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Blockchain can be dangerous if it violates privacy. But tech cartels, governments, agencies, organizations, etc, are in fact violating our privacy. So, therefore, blockchain is giving us an alternative, a counter. Drunk Joey Videos | 10 vids | Have you met the muffin man show? Geeks + Gamers went live to raise money for Red Cross for the fires in Australia. It was interesting to see them talk with Dash. | Lacking a Sense of Perspective | I made ten videos. I sang a little in them. I said a few things. Took 18 photos. Should I join Snap Chat? I changed my Facebook avatar. Craig Mason Video this morning talked about Canadian and American 1800's history. The Expanse. Don't talk to cops. Some people do and their words are used against them in a court of law.

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2020-01-11 - Saturday

My Day in Review


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Lacking a Sense of Perspective

Diving in Deep

12:44 AM - Steemit

Surfing the Internet today is no worse than surfing libraries thousands of years ago apart from radiation, the 5G that gives children cancer, the tech cartels who are always trying to take over the world more and more. Seeing things deeply involves connecting dots and the process of analyzing can help us simplify things.

Choosing Beliefs

01:06 AM - Steemit

I use certain words because people can sometimes confuse and conflate between different words, terms, definitions. So, I try finding new combinations of words in order to encourage people to think differently. I believe in the non-aggression principle which Stefan Molyneux and others talk about. So, that belief might be a desire in the sense that a desire can be seed to believing, to choosing beliefs which then produces more choices.

Crypto vs Law

01:39 AM - Steemit

Technically, cryptocurrencies are not fiat. But lawmakers have been trying to regulate and stop crypto.

Nonsense Contest

01:53 AM - Steemit

I think you just taught me a new word, asemic. I think I write like that, sometimes, like in code, like open-ended, where it is up to interpretation like beauty and art and music and movies are in the eye of the beholder, like a pile of puns in a fun hun factory haha.

The Expanse

2020-01-11 - Saturday - 02:46 AM - 03:33 AM - The Expanse 207

The Proto Molecule only moves forward like we ought says the mad scientist man with no feelings.

The head of the belt promotes communism.

He hates peace and loves sharing.

He swallows a pill that gave him info to help him interview the woman.

Cover up for the alien attack.



Dr. Todd Grande

11:19 AM - 10 Signs of Daughter with Dependent Personality Traits | Mother-Daughter Relationship

Craig Mason

11:22 AM - Saturday LIVE: Clear Vision Edition

British Empire was the precursor ofor to globalism endeavors. I wonder if we could add other empires to that list.

USA was doing good in the 1800's. England didn't like how the American system was going viral and other countries wanted to emulated that economic system. So, globalists were trying to stop it.

Central bank attempt around 1812 in America.

USA Corps created in 1871 some people say.

Grandpa Kylo haha

History of Canada

Qanon Q Car Man in Australia.


11:39 AM - Steemit

i love me some bananas in that crazy jungle which reminds me of my life in vietnam and discord seems to be more popular than steemit or at least used differently by some people in some ways

I Hate To Disappoint You But

12:01 PM - Twitter - #HateToDisappointYouBut

There are white lines, geoengineering, chem-trails, not con trails, I mean terraforming out there and globalists manipulate it to control and destroy humanity and everything. We can only stop that as we talk about that and spread the word.


12:13 PM - Don't Talk to the Police

Value in the fifth amendment.

A guy was found guilty of assaulting a woman. He said he didn't do it. So, it was his word against her word as there were no witnesses. But the cops talked to him and he said he laid hands on her but only as a joke. But the cop testified with that and he was found guilty because he said that to the police officer.

Even if you record the conversation on camera talking to the police, the cops could purposely or accidentally put your answers, your testimony, with other questions or other things they did not say to take things out of context like fake news does and like Megyn Kelly did to Infowars Alex Jones. So, therefore, you need to record the conversation on your end and livestream the whole thing between you and the police so they cannot take you out of context. But still, in some cases, innocent people convicted of crimes they did not commit. What you say can be used against you.

