2020-02-13steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

I want to wish you a Happy Valentines Day. Imagine if Valentines landed on Friday the thirteen. What would you do? Great question. Better question, why do people die? Oh, because people die. No. That's not an answer. Our bodies are made up of tiny cells. Oh, what is a cell? A cell is like a city and our body is like a country. Better yet, a cell is like our planet. See, our sun brings in the power, the heat, to our planet. Many things on our planet come and go. Trees are grown and then they die. But then come back up again. Likewise, every seven years, all our cells are replaced. What does that mean? It means a seven year old is 7 years old. It means a 14 year old is seven years young. Hell, it even means that a 95 year old is still just seven years old. That brings me back to my original question, why do people die? Well, the answer can be complex. But long story short, we can do things to slow down the aging process. Well, technically, people should be able to live for at least 500 years. But you would have to do many things to make that work. Right now, we have this corona virus going around. So, please raise up your immune system before you die. You can survive this virus thing. Also, stock up on food as people will be buying up all the food at a store near you during the panic. At a super market near your house, apartment, or whatever. The clock is ticking. And then there will be no more food left for many months or longer. You will regret not having a food pantry. Buy canned foods. Buy bags of oats, rice, etc. Try to have a year worth of food. Buy a water distiller and a water filter. Learn how to filter rain water. Build a well. Build a green house. Buy plants. Better yet, buy seed. Collect seeds.

The Bill Cunningham's Prayer
Camel Ass Joke

The Bill Cunningham's Prayer

08:25 PM - Steemit

Come back to the light. That was the heart of the prayer that I wrote about my mom's new husband. See, long story short, my dad left my mom. After that, my sisters helped mother find an old high school boyfriend, Bill William Cunningham. They went on to marry I think in 2008. It was a good marriage. Spoiler alert, I think in 2011, Bill ended up dying. Bill was sick and was probably given the wrong medicine by nurses. But I wrote this prayer around 11:00 AM PST, Wednesday, the 30th of September of 2009. I wrote this in a note on Facebook. This article post has a lot of random details. I'm posting this to archive the details. I can't verify how accurate the details and the grammar is and are in this note. I can verify that I was trying to help. I talk about how Bill was not always making the best of decisions. He let drug addicts live in his house. My mom was born in 1951. Mom's dad didn't like Bill back in the 1960's. So, they went their separate ways but reunited in the 2000's. Mom's dad ended up approving her choice to marry Bill. But long story short, Bill pretended to be like a woman (Kathy) in the past. But the good news is that mom persuaded him away from identifying as female. So, before he died, he started doing things better. That is the good news. It appears that Bill was turning more to Christ, I think.

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2020-02-13 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-13 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-02-13 02:02:58.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

Contact Me

Coin Tree | Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
Click Here to See More


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Steemit Mammas

12:00 AM - Steemit

Good work, Steemit Mamas. By the way, in this post, you can see one photo and the link after that. If you don't know, I can help you fix that. You will see the code in this post, [IMG](LINK). So, if you don't know, you may need to add space, as in a line, between that and whatever you have above that, possibly or you can also make sure the code is [![pic name](pic address)](URL LINK) as well.


I see the problem. You added space between the [IMG] and (LINK). You can remove the space to fix that if you want. I was able to see the code via Steemd.com.

Silence is Wisdom

12:12 AM - Bear Shares

Silence is golden. It is wisdom. The smartest person can be the person who says the least. Dan Beaty might have said this about my brother, Rick Arnold, a few times during and at our CCBC youth group around 1995-2000.

Third Degree Burn

12:35 AM - Steemit

Sounds like the protagonist is a womanizer like James Bond, lol, would you agree? When you talk about the good films out there, what comes to my mind is not only some fan films, some parodies like Space Balls perhaps, but especially indie films.

Working Out

12:38 AM - Steemit

Yummy chicken. Well, don't work too hard as that can temporarily weaken your immune system if you go beyond your limit.

Glute Workout

12:41 AM - Steemit

What are you doing not cuddling in your bed? Just kidding. For me, basketball is a mighty big workout. Also, bike riding.

Coin Tree

12:47 AM - Telegram | Coin Tree

Sidem, What do you think about practicality, convenience, and especially simplicity? Sidem didn't like Coin Tree.Why? Because it may have a static URL web address. It may violate the 4th amendment, that is of privacy. Maybe but we are long beyond that point. Other people violate our privacy. There is either no privacy potentially or less than people know and that is our perspective.

