gate and also The Expanse with those gates or wormholes where you bend space and time to move from one side of the paper of space to the other side of the paper via bending the paper as opposed to running across the paper.

Star Trek Teleportation

But in Star Trek, they beam people. I wonder how small they go. Well, come to think of it, I think we did talk about this before or it might have been other people. I am beginning to forget. But teleportation can be extremely hard to do when you are dealing with life.

Yogurt Life

Because it is kind of like stirring yogurt or mixing a pile of fertilizer to the extent that you disrupt the soil, the environment, the dirt, where the bacteria, etc, may be disturbed and that may cause problems. Likewise, teleportation may cause problems as the cells may come back distorted. I cannot say if molecules would come back completely the same, organically, naturally, and not synthetically, or virtually, etc.

Microwave Evaporating People

In theory, perhaps Star Trek could evaporate people so to speak, not to be confused with the dangers of a microwave, and then reassemble the molecules or perhaps the atoms.

LEGO People

I don't know if they would have to cut up the LEGO pieces of life into molecule size slices or if they would need to cut everything up into smaller pieces. And who knows if there are no isolated atoms or other smaller things that are somehow not currently part of a particular molecule.

Rocks & Sand

In other words. Molecules are like rocks. But the smaller parts are like sand. So, imagine transporting those rocks in metal cages. The problem might be that the sand could leak out as you transport the rocks from point A to point B. That's the thing about teleporting Picard for example.

One Size Fits All?

The technology may be able to beam over the rocks, the molecules, assuming that every single dot and everything within a human body are contained in molecules and that there cannot be isolated fragmentation of particles or whatever that may not be currently within the borders of the molecules and assuming that the molecules are all the same size, etc, etc.

Humpty Dumpty Molecules

On top of that, the molecules are always moving and if you try to move the molecules, then can you put them back where you find them?

3D Printer Teleportation

That would be the ultimate 3D Printer. I have no idea how fast molecules might move. On top of that, could the transported molecules leak. Plus, could the molecules of the transporter machines leak into the transported molecules similar to how plastic leaks into the bottled water thanks to BPA, etc?

Robot Picard

Before Picard became Borg, he could have became part machine as the molecules of the transporter machines could have fused with his molecules, a little, bit by bit, little by little, as he is teleported over the years. The machines would have to be perfect not to allow for that kind of vulnerability.

Brain Phones

It'd be like putting your mind or soul into the Internet similar to that movie, The Lawnmower Man from the 1990's and the sequel as well which followed with a future world of like 2010 which was the future at that time.

Stuck Inside Computers

There has been some television shows I believe, like the Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits where I think a guy got stuck in the computer. Some episodes I think. Well, I can only recall one episode relating to that. But teleportation is kind of like that in that you have to move through the machines like data moves through wires to make its way through the world wide web.

Mars Rover RIP?

01:02 AM - Steemit

Did you say she is still moving around on Mars but that we are not receiving a signal from the Mars Rover any longer? So, the memory was lost because it was not powered for the two weeks? Don't they have external hard drives that can retain memory like a DVD or how long can drives last without power? Did the sand storm create an EMP or something that would shock the memory? Did her program not have a if-then protocol for what to do if there are storms? Did she have the ability to scan the weather in order to attempt to run away from storms or to dig a hole and turn off to wait the storm out?


01:05 AM - Steemit

When you say dMovie, you mean decentralized and interactive?

Switched to Linux

01:13 AM - Replacing Windows 7 with Peppermint

My laptop has 4GB RAM. I use Ubtuntu Mate 16.04. I am ok with this. Do you like Mate?

Gary Explains

01:16 AM - Unix vs Linux

Uniplexed Information and Computing Service (OS) = UNICS = UNIX

AT&T sold their Unix System V in the 1980's.

If the main kernal or heart of the AT&T operating system(s) of the 1970's was in fact the root which Microsoft, Apple, Linux, and others, etc, may have stole from, stem from, evolved from, in this tree, completely or to an extent at least, and if AT&T as a phone company cartel and/or monopoly, previously or currently, is in fact a utility according to governmental regulations, funding, and/or whatever, then does that mean or would that mean that many operating systems (OS) on servers, desktops towers, laptop computers, devices, phones, smart devices, units, etc, are therefore part of that utility to any extent to grant some kind of liability protection or something relating to how they could be platforms and not publishers and that they should then not be allowed to censor, spy, sell our metadata, to manipulate, hide, influence, suppress, etc, etc, on the Internet, via the CIA, China, MI6, etc,etc, etc, I do in fact wonder.

March of 2018

03:59 AM - Steemit

Star Wars Rebels had an episode called the World Between Worlds. It dealt with time travel. Ancestry.com Versus WikiTree.org. Louder with Steven Crowder hosted the Anti-Oscars Party. Maryland Shooting. Bitcoin talk. CFR Admits: NWO is Dead. About Joey. Weekly photos. Facebook videos. YouTube videos. Ban No Ban Song. Uploaded videos to Dtube. Color Challenge. Karaoke contest. Oatmeal Meme Contests. Roseanne, season 10. Gotham, season 4. Rebels, season 4. The Walking Dead, season 8.

