The Help My Dog (Floppy) Challenge: Day 27 - $69.57 of $5,000.00 - Please Resteem / Upvote / Donate Directly!!!!!!

in #life7 years ago

Hey Everyone,
My dog Floppy had successful back surgery on Friday 12/22/17. He is in recovery and should be ok!!!

Unfortunately, this unexpected expense has hit my family hard and I am turning to the Steemit in an attempt to raise funds to pay for this surgery. Every Upvote, Comment, and Resteem will help me out, and any straight donations would be straight up wonderful!

All of your support has been amazing so far and is growing by the day, thank you so much!

Here is the picture of Floppy when he just got out of surgery and the blog started, and the pic that usually appears in the feed each day when his scar was the newest. Below it is a picture of Floppy's scar from 1/20/18, it's healing so well!!!!

Amazing, right?!?!?!

Thank you all for your support, votes, Resteems, and donations so far. Progress is being made, slowly but surely and my family is so appreciative!


A special side note, yesterday I crossed my 1000th post! I dont know if that really menas much, but I feel pretty good about it!

As promised, I was able to figure out what was wrong with my phone yesterday and have new pics today!

So this morning was pretty shitty, no pun intended... After I left for work (Flops walk pics coming up momentarily), Vanessa called me and told me that FLoppy diarrhead all of over the bathroom floor!!! Thankfully Vanessa did not take a pic to share lol. I'm not sure why he did it, he pooped and peed during his walk so it was very odd. I joked with Vanessa that it might have been her Chicken Alfredo from the day before, it made me a bit sick too and maybe caught Flop the next day lol. We were not happy with him at all!

Prior to the whole poop fiasco, here is Flop coming out of the cage for the first time today:

And a couple from his morning walk... I do my best to try and get different views & angles and make it is as interesting as I can:

...nothing like the smell of some fresh morning garbage that was littered from the night before either:

I was worried that Flop was going to have another accident inside of his cage while we were at work, but thankfully he did not. After we got home we took Flop for his evening walk. I tried to capture what my street/neighborhood look like. It's called Avalon Park, just outside of Orlando, FL.

I thought the sunset was captured well!

Tonight we had steak (Flop's FAVORITE) and Scallops. Flop also got to finish up the bowl of macaroni.

We made a big change to FLoppy's night time routine tonight, and based on how it goes may stay. We have decided to leave him out of his crate. He is gated up in the kitchen. He has his bed, his food and water, and won't be able to jump anywhere. I think he'll be more comfortable and if he behaves, we'll continue to do so! Plus, if he has a stomach virus, I really don't want him to have an accident in his cage, that would be awful!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing Flop's day with you all tomorrow evening as usual!


Day 1: $0.41 Challenge Total: $0.41
Day 2: $0.31 Challenge Total: $0.72
Day 3: $0.08 Challenge Total: $0.80
Day 4: $0.08 Challenge Total: $0.88
Day 5: $0.11 Challenge Total: $0.99
Day 6: $0.14 Challenge Total: $1.13
Day 7: $0.89 Challenge Total: $2.02
Day 8: $3.89 Challenge Total: $5.91
Day 9: $0.90 Challenge Total: $6.81
Day 10: $15.13 Challenge Total: $21.94
Day 11: $1.50 Challenge Total: $23.44
Day 12: $0.44 Challenge Total: $28.88 (4.40 SBD donation!!!!)
Day 13: $5.01 Challenge Total: $33.89
Day 14: $1.03 Challenge Total: $34.92
Day 15: $0.44 Challenge Total: $35.36
Day 16: $12.59 Challenge Total: $47.95
Day 17: $0.11 Challenge Total: $48.06
Day 18: $0.13 Challenge Total: $48.19
Day 19: $0.52 Challenge Total: $48.71 (0.026 Steem donation!!!!)
Day 20: $1.53 Challenge Total: $50.24
Day 21: $0.53 Challenge Total: $50.77
Day 22: $4.06 Challenge Total: $54.83
Day 23: $2.08 Challenge Total: $56.91
Day 24: $1.68 Challenge Total: $58.59
Day 25: $7.40 Challenge Total: $65.99
Day 26: $3.58 Challenge Total: $69.57

Thank you all for the votes and comments on yesterdays posts (43 votes, $7.40).

