2020-01-10steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

We were watching Anne of Green Gables, I mean with an E. I saw bits and pieces of it. I was watching that Netflix show in 2019. I need to watch more of it someday. I love natural remedies. Why treat people by the color of their skin when you can judge them by the content of their character? | Cynthia Farahat | Over Lord DVD Doom Cock had a good live stream YouTube video for over five hours today. Was also watching Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer. I've been writing articles for each month and each day of my life in 2012. So, I was looking at how I transitioned from America to living in Vietnam for five years from 2012-2017. Once upon a time lived a rooster and a hen. They can be serious at times. I wonder if they're ever too serious with each other. Sometimes, I wonder if the rooster needs more patience. I was chatting with people this week about criminal justice. Knowing the law is very valuable.

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2020-01-10 - Friday

Created & Published Daily

Screenshot at 2020-01-10 15:24:14.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Tumblr Censors Oatmeal

2014-06-01 - Sunday - The First 1st of June of 2014 - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Joey Arnold - Archive.org - joeyarnold7.tumblr.com - Screenshots

Sojourner1 (CF Supervisor) wrote: "Hi JoeyArnold, Your post quoted below was reported and has been removed pending staff review. After consensus is reached your post will either be restored or you will receive further notification by PM. Thank you for your patience while we review your post."

2014-06-01 - Screenshot at 2020-01-10 00:36:14.png

Gold to Bitcoin

01:08 AM - Minds

1 Bitcoin = $7841.13 USD = 5.06 Gold Ounce XAU as of right now according to calculators I found on Duck Duck Go, assuming you can correlate the value and the ratio between Bitcoin and gold through the filter or reference and perspective of the fiat dollar which has been a global standard for better and for worse in the 1900's and 2000's so far.

I would say we may need more time in order for Bitcoin to become independent enough from the volatility of the dollar, first, before we can compare Bitcoin directly to gold.

When you see somebody with some gold, ask that person how much gold for how much Bitcoin and then you will find out.

So, each time you ask, each person can laugh, like you said, it is a case by case kind of thing, well until somebody gives you an exchange rate for how much gold for how much Bitcoin as it is a case by case situation that requires asking people case by case until you find people who don't laugh. Problem solved.

Nothing is money until it is.

Intellectual Property Debate

01:35 AM - Minds | Dissenter

Where do you draw the line between what is Intellectual Property Theft and what might be coincidental?

Some things might be Fair Use. Some things might be in the Public Domain. Some things might be parody. So, where do you draw the line between what is plagiarism and what was as Bob Ross the painter puts it, "Happy Accidents?" If I say, "Just Do It?" Did I just steal that slogan from Nike? If I didn't know that was their slogan and I ended up not giving them credit, am I then guilty of stealing?

Comey used the word, "Intention." Do I have to knowingly have the intention of stealing in order for it to be theft? I guess this is the job that judges, jurors, lawyers, lawmakers, courts, etc, have. I would focus on protecting the rights of physical and tangible private property rights first as a priority, a focus, before trying too hard to get into the abstract of Intellectual Property (IP) which can include our thoughts.

I would focus on ownership rights. I believe in minimizing centralized mechanisms, governments, rulers, tyranny, that is required in enforcing copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc. Copyrights can be selectively enforced. These lines between what is theft and not theft can be blurry or even invisible. The line or the lines can probably move as well, if there even is a line in the first place. It's a slippery slope.

It's potentially dangerous and subjective. It's scary. It's confusing. I don't really think it is fair enough. Because sometimes, people come up with ideas and stories and patents and many different things that end up to be a bit similar or maybe even too similar to things that are already copyrighted, patented, protected, etc.

I've heard people talk about these types of situations, allegedly because not all of the cases are true but some of them are accurate enough. In those situations, content creators are punished for not being omniscient. It would be better if people were not punished for perhaps stealing accidentally and not purposely and not knowingly.

I write a lot. I say a bunch of crazy things. But I may, if I have not already, say things that might get me sued or in trouble. I might be accused of stealing, etc. And that is the scary world that we live in. I can be accused of plagiarism, etc, even when I can be innocent of trying to steal, etc, etc. That is the scary part. Content creators, etc, can end up being sued, fined, imprisoned, murdered, etc, etc.

