2020-02-01steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j4 years ago

You cannot say Eric Cinderella. Don't Google Eric Whistle Blower. Because then your eyes will not be able to unsee CIA + RA, my guinea pig, + marsh MELLA. Facebook censors people who talk about Eric Ciaramella. Wash out your eyes. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook might have said recently that they would probably not like ban Holocaust deniers. Meanwhile, I was banned on Twitter in January 2020 for liking Star Wars. I mean real Star Wars. I mean, not Disney lol. Today, I wrote about that time I saw Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie which came out in 2002. I was also trying to get into my old Skype accounts and old email accounts and instant messaging accounts on Google's Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Hotmail, Outlook, etc. Some of them required recovery email accounts which ended up requiring the other email accounts in an endless loop. Some required recovery phone numbers which I no longer have. I sent some requests for help. I've done that before like months or even years ago. I think they never get back to me. Well, that's customer service for you. Some of my AOL email accounts were said to be deactivated due to not logging in for a long time (vague inactivity). But how long is too long? They don't tell you. Had they told me, I would have made sure not to let them die like that. Today, I was also online debating open borders vs having a brain lol. I accidentally dropped a baking pan. It broke right outside near the front door.

Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie at the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, OR
My Coin Tree

Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie at the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, OR

11:49 PM - Steemit

I remember the Pirates That Don't Do Anything. That is what they called themselves. I probably saw the Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) sometime between the release of the film in the United States on Friday, October 4th, 2002, and the time it came out on DVD on Tuesday, March 4, 2003. We saw it at the Grand Lodge Theater of McMenamins who bought the Grand Lodge (in Forest Grove, OR) and/or became the custodians of the building and began renovating it in the fall of 1999.

My Autobiography

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2020-02-01 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-01 - Saturday

Screenshot at 2020-02-01 15:39:58.png
Star Wars Theory Video

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

Contact Me

Coin Tree | Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
Click Here to See More


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Sleep from 10:30 PM to 02:30 AM.


02:48 AM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 1/31/20

You cannot say Eric Cinderella.


03:23 AM - Facebook | My Crypto Tree

Crypto grows as a mechanism to counter centralization and to ease transition towards gold and other things. Crypto is mostly there as a transition and not necessarily as a substitution or replacement for gold and other things. Crypto is mostly a mechanism for wiring money. It helps with extracting money, value, out of countries and into other countries in defiance to authoritarianism, tyranny. There has been over a thousand different cryptocurrencies during the 2010's, these first ten years of this counter to centralization, so far, and that continues to grow, to expand. Long-term investments into crypto, gold, water, land, rocks, food, etc, is key in life, for many reasons. Diversify your portfolios, investments, etc. Be as patient as you can with whatever you do have. Be a good steward, in other words, Jorge Peralta, with what you got. Experiment if you want. Try new things sometimes. Spend 80% of your time on whatever works better. Focus on that first. Only invest as much as you are willing to lose. Because you can always lose. That's how you win.

Star Wars Theory

03:35 AM - George Lucas Reveals Vader Wasn't Supposed to be Luke's Father in Original Script

18 year olds can fall in love with 14 year olds as long as they wait a few years before marriage. All you have to do is wait.


03:41 AM - Star Trek Picard Episode 2 Review | Maps and Legends

Finished watching this video from Thursday morning.

Picard is like Space Matlock meets Firefly.

Copy & Paste

04:29 PM - Sapien

I wrote some articles about these things on Steemit. Why do you say, Rayhan, that I copy and paste? But from who? Are you saying that I suck that I copy from myself? I am not allowed to copy and paste what I write?

Kobe For Kids

05:54 AM - Steemit

Thank you for this. I have not seen these videos before. What NBA legend Kobe Bryant talked about with the sock snake is similar to the light side and the dark side of the force of Star Wars which is also owned by Disney. Now, I wonder if anybody wanted Kobe dead or not. If Kobe was encouraging kids away from Christ, then wouldn't they do their best to make sure Kobe didn't accidentally die somehow? Did Kobe know something that somebody didn't like? Maybe something about Clinton, Epstein, etc?

Trump Wall & Tunnels

05:59 AM - Steemit

Do you want to stop the tunnels? And your house has walls. So, please unlock your door. But you don't. Hypocrisy. So, you want Open Borders? Are you against walls? But your house has walls. So, you support open borders I guess.

Smart Spy TV

06:07 AM - Steemit

Don't they have Smart Televisions that have cameras inserted inside the monitor? I'm not saying the entire screen but I've heard that they showed a family watching a sports game. I think it was the NFL. On the show, the hosts showed a video of the family and said that were able to record the video through the smart TV.