Sunflower seeds


2020-02-19 - Wednesday - 04:30 AM - 05:30 AM - Outlander 208

Return to Scotland.

Planting potatoes.


Signature forge

Changing the future by altering the past

Claire: They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results

Jaimee: I don't know who they are but they never travelled through time

Jaimee's father was a bastard, just like mine lol


Fight for king James

They got his men to fight

Grandpa joined Jaimee


Lisa Haven

10:51 AM - You Don’t Know What You Just Lost & It’s Near Impossible To Get Back…

Mark Zuckerberg was asking government for advice on which discourse should and should not be allowed to regulate and limit and to even ban hate speech and free speech in general.

Invalid Cookie

11:22 AM - INFOWARS LIVE BROADCASTS OF 2/19/20 W/ News and Music in breaks 9am - 7am

People confront Bloomberg at his like rally thing.

Made a burn pile. Fire will be starting probably today. Wood by the trash now. Cam. After month, new 4 AA batteries. Copied pics to my laptop and the main pc in the office room. Dishes.

Coffee. Cold noodles.

Star Trek Talk

01:07 PM - Steemit

That's right, they're called proton torpedoes. I forgot what they were called. Can people make proton torpedoes in the real world? I love the gradual approach. Options. Anti-matter warheads, brilliant. The philosophy of turning matter into energy and back into matter again might be as vague as the force in Star Wars. Why don't the doctors in sick bay teleport the sick people out and then back in and simply edit out the germs and sickness out like photoshop?

Tend the fire all day until 05:00 PM. We pulled up sticker bushes near the tree near the raspberry garden. We were pulling nails out of boards. What is the meaning to life? As a kid, I went to Skate World by myself. I was by myself. As I got older and older, I would spend more and more time doing things on my own. Even when I was like ten at times. And as I got older. Should we be helicopter parents? What is freewill and should we let people have it? Skate Land in Olympia? Interesting. Mary Poppins. Cinderella song. 1990's film.


Minecraft is on the phone. That is preferred for the wall. There are objectives. The maps on single player mode might be infinite or virtually an endless loop of random terrain.

Stefan Molyneux

07:20 PM - STYX/MOLYNEUX: The Grim Farce of Modern Politics!


07:36 PM - 🔴 President Donald Trump Keep America Great Rally LIVE in Phoenix, AZ 2/19/20

Bitcoin Debate

08:10 PM - Steemit

I hate taxes. One way to ban something is to tax it in order to get people to ban it themselves simply by not using the stuff. Notice how many countries try to regulate and even stop cryptocurrencies. Regulation is a step towards prohibition, historically, which they did with gold, beer, drugs, swear words, etc.

Copyright Talk

08:15 PM - Steemit

Did copyright help the partner of Walt Disney? No. Yeah, corporations are dangerous, partly as they come out of or are helped in specific ways by governments, etc. Copyright is dangerous because it can be used to attack people who were innocent. As a kid, I came up with stuff in my head that I find out later was probably copyrighted or were to be copyrighted in the future. I came up with the idea for the White Power Ranger inside my head before he showed up on the show. But even if I didn't, it is possible that people could go after me for not knowing that somebody else did whatever my idea might have been. I do not like drawing lines between rich people and poor people.

Drain The Swamp

08:18 PM - Steemit

True, he may not be dead. I don't know. Trump needs to fire more and more people out of the government. Drain the swamp.

Teleportation Talk

08:26 PM - Steemit

Yeah, I think I saw at least one episode like you said where they used the teleporter to filter out a contagion, and there may have been other episodes with related things, and that just makes me wonder why they wouldn't do it more often. I also wonder if energy is matter and that matter is energy. Like, isn't an electron kind of like electricity which is kind of like energy and isn't light kind of like energy?

Steemit vs Steeming

08:29 PM - Steemit

I think Steeming.com is simply an app of Steem like Steemit.com, Busy.org, etc.

Steem Connect

08:31 PM - Steemit

If Steem Connect is not working, you could try different private keys until you find the one that works. There is the master key, the posting key, etc. I forget which ones they may require. And they do require the private keys (passwords) and not the public keys.

Resteem 7 Days & Beyond Now

08:36 PM - Steemit

Some people have heard about it, I think. Oh, it looks like you resteemed my post here. Looks like people can now do that to older posts. That is good. I guess I need to say thank you to Tron for allowing for resteeming posts older than 7 days.

Steemit Tron Merger

08:46 PM - Steemit

Good questions and I encourage them towards transparency so that Steem users can be aware of what is happening. I'm going to try to remain open minded between the pros and cons concerning many things. I'm not totally sure what to think at the moment. That's why I'm here.

