Day 120: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: vitamins

in #freewrite6 years ago


Please welcome the newest freewriters!! Visit, comment, and vote on their posts. We all love that, right?


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Over 20 Club

Our oh so talented freewriter @fireawaymarmot has gifted us with this beautiful badge!!! Thank you so much!!

If you haven't read any of his freewrites yet, you are in for a treat. Each one comes with an original illustration! Without further ado here is @fireawaymarmot's Over 20 Club post

All of you who have been writing with us for a bit know this man: @f3nix. His first freewrite was on Day 1! He is funny and sometimes, you have to be careful while reading his work. It all starts out friendly - and then... But you better read some of his stories yourself. Here are @f3nix favorite freewrites for you.

We have the beautiful review of our resident cat lover @whatisnew. If you visit her blog, you see lots of information on the beautiful things you find in nature - like bugs. Those often make it into her freewrites as well. You probably also know our friend for sending random tips to your wallet. Here is @whatisnew's blast from the past

You all know what to do, right? Give them all the best upvote you got!!!

If you don't know what 100 % vote or fully powered up means, please read the section on voting below.

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Prompt: vitamins

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.

If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Here is @snooks excellent tutorial on how to join our freewrite adventure

And @improv's input:

Two things I do a little differently. I just type "timer" into google and it pops up a 5-minute timer. I also type directly into steemit. I also rarely use a photo, don't I? So that's three things.

Please read, comment and vote (if you have voting power) on each others freewrites as much as you can. Especially if you are new to the platform, you will be surprised how many friendships are formed by reading and commenting on each other's work!

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Contests by our Fellow Freewriters

  • @fireawaymarmot has a very special contest. Listen to his music and then, write your story!! How cool is that!!! Go to his profile for the latest prompt.

  • @improv is the master of puns! Enter his Punday contest here

  • The Constrained Writing Contest by our fellow freewriter @svashta is on! Check his blog for the latest contest. Click here to join

  • @miniature-tiger is hosting a 50-word story challenge. This is the opposite of what we are doing.
    Here, you spill your gut out typing fast! The timer is beeping any time.
    There - think about every word. You only get 50 to tell the story!
    Click here to accept the challenge! and check his profile for the newest updates.

  • If you like a picture to be the prompt, check out the #365daysofwriting challenge hosted by @mydivathings. Every day, a new picture to entice you weave a story.

Contests Galore

  • @moneyinfant posts a daily update of writing contests!! Go to his profile and start winning :)

  • Another compilation of all kinds of contests by @artz. A new one comes out every Monday! Check the profile.


Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90! or use

Here is an excellent article explaining how to maximize your vote by @taskmaster4450. It helps you to grow to vote wisely!! And a more recent one

And here is a counter opinion on voting by our freewriter @improv

This post is talking about using your vote for maximum curation. Thank you, Asher @abh12345 Read the post here

Bandwidth Problems

I know that many of you are very new to the platform and your wallets are pretty empty. Believe me, we all started there!! Here is an excellent article which explains what bandwidth is and why you might have a hard time logging in some days - or posting. Thank you @jrswab for this explanation

There are many contests on Steemit. From art to music to writing and everything in between. Enter as many as you can!! And take advantage of the free money people give away I listed in the money section below.

Can one of the newer Steemians please let us know if this is still a problem?

Great Opportunity

This is a great opportunity for those of you who are more serious about your writing and are ready to take it to the next place. The Isle of Write just announced their new project. SBD can be won and you can even make it into a print edition. Read the details here.
An update on how to enter your work.

Writing help

  • A free app: Grammarly. A lot of us are not native English speakers and I am finding it a helpful app. It will underline spelling and grammar mistakes. Just remember that is is not always right -especially if you use complex sentence structures. Here is the link

  • Remember The Most Dangerous Writing App. You set the time - 5 min - and start typing. Don’t stop!!! It will destroy what you wrote if you stop for more than 3 seconds - and backspace does not count as writing on the app. If you are prone to stop and think - this app forces you to keep going. You can make corrections after the 5 minutes are over.

