Vitamins - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Taking vitamins is not something that I enjoy.


Well, to be honest, they make your pee smell kind of funny.

Not only that but it's kind of a real pain in the butt to remember to take them.

I should also mention that vitamins these days have gotten incredibly expensive.


There are so many to choose from that you could spend an entire day looking through the shelves at your local market.

One of my good friends used to swear by vitamins.

He used to take two vitamins everyday and each one of those vitamins was $30 for a small vial.

That meant that he was paying $60 for a month's worth of vitamins.

One of the vitamins was some kind of fish oil concoction that came in the form of a small red pill.

I can't recall what the other one was, to be honest. I can tell you that I personally never saw any difference in my friend whether he was taking these vitamins or not.

My friend was an outdoorsman and he was very active. He also ate correctly and paid attention to his health.

Would taking $60 worth of vitamins actually make a difference in this life or would they just make him feel like they were making a difference?

Well that is something that I cannot say for sure.

What I can tell you is that I don't personally enjoy vitamins myself.

There was a time when I used to enjoy vitamins though.

When I was a kid my mother used to give me vitamins. The main thing I remember about the vitamins was that they were tasty.

There were orange flavored vitamins, and grape flavored vitamins, and lemon flavored vitamins, and there may have even been red fruit punch flavored vitamins as well.

I don't know much about vitamins these days except that they are expensive.

I guess somebody somewhere must feel like the vitamins that they are taking are doing a really great job.

They must or else there wouldn't be so many shelves worth of this stuff and it wouldn't be so high priced.


beside taking vitamin pills we should take natural resources of vitamins like Beef Liver Spinach and butter...

I like your blog because it has been written in easy language. Actually in my childhood i liked to eat sweet vitamins. But now i dont like any vitamin tablet. Its a scary for me to eat. my condition is like you.

Agree with you, vitamins are very expensive. That's why eat vegetables, fruits and bask in sun and we don’t need to take supplements.

I agree that it's better to get your vitamins from vegetables and fruits.

some of these vitamins are scientifically proved that help a lot.And i mean a lot.for example the one your friend used to take,with the fish,if i ve understood correctly ,is probably one of the best in the market.
But of course there are some others that are just a waste of money

Sometimes I feel like it's just a guessing game though.

when people take vitamins,the vitamins don't specifically do it.they enable the body to do it they enable the body to heal itself this is a totally different way of looking at it..
stay blessed thanks for sharing the post:):)

I've always wondered how effective vitamins are anyway. As you point out, you end up peeing most of them out. I think people take them more out of habit, than anything.

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Yeah I've wondered about that a lot of times too.

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