I'm not sure if you can categorize IP through the lens of socialism or capitalism; well, at least not specifically the way that you described those two options above. I love free markets and I believe in minimizing copyrights, etc.

What do you want to protect your IP from?

Do you want to ban hate speech and disinformation from the Internet?

Do you want to centralize the Internet?

Do you need a copyright in order to take precautions?

What is the seal of a king?

When trying to protect Intellectual Property (IP), you can either try your best to protect your IP yourself or you can beg governments and others to do it for you. Now, beyond that, you can also let the free markets sort it out. If somebody is selling your IP, then you should market that. Raise awareness to that. Expose them. Tell Project Veritas, IW, WIkileaks, etc. Tell everybody who stole your IP. Try your best to discredit them. Sue them if you want.

Find ways to compete with them. It is like competing with yourself if they're using your stuff. So, it is like Michael Jordan playing basketball against Michael Jordan. Yes, Michael can cry or he can work very hard to win against himself. He will likely improve and win. You protect your IP by documenting your story, your ideas, your archives, your autobiography, like I do on Steemit, on the Internet, in books, in videos, by publishing some of it so that more and more people know that it is your idea, your IP, so that when people steal it, then people will know who they stole it from. That is the value of going public. So, that is why Star Wars went public with releasing their trailers on their official YouTube channel so that people can see that as the main source even as others will upload the same exact trailer(s) to their YouTube Channels. Let the free markets decide. Tell your story. Compete with yourself if need be. I want to be like Mike. WWJD, What Would Michael Jordan Do.

Have you not met my friend, Mr. Google?

You can find blueprints to bombs, jets, etc, online.

Satish Luintel Wrote

02:33 PM - Dissenter

You're kidding me. Give me the sonar designs that Israel just sold some time ago to Indian Defense for millions of dollars. Give me the AI tools major corps exported to China.

You're saying Google is Oracle, this is a joke of the year.

The Expanse

2020-01-10 - Friday - 02:36 AM - 03:22 AM - The Expanse 205

Eros is on a collision course with earth. The germs took over that rock and is moving it on its own course.

The cop finds the girl who is guiding Eros to earth. In her mind, she is dreaming about going home. He kisses her. She says he belongs with her. She is naked and connected to Eros via the germs. In the end, it looks like they smash into another planet and blow up.

The Expanse

2020-01-10 - Friday - 03:23 AM - 04:07 AM - The Expanse 206

The Epstein Drive

The strong Mars chick sees a black space alien creature.


Was going back to WOLBi or was trying to in my dream. Was in like a plane and flew over Mount Baldi or something which might be in Oregon in real life. Met a girl there or somewhere that was a combination of people I met in rea life or was just one hispanic girl and/or Vietnamese girl. Maybe Naomi from high school. We were somewhere to dance in the lobby. So she sat down on a chair next to me. So, I asked her how she was doing as she was like a friend of mine or she was like looking forward to be there with me. I was almost like an older brother to her in my mind as I was some years older than her based on how she looked like she was like 20 years old or early twenties most likely. My dream involved mostly of like returning to college, WOLBI NY, my first college from 2004-2006. I saw Eric Koelbl walking around the WOLBI welcome sign which was also Salvation Army camps at the same time in that dream.


10:18 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Not geoengineering.



10:56 AM - Minds | 2012-07 - July of 2012

When I went to court, the DA showed the judge photos of my dad's GF's arms which were full of bruises, injuries, she was around 60 years old and she was drinking and smoking all day while hiding in my dad's room for months.

She had an oxygen tank to help her breath. She was very skinny and looked pretty old and sick. She was yelling at my dad each day. She would yell more than my dad would at my mom. So, the DA told the judge that I did that to her arms. I pleaded guilty that I did that to her arms, a class B or C misdemeanor, so that the DA would drop the Class A charge which is worse.

Had I not, the DA would have said, "Joey told the officer he did it which proves he is guilty since he confessed to stopping an emergency phone call. Since he confessed to it, then it proves it was an emergency. Otherwise, he would deny it if it was a fake 911 call." My bad and free tax-payers paid lawyer would have probably said that I didn't know any better.

The judge would probably say to me, "Tough luck, you should have known better, young man," and that I would have to spend some months in prison and that the law does not care about my ignorance, my feelings.

The trial lasted about 5 minutes.

