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in #j5 years ago

Eat your bats if you want to pass on viruses. Tim Poole saw while live streaming a superior order a female police officer in 2011 in America to arrest a photographer on the sidewalk; the charges were dropped thanks to the video, as you can see that he was clearly not blocking the road, but he was still in jail waiting for his trial for like months. I was arrested in 2012 in Oregon for stopping a drunk, Robin Baker, from calling 911 to complain about me. Beer Gates Virus. Vitamins C, D, and E help fight against the Bill Gates Patented Coronavirus. Rocks. Mario Kart Video. Wheel of Fortune. Bowl of ice-cream. Studying the Internet still. Impeachment trial. Lionel Nation. Mesh. Ancient Greece. Hercules.

The Expanse

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2020-01-25 - Saturday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-25 20:05:13.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Sleep for like three or so hours.

Fox News

01:53 AM - President Trump talks Lev Parnas, Ukraine transcript on 'The Ingraham Angle'

Agenda Free TV

02:02 AM - China Virus: 41 Dead, 1,307 Cases - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

Smart people in the chat, good advice, proxies, VPN, cookies, etc, for getting around paywalls.

They melt dead bodies, put them in crops in China, America, etc, to spread the virus; and then to mandate vaccination after that.

They are trying to use this to force kids and adults to get vaccines or else.

@cryotosis that number is a minimum number for U.S.A. More than 60 cases by now. Some in Seattle for example.

Vitamins C, D, and E helps you fight these types of viruses, diseases.

Domestic U.S. Affairs

02:58 AM - Steemit

Two different things. The first thing is in regards to the voting system in America. The second thing is in regards to how the U.S. should not have military bases outside of U.S. territory.

True Patriot Ali

03:03 AM - Steemit

The United States was infiltrated and manipulated from within towards global warfare and many different things especially in the 1900's. War is not always bad but generally is counterproductive.


03:05 AM - Steemit

People should consider staying and fighting for their country first before fleeing as a last resort. If people always try to flee, then you may get to the point where there is no where else to flee to.

Trump Over Bernie Sanders

03:13 AM - Steemit

Bernie Sanders wants to raise taxes. I hate taxes. I want smaller government. Sanders talks about government programs that costs money and everything. The problem is that government is in too many countries with the military bases. The U.S. gov is doing too much and is too corrupt. I prefer free markets over authoritarianism.

Beer Gates Virus

03:17 AM - Steemit

Vitamins C, D, and E help fight against the Bill Gates Patented Coronavirus.

The Expanse

2020-01-25 - Saturday - 03:30 AM - 04:14 AM - The Expanse 405

Food allotment centralized by the United Nations to the entire planet means authoritarianism, communism, no free markets, and other big problems.

The India Earth Question said, "Who the fuck cares about these things?"

Umm, we all care.

So say we all.

We all care or should care about these types of things.

But government should not be involved in everything.

Let the people take care of themselves.

They talk about avacuating New Earth because of the moving pyramids and yet the belters have nowhere else to go and the alleged female terrorist doesn't know where her daughter is and wants them to stay.

Amos: "watching your ass..."
Girl: "Are you hitting on me?"
Amos: "Not right now."
Girl: "Disappointing..."

Presidential debate. How do we keep earth safe from alien worlds? Answer, you simply keep a U.S. Space Force, not a U.N. Space Force, to protect the planet and the borders. But at the same time, you don't.

Playing doctor like a game.

Presidential debate. Immigration. Long waiting lines. Opponent cut in line. But she said she hired the people she cut in front of. This Asian candidate says that free markets is bad. But that is not true. She demonizes competition. Well, unless if she endorsing increased elements of free markets.

Maybe a false flag interrupted the debates to make the queen look bad when she ordered that the ship with children on it with bombs heading towards earth and/or a flagship near earth to be blown up.

Naomi tells the white hot nurse not to kill herself and how she was in a bad situation as well where she chose not to see that her husband was up to no good until it was too late and she lost her family but got a new one that she was not expecting.