Turned off my laptop.


I had a dream where I interacted with like a teenage stand-up comedian or whatever he was. We were at like a bar and I was in the audience. The guy might have been as young as 15 and may have been a hispanic American. He was up there talking probably. I started talking to him while he was performing. He might have asked some questions for the audience. So, I said, "I'm an Indian American, aye.... I cannot stop saying aye, aye.... Can you hear my accent, aye... I've been in America way too long, aye..." He probably should have asked me if I meant Canadaian, aye. But I said those things and things like that and people laughed and applauded. This boy was also flirting and playing with a light skinned like African American, possible a dancer girl I knew from the Salvation Army Redwood Glen from 2010. That might have been before he was talking to me. I might have got donations from the people because they thought I was funny I think.

In another dream I was walking around Forest Grove, OR, where I grew up, near Cornelius, down the road from Walmart. I was in the parking lot of 7 Eleven and ended up going upstairs. Now in real life, the parking lot has only one floor. But in the dream, it was like a secret garden. I mean, not garden, but there was like a water fountain and these apartments or houses up here and I was thinking about how all of this was a secret to me all of my life until now.

Star Wars Only

11:35 AM - George Lucas returning to Star Wars! No Clickbait!

Rise of Skywalker did not make a lot of money, you liar.

Restarted my PC as something would not unlock.

Craig Mason

11:51 AM - Saturday LIVE: Clean Records Edition

What Bill Gates Said

12:45 PM - Facebook

In 2001, it appears that Steve Balmer said that Linux is cancer. Oh, then I must have cancer then.

Cannot Expose Whistle Blowers?

12:50 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell But if you Google Search "Whistle Blower Eric" in a search engine hint hint, his last name, CIA + my guinea pig, RA + marsh MELLA, pops up. Three parts to his last name. One word.

Click here to search for Eric Ciaramella

Steem Apps

01:32 PM - Steemit

Have you used different Steem apps? I'm asking because some people find it tough to learn how to use. The tricky part can be trying to log into the apps with the right passwords or I mean private keys.

The Key to Keys

02:01 PM - Steemit

Countries should not have the controls over their doors like you do yours? A wall is a tool that can be used for good and for bad. Your Berlin Wall example might be a taken out of context in some ways.

Word of the Day: "NUANCE"

You speak of NUANCE and yet fail to address how walls can be nuance. Instead, your expressing binary rejection of walls except for you're own house.

Federalized Welfare

One of the problems is that America offers too much federalized welfare that tax payers, which includes poor people, have to pay. I'm against taxes. Another problem is that people come into the USA and then vote.

Collectivism vs Individualism

But they begin to vote for collectivism over individualism. Most people prefer collectivism, etc. I don't. America was founded on the ability for people to self-rule, for some anarchy in that the federal government was supposed to be limited according to the activation of the tenth amendment.

Rape + Murder

Too many people come into America and into Europe and they rape and murder people. If you know that, then it is too bad you are not talking about that.

Living Under Rocks

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then that makes me sad that you don't want to know. The only thing worse would be if you say that is not happening.

Power Vacuum

I don't even have time to talk about the problem with power vacuums in regards to how when governments go down, then other governments rise to replace them in many cases and especially in the Middle East which resulted in tyranny filling in the gaps, the holes, which destroys things.


I also don't have time to tell you how globalists infiltrate America and other countries and lead them into wars all around the world for centuries now.


I don't even have time right now to tell you all about what Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, JP Morgan, Oxford, and others, did. I don't even have time to talk about Jihadism. We live in a world with overlords. Real Americans in America desire a wall which many countries already have.

Borders Are Normal

Most nations have borders. Kingdoms had walls. That can be good if you have a good king. It can protect the citizens from invaders.

Open Borders

That's a problem with Open Borders, generally. That's a problem with Sanctuary Cities. That is part of how the Roman Empire and other empires fell again and again in history.

Nuance of Walls

But like you said in the nuance that is there, that walls can be bad if you have bad kings or bad government. Walls can trap people in. That is the nuance of walls, guns, technology, phones, Facebook, etc.

Nuance in the Tools

There is nuance in the tools. It can be used for good and for evil. Americans want a wall and do have some fences. They have been building walls.

Democracy vs Republic

If Americans want a wall, and they vote for a wall, then they should have the freedom to want that. If tourists don't like that, then they should not visit the United States and they better not apply for citizenship.

