Message of the day - Jan 9, 2018 - "I deserve and accept the best now"

in #messageoftheday7 years ago

This morning I tried to make sense of yet another dream I remembered, one that involved a sort of time traveling in the past. I didn't understand much of it yet, I will let it sit and maybe my unconscious mind will create another dream to explain this one :)))

Anyways, the 3 keys I got for today are:



Interconnected World


And I drew something like a network of spheres that communicate with each other through the waves of energy they emit.

The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall was:

"Breathe deeply and observe the thought that makes you feel afraid.

Notice it's the thought about the situation not the situation itself that makes you worry. Choose another type of thought.

The Louise Hay card I picked up is

"I deserve the best and I accept the best now."


And on the back of the card it says:

I have the mental and emotional abilities to rejoice in a prosperous and loving life. To deserve all that is good is a birthright. I claim this right.

The feeling that "I deserve the best" is still not fully embraced by my subconscious mind. I can see I made a big progress if I look back at my twenty something self.

I was so shy and clueless and convinced I was not worthy of love, money or anything good. On the outside I said I was. But my inside voice believed the contrary. And that belief was creating a world of drama, suffering, lack, tensions, conflicts, fears.

For many years I didn't understand the last couple of years, through a lot of introspection and work on myself in various ways, I've finally came to the point where I felt I deserved better more often and in more areas of my life.

It's a work in progress and a daily practice of awareness and conscious choices.

And when it happens that I fall back in the old victim mentality it's super handy to have someone close remind me that I am worthy and I deserve the best. And then I can snap out of it way quicker than I used to.

So in case you too have doubts sometimes, I want to remind you that You are worthy and you deserve nothing but the best!

In love and light!


This post is part of the #messageoftheday series and also from the #challenge30days. Here you can have a look at the previous posts so far:

Message of the day - Jan 8, 2018 - "I express my creativity"

Message of the day - Jan 6, 2018 - "I'm open and receptive to new sources of income"

Message of the day - Jan 5, 2018 - "I'm at peace"

Message of the day - Jan 4, 2018 - "My future is bright"

Message of the day - Jan 3rd 2018 - "You are love" & "Life is simple and easy"

Message of the day - Jan 2nd 2018 - "I prosper everywhere I go"

Message of the day - Jan 1st 2018 - "There is no guilt"

Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
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"I deserve the best and I accept the best now."

I hated the life I had when I was still in the corporate world. My ideas kept getting stolen, too much workload and not being appreciated. Not to mention the long office hours I spent instead of being with my kids. Now this, I have to remember and live by. I deserve the best. ✋

Yes, you deserve the best! Kudos for leaving the corporate world that was not good for you.

It is always good to pause and reflect on things. Most of the time, because we get carried away by the normalcy, the complacency of our daily lives, we tend to go with the push and pulls of the society. We tend to forget that little child in us (our true self) that also needs our attention. Continue to spread kindness and light!

thank you for sharing your thoughts around this topic @raquelita. Our inner child is so often forgotten and ignored, I agree we need a reminder to take care of her.
I will, thanks for the encouragement! :)

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