Kobe Bryant Had a Cheap Helicopter?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #kobe5 years ago

Why was there a fire on the helicopter? Did you notice that the fire happened before the crash? How many years has Kobe been flying? Kobe was on a normal 20 minute route. Kobe's helicopter didn't crash into a mountain or hill. Instead, the helicopter fell onto it. Now, as you can see, here are some of my questions. Was Kobe Bryant Murdered? | What Happened to Kobe Bryant? This is chapter three in my series on the death of Kobe. Did you know that Kobe was battling in court? So, it makes me wonder if Big Pharma had something to do with Kobe's death. Kobe was in a smart car commercial. Perhaps, his helicopter was a smart helicopter. If you don't know, smart cars can be remote controlled via remote access, AKA backdoors. Smart devices can malfunction and can also be hacked.


The helicopter crash may appear to be just an accident, but that doesn't mean the helicopter wasn't tampered, hacked, remote controlled, or who knows what. It is possible that the helicopter was not mechanical enough to allow for efficient manual override to help overcome technical difficulties.

Cheap Helicopter

Did Kobe Bryant have a cheap helicopter? Probably not. Therefore, we shouldn't compare cheap helicopters with military grade helicopters. That would be like comparing apples with oranges. Perhaps, there is more to it than what meets the eye. Kobe was like a SJW writer who wrote about equality and diversity. So, in other words, I'm not sure who would have wanted Kobe dead. Well, I guess maybe some people wanted Kobe dead. So, I can't say if Kobe was or was not murdered. I still don't have proof either way. It appears there was no black box in the helicopter. It is possible that the helicopter sucked. It was not pilot error. That is very unlikely. They drove in fog all the time. So, something is fishy about all of this.


In this post, I've included a few links to other articles and a few different videos. Now, this is still an incomplete article of mine. I still have more to say. The investigation is still ongoing. It seems that some videos are being removed. Some pages are being removed. I'm not sure what all of that means. More on some of these things later. To be continued.

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Kobe Bryant Had a Cheap Helicopter?

2020-01-28 - Tuesday - 01:28 AM - Kobe Bryant Had a Cheap Helicopter? | 11:58 PM - Published

kobe michael jordan

What Happened to Kobe Bryant?
Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

Symbolism Everywhere


All the world's a stage all the symbolism surrounding Kobe Bryant and other Legends like Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and all the Signs Hollywood and the music industry show us, but many refuse to acknowledge. Another Wake Up call?

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Who Died

Kobe and 8 other people died Screenshot at 2020-01-28 23:15:47.png


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Smart Car Commercial

kobe car peanuts

Kobe Peanut Smart Car Commercial

Smart Cars / Helicopters

09:40 PM - Steemit

Kobe probably died in a smart helicopter. Kobe was in that commercial promoting smart cars. We know smart cars can have problems. To some extent, his helicopter may have malfunctioned. Perhaps, the helicopter was not mechanical enough. Perhaps, there was either not enough or any manual override possible in Kobe's helicopter. Perhaps, his helicopter was hacked via remote access and/or malfunctioned accidentally and/or via some people who tampered with the helicopter and/or who knows what else.

Date of Assassination

Kobe Google Assasination.PNG

USA Today

Google Said Assassination

2020-01-27 - Monday - 03:19 PM ET - USA Today

A Google search for "When did Kobe Bryant die" on Sunday night, listed Jan. 26 as the former NBA star's "date of assassination" rather than "date of death."

Who Was The Pilot

The pilot was identified as Ara Zobayan. He was the chief pilot for Island Express Helicopters, the aircraft's owner, the company said in a statement.

Black Box

Kobe Bryant Crash Helicopter Didn’t Have ‘Black Box’ Recorders, NTSB Says

Describing The Crash

Witness Describes Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash

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My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Kobe Over Lebron James
Kobe's Pilot, Ara
More on Ara
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Yummy Mummy Emporium & Apothecary
Golden Advice - Dr. Umar Johnson Suspects Kobe Death Was A Murder
Kobe was Murdered, Know The Truth
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A Kobe Byrant Murder Clue ( Seriously) - Real Talk Zone
Crash or Murder?? Kobe Bryant watch this video (By Akmal Ali)
Kobe's murder ain't gone change GOD's plan
ill flow spitta Macs - iLL FLow and Jersey Niner discussion

Be Safe

01:38 AM - Steemit

Yeah. It is interesting. The biggest thing we can learn is to be as safe as we can.

Big Distraction

01:43 AM - Steemit

I have no evidence that Hillary Clinton would want Kobe dead. Now, Kobe was writing books. But then again, many people are writing books. So, I can't say that there would be specific reasons, motives, excuses, for his death, except that it can be used as a distraction from other things that the globalists are involved in, especially with how Hollywood are involved in raping and murdering children for example. So, some people are blaming some of the trafficking on Kobe. I'm not saying that Kobe was always a saint but I will say it is important not to get distracted. Kobe was probably involved in an accident. However, it may have been a murder. But regardless, it is a distraction either way.

