The Help My Dog (Floppy) Challenge: Day 49 - $163.84 of $5,060.00 - Please Upvote / Resteem / Donate Directly!!!!!!

in #blog6 years ago

Hey Everyone,
My dog Floppy had successful back surgery on Friday 12/22/17. He is in recovery now and he should be ok!

Unfortunately, these unexpected expenses have hit my family very hard and I am turning to the Steemit community in an effort to raise funds to pay for Flop's surgery. Every Upvote, Follow, Comment, and Resteem will help me out, and any straight donations would be straight up awesome!!! All of your kind words & support have been amazing so far and as you can see, it is growing by the day, so thank you so much!

...and remember, I am upvoting all your comments now!

Below are pictures of Floppy's scar from right after the surgery, January 20th, February 1st and February 13th... it's healing so well!!!!

...The Doctors really did an amazing job!

Again, I kindly ask that you follow me as well so you can continue to keep up on Flop's progress throughout the year, as well as the progress of my goal. Thank you all for your support, upvotes, follows, resteems, and donations so far. Progress is being made, slowly but surely, and my family is so appreciative!


Started off with our walk after waking Flop up. He heard us coming down so he was waiting near the stairs for Luey and I instead of in his bed like the past few days. It was really nice outside again but we took a shorter walk because I wanted to get Lu his breakfast.

We got inside from the walk, I gave Flop his beggin strip, and got Luey his breakfast. He ate at the family room table instead of the kitchen table, look at Flop peaking up trying to get some LOL.

Flop only peed on his first walk so I needed to make sure he pooed and had hto take him out again - I didn't want him going in the house as we had some errands and a birthday party to go to today and weren't going to be home a lot with him. I let him out without the leash this time and he went and did his thing!

We got back inside and when I got to the couch, Flop was still trying to get some of Lu's food! Look at him peaking from under the table LOLOLOL, he's kinda hard to make out.


I went upstairs to shower and we headed out to Target to purchase a gift for the bday party. We gave Flop a few of his biscuits before we headed out and left him on his little couch. We got home from the party around 3. Flop was excited to see us. I put Lu upstairs for his nap and Flop and I chilled on the couch for a bit, Vanessa went to go and get her nails done, so it was jut me and Flop chilling like two villains!

Then Lu woke up and wanted to join the fun!

Vanessa got home from her nail salon around 530. Flop was SUPER excited to see her. But she was more excited to see Lu and Flop was just waiting for attention, which he finally got!

...went to dinner after that, came home around 730. Had a cigarette and took Flop out with me, then went to bed after that because I was up steeming late last night LOL.

...Flop had a great day! Thank you for reading about him, he is feeling great and is super happy!!!


Day 1: $0.41 Challenge Total: $0.41
Day 2: $0.31 Challenge Total: $0.72
Day 3: $0.08 Challenge Total: $0.80
Day 4: $0.08 Challenge Total: $0.88
Day 5: $0.11 Challenge Total: $0.99
Day 6: $0.14 Challenge Total: $1.13
Day 7: $0.89 Challenge Total: $2.02
Day 8: $3.89 Challenge Total: $5.91
Day 9: $0.90 Challenge Total: $6.81
Day 10: $15.13 Challenge Total: $21.94
Day 11: $1.50 Challenge Total: $23.44
Day 12: $0.44 Challenge Total: $28.88 (4.40 SBD donation!!!!)
Day 13: $5.01 Challenge Total: $33.89
Day 14: $1.03 Challenge Total: $34.92
Day 15: $0.44 Challenge Total: $35.36
Day 16: $12.59 Challenge Total: $47.95
Day 17: $0.11 Challenge Total: $48.06
Day 18: $0.13 Challenge Total: $48.19
Day 19: $0.52 Challenge Total: $48.71 (0.026 Steem donation!!!!)
Day 20: $1.53 Challenge Total: $50.24
Day 21: $0.53 Challenge Total: $50.77
Day 22: $4.06 Challenge Total: $54.83
Day 23: $2.08 Challenge Total: $56.91
Day 24: $1.68 Challenge Total: $58.59
Day 25: $7.40 Challenge Total: $65.99
Day 26: $3.58 Challenge Total: $69.57
Day 27: $3.92 Challenge Total: $73.49
Day 28: $5.79 Challenge Total: $79.28
Day 29: $3.44 Challenge Total: $82.72
Day 30: $8.27 Challenge Total: $90.99
Day 31: $1.47 Challenge Total: $92.46
Day 32: $2.71 Challenge Total: $95.17
Day 33: $4.92 Challenge Total: $100.08
Day 34: $14.79 Challenge Total: $114.87
Day 35: $1.18 Challenge Total: $116.05
Day 36: $1.22 Challenge Total: $117.27
Day 37: $0.27 Challenge Total: $117.54
Day 38: $8.67 Challenge Total: $126.21
Day 39: $15.45 Challenge Total: $141.66
Day 40: $4.56 Challenge Total: $146.22
Day 41: $3.49 Challenge Total: $149.71
Day 42: $1.64 Challenge Total: $151.35
Day 43: $6.55 Challenge Total: $157.90
Day 44: $1.04 Challenge Total: $158.94
Day 45: $0.46 Challenge Total: $159.40
Day 46: $0.74 Challenge Total: $160.14
Day 47: $2.26 Challenge Total: $162.40 (signed up by @rishi556 to @steembasicincome)
Day 48: $1.44 Challenge Total: $163.84