I wonder if my online autobiography can be used against me in a court of law. I understand that it may. So, I knowingly take that risk to talk a lot as all that I say and write might be used against me someday.

You can say you were not in the city where the murder happened. You were with your mommy. Your mom's testimony is worth nothing. Now, imagine an high school GF who said she saw you in the city. Then, in a court of law, they could put her on a stand where she says she saw him.

Common Wealth Attorney

When they pick you up, they take you to a room. You want to leave. They may get paid overtime meaning they are not motivated to get out as soon as possible.

When pulled over for speeding, you should hand them your attorney's card.

Miranda Rights.

You may not want to talk like the people you are talking to in interviews as that might be an insult and may not help but you do want to be yourself and connect with them.

I value transparency and that is why I like blockchain. I'm willing to go to jail for a good cause as a martyr, like Tommy Robinson.

A guy confessed and said he does not sell stolen items to pawn shops but to flea markets which may be under the table more so than pawn shops.

Can a cop arrest you for what you said or wrote in emails, newspapers, book, on the Internet, in videos, magazines, on public bulletin boards, billboards, online, offline, in word documents, on computers, in files, etc, or does it have to be recorded live and direct between the suspect and the police as opposed to indirectly through other people (hearsay) or other things? That is what I want to know.


12:30 PM - 03:00 PM - Washed the dishes for a few hours or so.

Saving the 4th & 5th Amendment

03:17 PM - Dissenter | Minds

I had to look up that term, decriminalization. Interesting word. Now, for the record, I'm just a kid with glasses. So, I'm not saying I'm as smart or as historically significant when compared to a guy like Edward Snowden. But when I write and make videos, I'm trying to encourage the next Snowden to make the right decisions.

The tricky part is navigating between transparency and privacy and that is where police could turn things against you. Depending on the situation, we should try to keep some things more secret (private) and some things public (transparent), for the record. Life is full of nuance. In some cases, you might do better going public at the risk of it being used against you like in the case of Snowden, Julian Assange, etc. I encourage people to be a whistleblower if that is the best alternative, the better choice at hand.

Thanks to tech cartels, thanks to the spying, the NSA, the CIA, MI6 (SIS), those government agencies, other groups in other countries, etc, things that we try to keep secret on the Internet either are or might be archived according to Snowden and others, that they may be collecting the information, the metadata, the timestamps, the timelines, the photos, videos, articles, etc, and it might be used against you.

I say that to say that we should always try to keep some things as private as possible, as secret as possible.

However, keep in mind that some things might be not secret enough and might be used against you which either means you should possibly go public with it or maybe not. It depends on many variables of course but individuals should consider these things. That is the tricky thing because some things might not be secret any more. Therefore, we might want to put some things out there for the record so that the general public can understand what is happening. Corrupt governments, cartels, and others, can struggle more when you expose them, when you go public, and it can be harder for them to cover it up.

On the other hand, it might be easier for them to cover it up if you keep it a secret, assuming they know that you know something that they don't want you to know. That is why some people end up committing suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head a few times followed with dragging themselves in black body bags into the river post-modem. Haha, I mean, postmortem.

4th Amendment = They shouldn't steal the info from us.
5th Amendment = We shouldn't give the info to them.

The problem that we face is that the Internet is like a window into privacy into what the 4th amendment and 5th amendment sought to protect.

So, we live in tricky times.

The best way to compare now with then is to compare bloggers and vloggers of today with writers from like the 1800's (and prior to that) who may have written things that either did or might have criminalize them to get them in trouble even if they were in fact innocent and not guilty.

That type of comparison would be interesting.

Regaining Balance

03:46 PM - Dissenter | Minds

Interesting. Sedition is interesting.

Now, by the way, a remedy and reaction to some extent to the Internet, to the age that we live in, to the corruption in governments and other things, etc, might be the transparency of blockchain.