2017 ORS 166.065¹

Oregon Harassment Law
Oregon Fines & Misdemeanors List

That particular law may not be applicable to me because she was not using my phone to make a fake 911 call. That one law seems to say if a person uses your phone to do it, then you can be held liable for that. But it was her phone. That one law also seems to say that she would be guilty if she knew it was not an emergency, meaning she could argue and plead that she thought it was an emergency even when it wasn't, meaning the judge may have ruled in her favor still, that she would not be found guilty as she really thought it was a real emergency inside her drunkard mind. It was not an emergency but that law seems to be focused on the perception of the person, that if the person was not knowingly trying to deceive, or whatever the case might be, then there is no legal guilt. So, in my particular case from 2012, my lawyer would have probably failed to argue and convince the judge that she was guilty of that one crime had he tried to. My lawyer didn't tell me about this second law but he probably knew about it, unless if he was incompetent, deceptive, and/or etc, AKA a bad lawyer who was funded by the tax payers in America.

Injustice For All

She called and said that I was a slob. She said to 911 that I told her to go to her room. I was cooking dinner. She was sitting there drinking and smoking as she usually would do all day each day. She would yell at my dad each day. Sometimes, she would yell at me. So, she called the cops.

Who is FlagDUDE08?

Six in One Can Opener

01:00 PM - YouTube | Pillow Bread

Six-in-one for can opener

  1. BAG - A hidden blade for opening bags!
  2. CLAMP - A clamp for opening safety seals (e.g. on a new ketchup bottle)!
  3. PULL TAB - A pull tab hook!
  4. WINE - A pop tab hook!
  5. SEALS & LIDS - A handle that grips tight lids for easy twist-off!
  6. JARS - A bottle opener!


HIGH QUALITY - Made of stainless steel 2CR14 material +TPR matte feel comfortable, high hardness and corrosion resistance.

ARC HANDLE DESIGN - the human body mechanics principle, grasps the sense to be comfortable, enhances grasps the grip strength, uses more effort.

ERGONOMICALLY DESIGNED - Perfectly grips and opens easily almost all Soda and Water Plastic Bottles. Easily twist off screw caps with a simple twist. These modern essential tools do so much with great ease.

ARTHRITIS FRIENDLY - Perfect for Arthritis and Seniors. No more frustrating opening bottles, or tight jars.

Stopping Trump

01:39 PM - Twitter

they are trying to steal it from trump like they did in 2016 but a thousands harder this time around and they are trying to remove him before that as well

If God Was Female

01:42 PM - Twitter Trending

God is male and female according to the Bible.

Stefan Molyneux

02:51 PM - Dad Versus Politician: Elizabeth Warren and the Lost Girls

Equality does not exist as mothers can abort their babies and give their children up for adoption while fathers are unable to opt out and are forced to pay for children they are legally unable to see.

Geeks + Gamers

04:28 PM - After Destroying Woke Hollywood Elites, Ricky Gervais Tells Us Why He Did It

Liberal Ricky was roasting leftists, not liberals.

Mea Omnia

2013-06-30 - Sunday - The 30th or thirtieth or 30 of 06 or June or Jun of 2013 - MeaOmnia.com - Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn | Brent Groth | Comcast Wanted Adventure Host | Mea Omnia Website - My Everything - Screenshot

2013-06-30 - Sunday - Mea Omnia Screenshot Screenshot at 2020-01-10 16:11:12.png

Mea Omnia Index.php

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Mea Omnia

2013-10-06 - Sunday - The sixth of October of 2013 - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Joeyarnoldvn - Mea Omnia Screenshot - Photo Wall (p)

2013-10-06 - Sunday - Mea Omnia Photo Wall Screenshot at 2020-01-10 17:19:12.png

Mea Omnia


Mea Omnia Phone

2013-10-06 - Sunday - Mea Omnia Phone Screenshot

2013-10-06 - Sunday - Mea Omnia Phone Screenshot at 2020-01-10 17:55:11.png


Here, you’re able to activate any telecommunication frequency across the globe. This will be a satellite gift from us to you. Take off the tin foil, the reception is on us.

