2020-01-31steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j4 years ago

Star Trek Picard is Space Matlock meets Firefly. Oh, mom finds the show revealing of what leftist educators try to infuse into globalized culture. Today, I was still sick with like a cold or maybe the Novel Corona Virus. Well, probably just a cold. But you never know. But we can at least take care of our immune system. Breakfast means breaking from the fast. That means no eating at night. Give your body a break. I joined Coin Tree and added my crypto addresses to it. I wrote 4 posts about Kobe Bryant this week. What is mysterious is that they say there was a fire on the helicopter before it crashed. I wonder what caused the fire. Open Borders Debate. Bitchute vs Dtube. Sweeping under the bird feeder.

What is the Corona Virus?
My Coin Tree

What is the Corona Virus?

01:11 AM - Steemit

Which one? How many are there? Let's talk about all of that. Let's get to the bottom of it. No. Better yet, let's get on top of it before it gets on top of us. Let's talk about why The Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) is currently in the news globally in 2020. They say this particular Coronavirus is airborne contagious.

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2020-01-31 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-01-31 - Friday

Screenshot at 2020-01-31 17:58:39.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

Contact Me

Coin Tree | Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
Click Here to See More


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Lionel Nation

12:00 AM - Live Stream: Impeachment Is Done, Failed

Plant People

12:21 AM - Steemit

This is good advice for people like my my workaholic dad and me too. Listen to your body. Take care of it. Talk to plants. Also, our bodies are like plants. So, talk to yourself if need be at times. It's therapy.

American Food Trash

12:27 AM - Steemit

One of the problems is in regards to the larger American farms. Yeah, like you said, GMO, hormones, chemicals, etc. Some of it is related to Monsanto, Big Pharma, geoengineering, etc. So, we avoid buying normal milk. Instead we look for cows that were grass fed. So, we find smaller farms in the United States to buy from. We try to promote smaller farms and businesses. We try to only buy raw milk. It does taste a lot better. And we take vitamin pills. You are right that fast food is trash, like McDonald's for example which I saw in Vietnam.

USA Small Businesses

12:31 AM - Steemit

In America, the mom and dad stores have been dying out for over a century now because fascism and other things started hurting small businesses in a variety of ways, especially in the 1930's. In other words, government started getting bigger as taxes went up along with financial fiat inflation. But with that said, Americans can buy from smaller farms. What you see may be fake news to some extent because not everybody wants to be fat and have man boobs lol.

Fat Americans

12:34 AM - Steemit

Jay Leno used to tell jokes. Like, Americans are so fat. Oh, the wonders of fast food. Oh, no thank you is what I say lol.

Bad Vaccines

01:28 AM - Steemit

Yes. The panic by the people. The only thing worse will be what governments try to force us to do as usual. It doesn't matter whether these viruses were engineered or not to the extent that governments take advantage of these disasters either way to mandate vaccines and other things. Well, good vaccines are good. The problem is when they force us to get bad vaccines. Most vaccines have been pretty bad and too many people have died from the bad vaccines.

Winter Sickness

01:30 AM - Steemit

Exactly. Make sure you take extra Vitamin C and boost up your immune system in order to battle illnesses especially in the winter.

Open Borders Debate

01:37 AM - Steemit

So, is the answer immigration reform? I would say that is a problem, like you said, if they send back safe refugees. Sadly, too many Christians are persecuted for example in the Middle East, in Syria, and especially Iran. The Christian church is growing faster than other religions globally in Iran specifically. But they are underground churches. House churches. When Rome granted citizenship to too many people and persuaded them towards larger cities and continued inflating the money and increased welfare, then that caused continual damage to their empire. @Stefan.Molyneux makes great videos that talks about those things.

Clown Jess

01:41 AM - Steemit

Hello Drama Girl Jess. Wow. I like clowns. You can hang upside down like Batwoman? You are talented and funny and cute. I like basketball. I can do some rock climbing. Good work. Nice to meet you. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold.

Gold Girl

01:45 AM - Steemit

I'm sorry I have no gold I can send you right now. But here is an upvote. Aloha. I was living in Hawaii. But I was too scared to go surfing. I'm glad you are here. You swim more than I do. Well, I don't swim at all really haha. But I probably should. More people should buy gold, indeed.

Edit: @gold-saver might be a fake account pretending to be @silversaver888.

Bee Girl

01:54 AM - Steemit

I'm oatmeal. Did you say she is made out of honey lol?

Bea Girl

01:57 AM - Steemit

Bea Girl, so, is that some kind of mansion that you were living at? Looks old. Like good old. Like an antique. Almost like a house version of a castle.

