Message of the day - Jan 19, 2018 - "I forgive myself"

in #messageoftheday7 years ago

Although it was not a morning writing but an afternoon session I finally managed to get the #messageoftheday on paper. Today I started a new notebook and I just love the feeling when I write on the first pages on the immaculate paper. It feels like a fresh start (and I also like the way new books and new notebooks smell :)

Anyways, the 3 keys for today:

Sun bathing




The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall caused by the gap between my thoughts about "how this or that should be" and the actual reality:

"Breathe deeply and slowly and let go of your expectations. Get clear about what you really want and acknowledge what you do have. Then focus on that instead of on what you feel like you're missing ."

The Louise Hay card I picked up is

"I forgive myself"


And on the back of the card it says:

By forgiving myself I let go of the moments when I felt I was not good enough and I'm free to love myself."

Self-love and self-forgiveness go hand in hand. I don't know why for many years I was incapable of saying "I love myself". And even less able to forgive myself when I was messing things up. But, like with anything else, after a lot of work and introspection, and therapy, workshops, books you name it, I started to change this bad programming.

And from what I've noticed there are so many people who have the same problem: they are unable to love themselves because they've been given a bugged program in their childhood. From my experience it's essential for our lives to work as much as needed to change self-hate with self-love.

There is no one recipe to follow that as there are no two persons alike. I think everyone who deals with this issue needs to try different ways until they find something that works and helps them do the switch.

Now going back to my pitfall, I also received a message related to expectations, desires and manifestation:

Affirm your heart's desire in your mind without any expectations. Affirm it in the form of a choice.

"I choose to [insert your desire here]" and feel how it feels to be in that space. Not in a space of wanting or needing but choosing with the firm belief that what you want is on the menu of the Universe. And know that it's just a matter of time until that thing/person/situation appears in your field of consciousness.

This doesn't mean you'll be sitting on your ass and not do anything to get that done, but that you'll be acting from an inspired place.

And your actions will gradually take you on the same frequency as that what you desire. And then when you're there you'll naturally pursue another desire that will appear and draw you in to an even higher state of consciousness."

I want to stress that the desires that have the potential to make you evolve and raise your vibration in order to achieve them are those that come from the heart and that don't imply harming yourself or anyone else.

So we need to be careful not to follow a desire that will take us on a downward spiral instead of lifting us to a better version of ourselves.

In love and light!


This post is part of the #messageoftheday series and also from the #challenge30days. Here you can have a look at the previous posts so far:

Message of the day - Jan 18, 2018 - "The past is gone"

Message of the day - Jan 17, 2018 - "I love myself and I approve of myself".

Message of the day - Jan 16, 2018 - "Everything I touch turns into a success"

Message of the day - Jan 15, 2018 - "My income is constantly growing"

Message of the day - Jan 14, 2018 - "I turn every experience into an opportunity"

Message of the day - Jan 13, 2018 - "My life is a mirror"

Message of the day - Jan 12, 2018 - "I reclaim my power and I create my reality with love"

Message of the day - Jan 10, 2018 - "Every thought creates my future"

Message of the day - Jan 9, 2018 - "I deserve and accept the best now"

Message of the day - Jan 8, 2018 - "I express my creativity"

Message of the day - Jan 6, 2018 - "I'm open and receptive to new sources of income"

Message of the day - Jan 5, 2018 - "I'm at peace"

Message of the day - Jan 4, 2018 - "My future is bright"

Message of the day - Jan 3rd 2018 - "You are love" & "Life is simple and easy"

Message of the day - Jan 2nd 2018 - "I prosper everywhere I go"

Message of the day - Jan 1st 2018 - "There is no guilt"

Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
Raluca round crop  copy.png


I am always inspired by your posts @raluca. You always address the deepest fears one has about oneself. Self doubt, self forgiveness, etc. I guess, we couldn't "function properly" and live our lives well if we don't take notice about the "us" first. Thank you.

Thank you for sharing your thouhts @raquelita, I'm glad that these posts inspire you...that's the idea behind writing them, so it's good to hear words like yours :) Steem on!

Great message #raluca.
Keep sharing such awesome posts

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