The Empty Chair #20 - [Prompt - vitamins]

in #freewrite6 years ago

Credit: google


How was Jack to overnight turn into a vegetarian?

The doctor said he needed to, that his vitamin count was low, and every useful part of his life was in danger, his eyes, his metabolism, his digestion, his immunity, his…okay, Jack lost count as the bespectacled doctor listed for him…

His mind was already in full-flight contemplation of the implications that came with….Double costs of buying meet and veges….

And now he had just lost his job. How would he afford all these?

Now he wished he had listened to his wife’s advice….something about cure is more expensive than prevention…she had always told him, encouraging him to eat vegetables more, like her.

Every small advice he had ever read of, about eating fruits, about a healthy lifestyle…..and that he had ignored now returned.

“Drinking will kill you,” his wife used to quarrel, “Smoking will destroy you”

“We are all dead finally” he would joke. Now it was a reality, and he wasn’t sure how he would confront it.

His mind raced through the questions until he had the door banging, and he was jerked back into consciousness…there was no doctor, just an empty chair staring at him from across the dinning table.

“Here”, his wife said, “Your food!” as she took the other chair,

Jack pushed back the plate of beef, “No hunny”, he said, “You are right. I need to start having a lot more of vegetable! Prevention is better than cure!”

The latest Day 120: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: vitamins

If you missed my last freewrites, here are the links from latest to last:-

  1. The Empty Chair #19 - [Prompt - fried chicken]
  2. The Empty Chair #18 - (Valentine Special)[Prompt - lace]
  3. The Empty Chair #17 - Two Most inspiring Christian Stories about prayer
  4. The Empty Chair #16 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[Prompt - canal]
  5. The Empty Chair #15 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[Prompt - mason jar]
  6. The Empty Chair #14 -Weekend Freewrite 02/10/2018 - [Single Prompt Option: It was Saturday morning]
  7. The Empty Chair #13 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[Prompt - Ski]
  8. The Empty Chair #12 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[Picture prompt]
  9. The Empty Chair #11 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[prompt: Dream]
  10. The Empty Chair #10 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[prompt: California]
  11. The Empty Chair #9 - (5 minute freewrite challenge)[prompt: yard sale]
  12. The Empty Chair #8 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Palimpsest]
  13. The Empty Chair #7 -Weekend Freewrite 2/3/2018 - Single Prompt Option: Airplane
  14. The Empty Chair #6 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: The smell from within]
  15. The Empty Chair #5 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Elephant]
  16. The Empty Chair #4 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cigarettes ]
  17. The Empty Chair #3 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cracker]
  18. The Empty Chair #2 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Paint]
  19. The Empty Chair #1- (5 minute freewrite challenge) [Prompt: hardboiled minds]


Loved this. A lot of people say that we all die anyway, but being ill or sick is not a great way to live. Prevention is always better. I have been vegan for more than a year, and vegetarian for a year before that. I haven't gotten sick once in these two years :D Hoping more blessing my way

And more blessing and long life you way it is! I am vegetarian too, for the last 18 months, and still going strong.

That's great! Wish you luck in your veggie endeavors! Long live veggies!

He'll change his mind! No one in my house eats vegetables expect me. I cook them and end up eating all of them. I'm becoming a vegetarian by necessity rather than choice. ;-)

By necessity rather than by choice!

I suppose that works, either way! This vitamin thing seems to touch nearer home for most of us!


Great job to make this so heartwarming!!!

Thank you for that!!

The pleasure is mine. Thanks for sharing in

There is a lot of wisdom in your writing. Unfortunately, we never think the bad things are going to happen to us, until they do. I'm glad I've always enjoyed eating fruits and vegetables. It's served me well as I'm getting older.

Your next prompt is ready...
...and it's even more succulent than I imagined.

For a single prompt #freewrite, click HERE!
For a multiple-prompt #freewrite, click HERE!

Thanks for sharing in @omra-sky. And for the latest dish! let me pronto lay the table for another empty chair!

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