In other words, transparency can violate privacy, the 4th & 5th amendments for example, but due to the circumstances of how things are of where we are in world history, like I said, with all things considering, blockchain is helping the world. Cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, etc, is helping us counter certain problems.

Theoretically, there may be some problems with blockchain, that is the decline of privacy, etc, but we don't live in a hypothetical bubble of theories but in the real world with too many variables to keep track of.

One of the problems is that of the tenth amendment. So, in other words, the corrosion of the 4th, 5th, and 10th amendments, etc, have been aiding in 1984 Big Brother Authoritarianism.

Blockchain serves as a reaction that tries to countermeasure all of that. I say blockchain is a solution. I'm not saying it is the only solution.

But it is all about trying to regain balance.

Genealogy Between Bane & Palpatine Question

04:46 PM - The Force

I was just watching a YouTube video talking about Plagueis' Master's MASTER and that made me wonder who his master was. I know that Bane started the rule of two. I wonder if there are books, comics, etc, that may fill in the gap.

Hello Oatmeal There

04:55 PM - The Force

I'm back. I've not been on here a lot in so many years. I'm a big fan of Palpatine. I like the prequels.

I admire the Padme character and she might be my second favorite character after Ahsoka.

Clownfish TV

05:27 PM - The Rise of Skywalker: J.J. Abrams PASSED on Asian Rey AND Sidelined Rose Tico?!

Jessica Henwick (Collen Wing on Iron Fist) was reportedly 'desperate' to play Rey in the Star Wars sequels. After months of waiting, she was shot down. However, J.J. Abrams gave her a background part as an X-Wing pilot. This, on top of sidelining Rose Tico in The Rise of Skywalker, makes us wonder if Lucasfilm isn't just projecting onto the fandom. Hmm...

They're reycist. Racist. Rey Palpatine Skywalker.

Too bad Rey wasn't played by Angelina Jolie.

I like sand vs they fly now haha.


06:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Dishes. Shaved my beard. Shower. Soup for dinner.

Made 10 Videos

06:00 PM - 08:45 PM - Muffin Man - Drunk Joey - 18pics 10vids/Video

Do you know the muffin man inside your mind VID_20200111_204759.mp4
Do you know the muffin man show VID_20200111_184343.mp4
Do you know the muffin man who makes you go insane and turns people into zombies song VID_20200111_204921.mp4
Drunk Joey Show - ft. Rambo VID_20200111_203628.mp4
Genie Joey wants to know if you woke him up from his blender slumber VID_20200111_183321.mp4
Hot Red Oatmeal Peppers - Lights On - Nobody's Home VID_20200111_204642.mp4
That's Crazy Starring Balex Bones - What's a Leftist - A Humanist 2.0 - VID_20200111_204130.mp4
The light is not helping me a lot VID_20200111_182707.mp4
You don't have to worry if on the rock VID_20200111_182101.mp4
You don't have to worry Ray Charles VID_20200111_182537.mp4


09:24 PM - Steemit

It comes down mostly to relevance. If you learn something and don't use it, then it is probably not worth it. So, in other words, it comes down to application and practicality of what is used.

America vs Asia

11:54 PM - Steemit

Red vs Blue

A lot of Americans in the red states should generally be less awkward when they see people try to record them.

Cool Thai Girl

Your English is not as broken as some people haha. You mainly have a different style, a different accent, and things like that. Most people in the United States like President Trump and a lot of them tend to be comfortable around cameras.


But at the same time, I noticed differences between American and Vietnamese when I lived in Vietnam. So, you are right that some Americans are awkward around new people or certain people. Many of the Vietnamese people I met were very open and they treated me like family and I liked that. America is bigger than many countries. Vietnam is like the size of California.

Fisherman Wharf



Trump was talking about running in 2000 which is when that Simpsons episode aired meaning it was mostly a silly insult towards Trump, like a threat to tell people not to vote for Trump who will bankrupt America like FDR did in 1933


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