my part of our diary #7 Craziest rain experience in my whole life | Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #2

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

Early or late, coming or not, I do not expect but I hope it. And every time I see this pop up of an email from you I get soo excited and creating a nice environment to open and read it. I want always to read it as soon as possible but also sometimes I try to wait and open when "the time come".

In order to understand following section, the ladder blog#7a of safaax is necessary, but you can continue anyways:

The name casablanca sounds cool and rich . At the beginning we planned to go there maybe, but later we asked locals and they said there is not so much to discover, there are better places to go. But if you have family of course this changes the situation.. Im glad you visited your family but I am more happy you found yourself in marakesh and me 😃and I hope you could travel today?
I had again some crazy dreams but forgot to write it down now I forgot again^^ But I know that these dreams confused me so I thought on thursday that it was friday and I was going to pray the friday prayer on thursday^^ at the end I did it today and as you are in my mind since day one, I am also praying for you and I hope that our wishes get fulfilled and that we get new wishes when we reach the older ones^^ I can tell you a very crazy story about rain.

This picture was shot in Berlin 2017, its snow and not rain and has nothing to do with the story, but looks like at least ^^IMG_20170104_192409.jpg

So, the Rain story:
One night, it was quite late, maybe around midnight and it startet to rain in Emden so crazy like never. And this city is very famous for rainy weather... But that night it was raining so much and crazy! we decided (I think it was my idea^^ ) with 3-4 boys and 2 girls just to go out and enjoy the rain.. we were dressed up in chill mode like under shirts or just some pyjama shirts.. but we ran just like crazy outside after the rain as the one who would get first and mostly wet would win a prize. Then, we were outside our dormitory.. we got wet and just tapped happy on the floor full of water like children. Later we ran across the streets and just landed in a location where people danced and had their fun. but they had fun by listening to loud music and by drinking or taking unhealthy stuff maybe.. we had just our idea and the rain to get happy.. we got lucky that we knew the owner of this location , so he let us enter as he saw us so happy and wet in just undershirts. He had no idea what was going on 😀 so we ran happy inside and everybody inside this club looked after us and some of them freaked out as we were spreading water by moving and others just celebrated our happyness 😀 at the end it was not the perfect idea to let us inside so we overtook the dance place and everyone was leaving it as we were so wet 😀 one of the girls said a truth which brought me to laughing.. she said, that's the first time that nobody wants to dance with me 😀 I said I like to dance with you 😀 but then, the security took us out and we ran home and just jumped and layed down on the streets... it was really crazy.. no one of us got ill the next days ! An experience no one of these guys will ever forget it 😃 So, cant wait for our rainy day, funny how much similarities we both have..
As I read that you loved cats since ever.. I was like.. no .. how could you? how dare you?? How could you not mention that? I am one of the biggest cat lovers the earth ever saw.. since I can think I wanted a cat... I love cats soooo much.. I can write a book about it..

The cats from a russian friend of me:

I like dogs also.. but cats are amazing.. My heart loves cats, thats just my instinct, something which must be declared for me.. I do not expect anything from them, I just feel like I love cats. are you a cat? 😀Come on, how could someone not love those sweet species with their own will, they are so special.
Did I already mentioned that I hear your sound cover every time when I go sleep or wake up? I look forward to share it on steemit, but I am also researching how to get inside a great community so we get a huge support... there are a lot of challenges, like color challenges, sometimes poetry challenges.. thats nice to get in touch with others and win some prizes.. so let us keep our eyes open : = )
ps: try to write "much" with ch ... not sh ^^ much is correct, mush not 😃
I got a message you downloaded the big file.. great..
lovely wishes

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From now on we (me and @safaax ) start to participate in the Steemit Ultimate Challenge from @dobartim to show and spread the world how steemit allows us to share and save our magical connection through a common diary.
Join and enjoy :)

Here a list to start from the beginning of our journey...

@talaxy diary
@safaax diary
#1 blog start here#1 blog continue here...
#2 blog#2 blog
#3 blog#blog 3 Now, start from the right side...
#4 blog#4 blog
#5 blog#5 blog
#6a blog & #6b blog#6 blog
#7 blog#7a blog & #7b blog
to be be continued...

A cat's jaw has only up and down motion; it does not have any lateral, side to side motion, like dogs and humans.

i love how you want to spread and share our crazy world to the world <3
let's start the challenge :D

In multi-cat households, cats of the opposite sex usually get along better.

A cat called Dusty has the known record for the most kittens. She had more than 420 kittens in her lifetime.

In the 1930s, two Russian biologists discovered that color change in Siamese kittens depend on their body temperature. Siamese cats carry albino genes that work only when the body temperature is above 98° F. If these kittens are left in a very warm room, their points won’t darken and they will stay a creamy white.

A cat sees about 6 times better than a human at night, and needs 1/6 the amount of of light that a human does - it has a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.

Cats come back to full alertness from the sleep state faster than any other creature.

Good luck man. ;)

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