my part of our diary #11 Fear is an Illusion | Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5

@safaax and me taking part at the steemit ultimate challenge intiated by @dobartim.

Thank you @dobartim for this opportunity. But do you have maybe an advise for us to take part in a blog contest that you know? I notice, that our postings are not always fitting exactly to this ultimate challenge as this blog for example does only contains education and life communication but not business and financial communications

Nevertheless, here is our 4rd entry in week 5.

Education communications

ohh safaa .. I hope your tear's leaving these eye's will always have the reason of happyness emotion. Yesterday ( like still almost today) I got very tired and had a lot of stuff to do, as you maybe remember I am in Bremen. ereyesterday I had theory test and today the practical one for fork lift truck driver license ( as I will work for 3 month student job at daimler in bremen starting in march). surely I got my license smoothly and had my fun 😀 whatever, later I wanted somehow chill and have some relax time watching eat,pray, love. I ve started watching it and knew I wanted to write you back , as it was still early (around 20 o clock) , but then I paused at the half and fell asleep, but had in my mind that I want to type my answer for your lofeely text which made me very happy when I only saw the first sentence in preview during my daily activities.. I am sorry I couldnt write earlier. So, I just woke up at night 2-3 and watched the rest of the movie and now I am typing peaceful in assistance with your cover song : ) its soo calmful, after movie I went to bathroom and just heard a small cat voice (not this typical meow, more like when they are waking up and doing some noise without opening mouth like mmmmhh 😀 ). I couldnt see monty (the cat in bremen to whom I also have a very good relationship). then I was almost sure he would be somewhere near the stairs as always.. but I couldnt see him.. I was like.. hmm , where is he? I just called his name and he made again some voice which came directly from my room.. I looked inside and saw this littly baby laying on my bed sooo sweet !! Of course I stroke him and he purred , then he fell asleep while I was typing and listening to you .. monty is very characteristic as all cats are.. he only likes to stroke him a bit. then he gets angry normally.. but now... I stroke him soo muuch ... he was tired and wanted to sleep with my hands gliding on his back soft and smoothy.. love. so far for description of the moment and a picture but which was taken another time, but looks almost same now. Funny and lofeely that cats surround us all the time : )
how could youuu ? how dare you not to pay attention to the cat? 😀 cats are more important than mee ; ) their energy is calming you down, minimizing your stress or pain and also healing you themselves and you with this special purring which makes them soo special.. even scientists have no clue how it works that they purr 😀 only some theories..
I would like to stand up and look after the moon right now, but I do not want to wake up this little cat. I can see he is dreaming.. I think he has some adventureous dream like catching a mouse 😀

We would find a way to transmit informations even when one of us would be an alien.. now i have to type with one hand as he took my hand and surrounded my arm with his soft white paws..
there will be a second part coming later focussing on our topics.. you know the feeling that you get very unconfortable just because you want to have it confortable for the cat? thats why I end this email here for now. have a great lovely day..

part two of mail: Continuation from the bus again back to Berlin:

I will dive deep directly to our current topic. the fear. you asked what would be the worst thing ever can happen.. like death you mentioned.. no I wasnt talking about death or sth else.. it is just the unknown which could make me fear. I think I do not have the same fear "everybody or the mass" have.. As I do not want to have the standard life I may have fear about the uncertain, I could take it as an adventure and take the benefits of experience outside the "big bad thing" which could happen. But mostly I care about my loved one's , lets say they arent that open minded to pain, fear and experiences. Lets assume they are weak, how can I prevent them from the uncertain, if I even dont know yet what I am talking about ;D ? Youre right, my conscoiusness has to be strong and awake. This could definetly help me for example to handle situations and thoughts. yeah and I remember that you told me that our believes effects our reality and your sweet experiment while you closed with your hands the view of my eyes. Just to show that this what we believe that we see does not have to right or wrong or real or abstract.. looking forward to create our reality together, therewhile I dont care if your hands are in front of me or not. my reality is hidden inside (heart, brain, soul) me, which is/(was maybe always/will be) connected to yours.
Just put this reminder to yourself that we are almost all the time at the beginning of our journey to find ourselves, our value's that matters, and our goals/processes we want to achieve. So, when really the day comes and you sit there and dont know how it should go on, you feel like you lose your inspiration, motivation and action than just remind yourself that you have to start somewhere and assume that is just the beginning, like when a baby tries to walk, so prepare yourself as the very first step is always one of the hardest and you will fall down.. dont think about your past when you learned to crawl and this was it.. its not .. you have to start from the very beginning and you have the experience that crawling wasnt your goal but the process you should have learned before walking.. and dont stop with walking.. this must not be the end. try to find new goals.
I can of course not imagine exactly how much courage you needed to take your decision to leave for travelling , but I made a lot of acquaintances with a lot of different cultures and (imo unfortunate) traditions that make the life for especially woman harder to unfold their potentials. At this point I want to say (again maybe) that I told to my friend veda just one day before we both met with you safaa that I wish and hoped to get in contact with a marocain girl (preferrable a student [of life] ) to understand and help her maybe if she needed it. So, now here we are.. trying to help each other's, and we are working on it already.. this underlines again how important it is, that you hope for the positive things so they come.. sometimes even better than you can expect..
The movie eat pray love showed your journey quite appropraite and I felt happy watching it as I put you as my main actress , so now I am very excited to hear and watch your movie directed by you : )