Vietnam Has Walls

When I lived in Vietnam for five years from 2012-2017, I entered in through a border.

Japan Has Walls

Japan does not have Open Borders. Many countries do not have open borders. The citizens of a country should vote for borders or for open borders. It is that simple.

Value in Voting

Let the people of a nation decide if they want walls or not want walls.

I Like Walls

I want walls. So, I might be Hitler if walls are bad, if there cannot be nuance in that. You said things can be nuance but let's pretend that walls cannot be nuance. But if most people want walls for their city or country or house or neighborhood or state or whatever, then outside parties should not interfere with these types of decisions, right or wrong.

Ownership Rights

I believe in private property rights and in freewill.


I want to let people have the freedom to do what they want to do to the extent it does not hurt other people. I believe in the non-aggression rule which @stefan.molyneux talks about.

Skype Oatmealjoey maybe stolen by email Mr******@hotmail.com

I was experimenting with Pdgin. Didn't work. I went on my Joeyarnoldvn Skype. Couldn't log into other accounts. I ran around different email addresses on Gmail and I guess Hotmail is no more as it connects to Outlook now it seems.

Don't know the exact address of that email address.

Missing My Ear Phones

2014-04-20 - Sunday - 10:13 PM - I emailed a person who was either my roommate at that time or around that time. This was the 20th day of April of 2014 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn. I rented some floor space for sleeping on from him around April and May of 2014. He slept on the floor too next to me. There may have been another man as well sometimes. When I say rented, I mean in exchange for me helping with learning some English. But after about a month, he said that I wasn't helping him enough and he then let me go. His name, David Quoc of Thu Duc, Saigon.

2014-04-20 - Screenshot at 2020-02-01 17:02:12.png

Have you seen my earphones? I am Joey Arnold. This is my new email address. If you want, you can email me your college thesis.

How are you?

Joey Arnold
American English Teacher
I teach at FYG, OEC, etc: I make films...
[email protected] 0163-425-1695
Skype: JoeyArnoldVN

FYG Fellowship Youth Group
I teach English at FYG (they are Vietnamese)
Café Hồng​: ​43 Đoàn Như Hài, 12, Quận 4
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
[email protected] 090-312-4615

OEC Oatmeal English Club
Join my club on Facebook for more information

I have been teaching
in HCM Saigon since 2013 & Vietnam since 2012
at camps in the USA since 2005
family and friends since about 1995
I was born 6 AM Monday, 11th of February 1985
I was born in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA

I have been making films
with friends in the USA since 1995

About Me
I make films, websites, write, draw, comedian, act, direct, invent, design, create, play, travel, guitar, piano, basketball, etc. Add me on Facebook.

About FYG
FYG was founded by Vietnamese people who are fluent in English and Vietnamese. You can contact FYG if you want to know more about us. You can talk and write to FYG in English or Vietnamese.

Some of my self-proclaim titles includes
web designer
motivational speaker
basketball player
spiritual mentor and father to others
and the list goes on
etc. etc.


Details about me

My skin is white. I wear glasses. I live in District 1 of Saigon, Vietnam. I am from the USA (United States of America). I teach English all over Saigon, Vietnam. I have been in Vietnam since 2012. I have making films since 1996 when I was 10 years old. I was born in 1985. I have been a teacher since 1995. I do many things. I have a team of Vietnamese-English translators. Contact us if you are language students, teachers, actors, owners, producers, customer, etc.

I am an English Teacher, life-coach, creator, CEO, businessman, charity missionary, writer, producer, web-designer, artist, musician, inventor, athlete, coach, volunteer, Christian, dancer, singer, guitarist, pianist, speaker, counselor, tutor, and so much more.



Contact Me

Joey Arnold








Google my name.
Joey Arnold Original Oatmeal

to find me all over the internet and I do many things and I am here for you if I can be of assistance concerning almost anything. My life is dedicated to helping others in so many different ways. Share this and ask your friends to contact me as well. Spread the word.

Eat some oatmeal.

Ask Christ to save you.

Thu Duc Residence

2014-05-04 - Sunday - 08:06 AM - The 4th of May of 2014 - I emailed Tran Bao Tan, a former Pagoda Student of mine.

2014-05-04 - Sunday - Screenshot at 2020-02-01 17:18:42.png

I live in Q.Thu Duc. I currently sleep here every night. I also teach at a cafe, 2 - 5 PM, and at a house 5:30 - 7 PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Q.Thu Duc.

He replied asking for more details. 09:37 AM, I added the name of the street I lived on or near in Thu Duc, HCM:

I live on kha van can.

