Over 20 Club- A Blast From The Past of My Freewriting Journey

in #freewriting6 years ago

OVER 20 CLUB- A Blast From The Past of My Freewriting Journey

After celebrating the 100th day of Daily Prompts, @mariannewest began the "Over 20 Club" on January 29, 2018, and here is her explanation of how it works. "I have a list of freewriters who have written at least 20 freewrites. Every Monday, I will invite 5 authors to write a post showing 3 or more freewrites they liked and are past their payout." It gives us the opportunity to look back, tell our own story on how we began freewriting, and to show our freewrites from the past that may have been missed. Thank you for the invitation Marianne.

This is how I began my freewriting journey. My interests on my blog are: cats, dogs, nature, story telling. My love for writing began in the 11th grade when I had to write a poem and a story for a homework assignment. I didn't pursue writing because it was just a hobby; nothing more. When I joined Steemit, it was my first time blogging and I spent the first 2 weeks looking around and learning the ropes before I posted anything. I began with poems and only had a handful of readers, if I was lucky. I then began writing stories. Most were humor and some were long, taking 2-4 different posts to complete. I had a few more readers with positive reviews, but I was still disappointed. So I began doing something different; posting photos for the daily color challenge. More people were interested in that, so I stopped writing. I then began a 60 day nature series and in between that, I searched for writers one last time. I had decided to remove "story telling" from my interests if I didn't find anything that suited me. That is when I found Marianne's Freewriting Challenge.

I didn't even know what a freewrite was. It was only 5 minutes, not hours and days like my stories, so I had nothing to lose; except for my pride. My first freewrite was Day 10: splinter. It was nerve wracking for me and I almost didn't post it. Encouraging words came from @snook and Marianne. When I told @snook that I almost didn't post it because I didn't think it was good enough, she replied, "There is no good or bad, no right or wrong. Just have fun." Marianne thanked me for playing. "Oh, I get it now. It's like a game, it's meant to be fun, no pressure. I can do that!" And that was the beginning of my freewrite journey. All of my free time was spent on my daily nature series and I had other commitments, so I had to stop freewriting during that time. I missed it and the friendly community so I popped in a few times to do a freewrite. Marianne's encouragement along with others, had me wanting to return as soon as possible; Day 60 was that day.

The freewrite community has grown and I wish I could read every single daily freewrite because I enjoy them and I want to spread the love, but I haven't found the time to do that...yet. And it still boggles my mind of what others write with just one word; I was even blown away a few times with what I wrote. I never read a freewrite until after I have posted mine because I don't want to be swayed. I want my mind to be completely open and free. And I love how Marianne allows us to be free, in every sense of the word. There is only one rule and that is to use the daily prompt in your daily writing. Another thing that I love is the freewriting community, which is filled with encouragement, friends, and love; it feels like home. Thank you Marianne, and to all for your time, encouragement, support, and friendship.

Here are some of my freewrites that I liked from the past.

Day 62: nose hair- Something got stuck in the nose hair and explains it's experience.


Day 64: pill- This was a funny story about Christmas and out of the blue, @deaconlee added to it, making it hilarious. He then challenged me to end it. Thank you @deaconlee! It was so much fun! It is in 3 parts; 3 different posts.


Day 69: grounding- A funny story about planet Derange and the language Slang.


Day 88: stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion.- A funny story about how @snook and I became whales.


Day 97: bowl- A funny, rhyming story about sweet revenge.


Thank you for your time and I hope you got a few laughs.




I've been so lucky to be able read your stories and discover your sense of humor and the lovely heart that you have. tip! You've also shared some of your trying times and personal fears and to do that shows what a strong person you are. In doing that, others will come along, read what you've written and know that they're not the only ones who feel that way. These things and more are wonderful gifts that you have brought to the freewriting group!

Thank you for your kind and beautiful words @brisby! You are so sweet! And thank you for bringing your gift of laughter to me and the group. Hugs : )

You had me so flabbergasted that I forgot to thank you for the tip. I sure do appreciate it. : )

Hi @whatisnew! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.01 SBD @tipU from @brisby :)

@brisby wrote lately about: The Dress. Feel free to follow @brisby if you like it :)

I so love to read all of your posts and so happy you found the courage that first time to post. If not so many, many laughs I never would have had with you!!! hugs

Here is to 100 more laughs and a few tears my dear sweet friend!

Aw, you are so sweet! And, I am so happy that you kept me here! : ) Here! Here! 100 more laughs together! Couldn't ask for anything better! (I didn't make it rhyme on purpose. LOL!) Happy Valentine's Day to you also. You will always have a special place in my heart. : ) Love and Hugs! : )

Congratulations on the over 20 club. Beautiful journey. I love reading your stories. Thank you for the time you spend with us.


Thank you so much for your kind words. It has been a blast. : )
And thanks for the resteem; so nice of you! : )

I love your behind the scenes story and thank you for making me live again some beautiful moments of our freewrite community through your freewrite selection.. I remember that of you and snook like whales, unique! 😁👍👍👍

Grazie my Italian friend! I am so looking forward to reading the ones you chose for your Over 20 post. Thanks so much for your support and friendship. Hugs! : )

Encouraging words came from @snook and Marianne. When I told @snook that I almost didn't post it because I didn't think it was good enough, she replied, "There is no good or bad, no right or wrong. Just have fun." Marianne thanked me for playing. "Oh, I get it now. It's like a game, it's meant to be fun, no pressure. I can do that!" And that was the beginning of my freewrite journey.

@snook and @mariannewest are SUCH encouragers (amongst others) and the whole freedom of the "game" that you described SO perfectly is what drew me in as well!

Great post! I love reading about everyone else's experiences of what brought them on board the 'freewrite' train!

Thanks for sharing!

I couldn't agree with you more about @snook and Marianne and I am glad you were drawn in too. : )
Thanks so much for your kind words @byn. I sure do appreciate it. I have always wondered why people ended up here and why they write, etc., and I sure hope everyone tells us their story one day. Love the "freewrite train." Thanks again! Hugs! : )

How lovely is this!! And you picked some great stories!!

I was even blown away a few times with what I wrote

That is such a great line!!

Thanks Marianne! Your stamp of approval means so much. : ) I couldn't add any pictures because my cat kept walking on and around the keyboard and I wanted to post this before the whole thing was lost. : )

Those cats!! I have a dog (and a grandchild) who try to interfere with my computer :)

Congratulations on your body of work, which I look forward to reading! I totally relate to this: I had nothing to lose; except for my pride!

Thank you so much! I am happy that neither one of us lost our pride here! LOL! : )

I am so glad that you've found something on Steemit to do that you thoroughly enjoy! Good job, lady! I am so proud of you. I've missed you so much, and tell you what. I honestly thought about you so often while I was gone. You mean a lot to me. I am sorry I didn't show that to you very well while I was gone.

Me too! I love freewriting and the freewrite community. Thanks so much for your kind words. : ) I have missed you too and I was also thinking of you; especially when I bought eggs at the store. HaHa! Sure wish I could buy your eggs instead. No apologies necessary...really. Both of us have been through some tough times and I am just so happy that you are back and doing well. Hugs! : )

Your stories are always so much fun, sometimes I'm like "wait, what?" lol, you like to catch us off guard with something quirky or unexpected lol. 😃

Thanks my friend! I have fun too when my mind goes quirky; just wish it would happen more often. Thank YOU for all of the fun and laughter you bring to me and others. Looking forward to more unexpected times on our journey together. Hugs! : )

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