Life communications

Your task nr.3 : I completly agree to the background Idea of it and have just to clarify some things that you probably misunderstood as I wasnt so clear at that moment. When you remember, I ordered a veggie burger and did not knew about the frites which seem to be in package with the burger. So, it wasnt not by purpose that I ordered those. by the way I loved it as you just took some of those frites even without asking ! that was sooo perfectly the kind of how I would it like to be and how I like to do also, I surprise also sometimes some friends with this behavior but in a positive way, thankful to you who showed me the same ... In germany there is this general , western "politeness" to show a fake respect and distance which is absolutely not polite when you go deeper. Just as Manson described the situation in Russia where everybody is just so honest (builds trust) to each other and show politeness and respect or disrespect to unknown people equal to everyone. I was so happy when you just picked it up , even if it is something very normal between you and me as we are thinking like this. sharing (without asking) but as you maybe cannot imagine, in some cultures its not like this. Im glad you were a child at that moment ;D and that is also what I wanted to say, I mean when there is something offered to me, which is not damaging me that much I cant denie and let it on my plate. In my whole life I can remember only to 2-3 times where I let something on my plate. but this was very unhealty and felt not good. I appreciate food very much but I dislike too oily or fat food. I cant remember when I ate the last time at burgerking, mcdonalds or I dont know what.. The first and only time in my life I tried KFC in marakesh for example.. I dont drink cola, fanta, energy drinks or all that sweet crap.. Or as you maybe remember when I ordered this marocain menthe tea I insisted that it should be without sugar.. I dont use sugar since 2012. When you put just one small cube of sugar in any of my tea, I dont like it and I dont want to drink it : ) When my mom is making some cake and I am beside I always ask how much sugar do you have/ want to put inside? I say always, try it please with the half of it.

so, your task of less sugar is almost done by me. and I love banana ! like the minions ! 😀 do you know them? I love minions , they are so sweet hahah A little story of my childhood when I was maybe 3-4 years old, I gave my father my banana that he opens it for me as I couldnt.. so, I was expecting he would open it by the short side of the banana where is no tail. But suddenly he opened it by the tail side and I began to cry 😀 hahaha crazy sweet right? and today.. I am always opening it by the tail side as it is much easier and better^^ So, I am quite healthly concerning my food and drink choice and appreciate food/ bread very much and cant waste it as I remember poverty or the inaccessability of others (in other countries) who could be satisfied with the small amount that I would have thrown away for days.. But, as I am also a child I like to enjoy sweet cookies and cakes and so on. There is so much to discover I really enjoy cookies beside my black tea, thats sometimes all what I need to get happy 😀 I cant say no , this makes me fat... it is not the sweet stuff which would make me fat, is would be the unsportive behavior which would cause it. My cousin for example.. he is a professional fitness trainer and has a great body and seems very healthy and if my aunt makes sekerpare (a turkish sweet --> google it^^ ) he eats it and also a lot of other sweets too.. We do not have to put limits just because it could be unheallthy, we should be just in consciousness and counteract to defend ourselves from the negative side effects. So, we should do sport ! task nr 4 is coming.. ^^

Here a list to start from the beginning of our journey...

@talaxy diary
@safaax diary
#1 blog start here#1 blog continue here...
#2 blog#2 blog
#3 blog#blog 3 Now, start from the right side...
#4 blog#4 blog
#5 blog#5 blog
#6a blog & #6b blog#6 blog
#7 blog#7a blog & #7b blog
#8 blog#8 blog
#9 blog#9 blog
#10 blog#10 blog
you are here#blog 11
to be be continued...

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Ağaç Dikmen çok hoş:)

A cat sees about 6 times better than a human at night, and needs 1/6 the amount of of light that a human does - it has a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.

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