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RE: How do we promote Steemit on social networks?

in #steemit5 years ago

Well I just joined SteemIt. Nowadays you can download a pdf containing 5 private keys. When you have read a lot of startup crap and by coincidence find the link to that PDF.
Private keys on a Social Network? And 5 of them?
Never will there be a mass adoption of that.
But on the other hand - it might be many peoples road into blockchain.
And back again:
5 keys for each site you have an account on - and you are not allowed to loose any of these - so they will have to backed up on an encrypted cloud drive. One day you loose the master key to the that cloud vault or the cloud service is taken down since it could not survice competition...
These private keys will kill the avarage social network user, I guess.
Time will show


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