Thank you all for the votes and comments on yesterdays posts (57 votes, $1.44).

I hope you'll continue to keep following along and voting!!!! And Hopefully we'll get some MORE good votes (perhaps some WHALE votes) and even some more donations soon.

**FUNDRAISER RECORDS: $15.45 is the highest earnings day, and the record for daily votes is 210 Votes!!! **

We are now up to $163.84!!! As the Steem price continues to grow and the site gains more awareness, I hope that I'll be able to turn my goal into a reality!


I'll be tagging and keeping a daily list to everyone who has voted and helped me out to recognize you. I hope you'll continue to take the time and continue to reciprocate the vote(s) you've already given me to help me reach me goal...even if your vote isn't worth anything (like mine), it will help me out because other people will see it and maybe it will TREND!!!

...If you are bothered by being tagged and want to be removed, please do not flag me, just let me know and I will happily remove you :)

DIRECT DONATIONS: @techslut, @anderssinho, @rishi556

UPVOTES: @geoffreydemars, @hr1 (51 votes), @boatsports90, @gameofmeme, @fuzzmaster, @kmar1e, @shlomit (38 votes), @yakubenko, @rachelhanson10, @mysassy, @deliberator, @linkonsaha31, @raimundolm, @ubg (4 votes), @christianity101, @fushock, @soqeweslu, @oequexinkffq, @barhatova, @zalovs, @bensonmorris, @evoragoa, @tenovoy, @fordrenadarost, @libalibach, @selenone, @nenasche, @iganckow, @simonjay (14 votes), @dmiton (3 votes), @cqf (40 votes), @fminerten, @steempty, @ew-and-patterns, @sidsuman, @yudexisjaume, @rizkigold, @sicomunity, @mirkmarvel, @stream (7 votes), @mmikhail, @parisienne, @vranilo, @nathan047, @worldtour, @kayleigh-alesta, @yahoooo, @nvidovskaya, @ferst, @zhgilmaks, @syedrobbins, @potop, @ass12, @nageen, @fenris, @vokosyuba, @deniskossya, @latonov, @bieshnabemlyudu, @samk, @sadomskiy, @adrialovell, @garsh, @jetperalta, @moorkedi, @gclipse, @runicar, @cathi-xx, @gonzo, @carrieallen (4 votes), @mikeshuh (3 votes), @faustofraser (2 votes), @cryptokemon, @hormen69, @scotaric, @billmega, @lazygamez, @syl, @goge-vandire (2 votes), @solbit, @filouman, @buckfumbler (23 votes), @salas92, @slotniki (2votes), @rewardpoolrape (2 votes), @ynexonstat, @asim1234, @transportir, @kerlund74, @pyrowngs, @plushzilla (7 votes), @st3llar (2 votes), @maraki (4 votes), @yoohowoooho, @josedr52, @vkrendyas, @hayat (3 votes), @nxtblg, @breezin, @econchain, @carn (2 votes), @iamgun, @dabeckster, @narcismihail, @barbadosso, @kanadeblanco, @newsteemians (2 votes), @santanero714, @doitvoluntarily (4 votes), @postpromoter, @sarmizegetusa, @lishu, @zarfot, @purplemoon, @alohaoy, @alex0, @vellosid, @christoryan, @resteemable (2 votes), @jorgebarbera, @acheslazhe, @djamp92, @factcheck, @remarch, @wofford, @alexarain (3 votes), @fortunee, @balkcracker, @jesusars, @smithgift, @amethystrosee, @zubegazka, @psyconinjalo, @dmiton (4 votes), @foridulislam (3 votes), @stephansuarez, @solbit, @filouman, @salas92, @ynexonstat, @asim1234, @antonshoj (2 votes), @transportir, @unholyleaf, @stekz42, @pedromrmourato, @celioeguga, @wauglya, @alislutsko, @abachiev, @nikita-nakl, @photographyilla, @grovzi, @kadcomba, @olichidja, @gladiuspa, @allrecipes, @medusaoftroya, @yalana, @alistinaeva, @fissherman, @posyuntat, @aleksphoto, @biutorinse, @benedict17, @ulyanagutor, @oksimarchuk, @pastapane, @rachelburger, @jeffjagoe (5 votes), @sakelazon, @atbeloush, @albertdraw, @gudkova, @ysyugovankina, @fidmary, @reactivator, @donkeykong9000, @ordosjc, @hakansahin, @newyorkdue, @gluisenriq, @desconocido, @felixgarciap, @oroncio, @anderssinho (19 votes), @nehuen, @krivoruchko, @ronaldosalas, @bessolov, @danilnin, @skyme, @mrnastykilla, @stolni, @thetalenrpwind, @arizal15, @hugobueno, @stemisz, @basedmak, @taxgiant, @sabil95, @wnina, @larryphang (2 votes), @untapentuoreja, @feklagusin, @shunguystin, @misinaelizaveta, @belovafm, @terrihly, @danrosen, @hendrafusian, @smarthamster72 (9 votes), @koteloks, @amraetich, @matarg, @anoncrpyt, @nombre.shido, @medicbtom, @tlsvchuoi, @skowtesuci, @rataysh, @blackhacker, @madstacks (16 votes), @rishi556 (16 votes), @dmitrijlem, @histiakov, @reginablanco, @ange.nkuru (3 votes), @vivirenvenezuela, @yaamitonmoy (4 votes), @andre-verbrick, @allamiin, @olleyaya (2 votes), @steemitboard (4 votes), @thatterrioguy (24 votes), @upfundme (32 votes), @drjovig, @taskmanager (15 votes), @apprentice001, @jasonbu (5 votes), @purepinay, @mikeycolon, @smb14, @vaalavlaz, @roycecoolidge, @afgany19, @abachiev, @pedromarin, @nippel66, @d3nv3r, @bidnat, @oliverstoney (2 votes), @prizeportal (2 votes), @uv10, @slickwilly, @deepdickdog, @kerlund74, @neilanthony, @arkpk, @tuppence, @oswaldoml (2 votes), @notregme, @cub1 (6 votes), @edb1984, @cmp2020 (5 votes), @astronomyizfun (5 votes), @ksticky (3 votes), @rogasa3000, @ivanlyubche, @sergeidobrik84, @rifky.mufty, @ikorlyakov, @skeptic (2 votes), @oasis-in-arizona, @decoracion, @sallly, @monerve, @atoroshen, @vadejek, @allnervov, @stinelintemana, @utka, @svankez, @womanandgun (2 votes), @byaanasbe, @nitkaanitka, @evseevamaria, @dss55ma, @talalyub, @vernoval, @heaa35, @dadi501, @baskuev, @vaseksuva, @sburnys, @originalworks, @tmitinen, @gctg63, @tobersteem, @nmf-ii, @buaan, @jarryd, @onlylogic, @zapper (4 votes), @olintz, @carolynstahl, @raulmutbosque, @kelyvanessa (7 votes), @gibransalazar7, @aerick, @lovinbudha, @blazeit, @mahyulmaulana, @omon, @bakolid, @anyiracsb, @itzamna, @onlyibenson, @aextraov, @erykboy, @aoe, @abrockman, @charisma1 (41 votes), @bitcoinminer25, @jesusjacr, @tsozhev, @vloglena, @nikitasemenov (2 votes), @bjjmike (2 votes), @flutterby (4 votes), @steem-lady, @sta-den, @burashest, @lamovamich, @yaguzinskayanas, @sokolovpetrlvh, @koshka, @realfrost, @inclitpugutt, @funnyman, @sacred-agent, @provodovair, @arkatit, @malina, @tmholdings (2 votes), @rodthrower18 (4 votes), @davidjose28, @cgrave, @silentkiller, @phaarmakone, @kenny-crane (2 votes), @thoughtsatdawn, @anomaly (15 votes), @slickhustler007, @parbatieseeram (2 votes), @remlaps1, @dandays, @puravidaville, @lisa.palmer, @choosefreedom (2 votes), @tesaganewton, @imamw, @flutterby29 (2 votes), @alenanek, @tamaraterentev, @sharovandreyq, @cfisher, @rapuncoco, @walid.larbi, @wbxcbc, @rostowatomkha, @joefontz, @kevlerrusa, @thepiratekenway7, @ciscibelioverer, @skunkape30uk (2 votes), @maleudi, @unipsycho (5 votes), @shantan, @amru, @engineerasraful, @boxer-cristian, @jose7288, @yuliyashe, @akimov, @avanturist, @sachorps, @sunrise1601, @rasmik, @photocontests (21 votes), @zemlyakovol, @naegling11, @oddworld4saken, @tinmofejsaltikov, @therockman, @berlee2522, @saggel, @silenthyena, @spagoozle, @anaydithmar, @elzarka, @chrissandoe, @robrigo (3 votes), @ojaber (3 votes), @rok-sivante (2 votes), @gentlebot (2 votes), @thing-2 (2 votes), @biophil (2 votes), @aueeventures, @josuecy, @cryptodoge42, @deligation, @vityamelik, @rafarod83, @karenps (3 votes), @zeddjacob, @kislants, @newstarg, @buyroyripu, @nosesheva, @karold, @badmusazeez, @mrscwin (3 votes), @dvdkrom, @jangamasisa (2 votes), @cryptocoinscrew (22 votes), @warnas (4 votes), @bue, @backtomining, @sensation (66 votes), @zhelezny, @naalakfob, @nonoytacz, @purusottama, @rongreed, @thebookmadclub, @hugospock, @gorbunov, @heimdallr, @fedabella, @vaserman, @annaxoxo, @capatazche, @plittolalook, @j1984mg, @veteran (2 votes), @snowflake, @luna33, @someonewhoisme, @freeyourmind, @guzv4, @cryptocartooner (13 votes), @ework, @yairdd, @thanhnghiep, @lando521, @ilyastarar, @dedicatedguy (4 votes), @johan1819, @titoperozo, @patricobrown, @yrivero11, @spiry-btc (10 votes), @jhonysins, @thestralss, @manuelmendez, @doc-gonzo, @geocesar, @moby-dick (16 votes), @samoda, @alqsm99, @grayson13, @acknowledgement (2 votes), @streetstyle, @resteemy (2 votes), @rafa300, @edi-suhendra, @pulsar, @everythink, @williamtangofox, @wardj, @emeraldknight93 (2 votes), @jhannah, @elektrobert, @mdkaufman21, @pom-persephone, @nicholasmwanje, @roxyal85, @suherii, @mooktshabalala, @isukanda001, @filipino, @drcath, @tjfresh, @aisforannabel, @scottshots, @hazmisyahputra, @kestuxs (6 votes), @abh12345, @steeminganarchy, @tiloupsa, @william331069, @dante1, @raistlin908, @steembasicincome, @ronel, @emmyem84, @cash-hunter, @korob, @jasonb777, @cmegetrich, @memeon, @gaycharan789, @rachinata, @sbi3 (10 votes), @duranjose240, @dedekpase, @tsukuyomi, @drako2016, @xxsamu, @tejasdhule, @senseicat, @aakifzee, @claudiulimban, @mombmex, @danisagai, @chudnofsky23