Michael Jackson

05:44 PM - Mea Omnia - Archive - Michael Jackson Fans Tribute Collage Music Video - Who Do You Love - 2013-10-06 - October of 6th of 2013 Screenshot

My mom was watching Anne With An E today. She noted how the black woman got sick and died. THey treated her nicely and sang to her as a community before she died. Doctors should focus on prevention over correction. If they knew less about germs, they could have at least knew about vitamins or the foods they come from. Indians did. Perhaps, there were ancient European herb doctors as well that were similar to the herb doctors in America, the Native Indians counterpart. I would hope they knew. Some did know. Some lived 200 years or longer centuries ago. Not very many people but it is possible to live a very long time.

I was crying while watching this music video of fans singing to a Michael Jackson song, who do you love. I should be there in the world inspiring artists to be fierce like MJ did. I should be there doing what I can and I have always felt that I was and am and will always be that kind of person since 1993 when I was eight years old in Oregon where I grew up. I was daydream becoming like MJ in front of people. That was my song, my guiding force in many ways. It speaks to me every once in a while.

Overlord DVD

06:49 PM - Friday Night Frolics! Star Trek Picard! Lameolas!

Isolationist of Other Universes Haha @Overlord DVD

I will love to hate Picard.

Picard is my father. So, I will only watch because I care about Picard, not Patrick Stewart, @Overlord DVD .

Racism is not bad.

Racism has no exact meaning and therefore is a very bland word that has lost potency.

Racism is bad when you believe a person is not a person and cannot even try to do something within reason perhaps.

The problem is that some people conflate the definitions of racism with other terms like favoritism, ignorance, skepticism, shyness, lacking trust, being busy, etc.

Harvey's Shatner made me laugh.

@Goomba The Grey I think Bob Mill's Oats are pretty organic and tasty. It depends on how you cook it and what you put in it.

I don't mind bringing back Palpatine.

Omni Words

Car Video

Oatmeal Talk

Bob Mill's Steel Cut Oats

RIP Bob Ross Cock

I love me some Bob Ross Cock in the morning @Overlord DVD

Helmet Harvey Haha

Fat Harvey LOL

Harvey 2020

Harvey is touching his Mr.T again.

@Bionic Bellybutton AKA trailers in the ghetto in Oregon lol

I told her I was a baby kangaroo and she was like oh you live in a little pouch. Oh, AKA a trailer growing up.

Mea Omnia Work

10:51 PM - Telegram

Satish Luintel, yeah, we were using Wordpress. We were paying Godaddy. For a while, the server had CentOS which I believe is like Linux. One of the problems we faced was that Go Daddy was a bad daddy haha. They kept on asking for more money. They would tell us that we had too much traffic, that we had to upgrade to premium products & services.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2020-01-09 - Thursday
2020-01-10 - Friday
2020-01-11 - Saturday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Education | Entertainment | Health | History

Banning Oatmeal - Part 25

Chill With The Notifications

1913 Created 1933? Twenty-Year Pattern Theory

Is 2020 The Beginning of a New Decade?

Three Year Old Oatmeal - Do Not Eat This

Tyranny Checklist

Caricatures of clashes in Dong Tam

Stefan Molyneux - The Story of Your Enslavement

I’m Responsible

Tucker WARNS Trump: You Will NOT Get Reelected UNLESS You Restrain Google!

Terrorism Defined

In Vietnam, driving after eating a fruit can be punished

Are You My Mother? A Tale of Two Breastfeeding Mommies

The Donald Himself QUIVERING IN FEAR of Bernie Sanders AND SOCIALISM!!!!! | Above It All #6

SHOCKER: More Than A Third Of U.S. Healthcare Costs Go To Bureaucracy | Above It All #5

Canada's Bloody Harvest... Legalized Organ Harvesting

Just Numbers On A Screen...

Clash between authorities and people in Dong Tam: Spiritual leader Le Dinh Kinh and his son died

Bitchute Needs Our Help!💛🖤👌🏻


Hominid Evolution

We Are Skimming Through Life and We Will Regret It!

Cowboys and Indians Talking #Wexit

New Study: US Gov’t Spent $6.4 Trillion on Military Actions in Over 80 Countries Since 9/11

Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself

What is Christmas? Where does it come from?

Facebook Bans Kissing

Cynthia Farahat

Injustice For All


The federal government has said that they lost count how many there are. Over 10,000 federal statutes, laws, codes, rules, acts, etc.....

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