Message of the day - Jan 8, 2018 - "I express my creativity"

in #messageoftheday7 years ago (edited)

In my morning writing I spent a good part again to make some sense of a dream I remembered.

The 3 keys I got for today:





The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall was:

"Breathe deeply and slowly and take a step back.

Look at that disruptive situation from a higher perspective, from a distance. Acknowledge the judging thoughts you have about that situation as an old program that needs changing and upgrading."

The Louise Hay card I picked up is

"I express my creativity"


And on the back of the card it says:

My unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through me and are expressed in profound and satisfying ways

My creativity is always in demand.

I can see how this card is deeply related to the one I picked up the other day "I am open and receptive to new sources of income".

If my creativity is always in demand then I also have diverse sources of income and I have fun making money. This is exactly how I want my life to be from this point of view. To express my talents and gifts for the highest good of everyone involved, mine and of those who benefit from them.

I believe if everyone would be doing exactly what they're most talented and gifted, if they would express their creativity for the benefit of others we would live in a much happier world.

I'm still working to figure out how to make the best use of my talents to create a better world for myself and of those around me. I believe this is a life-long work that will never end and will always evolve and change as I do. But at least I know where I'm heading.

In love and light!


This post is part of the #messageoftheday series and also from the #challenge30days. Here you can have a look at the previous posts so far:

Message of the day - Jan 6, 2018 - "I'm open and receptive to new sources of income"

Message of the day - Jan 5, 2018 - "I'm at peace"

Message of the day - Jan 4, 2018 - "My future is bright"

Message of the day - Jan 3rd 2018 - "You are love" & "Life is simple and easy"

Message of the day - Jan 2nd 2018 - "I prosper everywhere I go"

Message of the day - Jan 1st 2018 - "There is no guilt"

Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
Raluca round crop  copy.png


@raluca YES, I am with you on this. Have lots of FUN, Create and make CRYPTO (money of the people)..........

thanks @stokjockey! The crypto world does seem to support making money out of creativity with ease and joy! :)

It’s always good to look at a disruptive situation from a higher perspective. Wise words 👏🏼

Thanks, glad you resonate with this idea.

You are a creative women with a lot of sensitivity, I like the way you play with words :)

thank you for the kind words @tradewolf :)

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