Message of the day - Jan 15, 2018 - "My income is constantly growing"

in #messageoftheday7 years ago (edited)

After a very slow Sunday I'm happy to report I started this Monday feeling much better. The headache is gone (Hallelujah!) although I still feel a lingering pressure in my head and I'm not yet at 100% energy.

Looking outside the window I see some serious snow for the first time this winter and I can't wait to go in the park and take some pics with this new scenery.

In the meantime I did my free writing and I have for you the 3 keys for today:





The Soul Solution for a pitfall caused by some victim mode thoughts:

Notice they are just thoughts and let them go. Replace them with new thoughts that help you move forward and out from the victim mentality.

The Louise Hay card I picked up is

"My income is constantly growing."


And on the back of the card it says:

" I'm starting today, now to open myself to continuous prosperity."

The card comes as a beautiful confirmation of an insight I just had in my morning journaling session.

I've just become aware of another type of bad programming that I was following unconsciously.

It's amazing how our mind works and how we can finally see something that's been there under our nose for years in a blink of an eye.

So...the insight I had today is that I've been unconsciously following a program that said: "I don't deserve to have "this", I can't possible experience "that"".

"This" and "that" refer to whatever object, experience, relationship, sum of money, type of lifestyle my mind considers as "out of my league" and then this program enters to justify it.

An evidence of this bad programming in action is the tendency to surround myself with the people who gradually obtain the objects I desire and live the experiences I want so I'm close to them but they are never really mine. This realisation struck me like a lightening in a dark night.

So I decided to replace this bad programming with a new one that helps me have and experience whatever my heart desires. Feel free to use it and adapt to your own needs if you resonate with it.

"I deserve to have and experience whatever I want and that is in accord with my Higher Self and my personal mission on planet Earth. I deserve to receive and have in my life the objects, the relationships, the people I feel attracted to and that inspire me to be a better human being. I open myself now to receive the best for me."

In love and light!


This post is part of the #messageoftheday series and also from the #challenge30days. Here you can have a look at the previous posts so far:

Message of the day - Jan 14, 2018 - "I turn every experience into an opportunity"

Message of the day - Jan 13, 2018 - "My life is a mirror"

Message of the day - Jan 12, 2018 - "I reclaim my power and I create my reality with love"

Message of the day - Jan 10, 2018 - "Every thought creates my future"

Message of the day - Jan 9, 2018 - "I deserve and accept the best now"

Message of the day - Jan 8, 2018 - "I express my creativity"

Message of the day - Jan 6, 2018 - "I'm open and receptive to new sources of income"

Message of the day - Jan 5, 2018 - "I'm at peace"

Message of the day - Jan 4, 2018 - "My future is bright"

Message of the day - Jan 3rd 2018 - "You are love" & "Life is simple and easy"

Message of the day - Jan 2nd 2018 - "I prosper everywhere I go"

Message of the day - Jan 1st 2018 - "There is no guilt"

Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
Raluca round crop  copy.png


Yess! Our inability to receive is our biggest manifestation blocker...
We need to constantly train those receiving muscles :)

I agree, let's remind each other to receive as much as we give :)

I sincerely believe that we are given the measure of what we deserve in this life. Whatever person or thing is for us, there will be a way for it to come in our lives.

This is a good belief, amen to that :)

Yes!!! We tend to be really good at writing negative programs for our minds... When it is almost as easy to write a positive one. Great metaphor: the programming, I like that! The brain does as we tell it to do, like a computer. Great post, and glad you got rid of your headache.

I will do my best so that mine will grow too. Thank you for being an inspiration to us newbies to the community ♥

The card comes as a beautiful confirmation of an insight I just had in my morning journaling session.

Each one of us would love to see that confirmation :) I like the positive way you start your day. Mine is always a rush against time.

I know it's more difficult to have time for yourself when you have to be somewhere every morning. But even in these times we can set the alarm 10-15' earlier and use those moments to be with ourselves, to meditate, journal or whatever practice helps us centre ourselves and thus gain a feeling of control over our day.
It doesn't feel like much but the impact of those early morning moments ripples throughout the whole day.

yeah, but those 10-15 mins of sleep are so precious :D

Great message of the day @raluca! Glad to have found you through the Steemsugar discord channel. I'll be coming here for my daily positivity intake.

I deserve to receive and have in my life the objects, the relationships, the people I feel attracted to and that inspire me to be a better human being. I open myself now to receive the best for me.

Namaste dear 🙏🏽

Thank you @osm0sis! I'm happy you found me this way :)

So I decided to replace this bad programming with a new one that helps me have and experience whatever my heart desires

thrive and survive! it can take a while to really get over that 'programming' i can totally relate to this post on many levels, if we become the best US we can then expect the best of THEM -- whatever that might be from income, success, friendships.. turning up each day, doing what you enjoy and put out is ultra important to feel those little movements towards success.

Thank you very much for your thoughts on this. I agree reprogramming doesn't happen overnight and it's a day to day, moment by moment work to make it happen. But at least I know where I'm heading :)
I love the idea of "becoming the best US to have the best of THEM..." Thank you & Steem on!

Each of your posts is very interesting!
Hopefully the next post more interesting and useful

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