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RE: I spent the evening with my Son...and Captain Kirk, fun visit for all!

in #palnet4 years ago

Their yield is energy in the form of Photons. In Lithotripsy, the sound power is so high that the water changes states, and emits photons. When they pulse it, the transducer faces actually light up. Just a matter of concentrating enough energy in a small space....

The did a transporter filter to remove a contagion in one of the shows, so you are spot on, LOL!

NASA has moved single atoms (Hydrogen) from a to b with matter that is entangled. They really think they can refuel in flight with this process.

If they used Ion drive, they could fuel the engine directly, keeping the onboard tank for maneuvering where large volumes are needed.

I like a rail gun myself, in space there is no 'drop', and the velocity is not bled off by air resistance.



Yeah, I think I saw at least one episode like you said where they used the teleporter to filter out a contagion, and there may have been other episodes with related things, and that just makes me wonder why they wouldn't do it more often. I also wonder if energy is matter and that matter is energy. Like, isn't an electron kind of like electricity which is kind of like energy and isn't light kind of like energy?

Seems like a good option to me too, I'd use it!

Energy and matter are tied, per Einstein. That led to the atom bomb, which is the least efficient machine made by men.

A free electron, traveling in a wire is electricity. Light is a specific frequency of an electromagnetic wave, and comtains energy.


They have some ion engines running, just needs more efficiency. It could cut the travel time in half, or even better with the quantum entanglement fuel.


What might happen first in our real world, the ability to travel at the speed of light or a star gate? What is easier to do, theoretically? Or what is more dangerous?

High speed flight first, the gates have to be seeded Manually first....

Gate travel will require a controlled wormhole, we don't have the power source fof that yet.


The cool part is that with quantum entanglement appears to be instantaneous. They are planning to use quantum entanglement to reduce the error due to time differences. This will make GPS locations about 10 times more accurate.

But, we will eventually get there, on the power source for the gates. It is too interesting not to....


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