Infowars Websites

12:54 AM - Discord | Dissenter

Infowars probably needs better web designers, etc. I say that as a web designer myself. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Prove me wrong, I dare you. I want to be wrong. I guess, they are doing a pretty good job with Banned.Video but they can do better with the look and feel of their websites.

Full Frontal is attacking Prager U, trending on Twitter


2020-02-13 - Thursday - 01:03 AM - 01:50 AM - Picard 104

Flashback 14 years to where Picard is like a missionary trying to help the Romulans.

He suddenly likes kids now.

The woman says Picard doesn't like children and then Picard looks at the boy and disagreed. Not to say that people can't change, but it can take time for a character arch to shift and the audience would prefer seeing that on camera as opposed to off camera.

Picard was like a father with the boy. Sword fighting. Read books to him. He walks off as they beam him away. Where is he walking to if he is being beamed? I guess that is ok but not necessary. It used to be hard to teleport a moving object. But it is the future and perhaps they improved their technology skills.

Blond scientist says that space is boring




His quarter. His house replicated.

One impossible thing at a time

Blond girl serves as the Data, the character that personifies the audience to help introduce us to things we don't know. She asks questions.

You got old, Picard

You didn't

Like his second home

The boy is now a man

A house of truth

They slide on the floor




Hell with you

Signs at cafes that says Romulan-only

Picard goes and ignores the sign

He sits at a table and yells out for a waiter

They ignore him

Customers stare at Picard

One big black guy talks to Picard

They yell at Picard

They sorround Picard

Picard said he tried helping them years ago

They say Picard gave up

Sword fight

The boy cuts the black guys head off.

Green blood

Picard says herself, I mean himself lol

Usually, people he and then she

Is this guy on the Borg ship in bed with his sister?

Why are all the men weak?

Why is she shoking him?

They blow up a ship and beam over the pilot or survivor from it

Oh, it's seven of nine

She says to Picard, "You owe me a ship."

I don't think he does, technically.

Well, I say that because if that was true, then a person that fires and damages a ship would, by that logic, owe to pay for the damages that person caused onto the ship. Not saying that shouldn't happen. I am saying it doesn't happen generally. It should happen but it generaly does not happen and that is a critical thing to keep in mind.


2020-02-13 - Thursday - 01:55 AM - 02:54 AM - Outlander 111

The Devil's Mark

They dump the two witches, I mean women, into an underground dungeon. It's like an underground holding cell or confession room where they talk about what they did while the police listens in.

They prepare to burn the witches at the stake

First, the trial

Lawyer comes in. He says the one thing was repealed meaning the trial was illegal. They say they are not under British law. Oh, how about Scottish law which does allow for a defense attorney unlike British law perhaps or so he said. So, they agreed of course.

Testimony of a cat

A girl saw Claire with her baby and then came later to see the baby dead or changed. So, she got angry and ran at her. Claire is like I'm a healer. They are like oh no, witchcraft. The lawyer told Claire to stop talking to decriminalize herself and to let him do his job. he asked the mother why she did nothing and then he suggested that the baby lives with the fairies now.

Water of life




Safety in numbers

The young girl shows up to the trial

She says Claire stole a potion she made for the girl. Claire said it was a fake potion. They got mad. Claire then talked about evidence. But they got mad. Then the next witness was a priest.

I guess the priest defended Claire

He felt like a sinner

But we are all sinners

Priests are not perfect lol

The crowd yells to burn the alleged witches like they did centuries earlier for Christ to be crucified

Claire was given an opportunity to blame it on the girl

She chose not to spoke


They beat Claire and the crowd cheers

The crowd are terrible people

Her husband comes to save her

Red head confessed

Small pox

Red head woman was from 1968

She sacrificed herself to let Claire live like Christ would

The mob were monsters

I wouldn't let such people live in my country or my town

They're racist

They're bad

I would have saved her

I can't believe this happened

They could have fought their way out

Red head didn't have to do what she did

A second ago, she was not willing to do it

Suddenly, she decided to

Possible to change your mind, sure

But unlikely, unprobable

Claire talks about how perfect a vaccine is

But only some vaccines can help a little

Vaccines can help aid immune systems

Claire confesses, "I'm from the future"

She tells her husband and he says he believes her

He says he shouldn't have beat her for trying to get back to the stones to reunite with her future, I mean past, husband

They go to live off the land

They ride off on the horse

They live as a couple

Claire tries to imagine living a life with him but struggles to

They go to the stones

They say goodbye

They don't even know if the stones can take them back

She goes to the stones

Fast forward to her and Jaimee at the campfire


Did she not try to go back?