Thank you all again and as always, I appreciate your help!!!


Day 1 recap:

Day 2 recap:

Day 3 recap:

Day 4 recap:

Day 5 recap:

Day 6 recap:

Day 7 recap:

Day 8 recap:

Day 9 recap:

Day 10 recap:

Day 11 recap:

Day 12 recap:

Day 13 recap:

Day 14 recap:

Day 15 recap:

Day 16 recap:

Day 17 recap:

Day 18 recap:

Day 19 recap:

Day 20 recap:

Day 21 recap:

Day 22 recap:

Day 23 recap:

Day 24 recap:

Day 25 recap:

Day 26 recap:

Day 27 recap:

Day 28 recap:

Day 29 recap:

Day 30 recap:

Day 31 recap:

Day 32 recap:

Day 33 recap:

Day 34 recap:

Day 35 recap:

Day 36 recap:

Day 37 recap:

Day 38 recap:

Day 39 recap:

Day 40 recap:

Day 41 recap:

Day 42 recap:

Day 43 recap:

Day 44 recap:

Day 45 recap:

Day 46 recap:

Day 47 recap:

Day 48 recap:

If you have any ideas on how I can get this in front of more people, or more people with larger voting power, let me know...any assistance I can get to help my dog is so greatly appreciated!!!

...Thanks again so much for reading my blog and supporting Floppy through his rehab & recovery!


Hope your continuing getting your donations for Mr floppy!!!! read my other reply about or dachshund we had please???yesterday...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66785.43
ETH 3494.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83