GiveAway: UPVOTE my post for a POEM! Week#2 Yes That is Right! Upvote Comment and Get a poem for you in a reply!!! Enjoy!

in #poetry6 years ago


Hey all I am so happy to present you the second edition of my Give-A-Way a Poem. I want to make it even more fun so I have upgraded the rules.

Now If you want a poem Upvote Comment and if you want not a personal poem but something else you can give me a word prompt.... or a theme... or topic ... whatever you want to be put into a poem....

So I really want to see what you come up with try to make it difficult for me thanks :)

I hope you all enjoy this. I really enjoyed the last weeks entries : I want to share them with you so you have an Idea what will pop out for you ... So here are the last week poems that I have done for fellow Steemians. God Bless You all. Peace and Love.

First Entry in this giveaway was @beanz Thank you so much for jumping in :P It was a pleasure

They call her beanz
She is the VOTU pirate queen

She is in every steemian dream
Everybody wants her in his team

She had posted 5 interesting facts
About what she did and how she acts

She has a future pleasant dream
To buy a plane with bitcoin or steem

She has a tattoo on her back
It is a tiger hard to track

Apparently she's got another one
But it is a secret find it for yourself my son

Shes helping minnows on her show
You've got to go and thank her now

I am so grateful that she came
To participate in this poetic game

It's been a pleasure for me to write
About this gorgeous lady on our site

By Angel Veselinov This poem is exclusively written for @beanz . Hope You enjoyed it. God Bless. Peace and Love thank you for stopping by it was my pleasure.

He is your best friend @Dorth

Comes from dangerous area
Somewhere in Nigeria

Always eager to help
He never thinks first for self

Having an awesome cat
He can't be a rat

Loving taking B&W shots
Of most unusual spots

Having sharp analytic mind
He is a creative of new kind

Got to share it with you
Man call If you need any help too

God Bless You. Peace and Love man. We already have several poets from Nigeria couple of ladies too :) you are welcome to snoop around haha :) Hope you enjoy your piece.

We have a ghost
In steemit town

He does'not post
Too much around

But likes to play
In every contest
Enjoys his stay
and never protest

It is that Casper
Loving Steem
He will prosper
Following his dream

We just try to catch him here
He just came on my post appeared

So come on give him a shout out
I have written him a poem read it out loud

By Angel Veselinov Exclusively Written @steemcasper Enjoy. Wish you great time in steemit. :)

Hey It is Greg from
Cape Cod, Earth
It was October 2017
His Steemit Birth

He loves our planet and all art
In photography he makes his part

Looking through the hourglass
Presenting his great view
Capturing great moments
To enjoy and to review

It has been a pleasure
at Bluefinstudios to be
You cannot measure
The talent is there to see

By Angel Veselinov Exclusive poem for @bluefinstudios . Enjoy. Thank you for participating. God Bless. Peace and Love.

She is now blossomed flower
She has her own girl power

She is fragile like baby
But never uses may be

Opens up her heart
On Steemit from the start

A great friend in need
If you want to succeed

She you help you out
You don't need to shout

Sometimes she lonely feels
But there is nothing that an Upvote cannot heal

I do believe she'll find her Prince
But when she wants it with her heart
To be heartbroken is so hard
I wish you find new power for restart

By Angel Veselinov exclusively written for @baby07 God Bless You. Hope You Enjoy. Peace and Love thanks for waiting so patiently hehe :)

A fellow poet Iyanpol
Came to collect his poem now

I have to welcome you at once
In our new community freelance
It is for poets and their friends
You can find the link where this post ends

On to the matter back now
This is just another spot light show

To represent our great friend
He comes from Philippines
To his charities there is no end
There is no limit to his dreams

A modern visionary of a kind
With sharp and fast poetic mind

You got to go an check him out
He is making drawings in between
I have to say I am so proud
That his nice comment I have seen

By Angel Veselinov this poem was exclusively written for @iyanpol12 . Thanks hope you enjoy it. God Bless. Love and Peace. :)

I want to welcome
The lovely lady Hayleeng
She was not afraid to come
and comment