2020-02-13 - Thursday - 02:55 AM - 03:53 AM - Outlander 112

Claire is 27. He tried to make a joke like, oh when I am 40, you will be 248 or something lol. She said oh I think your calculations are little off



Jaimee to Claire: "This my place, my house, my family, my time."

Homosexual Randall

Randall wanted Jaimee's body

Tenants come to them to pay for renting land

Mercy when times are hard?

I say, a price is a price

Don't compromise from that

One man was like oh sorry, I don't have enough money to pay for the rent. Jaimee said it was ok. But I disagree in the sense that welfare and socialism can be dangerous and that kind of forgiven encourages apathy and laziness and a decline of free markets.

2020-02-13 - Thursday - 04:00 AM - 04:58 AM - Outlander 113





Fornication vs murder

Traitor was killed

Jaimee's sister, Jenni, is having a baby

The baby is upside down in the womb

So, Claire tries to spin the baby but fails

Money earned

Money stolen



Answers in Genesis

11:04 AM - Where's All the Water? - Answers News: February 13, 2020

In space, astronauts cooked or were trying to cook some chocolate cookies in an experimental oven in the spaceship or actually international space station in space and they couldn't eat the cookies and sent them to earth. They are trying to figure these things out as things can be different in space.

All modern humans have neanderthal DNA, new research finds.

Improving Steemit

11:21 AM - Steemit

I would substitute downvoting with dislikes. I would bring back the views counter.

Downvotes on Steem

11:25 AM - Steemit

Whether or not people should be able to downvote may partly depend on who owns and rents the different parts of Steem, or not. I say that as that is the confusing part.

Obama Socialism

11:29 AM - Steemit

Oh, inverted Robin-hood-ism. To answer your question, I would ask Bernie Sanders what he thinks about this question. Better yet, Obama talked about redistributing wealth. Now, that would include stealing from the poor. When I say socialism, I am using a very generic definition or version of socialism or perhaps things somewhat indirectly relevant and related to socialism. That is how I talk. I use words very loosely in order to compare things with other things as opposed to talking like a scientist who is forced to be very literal, direct, simple, scientific, as opposed to being theoretically, metaphorical, indirect, general, etc.

Tru TV

11:48 AM - Adam Ruins Everything - The Truth About the McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit

Very Hot

12:11 PM - Steemit

To Logic Zombie @logiczombie, long story short, I still think what I originally thought. But I digress. Let's continue. So, according to this video, McDonald's (MD) was serving coffee at up to 190 degrees. The old lady, Stella, spilt coffee onto her lap. She had burns. She almost died. She went to the hospital.

She Admits it Was Her Fault

She admitted that it was her fault for spilling the coffee.

But Very Hot

McDonald's admitted that, at that temperature, the coffee was a hazard. Before that famous McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit or case, in the decade prior, 700 people notified MD to say they were burnt by the hot coffee.

Begging For Socialism

Stella wanted welfare from MD, that is money to pay for the $20K USD medical bills. So, she didn't want to go to court, they say. After 8 months, MD gave Stella $800.

McDonald's Stole My Phone

Which reminds me that I lost a phone at McDonald's and they knew whole stole my phone thanks to the security cameras and refused to help. So, again, according to the video, Stella got $800 at first. That is better than nothing. They tried to sue or fine McDonald's 2.7 million dollars.

Almost One Million Dollars

They ended up settling to pay the woman $600K and they started lowering the temperature of their coffee. McDonald's, and other corporations, ran disinfo campaigns.


Now, historically, that is not new. Corporations and others have done things like that for decades, if not for centuries, Specifically, in this case, they were getting the general public to believe that there were a bunch of fake or crazy lawsuits, cases, etc. Now, to some extent, that is and is not true. They're both true. There are some good cases out there and some crazy cases out there too at the same time. It is more a question of how many, that is the ratio between good to crazy lawsuits, cases, etc. In the video haha, the black lady says "Mother Falcon." Haha.

Bad Publicity

I would have gave McDonald's a bad name. In other words, use peer pressure to talk about how hot the coffee was. Yes, the coffee was too hot. But I would not sue them for it. Well, technically, if they hid the fact that the coffee got up to like 190 degrees, then that might be excessively and too obviously and too aggressively criminal or evil or whatever. If you can prove that McDonald's were purposely trying to make people sick and purposely trying to burn people alive, then they should be in jail. I would not just take money from them.

