My part of our diary #2 uncomfortable tasks step by step

in #dreams7 years ago

we went slowly they said. we strolled the ways and the reason why we were so slow should be declared by our interest not to arrive somewhere (where we probably had to say goodbye) which would mean that something would find his end. simply we tried to slow down the time with our feets. But there is no stop for our spirits, we are flying at same wavelenghts and this just feels so good...

you saw two little flying and free birds while typing... but do you know what my cat Karamel who typed these numbers by walking on my keyboard would do with the two little birds? : D Actually he just wants to play with them^^ but somehow everytime this is the last game for those small birds that played with a cat. We have the same curiosity like these cats. When they see a bird, there is something different and unregular. they want to know and catch it just to figure out if they can be friends by playing hide and seek. we want to discover our surroundings in the world. new people, new languages and new cultures, traditions and religions as well as signs and purposes. we must have been send here by a purpose. we should run after it without giving up.
It was nice to see "myself" through your eyes. I have to admit, that I was quite happy that I am so special. yes I am very special and I know this since very long time. But it was you who reminded me again. That for I got the chance to come in this situation with you. Thats so crazy cool how we just get into our conversation. We could have been talking also earlier in the streets at square point or by walking through the streets, but would it be the same? Is everything what happens in the right order, and how much can we influence it? I dont know, my focus was the group at the beginning and wanted to know each person in the group one by one. And I just forgot that I wanted to meet you. Like magnetic we just startet to talk when we were leaving such a beautiful place called royal mansour as I talked in french to the waiter and surprised you.

Royal Mansour Hotel, Marakesh (Morocco), 12.01.2018 :

This was the first time I really remember that we spoke together.. Before I think we just said hello without names at square point and I tried to take care of you girls when you just crossed the street without any attention. Back to the garden of royal mansour I told you my experiences so far that I got a bit dissappointed and looked for somehow different that convinces me to get another picture of marocco and the people. From that moment on our own trip just started and we got spiritual divided from our group. We landed at the entrance of cyber park, where I wanted to go the whole day long as I loved the jardin de secret which was so peaceful and calm after that horrible loud bazaar on the way. So, I thought maybe I would find another sort of relax power inside this cyber garden. It also interested me as one of the kings (someone called abdessellam I think) build this garden for his lovely one and named it cyber garden because he believed that process is hidden in future combined with technology. He wasnt that wrong actually for that time. Finally we entered together in this garden and now, I can say that this garden is also very special now for me as I entered in an open but closed garden at late evening by talking to a very special person. I got my answer about the meaning of this cyber garden to me. That he was so right, due to technology. I am now able to keep in touch with her so we can still be in that process and grow and move our futuristic thoughts into a direction which allows us to be more and to get more what we deserve and like to have. I still see myself in front of a big hurdle how to show her the ways of possibilities to enter great potentials which allows us to travel and be independent of countries and zones which seem to be just limits and slowing downs the way energy flows. We were born in an environment which educates us to live in an ordered and structured way and not to dance outside a given area. A system which has the power to deliver fear to the mass and changing there wonderful minds by limiting them. The weak hands are struggling and are having bad times all day long with having unneccessary and negative thoughts how to get along the months and how to keep a social "clear" face. In reality they are only wearing a mask and trying to keep that one out of dirt. So no one may and should recognize them under the mask. Imagine among all these mask's I saw this wonderful clear face without a mask who saw me as well and was also able to see just more than people with masks. We saw each other and talked. Limitless feelings and conversations are only and only possible by diswearing the limiting mask. When I looked in that cafe into her eyes, I smiled inside me so bright from my heart I couldnt hide it. I have to admit that I also struggled sometimes in the past and had one of those masks maybe or a different one. So, I could think I should not show her my smile as she could think under her mask something which would not be correct. nevermind, it was not like this with her! We both saw each other in a pure matter. I really saw a shining, bright like a sunshine from her eyes. And this is really not a metaphor now, I really saw this one and its one of my best pictures I wont and cant forget. She had the same shining at our next rendez-vouz. Just as I had no time to ask her age, her name etc. I had no idea about making a picture with a smartphone to keep this wonderful picture for infinity, as I am keeping a lot of memories from 1990 till now in my digital storage. But that moment, my brain had taken already this wonderful magical view of her aura and it is already storaged irreversible for unlimited time in an unlimited space. So, back to the technology which is can be a useful util if you know how to use it. So knowledge is always the background to be. To be whatever you want and whereever you want to be. As I knew that she had no use of all these known social medias like face, instagram, snapchat which all carry the same ideology, there should be a different and more special way to keep in touch. When she asked for further contact at our first goodbye I mentioned her to use her brain to get in contact and find me again. I had no doubts that we will still be in contact (however), that is why I did not asked the same question. But for her there was this uncertainty that she wanted to have clarified. I really appreciated it of course and this turned on one of my happyness buttons 😃 Actually, I would wait and hope that she would get the knowledge to create and not loose the access to a very special platform ( ) that completly differs in ideology from other social media forms. I tried to show her the benefits during our walk. But now, I realised that it requires so much more than a small introduction. Even people who are very talented and studied informatics and networking have great difficulties and problems about entering this plattform and they dont get what it is about to share things and ideas. So, I thought for a small moment, that I would just give her the chance to find me by a lot of research and contact me via steemit after creating her own diary on this plattform. But when even people all over the world from more developped countries has problems to get into that, it could maybe take years for her, grown up in a country where even online banking or withdrawing money by cards for example is not working properly. So, I decided not to loose more time as I had in my past lifetime and just wrote her the next day from the couchsurfing app and asked after my sahara desert and essaouira trip for a second rendez-vous. I was so curious and wondering how it would work and if there are differences in that country when meeting alone with a boy. I thought that maybe she would ask if my friend veda or her friend abdul should join for our second meetup as we met quite late in the evening. I tried to give her the most security as possible and let her decided where to meet and not to meet if it is already too late. But I was almost sure, that she would meet me alone and she got the most security by our endless trust we share with a pure human to human boundation. There was that moment when we were almost saying goodbye and taking a cab to our home's , she stopped by at a street seller. I knew she would make a very sweet pleasant gift that would always reminds of her. That moment I said to me, you are giving me now something so sweet and I am sure one day you will get something very special back. For the outsider's it can be a small "souvenir'" . But for me this little key chain smiley (see picture on diary #1 ) is a symbol that carries a huge meaning.
You said you pray sometimes to get problems so you can overcome these in order to improve yourself. I am going to create a lot of problems and uncomfortables to you^^:

  1. Try to reach me via steemit and share your diaries with me. I know our mind and thoughts are very special and deserve to be peer to peer. But I do also know, that sharing is a real good investment strategy and creates a lot of win win situations. This is actually my diary for myself and there wont be people reading through it, as they have their own diaries and timelines. But I like to have mine connected with yours in very early future. Looking forward to share our mind and spirits with people all over the world who are like us, trying to get in contact with great souls and conversations.
  2. download the application audible[...]. We will listen every month to at least one book "together" that we choose.
  3. stay curious and be ready for more and more uncomfortable surprises and habbits that we will go through together. I am awaiting your tasks and wishes also.

I am sharing only my diary and thoughts and keep of course yours for you. For sure we will keep secrets which should stay as secrets between us and sometimes the mails we wrote may differ from our diary and the other way and some thoughts will be kept only in our hearts. A treasure is only valuable if you can spend or share it whilst keeping forms it into ice that has to get melted.
Looking forward to hear from you again and opening your letter which makes me smile everytime when I reopen and reread.

next blog will try to connect to the idea of starting a dream journal:


Hi, now I've read through your post that started with open answers while your cat jumped over the keyboard, which my cat does sometimes. I was looking forward to a walk, realizing one thing or another, but then the paths became narrower and more numerous, so I thought I was getting lost and thought that it was only the masks that caught memories, the living things left everything behind.

Sometimes we have to get lost in order to find our goal. Otherwise we would just turn inside same circle. again and again. But I am happy that you read the whole story, which is just the beginning actually :=) I am trying to build up a something special. It will take time and patience. But I'll go after it and one day the fruits will show up... thank you a lot @karaminze for your interest and support !

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