Steem Witnesses & Tron

08:57 PM - Steemit

Luke, you are thinking win-win, AKA mutual benefit, and I agree, and I hope they don't try to do what Facebook does. I'm not saying they can. I'm just speaking theoretically to an extent, meaning they could try. I don't know one way or another. I'm just thinking hypothetically, long-term speaking, as I'm concerned with slippery slopes, AKA the ability for good things to declines towards potential risks, problems, relating to censorship. The only thing more critical than censorship might be in regards to the mechanism behind voting for witnesses, who gets to vote, the weight of the votes, the whole system, which could be dangerous if Tron were to have too much power over voting for witnesses. Well, I'm not sure how it works. So, I can't say Tron has too much power. I'm just saying that if they do, then that can be dangerous. But then again, maybe not dangerous. But the possibility is still there.

Dangers of Tron

09:03 PM - Steemit

Are there other good posts out there talking about the potential dangers of Tron, assuming there are some? I should write some articles about these things. I want Tron to prove me wrong and show me that they're not trying to obtain too much power over the Steem blockchain and everything. I don't want to say Tron is doing that but I cannot currently say they aren't. So, I will try to keep my eyes open to everything that is happening.

The View

09:10 PM -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Democratic Role Models and Grassroots | The View

Are we divided or disconnected?

It is true that prisons are too big because there are too many laws.

Can we make government smaller?


09:16 PM - Shakira & J. Lo's FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show

Any hidden messages in this? Are the cages code for something?

Sniper Wolf

09:37 PM - I Tested Viral TikTok Food Hacks to see if they work

I have a life hack. It is called a garden. I grow food. Free food. I save a lot of money.


10:01 PM - Every NBA All-Star Game MVP in League History | Kobe, LeBron, Kawhi, and More!

They put in the three-pointer line in the NBA in 1980, according to this video.

Mark Rober

10:06 PM - Feeding Bill Gates a Fake Burger (to save the world)

Bill Gates has talked about depopulating the planet and is behind the Corona Virus that is murdering people. Plus, Bill is also behind vaccines and other things that are hurting people and killing people alla round the world.


10:12 PM - How Many Holes Does a Human Have?

I love topology. A coffee cup is a donut lol. I love homeomorphisms.

Straw = Donut = One Hole

Openings are not holes but parts of holes

Humans have seven holes

When we go the the bathroom, stuff comes out either number one or number two, right, meaning not seven holes? Maybe 8 holes?

Democracy vs Republic

10:58 PM - Steemit

Star World, do you prefer a democracy or a republic? My question is in reference to what you wrote: "Witnesses should have no say whatsoever in what rules are implemented." My second question is, do you like free markets? It is true that Steem has problems. One of them might be relating to witnesses. Another issue is the downvoting which can be problematic. Now, all of this can be pretty complex. I encourage Steemit, I mean Tron, to mirror free markets and a republic type system as opposed to the potential of mob-ruling democracy, etc.

Tron Community

11:01 PM - Steemit

I didn't know there was a Tron community. How is it doing? If it is not doing well, then we should be talking about that on the assumption that this boat could sink as well.

Death of Steem

11:04 PM - Steemit

Should we all run off to Weku or Bear Shares or what can we do if all of these things are true or worse?

Steemit vs Steeming

11:20 PM - Steemit

Weku is a different blockchain. Steeming connects to Steem. Steemit connects to Steem. Busy.org connects to Steem. You can verify this. You can swap out URLs to see if a particular posts exists on Steemit and Busy. You look at the web address and replace the Steemit.com with Busy.org and you will see the same post in both places. But if you replace that first part, the domain name, that is Steemit.com and replace it with Weku.com, then you may not find post on Weku, well unless if the person also has an account on Weku as well. I didn't make an account on Steeming but I am on Steeming because Steeming gets the data from Steem.

Diversify Education

11:25 PM - Steemit

I thought about thinking as a kid. You say you didn't. And that is the beauty in the diversity of people. Meaning, people are different. Now, people talk about equality. And that is fine if we are talking the equality of rights, opportunities, etc, perhaps. But some people try too hard to force all children to be identical to each other and that can be problematic. People can learn in different ways, at different speeds. So, teachers should try to customize educational curriculum to best fit the uniqueness of individual students as they go down specific paths. In other words, vocational training.

Tron or Steemit Did It?

11:28 PM - Steemit

Technically speaking, you are probably right, that Steemit people did it. But I wonder if Tron people somehow got the Steemit people to do it or not. And therefore, indirectly, Tron maybe did it.

Steemit Tron Merger

11:30 PM - Steemit

Are the top 20 Steem witnesses Pro-Tron, completely, partly, to an extent? Are they fighting this Steemit Inc Tron merger thing?

Advertisments on Steem

11:49 PM - Steemit

I would have had the ads as an option that people could turn off, at least. I didn't see the ads because I had them blocked. But I understand the value that they can have with revenue. So, if they removed advertisement, like that, then they are probably taking steps backwards. In other words, not good, most likely.


Gary Explains

01:16 AM - Unix vs Linux

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