Throw McDonald's in Jail

I would lock them up. Lock up the head people for allowing things to happen or for making bad things happen. But if there was no conspiracy, no false advertisements, no lies, no hiding of the truth, then I would not sue them. Of course, McDonald's lost or settled. Things like that happens all the time. Now, it is possible that McDonald's was too misleading on their coffee. Perhaps, they failed to say that the coffee was above boiling. If so, then lock them up. But if they were honest enough about it all, then no. Because if they were honest enough, transparent enough, etc, then it is solely the fault of the customers, period.

How Bad is Too Bad?

04:45 PM - Steemit

Did you see people smoke and die? Did you see people drink beer and crash their cars and kill people? Did you see people buy guns and kill people? Did you see people buy rope and hang themselves? Did you see people drown in water? Did you see people die from food?

Additional Accounts on Steem

12:22 PM - Steemit

Does that say the Steem account is a delegator for the Oatmeal English account? I guess I used Steemit.com to register for @oatmealenglish but for the other two accounts, I used a different website and did the registering and the delegating myself. I think I just forgot that I did that. Steemit did approve that second account. And that is good. I was worried at first that they were not going to let me make additional accounts on Steem.

Muted Channels Thread

12:25 PM - Steemit

Yeah, if a certain number of people mute an account, then keep their newsfeed in a mute channels tag or category and remove them from the main feed perhaps. Also, they should filter languages. I would love to see only English in the new created posts feed on Steemit.

Dishes. Grape garden prep for three hours. Tarp on top. Tarp by the fence and compost, from there to close to the bookshed. Shower. Soup. Coffee. The dirt was muddy. I'm hearing that the virus is in Bac Ninh, Vietnam. Also, the virus is in Seattle, which is dozens of miles from me. Raise up your immune system while you still can.


04:08 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Thug Goosh - Banned.video

Alex Jones predicts that Roger Stone will be back cohosting before March of 2020. I agree. I predict that we will defeat the globalists this round and that the real test or the biggest war ever will come in the next twenty to eighty years, that is before the turn of the century, that is before 2101 AD. In other words, in the next one hundred years, we will face bigger problems. Well, similar to the problems we face now but bigger. But beyond that, the biggest issue is that many people alive today will be dead during the next big battle. And many of the people alive during the next big future battle are not alive as of 2019. Well, perhaps many of them will be born after 2020 and many people will be a little bit less careful about the dangers of globalism, socialism, tyranny, tech cartels, etc. That is the biggest danger. RIght now, many people are awake. But then we have kids and those kids will not know the problems we faced. We see this in history as the next generation tends to rebel against the previous generations. So, that will be a big liability or a big potential hazard. Historically, we see this with the nation of Israel as they left Egypt and then wished as they wandered in the desert to be back in Egypt as slaves. Many kids in the future will beg for globalism. That is the real threat. Because they won't know. And many will simply choose to believe in things that are not true. Many people know better right now. But someday, many of those people will die. That is why education is critical. We got to pass on wisdom and advice and everything to future generations. Ultimately, it is up to them. But we can do our best to pass whatever we got to them and pray that they make the best decisions possible. My goal is to live to see the year 2101 before I die. I will 116 years old in 2101 AD. I will do my best to make it to that year, assuming that is even possible in regards to the future.

Stop bowing down to bad judges.

Too Complex

05:04 PM - Steemit

I agree that a lot of people find that to be hard.


However, if there aren't already, there will be or should be services that keeps tracks of the passwords, the private keys, pass phrases, etc....

Crypto Exchange Sites

...Similar to certain cryptocurrency websites, wallets, etc, that do the same thing. So, in other words, it gives people the option to take care of the details themselves.....

Delegate Responsibilities

....or to delegate the responsibilities and everything to other people as usual.

Steemit Default

So, perhaps, by default, Steemit should let you pick that option when you register. When I say you, I mean a new person. There are different ways a person can register for a Steem account.

Choices, Decisions, Options

Different websites. Different services. When I signed up for an account via Steemit.com, I didn't get a master password, I think. So, assuming I'm right about that, last time I checked.....

Account Recovery

.....it appears that a person can email Steemit for an account recovery, assuming they have the master keys and can reset the other passwords and let you back in to get the new keys for everything.

Too Complex

But I know even that can be too complex for many people.

Finding Services, Websites

Therefore, one of my goals will be looking for services that can keep track of the keys for new users on Steem. I will try to encourage people to register, to sign up, via Steem services and websites that I might want to or choose to trust the most. Thanks for the comment.