$15.13 is the highest earnings day, 49 Votes is the single highest day vote total!

Please RESTEEM to help me beat the records! Hopefully we'll get some good votes (perhaps some WHALE votes) and even some more donations soon. We are now up to $ the Steem price grows and the site gets more awareness, I hope that I'll be able to turn my goal into a reality!


I'll be tagging and keeping an updated list to everyone who has voted and helped me out to recognize you. I hope you'll continue to take the time and continue to reciprocate the vote(s) you've already given me to help me reach me goal...even if your vote isn't worth anything (like mine), it will help me out because other people will see it and maybe it will TREND!!!

DIRECT DONATIONS: @techslut, @anderssinho

UPVOTES: @geoffreydemars, @hr1 (11 votes), @boatsports90, @gameofmeme, @fuzzmaster, @kmar1e, @shlomit (21 votes), @yakubenko, @rachelhanson10, @mysassy, @deliberator, @ubg, @linkonsaha31, @raimundolm, @ubg (2 votes), @christianity101, @steemitboard, @fushock, @soqeweslu, @oequexinkffq, @barhatova, @zalovs, @bensonmorris, @evoragoa, @tenovoy, @fordrenadarost, @libalibach, @selenone, @nenasche, @iganckow, @simonjay (11 votes), @dmiton (3 votes), @cqf (40 votes), @fminerten, @steempty, @ew-and-patterns, @sidsuman, @yudexisjaume, @rizkigold, @sicomunity, @mirkmarvel, @stream (7 votes), @mmikhail, @parisienne, @vranilo, @nathan047, @worldtour, @kayleigh-alesta, @yahoooo, @nvidovskaya, @ferst, @zhgilmaks, @syedrobbins, @potop, @ass12, @nageen, @fenris, @vokosyuba, @deniskossya, @latonov, @bieshnabemlyudu, @samk, @sadomskiy, @adrialovell, @garsh, @jetperalta, @moorkedi, @gclipse, @runicar, @cathi-xx, @gonzo, @carrieallen (2 votes), @mikeshuh, @faustofraser, @skunkape30uk, @cryptokemon, @hormen69, @scotaric, @billmega, @lazygamez, @syl, @goge-vandire (2 votes), @solbit, @filouman, @buckfumbler (23 votes), @salas92, @slotniki (2votes), @rewardpoolrape (2 votes), @ynexonstat, @asim1234, @antonshoj, @transportir, @kerlund74, @pyrowngs, @plushzilla (4 votes), @st3llar (2 votes), @maraki (3 votes), @yoohowoooho, @josedr52, @vkrendyas, @hayat (3 votes), @nxtblg, @breezin, @econchain, @carn (2 votes), @iamgun, @dabeckster, @narcismihail, @barbadosso, @kanadeblanco, @newsteemians (2 votes), @santanero714, @doitvoluntarily (2 votes), @postpromoter, @sarmizegetusa, @lishu, @zarfot, @purplemoon, @alohaoy, @alex0, @vellosid, @christoryan, @resteemable (2 votes), @jorgebarbera, @acheslazhe, @djamp92, @factcheck, @remarch, @wofford, @alexarain (3 votes), @fortunee, @balkcracker, @jesusars, @smithgift, @amethystrosee, @didic, @zubegazka, @psyconinjalo, @dmiton (4 votes), @foridulislam, @stephansuarez, @solbit, @filouman, @salas92, @ynexonstat, @asim1234, @antonshoj, @transportir, @unholyleaf, @stekz42, @pedromrmourato, @celioeguga, @wauglya, @alislutsko, @abachiev, @nikita-nakl, @photographyilla, @grovzi, @kadcomba, @olichidja, @gladiuspa, @allrecipes, @medusaoftroya, @yalana, @alistinaeva, @fissherman, @posyuntat, @aleksphoto, @biutorinse, @benedict17, @ulyanagutor, @oksimarchuk, @pastapane, @rachelburger, @jeffjagoe (4 votes), @sakelazon, @atbeloush, @albertdraw, @gudkova, @ysyugovankina, @fidmary, @reactivator, @donkeykong9000, @ordosjc, @hakansahin, @newyorkdue, @gluisenriq, @desconocido, @felixgarciap, @oroncio, @anderssinho (5 votes), @nehuen, @krivoruchko, @ronaldosalas, @bessolov, @danilnin, @skyme, @mrnastykilla, @stolni, @thetalenrpwind, @arizal15, @hugobueno, @stemisz, @basedmak, @taxgiant, @sabil95, @wnina, @larryphang, @untapentuoreja, @feklagusin, @shunguystin, @misinaelizaveta, @belovafm, @terrihly, @danrosen, @hendrafusian, @smarthamster72 (4 votes), @koteloks, @amraetich, @matarg, @anoncrpyt, @nombre.shido, @medicbtom, @tlsvchuoi, @skowtesuci, @rataysh, @blackhacker, @madstacks (3 votes), @rishi556 (7 votes), @dmitrijlem, @histiakov, @reginablanco, @ange.nkuru (3 votes), @vivirenvenezuela, @yaamitonmoy, @andre-verbrick, @allamiin, @olleyaya, @steemitboard, @thatterrioguy (11 votes), @upfundme (7 votes), @drjovig, @taskmanager (3 votes), @apprentice001, @jasonbu (3 votes), @purepinay, @mikeycolon, @smb14, @vaalavlaz, @roycecoolidge, @afgany19, @abachiev, @pedromarin, @nippel66, @d3nv3r, @bidnat, @oliverstoney, @prizeportal, @uv10, @slickwilly, @deepdickdog, @kerlund74, @neilanthony, @arkpk, @tuppence, @oswaldoml (2 votes), @notregme, @cub1 (3 votes), @edb1984, @cmp2020 (2 votes), @astronomyizfun (2 votes), @ksticky (3 votes), @rogasa3000, @ivanlyubche, @sergeidobrik84, @rifky.mufty, @ikorlyakov, @skeptic (2 votes), @oasis-in-arizona, @decoracion, @sallly, @monerve, @atoroshen, @vadejek, @allnervov, @stinelintemana, @utka, @svankez, @womanandgun, @byaanasbe, @nitkaanitka, @evseevamaria, @dss55ma, @talalyub, @vernoval, heaa35, @dadi501, @baskuev, @vaseksuva, @sburnys, @originalworks, @tmitinen, @gctg63, @tobersteem, @nmf-ii, @buaan, @jarryd, @onlylogic, @zapper (3 votes), @olintz, @beeyou, @carolynstahl,