She is a brand new here
from lovely Venezuela
Her poetry and drawings appear
They are awesome I tell ya

Such a charming face and mind
She is a creator of best kind

Got to go and check her out
Give her some love with no doubt

I also what to invite her
to our poetry home
The Steemit Poets United
Discord Server Dome

For the final I must say
You got to steemit all the way
Don't be afraid explore
find the people to adore

Steemit is all about connection
Don't be afraid to share your imperfection

Open up your heart
That will guarantee you the best start

Be Blessed that is from me
Waiting on your reply to see

By Angel Veselinov Exclusive poem written for @hayleeng . Thank you for participating I hope you enjoy it. God Bless you Peace and Love. Come join our poets community we will gladly help you to progress into steemit land. Best Wishes. Angel.

Karla God was her name
She is proficient in this game

Having won several contests with her work
She does not need her ass to twerk

She is winning all men's hearts
With her awesome way of words

Such amazing smile she has
Melting all men's hearts at once

She is now part of our group
she contributes to our poetry soup

You got to go and check her out
Resteem her stuff promote her loud

Thank you darling for the comment
This poem came true it is not a compliment

I hope to see ya soon around
To your poetry we are now bound

By Angel Veselinov Exclusively written for @its-kg the Giveaway a Poem Idea .. :P God Bless. Peace and Love.

Fox Nation
Joined us for this poetry creation

It was quite fast this comment
I was going to sleep in a moment

But I had not closed the lid
So I had this short poetry to slid

I hope you like it as your first
I am saying Cheers to get off that thirst

Welcome to community of crazy cats
The fox is welcome here to eat the rats

By Angel Veselinov composed exclusively on steemit for @shyal for the crazy poet challenge going on... God Bless You. Peace and Love.

I present you NickiBanjLady
You should know she is not shady

She likes making new friends
know she will stay till the end

Making poetry fiction not crime
She is in steemit to write and to rhyme

She is so charming
But don't call her darling

Stay at a distance
If she's showing resistance

Cause she has great temper
But you better not hear her tember

Hey I greet you now tender
I am the best freestyle poet contender

:) By Angel Veseliov This poem was exclusively written for @nickibanjlady . Thanks for participating in my self challenge give away. God Bless You. Peace and Love.

Hey it is @hazem91
He is a true Allah son

Writer, poet, scout leader
He is searching for the steemit reader

Karate player, climber, electric engineer
hazem91 knows no fear

Getting into contests
Making poetry at once
Writing all his protests
Trying to advance

There is always a next time
This is his hot story
He is standing in a line
To receive his glory

I am certain his future is bright
I am going to read all his stories tonight

By Angel Veselinov this poem was exclusively written for my Poem Giveaway Self Challenge. : ) God Bless You. Peace and Love. Hope you enjoy your personal poem :)

Lone Star Poet he is called
He makes his work for all

He practices yoga so much
Developing his poetic touch

Searching for balance and peace
Read some of his stuff please

Having many contest entries
Soon he is getting his Bently

He is part of our group
Poets United round up

I can talk about him all day
But better go at his profile and stay

He loves his free writes
Lovely feelings they ignite

So be sure to follow
His feed is so lovely not hallow

By Angel Veselinov this poem was written for the Poem Giveaway :) God Bless You. Peace and Love. @lonestarpoet

@nexrules he knows
his fuels

A Post Graduate Engineer
He's got much to contribute here

Have you hear his real story
Be sure you do so in future don't worry

Look before you leap
Don't loose your sleep

He got his lesson out
Good that he shouted it loud

Now we are aware
To transfer funds with a care

Thanks for your share
So we are prepared

He is from Nigeria
But I did not get which area

So tell us more
Be personal steemit adore

You will for sure succeed
Continue posting your feed

By Angel Veselinov This poem was made for the giveaway I make :) God Bless. Peace and Love.

