5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: vitamins

in #freewrite6 years ago

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K… so many vitamins so little time!

As a child I was always told to get plenty so sun so you could get your vitamin C. I always wondered what about those people who don't get much sun? How do they get their vitamin C? We can't exactly collect the vitamin C from the sun and keep it for a rainy day….

And as for the other vitamins they often come from fruits and vegetables. But what happens if you don't eat fruit and vegetables, then where do you get these vitamins? I never much trusted the naturopath as a child - it always seemed a bit like witchery to me and they were often vague about what you were getting.

SO now we have a dilemma of someone who lives in a place with not alot of sun (say Antarctica) who doesn't eat fruit and vegetables. I propose that we need to get scientists to create artificial vitamins but the key is that they should be marketed and sold by one of the large drug companies (everybody trusts drug companies right???!). This way we could go to our doctor for a vitamin prescription rather than having to rely on the naturopaths


Not bad for your first one. The part about holding for rainy days cracks me up. On the west coast, we don't get much sun. There are some good honest vitamins out there to supplement what is lost from not eating healthy. Health food store are generally pretty good.
Welcome to freewrite.

Thanks I'm definitely not a naturally gifted writer but this could be a way to change that! Yeah thats true I try and eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and veges :) We live in Spain and its winter and lots of rain at the moment :(

Thanks what a cool page!

Welcome to the freewrite community @conradt They are a really good bunch, so do stick around. A nice opening contribution - I enjoyed that :)

Thanks. I actually found it really difficult. I look forward to reading others stories

Yes, it is difficult, but so enjoyable.. I love seeing how different people interpret the prompts and the little mini journeys of their subconscious that unravel..

I live in NW Pennsylvania. We have limited sun so we all are Vitamin D deficiency. Glad to see you freewriting! Followed.

Nice. Yeah we are the same at the moment it rains every day here in Spain!!! Look forward to contributing

Try living in Ireland guys!! :) :) Rain for breakfast, lunch and dinner here... ha ha... We do usually get 7 days of sunshine a year mind you, so I wont complain...

Every day!? That would not be fun. I am waiting for Spring to come, we'll see a lot of rain, but we will have an end of snow and finally get some sun and warmth. Yesterday was so cold :p

You DID Great for any freewrite!!!

and I'm not a writer either........

BUT freewriting has helped me in so many ways find things that have been buried inside for so long.

Just keep writing what flows out and be yourself!!!

Hahaha yeah it is such fun i am really enjoying exploring my creative side

Welcome to the community! The first time someone said "vitamin K" I thought they were joking. What happened to vitamins F through J?

Your next prompt is ready...
...and it's even more succulent than I had hoped.

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Thanks so much I am really enjoying it so far. Really makes you think!!!

Welcome to the freewriters!! Oh yes! We all trust the drug companies! NOT!! 😜

Thank you I think I have found my new addiction!

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