Thank you all again and as always, I appreciate your help!!! If you have any ideas on how I can get this in front of more people, or more people with larger voting power, let me know...any assistance I can get to help my dog is so greatly appreciated!!!

Day 1 recap:

Day 2 recap:

Day 3 recap:

Day 4 recap:

Day 5 recap:

Day 6 recap:

Day 7 recap:

Day 8 recap:

Day 9 recap:

Day 10 recap:

Day 11 recap:

Day 12 recap:

Day 13 recap:

Day 14 recap:

Day 15 recap:

Day 16 recap:

Day 17 recap:

Day 18 recap:

Day 19 recap:

Day 20 recap:

Day 21 recap:

Day 22 recap:

Day 23 recap:

Day 24 recap:

Day 25 recap:

Day 26 recap:

Thanks again so much for reading my blog and supporting Floppy through his recovery!!!


I feel bad for your dog , but please dont leave links and messages for upvotes in my comments , especially when it has nothing to do with my post at all , this was not an entey into my contest and im a very busy with entries all the time , that you have now wasted my time with this . Even if its for a cause , spamming posts is not the way to go about it . thanks ! 👍

Sorry about that @karenmckersie, I didn't really read through your entire post, just the subject line and I thought my comment was relative - I wouldnt intentionally spam any posts like that, I always try my best to read through and add value - apparently this time I failed LOL. I hope you'll accept my apology.

No worries thanks for the reply back ! Im just very busy on here like most people Lol! 😀

Your tags aren't relevant to the subject either, sorry about your dog & expenses, but, bitcoin? Cryptocurrency? And NO mention of dog?

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