  • A timer. Egg timer is a free tool you can use on your desktop to set a time. This is useful for our freewrites or if you want to work in blocks of time and then take a break. Here is the link

  • Our fellow freewriter @arbitrarykitten has a business here on Steemit. Several editors are offering to edit and format your post for a small fee. Check out their intro post

  • Our discord channel Isle of Write has workshop rooms for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry where some of the experienced writers might be able to give some tips. Join with this link

  • If you are ready to get serious about improving your understanding of the English language check out @majes.tytyty blog. He has lots of useful information to understand words and their roots better. If you have questions or need help, leave a comment on his blog.

  • Check out @ghasemkiani if English is not your first language. He explains many idioms. Often to use those correctly is the biggest struggle when using a foreign language. He uses #idioms-tutorial

  • If you know of other helpful tools or people, please share with us!


There are several people who offer SBD for free on this platform! How great is that!!

Here are a few

@fisheggs - follow this account and you get upvotes at random times.
@sydesjokes - he rewards his followers with SBD for any kind of interaction with him- comment, vote, resteem.
@craigcryptoking- he does a giveaway a few times a week. All you have to do is to be the first, or fourth or eight commenter. And he added a few more.
@danielsaori - he does a comment contest. A new challenge every week.
@rexusmo - I think a few of you have started to leave links to your post. Every day, he has a cheering up post. You leave a link to a post you are proud off and you might get a reward. Keep trying!!

Steemit Tools

This is the most comprehensive list of applications on this blockchain I have seen. I highly recommend that you bookmark it!! I also will include it in the growing resource section in the future. Steemit Tools

Staying Legal

This is an excellent article by @dmcamera on how to use images legally. A must read!!


Remember, we have our own room in the Isle of Write Discord!
Here is the link to join .

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Also, I would love it if you all check out each others #freewrite and spread some love :)

@ablaze @abyni @ackhoo @ahmadmanga @ainie.kashif @alvinauh @alxgraham @ameliabartlett @amos-robinson @ana-maria @annhoyblog @arbitrarykitten @arkayani @authorofthings
@bashadow @beatenegg @belemo @bgie8311 @binkyprod @bitsendpieces @bleedingheart @bloghound @boladayl @brewingstories @brisby @btcnoodle @byn
@calluna @carolkean @cbrayst @cecicastor @cecirod1218 @celestal @chuazm @cikxaijen @citizenzero @clodaghdowning @creationofcare @crookshanks @cvmidwife @cyptosharon
@daithilifereport @dakini5d @daqueend @davinsh @ddschteinn @deaconlee @debbietiyan @deemarshall @deirdyweirdy @dennisauburn @dfrankle @digitalmutt @dioncrediblehulk @dmcamera @docpaoh @doodlebear @dswigle
@ebitularmbert @ecoinstant @eggstraordinair @elijahniel12 @elizacheng @ellievallie @emdesan @emjoe @eyedreemit @enjar @eaglespirit
@f3nix @fireawaymarmot @fishyculture @fitinfun @foffelius @freedomtowrite
@ghostfish @girlbeforemirror @gniksivart
@hartfloe @hemendrapatar @hernandezch @honeydue @hope777
@iikanji @iknowkungfu @imcesca @improv @isa93 @isaganispeaks @itworks4sierra
@iyanpol12 @janine-ariane @jayjayjeffery @jayna @jbn @jedau @jeezzle @jewels3 @jie28 @jjwriter85 @jkiw @johnwjr7 @jrhughes @juwel @jyezie
@kerlund @kulasago
@ladylei @ldacey-laforge @lenapena @lindahas @littlenewthings @littlescribe @lonestarpoet @long888 @lucylin
@maki07 @marcoriccardi @mariaentela @marie-jay @marillaanne @martinwbender @maverickinvictus @mcoinz79 @mel1ss @melinda010100 @metzli @mikesthoughts @mini-zephalexia @miniature-tiger @mishegas @mkkenny13 @molovelly @moneyinfant @mountainjewel @mr-neil @mrslauren @mwoodall @mydivathings @mylittleblurbs @mysecondself01
@nathanthewise @navaneeth @nays @nicktravers @not-a-bird @nathen007
@olaivart @old-guy-photos @omra-sky @otsouvalas
@pixiehunter @plumandrain @poetrybyjeremy @preparedwombat @pumpkinsandcats
@racemlaadhar @rainbowme @raj808 @rensoul17 @rhei86 @rok-sivante @rubertd
@saffisara @sanaaz @saronym @saronym @saryn @sayee @scribblingramma @serapium @shanibeer @sharoonyasir @shula14 @simgirl @skysnap @slhomestead @snook @snrm @someoneusual @spellmaker @srivera @starfall @steemitgraven29 @stinawog @sustainablyyours @svashta @syzegy
@tattoodjay @tegoshei @tezmel @the-real-coral @thechosenwhan @themerrylotus @theprettysoul @thereikiforest @thisgirl @tin-tin @topkpop @tpkidkai @trashie-beeaaa
@wandrnrose7 @warpedpoetic @warpedpoetic @whatamidoing @whatilearned @whatisnew @wido @wildwoman @wonderwop @wordymouth @wondersofnature
@yadah04 @yomibolo @zen-art @zephalexia