Cafe in District 9

2014-05-15 - Thursday - 11:55 PM - Tran Ban Tan emailed me back:

2014-05-15 - Thursday - Screenshot at 2020-02-01 17:26:29.png

hey, I'm going to ask a coffee shop in Le Van Viet-Q9 and some studends for a English class, when can you come, how many times per week, how much money do you refer, let's me know those things soon

2014-05-16 - Friday - 05:37 AM - I replied:

I am not sure exactly when I can come or for how much money. I can work for free. The more, the better. The more the money per hour, the better. I currently have one English club in Q.Thu Duc in the afternoons and another in the evenings on Wednesdays & Thursdays. People can come to my club in the afternoons at a cafe.

I have another group I teach in Q.9 and/or Q.Thu Duc Saturday afternoons.

I was banned on Twitter for liking Star Wars.

Remi Meeting

2014-05-23 - Friday - 04:30 PM ICT - Remi Meeting. This was the 23rd of May of 2014. They met with me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn Ojawall.

2014-05-26 - Monday - 08:23 PM - Remi English Origin Screenshot at 2020-02-01 17:49:22.png

Remi English Origin

2014-05-26 - Monday - 08:23 PM - I emailed FYG, [email protected], Dai Trinh, Henry Nguyen of Discover in Vietnam, etc about how I was invited to teach a Business English Class at the Remi Cafe.

I ended up teaching some classes there for like a month until like the cops came and Dai Trinh came and there was some kind of drama and we ended up going our separate ways after that. Some of that might be a long story but more on that later.

I emailed them

I might start a Business English Speaking Class at this cafe:

Remy Cafe
​số PP4 Ba Vì, Cư Xá Bắc Hải, P.15, Q.10, TP.Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam 70000
Liên hệ : 090 5533 203 (Trà My)

Remy Manager

Siu Nhưn Lùn: [email protected]

Proposed schedule

Business English Class: 5 - 7 PM Fridays: at Remy

​I was invited to teach Business English at Remy Cafe. Last week, I met with the manager there for the first time.​ They sometimes invite foreigners to this cafe. This means they have some experience with working with people like me.

I met the manager at about 4:30 PM Friday, 2014-05-23 at Remy. I also met with Henry Nguyen whom I first met in around November 2013 or so at a cafe in Q.Phu Nhuan.

I like this cafe. it is very nice. They have live music at times. The people here are nice and interesting as well.

I typed in oatmealjoey and AOL.com said

Uh-oh... This account has been deactivated due to inactivity, but we would love to welcome you back! Click Sign up below to create your new account.

I typed in originaloatmeal and AOL.com said

Uh-oh... This account has been deactivated due to inactivity, but we would love to welcome you back! Click Sign up below to create your new account.


[email protected]

that might be mine

I was teaching in Vietnam when I had these accounts. Some of my laptops have died since. I've moved around. I lost some of my phones and some of the Vietnamese phone numbers. My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I have an online blog and videos that verify what I'm saying.

Coffee chocolate something ice-cream. Dishes. Shaved a bit. Buzz. But not very close. Shower. Bread. Deer meat earlier.

Greta Debate

07:46 PM - Free Square

@Rob_Roy, a man's art predated Walt Disney who trademark and stole the predated art.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Mark Zuckerburg has directed his minions to a new level of censorship on the Facebook Platform!

Yeah calm down everyone.

Russia lockdown border and DJI drones are helping with the outbreak

Putting on your hip boots and wading through 4chan for data

The Censorship Virus

My Perspective on Climate Change and Global Warming

Transmission rate is insane! Corona virus is fast spreading

Seth Rich Dies & the FBI Lies

Mitt Romney turns on President Trump, and his Constituents, over Impeachment; and Really looses support at home!

CO2 and Climate Change - Bad Science Leads to Bad Policy - Please Share This Video - Enjoy with Troy!

We Live in an Age of Forbidden Speech: Eric Ciaramella

Plant a billion trees 10 times faster with drones

Yet Another Study Shows How Psilocybin Significantly Helps With Anxiety and Depression

Biden DESTROYED By Trump

Sunscreens leach up to 360 times more toxic chemicals into the blood than the FDA allows, raising risks for liver and kidney failure, study finds

"Applewatch heart rate detection technology is mine."

Corona is global WHO!!!

CPS & Sheriffs department Getting Owned compilation

MemeLogic - Should We Worry About China?

Trump Wall & Tunnels

Surveillance Technology – Closer to Big Brother

Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie at the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, OR

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

My Coin Tree

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66521.28
ETH 3454.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67