why should we stake at all then? just buy the votes you would have upvoted

in #ethics4 years ago

I'm not sure why @luegenbaron believes "bid-botting" is verboten, I've never heard a coherent moral-theory on the subject (it seems like free-market-economics to me).

why should we stake at all then? just buy the votes you would have upvoted.

Your motivation to stake might be to run your own for-profit bid-bot (mercenary vote-for-hire endorsement-promotion-advertising service).

COMPETITION = GOOD, ammiright?

It seems weird to me that the only way to promote my posts is to divulge my personal credit card info to steemit (to buy a banner ad). Why can't I just pay with steem?

If the free-market breaks their precious "all-trending" page, they should re-calculate their formulas.

Cap all votes at 1 steem max (just give whales more max votes). That way the "all-trending" page won't look like "the-whales-personal-faves-parade".

Blaming free-market-forces for "breaking" your system (game) is completely backwards.


Expecting vigilantes to police your broken system is insane.


Also, imagine steem without voting. Imagine they just Hard-Forked voting right out of the whole thing altogether.

What's left?

A lot of really awesome stuff, that's what!!

The delegation system is amazing (way better than pa.treon). The steem-token transfer system is amazing (way better than v.enmo or credit-cards or banks). The blogging system is amazing (way better than tw.itter or fa.cebuk). It's all super-awesome!!

Perhaps anarchy already exists and government is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime. – @thoughts-in-time



Your scathing critique is requested.


Agree completely. I was saying similar things in the early days of Steem and some people got a little salty about it. I'm of the opinion that if people game the system and it yields bad results, you have a poorly designed system. If you want said system to be decentralized and functional, you need it to work for the most part without policing, even by vigilantes.

if people game the system and it yields bad results, you have a poorly designed system.

100% this.

How is this TAUTOLOGICAL FACT not perfectly obvious?

Blame the individual for the failure of the system, that way the people in-charge can avoid all responsibility.

Click to watch 1 minute,

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