Other Websites, etc

And people can also sign up for accounts on Gab.com, Minds.com, Bitchute.com, etc.

Computer Talk

05:19 PM - Steemit

Did you say that the Commodore 64 had a literal tape recorder or do you mean something similar to a tape recorder? That is interesting. A little RAM but probably a lot at that time for many people. I didn't know that Linus and Elon would have things in common lol. You said that React is a javascript web framework. I know Java is a type of web code like HTML. Not to say they are the same. But what does framework mean? Does that mean React is a type of javascript? I have a laptop that is like that tablet you described. You can fold the laptop around. It is touch screen. On screen keyboard. So, there were some Ubuntu operating systems that were attempting to work with touch screens. I don't remember how successful they were.

Getting Involved

05:26 PM - Steemit

Did you say you sent emails to the White House? If so, or if others did, I think some articles, videos, etc, could talk about those emails to help other people send emails, to call their senators, to write them letters, to go see them in person, the governors, mayors, presidents, representatives, the town halls, etc.

Personality Types

05:34 PM - Steemit

I might be a bit INTJ. Nice to hear that they are honest or closer to it than some people perhaps.

Running Out

05:38 PM - Steemit

Should people build green houses?

De-Mainstreaming Fake News on YouTube

05:41 PM - Steemit

Apps like this is the key to expanding freedoms.

Helping The Poor

05:49 PM - Steemit

What did Americans do before the 1930's?

The Hunt is a movie that is coming out that is designed to trick people into hating other people. It is huge fake news. In the trailer, you see bad acting and you see a white woman put a blow torch to her stomach. Why would a person do that? In the trailer, somebody says that these people are actors. That is funny as they are actors pretending to be actors. The irony is thick on this one.

Moving to the Moon

06:47 PM - Steemit

This can help a little but I would focus more on exploring the moon via drones first. Send robots to the moon and have them study the surface and then send some machines that drill into the moon to see what is hiding inside of the moon as well. Now, I wonder who owns all of or different parts of the surface of the moon, the non-atmosphere and no air space around the moon, the mountains, the valleys, caves, the non-existent oceans, and especially the inside parts of the moon.

Towns vs Big Cities

06:58 PM - Facebook | House Beautiful

The wonders of smaller towns over the dangers of larger metropolises.

Powerful Joe Rogan

07:04 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1425 - Garrett Reisman

They talk about this in that show called The Expanse.

The Bill Cunningham's Prayer

08:25 PM - Steemit

2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Screenshot at 2020-02-13 19:56:25.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 01 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:46:08.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 02 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:47:04.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 04 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:47:29.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 05 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:48:16.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 06 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:48:45.png
2009-09-30 - Wednesday - 11:08 AM - Bill Prayer 07 Screenshot at 2020-02-13 20:49:04.png

Screenshots of that post

In 2009, like I said, as seen in these photos, I wrote:

