One life and a thousand roads

in #lifestyle5 years ago (edited)
Life must be traveled along a path. We can choose that path and if we don't like it we can change to another path. That road is almost never straight because it has curves, curves can represent obstacles. Along the way there are also ups and downs (failures). From time to time they appear crossroads; there you have to make decisions.

Image source PublicDomainPictures

The roads may have trails and shortcuts but it will be our choice if we rush to reach our goal faster.

In terms of athletics we could say that life is a race of endurance rather than speed. That is, the important thing is not to arrive quickly but to have strategies to achieve our goals in life.

Life must be lived fully enjoying the most beautiful landscapes we can find. When I look at the image I see a clear horizon, I hear the birds chirping, I breathe the scent of a green field sown with flowers. We must learn to look at the gentle side of the path of life. That is to see the opportunities and possibilities that are around us or in front of us.

Image source PublicDomainPictures

There are dirt roads, cobbled roads, muddy roads, etc. the relevant thing will not be the material with which the road is made but the shoes we use to travel it. Shoes are our strengths, our values and our principles. With appropriate shoes we will have very valuable learning, good or bad but they will be learning. Therefore, as we move forward in life, we must change our shoes because that will mean that we understand the value of our teachings and we can move more successfully towards new purposes.

I think the most important thing is to move forward. Many times it is necessary to stop to rest but always to lift the face, breathe deep, dream and move forward.

To live life in terms of grammar is to learn and practice the gerunds: singing, dancing, smiling, walking, musicalizing, writing, studying, photographing, painting, etc.

Living life does not have an instruction manual, but there are tips that can be shared, for example: have a positive attitude to any event and know that we can always choose and change our choices.

I am in the middle of my way. How much I have walked! And how I long to keep walking! Obviously, I am not immortal nor do I want to be, but I am optimistic, dreamy and I want to recreate new landscapes in my life.

I wonder at what point in your life the way you find?, Are you happy? You have dreams? How do you visualize your goals?

If you liked what you read, I will feel very satisfied. Do not forget to leave me your comment,

Infinite greetings!


Super to see you posting here on reggaesteem. I would love to hear how you connect these feelings specifically through creative writing in short stories associated directly to the Caribbean or experiences thereof.

Quite interesting, this descriptive piece, bringing a creative imagination similar to @jadnven to RS.


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Thanks for your comment. Soon I will make a publication located more in the Caribbean. Part of what I say here is a connection with reggae. Regards @conradsuperb

Will be looking so forward to this :-)
I appreciate your creative edge and connection to reggae through this piece

Hopefully hearing from you soon 🙂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Marcy, I am dreamy too and I love endurance and what a wonderful post you have here hehe.

Thank you! The attitude of live - "living" is the path of creators and dreamers!

Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Thank you @mayvileros for the great support for this publication. Infinite greetings!

Nice place

Thank you for reading!

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