diary #2 part2 :the begining of our sunshine

in #adventure7 years ago

now it s night , i m siting in a drak place with my laptop ,writing to someone, somewhere in this world , they say at night people became more honest but it s not the reason why i m writing to u right now (i m alwayse honest btw haha )! it s just because i needed to be alone and rethink about everything i felt and everything i lived !
anyway , i woke up the next day with a smile on my face ,so happy of the memories that i lived yesterday , i started my day writing my diary on my bed , i was full of words , full of positivity ..i checked couchserfing by accident , then i found a msg from the guy i ve met yesterday ! he s name was talha , i was glad to know that yesterday was special for him either , he asked me about my number so we can keep in touch but as i dont have any application we decided that we re going to write email and letters, the idea of writing a letter already cross my mind a thousand times , but i never tought it will turn to reality , and here i am now , lost between words for a letter ...anyway i spend the next
2days on my studies .tel the day of exam i came back home very exhausted , i couldnt sleep because i had a lot of things to do , then when he asked for a meeting , i accepted immedialty cuz i knew falling a sleep will never be like meeting a little bird before it flys away
i took him to my best place in marrakech , and oddly it was very empty , it s like all the people understood that their presence is like their absence during our disscusion so they decided to just live us alone haha , we start talking , asking questions again about nothing and everything , i talked about my passions and all those things whish touched my soul untel i felt the tears knocking on my eyes because it really touched me .now all i see is a man with good heart who try to understand life , happiness .he has this beautiful infinities of sperate univers inside of him ,he has this amazing diamonds inside of him , it only doesnt shine enough for the people around him that he forgot that he has it in the first place ..we were diveded in our disscusion deeply and deeply drowning on the ocen of beauty , for a moment i can see him strugeling with words , like they was hard for him to come out from his month ,was like he was thinking about something , i asked him , and he answerd that he has two voices in his head , but i didnt really know what each one of them says ( i d like to know haha) then i talked to him about how mush giving is so important , and right after that ,we huged each other , i think it was the longest hug i ve ever had ,but i was happy to give some form of postive energy
at the end of the night we walked hands in hands , he told me about his secret of the gril he used to exchange emails with , he bluit a huge execptation of something that thought was unique, but acuellty he s the only one preventing him self from thinking the opposite , beautiful things are not neccaserly those who last forever , sometimes 5 min can compte more then infinities ,and as i told him now is everything , now is the hope of life , why should we wasted living in our past ? i remember him telling me that he loves me , but i didnt really understood the kind of love he was talking about , but it was beautiful in all the ways ,and i thought asking would just be a waste of time since all we had is a few min , then my eyes will be separate then his , and my hands will get colder then they re for the moment .we came to a point where we get devided ,in 2 diferent directions but our souls remain in that place .
so this was the begining of a the sun rays in a beautiful land called each other , let each other be the begining of a new crazy world


Gunlugunu ertesi sabah tutmak çok mantıklı imiş @talaxy sen cevir

:) @oguzhangazi says I should translate for you ^^
he wrote that it is a quite smart idea to write the diarie just the next morning

thank u @talaxy for translation
@oguzhangazi thank u :D

https://steemit.com/bestsmile/@dobartim/competition-the-challenge-of-a-best-smile-the-prize-is-30-sbd-7-days-votin-day-24-hours arkadaşlar buradaki yarışmaya katıldım yardımcı olmak için yorum kısmına @kutluhan number#62 yazarsan sevinirim Şimdiden teşekkürler. oyladım resteeledim seni sonsuz destek kolay gelsin :)

he asks if you could vote for him at this challenge where you post a smile face of yourself : )

by the way @safaax , now its your turn again with part 3 of our diarie .. then I will post mine 3. for the right order : =)

Great :) now I can continue with my diarie part 3 and we can continue like that :) Something amazing will be formed in future by starting this.. maybe for now it seems just between us ... but we are writing a history and I like that we have the chance to hold it here. Steemit is based on Blockchain and it saves it for unlimited of time and you cant delete it :D thats something very special, only you have access to your "account" .. so never, ever share or loose your master password ok ?:) there is no " Forgot password?" button in ths technology ;) you have just full control with this master password you got at the very beginning. dont loose,share or eat it little panda :D
ps: use every time a picture which fits to your postings : =)

yeah ,our world is getting bigger each day :D .i m gonna try to keep the password all over the house haha dont worry ,thank u :)

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