13 Million USD

02:53 AM - Facebook

Jeff Tyler - The cost of the helicopter is 13 million USD...
Does that sound like cheap??

Does that mean it had autopilot software?

Jeff Tyler I don't know. I don't know anything. Do you know everything? I know nothing. I am very dumb. My brain is very small. I just know that Kobe did not have a cheap helicopter.


Avicii, Cornell, Bennington, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Blackstar, Blackhole Sun, Call a spade a spade get red eyed, black eyed, reprogrammed or taken out! The unspoken clarified!

Military Grade

03:06 AM - Minds| Free Square |Dissenter

Meme Art plays with words. I say Military Grade Helicopter. Meme Art says oh no, it is not. It was installed. Oh, it was installed? So, does that mean Military Grade Helicopters were not installed? Yeah, of course, Kobe didn't have the best military helicopter. But like autism, there is a sliding scale, a spectrum, and Kobe's was probably a low level military grade. Yes, not officially military. Alex Jones said Kobe's helicopter was military grade. Is Alex that dumb? I guess Meme Art knows everything, meaning he is God or is just retarded. RIP @Memeart and @Rob_Roy is right about how evil Copyright is and @TheIsz is kind of right generically speaking to some extent that globalists try to blackmail and control famous people and other people as well as much as possible about 99% of the time. But not 100% but a really high percentage. But who knows with Kobe. I am still investigating Kobe at the moment.

Too Smart

03:32 AM - Facebook

If it was not a murder, then the problem was probably a malfunction in the smart helicopter similar to problems you find in smart cars and smart phones. In other words, probably too digital, too electronic, too smart, and not mechanical enough. The human pilot should be allowed to manually override autopilot software. It is probable that it was on autopilot. If that is true, then it depends on the kind of program it was using. The helicopter was spinning to wait for the fog to clear up. But then continued without clearance it seems before crashing. So, the helicopter was probably being flown manually when it was circling assuming that the autopilot program wasn't doing that by default.

Predictive Programming

09:27 PM - Steemit

I'm not sure if I told you that I've writing articles about Kobe. I've been asking if it may have been murder. I don't have evidence to say Kobe was murdered. But I'm not going to say he was not. But you are right that it is predictive programming. I don't remember if I left you a comment like this recently or not. I've been all over the place talking about Kobe since Sunday. When I say talking, I mean writing. If the helicopter malfunctioned, then people should not buy whatever kind of helicopter that was. It could be murder in the form of an accident, if people made the helicopter malfunction or whatever. I'm going to continue researching this death scene.

Sorry. I already wrote to you as seen in the comment below. I wrote almost the same thing today as I wrote two days ago. You can ignore one of them or skim through it.

SJW Kobe

2019-09-28 - Valuetainment Video | SJW Writer Kobe - I called Kobe a SJW Writer because of what he would say and how he would say it

Kobe said that he is working on trying to create more diversity in the entertainment industry, in writing, art, film, etc. So, Kobe might as well work with Disney who has been focusing on SJW NPC themes. Of course, humans generally seek after diversity. The problem is when that becomes a blinding distraction to the nature of life to how things are. See, we don't disagree. The problem is when a person says that a woman has to not be at home. I support letting girls decide what they want to do. If you want to be a stay at home mother, then do it. If you don't want to have children, then please try not to abort too many children. Please consider adoption. But again, some people try forcing people to do things and the only thing worse than that is when you are constantly trying to force people not to do things.

Top Three

2003 - Steemit

I listed Kobe as my third favorite all-time NBA basketbal player after Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.

Military Flying

10:20 PM - Heavy

In 2017, Lakes general manager Rob Pelinka told the Los Angeles Times that his life flashed before his eyes during a helicopter trip with Bryant. Pelinka said, “My life was flashing before my eyes. I almost had a heart attack. Kobe’s just sitting there calm and collected.” Pelinka said that Bryant had instructed the pilot to perform elaborate military-style manoeuvers during their trip together.

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Witnessing the Crash

Avicii, Cornell, Bennington, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Blackstar, Blackhole Sun, Call a spade a spade get red eyed, black eyed, reprogrammed or taken out! The unspoken clarified!

Kobe Bryant’s Death: Pilot Flew Higher to Avoid Cloud Layer Before Descending

Ari Shaffir on Kobe Bryant’s Death: “Hollywood Liberals Enjoy Rooting For the Lakers More Than They Dislike Rape”

Did Kobe Bryant’s Helicopter Encounter A UFO?

All the world's a stage all the symbolism surrounding Kobe Bryant and other Legends like Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and all the Signs Hollywood and the music industry show us, but many refuse to acknowledge. Another Wake Up call?

I Murdered Blake Webb

Joey Crystal Games


De Ja Fu

Reddit Thread - Was Kobe Murdered?

Google search for 'When did Kobe Bryant die' no longer lists Jan. 26 as 'date of assassination'

YouTube Search

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What Happened to Kobe Bryant?

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