Steemit Board Comment

01:59 AM - Steemit

I didn't know you respond to people lol. Maybe because she is made out of honey.



11:38 AM - The Alex Jones Show 01/31/20 1st Hour

Adam Shift Background

Video App

11:52 AM - Steemit

What do you think about Dtube at d.tube? But I tend to prefer Bitchute over Dtube for the moment. I try to upload to YouTube, Bitchute, and as many other video websites I can find. If I had to pick just one, I would pick Bitchute at the moment. But that could change later.


11:54 AM - Steemit

Music would be my first choice. Second, a podcast.

Kobe Bryant Black Box

11:56 AM - Steemit

They say the black box was not required. But yeah, they should have had one.

I wrote 4 posts about Kobe Bryant this week. What is mysterious is that they say there was a fire on the helicopter before it crashed. I wonder what caused the fire.

Woke Kobe

12:02 PM - Steemit

I wonder which specific things that Kobe Bryant was doing which Disney and others would want stopped. I thought Kobe was a woke SJW based on how he wrote. But perhaps less SJW than the stuff Lebron James does.

Steemit vs Busy

12:05 PM - Steemit

Last time I checked, downvoted things appear on Busy.org without the need to press a button to reveal it like you do on Steemit it seems. So, a very small difference but I like it.


12:07 PM - Steemit

Germany is also dying at the same time thanks to who might be like a daughter of Hitler.

Greta Inc. Trademark

12:24 PM - Freequare

@Rob_Roy, don't you love trademarks? If you say the G word, you are going to jail.

My Coin Tree

Is Blockchain.com a trustworthy site? I've used it and I think it is.

I helped mom watch the first two episodes to Picard. Washed the dishes. Swept under the bird feeder. Got the mail. Oh, you don't have to do jury duty this time around, mom. Talk about the impeachment. Picard character is different. Oh, she kind of disagrees. The Romulan group are like Jihadists maybe. Soup. Coffee.

It appears that Exodus is a universal wallet and exchange. I downloaded it and I generated a Bitcoin SV address without having passwords. I think, based on that, if I'm right, that might be a problem. Exodus appears to have private keys but I can't find passphrases.

Bitcoin SV Wallets
Dash Wallets

The White House

05:27 PM - White House Summit on Human Trafficking


Or Tyranny?

Ivanka Trump used the word Capability.

She was talking about added legislation relating to trafficking, slavery.

But as government tries to help people, they can in fact hurt people by getting too involved in our lives.

My mom likes Star Trek Picard.

Picard is Picarded.

The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy will stand secondary to parodies, fan films, etc, from henceforth.

Why spoon when you can spork? Buy one for $11 and then sell it online for $12.

@Jamin Shanti yea, then I can buy Jeremy Waffles.


06:15 PM - Disney Star Wars Dead Zone | Birds of Prey Flop? | Star Trek Picard | The Witcher

Thumb Wars Odin

@Odin's Movie Blog is the THUMB WAR SAD MAN

Even Thumb Wars is better than Disney haha.

@CC DV yeah, Thumb Wars is mostly a comedy and I prefer that over Disney Star Wars which was a pretty lame joke lol.

The Vape Ban is supposed to be temporary.

Trump, how dare you ban Vape.

Orange Man Trump Bad, I would protest Trump for the Vape Ban. Yeah, Trump did some good. But this is a problem.

The Virus did it lol.


Dtube is a Steem App

06:21 PM - Steemit

Yes, Dtube is an app of Steem. Also, Steemit.com and Busy.org are apps of Steem. So, Dtube is one of the video apps connected to Steem. Dtube might be the best video Steem app. But there are others you could try. You could watch how-to videos on YouTube on how to use Dtube or other apps. There are probably posts that help explain how to use, Dtube, etc, as well.


06:23 PM - Steemit

Do you like NATO or do you prefer nationalism for each country?

NYC Travel

06:26 PM - Steemit

Did you say mood or mode? If I'm happy, podcasts. If not, music. If you're asking mode, I would try to ride my bike if that was possible. My two sisters live in NYC. I've only visited once for the 2005 New Years Day.

Sports Wars

07:03 PM - Honoring Kobe Bryant |Lakers vs Trail Blazers - Livestream Discussion

Was there a fire in the helicopter before it crashed?

I grew up near Portland, OR. Big rivals back in the day.

Kobe was my third favorite following Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.

1980's were pretty tough for the NBA. Hard fouls and everything. You had to be strong.

I wonder how Kobe would do in the 1980's NBA.

But Kobe did grow.

I mostly didn't like Kobe because he would run over my Jail Blazers.