Hey have you heard about @ethandsmith
You should know he is a steemit hit

Driving that SteemEngine Team
Helping others to make their dream

If you have not joined yet
Click Here there to get

I have got to say
Ethan has great podcast go play

He has done so much for all
Got a question don't hesitate call

He is a Christian got love in his heart
For me a magician who helped me from the start

I thank you sir
You have been great
I hope you not stir
When reading this late

:) By Angel Veselinov Thank you so much for your participation man :) Hope you enjoy your small piece. Be Blessed. Peace and Love.

@Krazypoet one of my first friends on steemit
I couldn't make better even when dreaming

He is so nice and sincere
Helping all that are near

He is the one that cares
Much time for us he spares

Inspiring our worlds
With his awesome words

I have no words to explain
How much he brings to this game

He is a part of Poets United
Since he joined I am so excited

Can't wait to get to know you better
This is not a poem only as well a letter

I hope soon with you to make collaboration
It would be pleasure to create for our steemit nation

I have to tell you I can go at it all day
But go read his stuff and find your way

It is exceptional to read
His epic quality creative feed

So I am now going to visit
Have to read his new poem exquisite

By Angel Veselinov Thanks man for stopping by. It has been my pleasure. This was written special for the giveaway challenge :) God Bless You . Love and Peace.

She is finally here
Miracle Effiong in steemit appeared

It was so nice to meet
It was a pleasure for me to greet

She came and joined our poetic team
She is ready to create and dream

Has a lovely smiley face
She is like Angel falled from grace

Be as always so nice
I would do you a poem twice

Hope that you like what you read
This was all from my poetic feed

By Angel Veselinov This poem was exclusively written for the giveaway . God Bless You. Peace and Love. @miraeff

And last but not least
We have @thekittygirl on this post
She is PYPT beast
She will guide you if lost

She made helpful tips
For you in discord
So you fix your mic
Push to talk to import

I have to give it to her
She is a lovely writer
If you are in a blur
You just go to her

She will make things clear
Like her posts lovely appear

Making great contributions
Giving awesome solutions

Writing deep lovely stories
Where every one worries

Have you seen her at all
If not give her a call

I thank her so much
For patiently waiting
Cause I was late to touch
My keyboard creating

I had some live troubles
As well they were double
Cause baby was yoooooooooooo

I hope you did not think
That I will forget
The joy I still bring
You just come and you get

I wish you well
All the best to the end
Just Burn your own hell
Be yourself be my frend

By Angel Veselinov Thank you for waiting so long . I hope It was worth the wait.... God Bless You. Peace and Love. All the best this poem was personally written for my giveaway :)

Well I hope you enjoyed your reads as I enjoyed writing them Thank you all for your participation.

All are welcome to participate :) Want a Free Poem it is so easy Upvote Comment. God Bless You All. Peace and Love.


Here are some of my other poems :

Educational Steemit Poems
Motivational Poems
Cleansing Poetry
Misc Stuff
How to be found by a whale
The Different Truth.
Do You Really Believe.
FInd Your Way.
Be Thankful.
Don't Stop to Share.
Worth the Wait.
You've got to impress.
Cant'Get Enough.
Don't Wait.
I have got to try.
I cannot wait.
Have No Fear.
Just SteemIt.
The Burnout.
The 10 Steem Commandments.
I have a Dream.
That Steem Price.
Do You Have a Will.
Have No Fear.
A Day In A Life of a Fool.
Want to feel good again.
Poetry Session.
Feel Again.
Listen to your heart.
Steemit poets United.
Our first Post For SPU Community.
Poetry Dice #23
Written for a contest

Nocturnal Nostalgia
Dtube Spoken Poetry Collaboration
Poetry Dice- Fun.
Poetry Dice Callenge week 22
Nihilistic Rainbow Contest #3.
Steemit Poetry Contest#11



TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!! UNITED WE STAND!!! #poetsunited (use it to be included in Daily Dose Poetry and Prose)
SO COME STEEMIT POETS UNITE : Join us on our new Discord Server Click Here
credit image


Really nice one !! I'm happy for people who do this !!

