Message of the day - Jan 30, 2018 - "My life is wonderful" & How to manage an anxious-monkey-mind

in #messageoftheday7 years ago

After a break of a few days due to my Yoga Teacher Training Module #4 that happened this past weekend I'm back with the #messageoftheday daily post.

I'm still very tired after the 3 intensive training days combined with little sleep and the stress of an intermediate exam, and I'm slowly coming back to other areas of my life, like publishing here on Steemit.

I'm taking it one step at a time.

So, the 3 keys I received for today are:


Be present

Mindfulness in the small actions


The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall caused by the general feeling of tiredness and aches in the physical body:

"Take care of each moment as it arrives. Observe the needs of your body and the needs of the situation and then act in a way that respects both."

The Louise Hay card I picked up is:

"My life is wonderful."


And on the back of the card it says:

Everything in my life goes well now and always."

One of the many lessons and things I learned during the last days when I got completely immersed in my Yoga Training was that my mind has a strong tendency to run in the future and create scary scenarios that make me feel anxious in the present moment.

This weekend we had to pass a written exam (which we all successfully did on Friday) and then a practical exam in which we took turns to get in front of the class and teach 3 asanas that the teacher would assign on the spot.

Because we're a big group we did this in batches, throughout the 3 days. I was among the last 5 who got through the exam on Sunday.
Our teacher was making fun of us on Saturday evening when he looked at the list and said: "So we stop here for now, and there's 5 more tomorrow." And then laughing: "So you'll have two nights without sleeping!" Indeed I slept very poorly (also due to the fact that I was so energised after all the intense work we did) but also because my mind was racing and making scenarios about the practical exam.

Of course that the moment I finally got to do it I got in the flow and everything went well. I got a good feedback and I was a bit surprised because I was also expecting him to say something I could do better next time. My mind was expecting something "bad" after all that worrying and since it didn't come it was a bit puzzled. It was fun to observe this train of thought. :)

The thing is that those of us who were in the last batch we benefited of all the feedback he gave to all our colleagues. So we got to learn from all of them. On one side we were more stressed, on the other we got to learn more before.

In the end I was wondering: "Why did I stress myself so much because of this?" It was not even the final exam, it was just an intermediate one.

My conclusion is that my mind has this strong tendency towards worrying about the future and when the seed turns into a plant there's nothing I can do to stop it. I can just observe it and work on bringing it back to the present moment, to the breath every time it runs to the future again. Which I did as much as I could.

The other thing is that I need to practice more this coming to the present moment on a daily basis so in moments of anxiety like this one I would have developed more strength in keeping my mind from running around like a crazy monkey.

I hope this little story gives you some insights into how to manage your own crazy-monkey-mind-moments. :)

In love and light!


This post is part of the #messageoftheday series and also from the #challenge30days. Here you can have a look at the previous posts so far:

Message of the day - Jan 25, 2018 - "My work is fulfilling"

Message of the day - Jan 24, 2018 - "I am safe. It's just a change" & Reflections on Money like Water

Message of the day - Jan 23, 2018 - "I am guided by Divine intelligence"

Message of the day - Jan 22, 2018 - "All my relationships are harmonious"

Message of the day - Jan 21, 2018 - "I'm ready to free myself"

Message of the day - Jan 20, 2018 - "My healing is in process" & How to get out of the panic mode & get things done

Message of the day - Jan 19, 2018 - "I forgive myself"

Message of the day - Jan 18, 2018 - "The past is gone"

Message of the day - Jan 17, 2018 - "I love myself and I approve of myself".

Message of the day - Jan 16, 2018 - "Everything I touch turns into a success"

Message of the day - Jan 15, 2018 - "My income is constantly growing"

Message of the day - Jan 14, 2018 - "I turn every experience into an opportunity"

Message of the day - Jan 13, 2018 - "My life is a mirror"

Message of the day - Jan 12, 2018 - "I reclaim my power and I create my reality with love"

Message of the day - Jan 10, 2018 - "Every thought creates my future"

Message of the day - Jan 9, 2018 - "I deserve and accept the best now"

Message of the day - Jan 8, 2018 - "I express my creativity"

Message of the day - Jan 6, 2018 - "I'm open and receptive to new sources of income"

Message of the day - Jan 5, 2018 - "I'm at peace"

Message of the day - Jan 4, 2018 - "My future is bright"

Message of the day - Jan 3rd 2018 - "You are love" & "Life is simple and easy"

Message of the day - Jan 2nd 2018 - "I prosper everywhere I go"

Message of the day - Jan 1st 2018 - "There is no guilt"

Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
Raluca round crop  copy.png


your have very nice messages but I need time to read.I will study everything carefully at home because I work now.I felt that it contained very important information!!!


hope you had the time to read it and found it useful.

my mind has this strong tendency towards worrying about the future

Many people have this tendency, I somehow do not worry about the future much. I have this opposite feeling that everything will turn out good eventually. However, this seemingly positive attitude also has a problem of its own: it leads me to not plan for the future at all. That is harmful as well.

Thank you for sharing your experience, it's awesome you're not prone to anxiety like many other people. I'm also not constantly worrying about stuff that will happen in the future, it's just certain things that trigger my anxiety trip.
Yeap, we need a balance between preparing for the future and living in the now.

Well, you're another gem on Steemit, aren't you. :) Glad to find you here, and I'm happy you did so well with your YTT. Funny how stressful becoming a yoga teacher can be. lol! At least it gives us good tools. I totally overthink things, and tend towards anxiety, so I need all my yoga (and other) knowledge to navigate life, but still I forget sometimes. This reminder is perfectly timed, thank you.

Thank you for the kind words, glad to find another over thinker-prone to anxiety-yogi sister here on Steemit :) Happy this message was at the right time for you.

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