I started liking Kobe more and more after like 2008.

How does Kevin Durant compare with Kobe?

Kobe was better than Michael Jordan in some ways and at times it seems.

Did Michael Jordan have pressure when he played for the Wizards and when he faced Kobe in the All-Stars game?

Kobe Bryant is to Michael Jordan what the Rock Dwayne Johnson was to Hulk Hogan.

@eddie d oh, but I love Hogan.

Kobe is to Michael what Luke Skywalker was to Darth Vader.

@zack greig around 2002, my list had 1 MJ 2 Magic 3 Kobe

Kobe may have been a better scorer than Michael Jordan. But Mike was probably the best all-around player ever.

A lot of inspiration.

@Jrickman8 turn the tears into streams of opportunities.

Kobe appeared to have played better in the fourth quarters of games than Lebron James, generally speaking.

Lebron might be the best power forward of all time.

Lebron has the potential to be the best but is not.

Bright Side

08:56 PM - 22 Free Things You Can Take from a Hotel Room

Oreo Cookie Style Cookies From Wednesday Night, Tonight. I ate. I regret it afterwards as I usually do.

Why do people throw stuff away?

Should they pat us at all at airports?

Can I take the hotel and leave them some towels?

Agenda Free TV

09:28 PM - China Virus: 259 Dead, 11,951 Cases - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

china building hospitals maybe

really fast?

probably just holes for dead bodies

RIP Ojawall

2017-10-04 - Wednesday - RIP My Ojawall YouTube Channel - The Fourth of October of 2017 | Social Blade

My Ojawall channel was terminated by YouTube of Google of Alphabet as early as Wednesday, Wed, on that day, on the 4th or the fourth of October or Oct of 2017, the tenth month, while I, Oatmeal Joey Arnold Rasp Morehead, was living in Saigon, Vietnam, at the earliest according to the Social Blade website or this was at least the last update on my channel on Social Blade for whatever the reason. I know my channel was terminated that month for sure. So, as early as the 4th of October of 2017, YouTube killed that one channel of mine. YouTube went on on to kill my Joeyarnoldvn channel around October of 2018 and other channels as well.

Video Uploads


Channel Created

Nov 9th, 2009

Channel Death

Oct. 4th, 2017, apx, according to Social Blade, it seems.



Channel Type

Music. But I probably should have set it to blog or some other option like news in order to better claim and defend for Fair Use and everything for the videos of mine that were copyright claimed. I did delete those claimed videos and yet was still terminated.

Total Channel Views


Total Subscribers

330 at the time Ojawall died.


Nov 9th, 2009
User SummaryFuture ProjectionsDetailed StatisticsFeatured BoxSimilar ChannelsUser VideosLive Subscriber CountAchievements




RANK United States

-3 0.0%


$0.20 - $3


785 18.5%


$2 - $38



2017-09-29Fri--330+16677,734$0.00 - $0.06
2017-09-30Sat--330--677,734$0 - $0
2017-10-01Sun--330+15677,749$0.00 - $0.06
2017-10-02Mon--330+16677,765$0.00 - $0.06
2017-10-03Tue--330+20677,785$0.01 - $0.08
2017-10-04Wed--330 LIVE+21677,806$0.01 - $0.08
Daily Averages
--+27$0.01 - $0.11
Weekly Averages
--+189$0.05 - $0.76
Last 30 Days
-3+785$0.20 - $3
Yearly Estimate
-36+9,420$2 - $38

Ojawall Screenshot at 2020-01-31 21:20:28.png
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Screenshot at 2020-01-31 21:25:38.png


10:02 PM - Minds

@Rob_Roy, make a Greta bear. Come on. Imagine if your name was Greta. There are thousands of people with that name. So, you are going to tell thousands of little girls that they cannot sell bears named after them. Not named after THE GRETA INC but this Greta or that Greta. Imagine if I copyrighted JOEY and then sued NBC or whatever made the Friends SIN-OFF or SPIN-OFF called JOEY. How dare you I say if you call coffee a cup of Joe. How dare you, I say to Joe Dirt, Joe Camel, Joey From Blossom, Joseph from the Bible, The Other Joseph from the Bible, Baby Kangaroo Joeys, Joe Millionaire, John Doe Joe, Joe Cool the Camel as people called me Joe Cool at FGHS, Joe Scott Montana of the football NFL San Francisco 49ers whom I was named after, Joseph Stalin, 49,355 other people named Joey since 1880, Joey Bishop, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Joe Pesci, Ghetto Joe, Joe Blow, Jo as a Scottish term for sweetheart, etc......

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 65988.06
ETH 3414.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67