Come back to the light. That was the heart of the prayer that I wrote about my mom's new husband. See, long story short, my dad left my mom. After that, my sisters helped mother find an old high school boyfriend, Bill William Cunningham. They went on to marry I think in 2008. It was a good marriage. Spoiler alert, I think in 2011, Bill ended up dying. Bill was sick and was probably given the wrong medicine by nurses. But I wrote this prayer around 11:00 AM PST, Wednesday, the 30th of September of 2009. I wrote this in a note on Facebook. This article post has a lot of random details. I'm posting this to archive the details. I can't verify how accurate the details and the grammar is and are in this note. I can verify that I was trying to help. I talk about how Bill was not always making the best of decisions. He let drug addicts live in his house. My mom was born in 1951. Mom's dad didn't like Bill back in the 1960's. So, they went their separate ways but reunited in the 2000's. Mom's dad ended up approving her choice to marry Bill. But long story short, Bill pretended to be like a woman (Kathy) in the past. But the good news is that mom persuaded him away from identifying as female. So, before he died, he started doing things better. That is the good news. It appears that Bill was turning more to Christ, I think.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites
How do we promote Steemit on social networks?
Coin Tree - List of my Crypto Addresses
Maria Arnold - brother's wife
Matt Geddes - Salvation Army Portland
Leah Gray - 2004 WOLBI
Marilyn Morehead Arnold Mitchell - Mom | Morehead | Ma Arnold
Mission Possible Book - 2009 book - Donald Kamese
Mea Omnia - 2012 Website Project
Melissa McQuade - 2007 Kuratli
Doris Verbout Salvationist Tournament - 2010 Moore Street
Blake Webb - 2007 Kuratli, 2007 RevHI, 2009-2010 Moore Street
Jackie Campbell - 2009 Moore Street
Chris Golden - Salvation Army WYI, RevHI, Boot Camp, Lincoln Hawk
Mejee Lutcher - 2007-11 RevHI
Ron Clark - 2008 Agape Church of Christ
Shalini Danielson - 2007 WYI
Jessica Franklin Stevenson - 2007 Revolution Hawaii
Melissa Taylor - 2007 Kuratli
Linnéa Swartz - 2018 - Nehemiah's sister
Nicholas Littlejohn - 2008 PDX
Camie Potter - 2007 Moore Street
Joe Noland - 2007 RevHI
Eric Frendo-Cumbo - Facebook Friend
Gregg Huestis - 2018 Infowars Infocomms
Greg Reese - 2019 Infowars
Linda Myers - 2018 SMVA
Eric Koelbl - 1999 WOL WCC, HCBC
Don Cumbo - Father of Tiffany Cumbo - 1990's Rose Grove
Tim Fosmark - 1990's CCBC
Sharon Clayton - 2010 WYI
Linda Sue Taylor - 2007 Kuratli
Nicole Parong - 2007 Revolution Hawaii
Nellie Evelyn Stroughter - 2010 WYI
Gil Crowell - 2009 Moore Street
Brian Saunders - 2007 RevHI
Emily Mayor - Revolution Hawaii
Ivan Wild - 2007 WYI
Bill Bailey - 1994 apx Rose Grove
Cory Sweany - 1990's Friend of Bill Bailey
Franklin Escalona - 2011 Salvation Army TVC
Rubina Navarro - 2007 apx Salvation Army
Luke Betti - 2007 RevHI
Michael Cumbo - 1990's Rose Grove
Amber Briggs - 1990's Rose Grove, Tiffany Cumbo
Don Cumbo - Father of Tiffany Cumbo - 1990's Rose Grove | Don - 1967-04-18
Lacee Long - 2000 FGHS
Kassandra Jensen - 2000 FGHS
Tasha Anderson - Mellow Yellow - 2007 Kuratli
Amy Carr Reardon - 2007 Salvation Army
Francisco Villalpando - WYI, Lincoln Hawk
Nancy Tuttle - RevHI
Lauren Estill - Salvation Army
Brandon Kyle - 2010-07 Moore Street
Monica Kyle - 2010-07 Moore Street
Jeff Walters - 2007 Kuratli, RevHI
Barbara A. Sloan - 2009-09 Moore Street
Jonnette Mulch - 2007 RevHI
Monica Covert - of Ed of 2010 Redwood Glen
Andrew Frees - 2009 Moore Street
Christopher Mark Toy - Salvation Army, Lincoln Hawk
Jim Sparks - 2007 WYI
Haley Moll - 2008 Kuratli
Lisa Smith - 2007-08 WYI
Michael Kurtz - 2007-06 Kuratli
Mackenzie McQuade - 2007 Kuratli
Michaela McQuade - 2007 Kuratli
Neil Navarro - 2007 RevHI
Cheri Gilden - 2007 Kuratli
Colleen Schallig - 2007 Kuratli

My Accounts

Daniel Smith - Visual Venture
David Duke - Green Oatmeal
Kerry Pickett - Living Jesus
Koelbl Eric - Speak English - seHCM7 - Fonnie Filden
Jill Mill - Joey Arnold Memorial
Joseph Arnold
Joseph Scott Rasp - Real Oatmeal Joey
Moore Street

Dead Accounts

Facebook deactivated, terminated, murdered, the following accounts, profiles:
Billy Breaker
Ironic Mystic
Jo Arnold
Studi English

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Silence is the golden medium between speech and speech

What do you put your trust in ❓🤔

Personality Types

De-Mainstreaming Fake News on YouTube

Estimating Deaths From Corona Virus.

USMC Preparing for Pandemic

FUCK "CHILD "PROTECTIVE"/PREDATOR SERVICES" (CPS): "Updates on Pennsylvania's child protection crisis."

Five Star Trust- The Clinton Foundation- Mayor Pete: The CIA, Drugs & The New World Order

Today In Stupid - Birds of Prey Epic Fail

Carousel Movie Clip and The CPS Take Away - Believing and The Glue of Love - Enjoy with Troy!

Why Not Drill Into The Moon?

The Bill Cunningham's Prayer

What did Americans do before the 1930's?

30% Of American Workers Run Out Of Money Before Payday

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

How do we promote Steemit to New People?

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SBD 2.76