2019-01-05steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j6 years ago (edited)

News Wars Studio Screenshot at 2019-01-05 13:26:51.png

I love to sing.

I made the following videos, Saturday: the first week of 2019 in review video, the Abused Mother Song, the Black Sheep Song, the Echo Song, the Pokemon Facebook song, the Power Rangers Boom Boom song, Reaction to Red Velvet Sappy video, and the Rom Avril Lavigne Boyfriend BF song. A few other videos were deleted. They didn't make the cut. Actually, I didn't really like any of them. But I forced myself to upload those videos to YouTube and to a page on Facebook. I may upload them to other websites later on like I normally do. There may be a bit of an audio delay. I got to work on that. I was looking at different programs I may want to use for making videos, Saturday. I've been thinking about that today as well. I may need to buy a camcorder that can take HTML input from my computer, my laptop, so I can screenshot, screen capture. I got to make sure my camcorder or computer or whatever I use to make videos is fast enough, enough RAM as I only got 4 GB of RAM on this laptop, and enough GPU GHZ and CPU GHZ of speed as well and my hard drive might be skipping and getting old after like 3 years since August of 2016 when I bought this Lenovo laptop in Saigon, Vietnam. I really need a pause button and the ability to screen capture and also capture from multiple cameras and the ability, again, to pause. I don't see a capture button on OBS, the program I use for making videos and live streaming as well. So, I've been looking at other programs I may want to experiment with.

Day In Review

2019 - January - Week 01 - 01 - Tuesday - 02 - Wednesday - 03 - Thursday - 04 - Friday - 05 - Saturday

why not

Vietnam Is Awesome?

In other news, I submitted a picture of me and my friends at a museum in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, from 2013, to the Vietnam Is Awesome (VIA) Facebook group and that was rejected. I told the moderators and the administrators about it. The founder of the group, Philip, told me to resubmit the post and to tag him in it. So, I did and it was approved. No big deal except for the fact that it was originally NOT approved which means some people may not like me or something. I also posted the same photo to another Vietnam group and then people commented mocking how ugly and racist and deplorable I was. I was watching a video with Millie Weaver and Kaitlin Bennet of Liberty Hangout. about how we are already in a national crisis, and we already are under something like Marshall Law since America went bankrupt in 1933. We know that because we can look at the laws, the acts, that were passed in 1913, 1933, etc... Trump should declare it if he hasn't already as we already live in it. We would rather not, but you got to do what you got to do with the best that you do have, with whatever you do have. Alex Jones had a video that talked about those things as well. I watched videos from Lionel Nation, Geeks & Gamers, etc. I was on that forbidden frog forum. The Info Moms is a new thing that is rising. I watched a new video from that. You can go there to find like-minded folks all around the United States of America (USA) that are promoting family first and community first values.

Millennial Millie Weaver

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My Saturday Videos

They're a little funny, but not really good


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