I am having now
A special guest
I can tell you how
To test

His talents and dedication
Are his vision and photo creation

Brand new member of Steemit
You have to give him Upvote
He is day dreaming
Waiting on a comment or a note

My fellow Bulgarian friend
I hope we succeed till the end

Another interesting thing
He is only on his phone
Yes I know that must stink
But man You're not alone

By Angel Veselinov exclusively written for @mariantsvetkov

Reply Poem

It's pretty cool I met you poetry Angel
Your poem last week nearly got me strangled

You said I can eat the rat
Sorry but I ain't a brat

Let me tell you something straight
Your poems are damn great

I know you're cool
That doesn't mean other's are fool

Your poems made me drool
I see poems are your greatest tool

In the picture above I see a pie
Chill man your poems are going sky high



Oh my goodness, that's a lot of poem writing.
How about a poem about Texas

Have you been in Texas
With your fancy Lexus

You don't have a gun
Better to have fun
But just in case
Keep one in your maze

Have you heard of Dallas
Its a lovely town
If not get your Atlas
and buy your tickets now

Don't you try to bother
A red neck on his break
He will give you brother
Too much s*** to take

All those oil wells
Making people rich
But it's only Shell
Hitting the fuel switch

By Angel Veselinov Well I hope I did fine :P I am not very familiar with Texas :P God Bless. @johnwjr7

Nice and great lines. Can I get something on febizle the black poet.

Yes for sure you now did just get
The poem for @febuzle the black poet

He is determined to succeed
Using his poetic feed

He has amazing work ethic
Yes for sure he is athletic

Striving for perfection
Upgrading his own skills
With a poetic perception
Writing all his thrills

He has an attitude great
He is never too late
From his positive vibe you can gain
Why are you still here go visit him no need to explain

By Angel Veselinov Here you go my friend hope you like it. Enjoy your read.

Well that got my speechless...your are fueling my vibes...thank you so much..

What a fun idea, @angelveselinov! You are so creative and talented to be able to do something like this! I wish I had upvote power today to give you. Maybe I will be able to catch you on your next contest.

I'm unable to upvote today, but I’ve resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 27 JAN 2018.


Thank You. @mitneb. I admire your dedication and efforts on curation. You have been amazing example and inspiration. Thank you for stopping by. and for the Resteem. God Bless You. Peace and Love.

You're so welcome, @angelveselinov! I'm glad to have a chance to get to know you here. You are a fountain of energy, enthusiasm and creativity.

Now I have got to write something to you too :) Nice.

@mitneb and her curation project
Are something great to expect

She is promoting you all
Who English second language call

It is such an honor
To be visited by this curation donor

She is finding awesome gems
Reviewing all from fiction to games

Thank you darling for your efforts
You are the one making Steemit better

I am following you lead
Helping Minnows to succeed

Thank you for your time and attention
I hope you love my poetic dimention

I am so honored to write a poem for you
Thank you again for all that you do

By Angel Veselinov Especially made for the giveaway :)

That's really great, @angelveselinov! Thanks so much for writing a ditty just for me! I am honored. One little detail you didn't realize is that I am a lady, not a man. But it is still a delightful poem. You have a great talent for encouraging people in a really fun way. Keep it going!

Oh, thanks man!

Always Welcome :p Have no Requests :) for this weeks giveaway :) Make my brain move a bit please :)

Hi @angelveselinov, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Oh wow thank you shadows :) You are great now I got to write one for you too ;) Just to let you know :) hehe.

Maybe I'll see you tomorrow on the PYPT broadcast, @angelveselinov. I'm hoping to make it this time.

It took me a while
That is not in my style
But sometimes in life
We have to just drive

I want to present
Our host of PTPY
My best I her send
She is a true steemit friend

Curating all posts
Deserving the most
She finds you nice reads
And the minnows feeds

Can't get better than that
You must come and present
After is free to chat
To a certain extent

I hope it was worth the wait
It takes time for things great

By Angel Veselinov Written for the poem GiveAway :). Ty for stopping by @shadowspub :)

nicely done and thank you @angelveselinov ... much appreciate your support of PYPT

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