thank you @snook for the gift of the gif


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Silly Hens



Sledding - A Freewrite

Fluffy and Buffy- A Freewrite

White is Not Cooperating!

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.




Award by @japhofin8or


Want to earn sweat coin by walking outside? Join here

Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here


The Empty Chair #20

Today being a landmark day for my freewriting journey....
Yes, this is my 20th freewrite!!!
So i have decided to do what i have never done since, namely to post directly here in the comments...My bandwidth too seems to agree today! lol

How was jack to overnight turn into a vegetarian?
The doctor said he needed to, that his vitamin count was low, and every useful part of his life was in danger, his eyes, his metabolism, his digestion, his immunity, his…okay, Jack lost count as the bespectacled doctor listed for him…
His mind was already in full-flight contemplation of the implications that came with….Double costs of buying meet and veges….
And now he had just lost his job. How would he afford all these?
Now he wished he had listened to his wife’s advice….something about cure is more expensive than prevention…she had always told him, encouraging him to eat vegetables more, like her..
Every small advice he had ever read of, about eating fruits, about a healthy lifestyle…..and that he had ignored now returned.
“Drinking will kill you,” his wife used to quarrel, “Smoking will destroy you”
“We are all dead finally” he would joke. Now it was a reality, and he wasn’t sure how he would confront it.
His mind raced through the questions until he had the door banging, and he was jerked back into consciousness…there was no doctor, just an empty chair staring at him from across the dinning table.
“Here”, his wife said, “Your food!” as she took the other chair,
Jack pushed back the plate of beef, “No hunny”, he said, “You are right. I need to start having a lot more of vegetable! Prevention is better than cure!”

I am next posting on my blog, with some improvements on the typhos...

And now the link to it on my blog!

The Empty Chair #20

This marks my 20th freewrite since i started writing 20 days ago, without interruption....and what a marathon! Even i could not have entertained arriving this far, but i have.

I have to give sincere gratitude to you all freewriters who have been a cheerful partners in this journey...those especially who took time to share their thoughts on my works!

Hugs to all!

This exemplifies the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Bravo, and congratulations on earning your 20 days post!

How time flies!! And you did 20 posts on the chair theme!! Well done!!

Thanks for another great freeewrite day. Sure glad you put these out. Write on...

Post--Day 120: Vitamins

My entry for today is here: Vitamen. Yes, it is named like that on purpose ;)

Thank you for another freewrite <3

I looked it up Jeremy! It is a creative twist, or is it, advancement of the prompt? A good, and certainly rib cracking read!

I suppose it's a creative twist ;) glad you enjoyed it!

Pleasure is mine. Thanks

Hi! Thanks for your support, @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;) Hope you have a great day

Here is today's freewrite, it was quite a good prompt for me, as I was just thinking about this last week :)

My first 5 minute freewrite

Heres the link to my free write about vitamins, dont be to harsh on me it is my first time. It was harder than I thought...

Any feedback would be appreciated!

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