2020-01-25 - Saturday - 04:15 AM - 04:14 AM - The Expanse 406


Tidal wave coming in a few hours.

Blue alien zombie stuff changing the laws of the time space of the new earth.

So, let's hide in the billions years old pyramids on New Terra.

UN talked about violating a treaty they made with the belters on the excuse that they want to keep people in the ring safe despite having a blockade that messes with that.

BF: I feel like I was used.
Bobbi: I can assure you that you were.

Why don't they have brain phones?

If that happens, I'll do what needs to be done.

Two conditional statements which may never come.

Eye Virus

Can't heal burn wounds in the future?

Everyone makes mistakes eventually.

Except Jesus.

Flood comes.

Ark pyramid.

Bobbi heist.

2020-01-25 - Saturday - 05:02 AM - 05:46 AM - The Expanse 407

Post Flood

Invisible Friend Miller Mercy

Antihistamine treat allergies, AKA symptoms, but you should focus instead on root causes as much as possible.

The queen yells like Hillary Clinton.

Queen yells and is mad that she was transparent.

Transparency is good.

But she hates it.

Put the interest of my people first.

That's good but they make it appear to be bad.

They compare this terrorist in the pyramid with Trump and country first policy.

But it is not bad.

Eye Virus

Your mother wants you to chase your dreams

I know how it feels to run away says Naomi

Does the queen have a new husband from the first season?

Slugs killing people

Queen watches as military or whatever boards a ship but then those people attack the military and then there was no signal.


Invalid Cookies


Tim Poole, I was arrested for stopping a drunk from calling 911 to complain about me.

Stopping Globalists

10:47 AM - Steemit

I like the voting system but I don't like all the voting machines that Soros bought in the United States, Latin America, etc. I don't like it when dead people vote, I mean Democrats in the names of dead people again and again. Globalists have bunkers in places like New Zealand. Globalists must be stopped.


10:50 AM - Steemit

Merry Christmas to you and your mother. I've never seen Stella Mooney until now. I'm impressed with her opera style singing, her eyes.

Meeting Carmen

10:55 AM - Steemit

Hello Carmen, do you like to dance and swim? I'm assuming you do based on your photos. I love to travel too. I love art and architecture. So, I love what you are saying about model houses. Nice to meet you.

Stopping Cartels

11:25 AM - Steemit

Light Eye, do you love Mother Jones? Does Tulsi work for CFR or is she not a puppet? Taxes, regulations, etc, are going down. Jobs are going up. Many good things have been going up. We can talk all day about so many different things. I am begging Trump to stop geoengineering, Bill Gates Vaccines, the Bill Gates Eye Virus which is murdering people around the world right now, the tech cartels, Big Pharma, CPS, child trafficking, the Federal Reserve, money cartels, Hollywood, educational cartels, authoritarian cartels, science cartels, medical cartels, corporate cartels, etc, etc. Trump and Tulsi should endorse Bitcoin, Steemit, Bit Torrent, etc.

Historical Loops

11:47 AM - Steemit

I have so many questions as I'm in love with studying the historical rise and fall of empires like Babylon, Rome, Persia, England, maybe the USA someday, etc, and even Greece as seen here.


I wonder if the Greek mythology of Hercules is based on this Herakles that you mention in this post. I would say yes in the same way as the Greek gods are. We can find some accurate and historical truth within fables, legends, myths, fairy tales, folk lore, etc. The hard part is sorting between what really happened and what may have been exaggerated, added, twisted, altered, changed, deformed, and removed.


I love that Dorian states were split into 3 tribes as you said because I like the number three for the trinity.

Ancient Cities

I would love to know the history of ancient cities and places. I would love to map out the timeline, the history, of how cities can die and how new cities rise in their place.


For example, I was living in Vietnam for five years from 2012-2017, mostly in Saigon which is now called Ho Chi Minh City. Well, they say that Saigon was once called Gia Dinh which means like the forest, the swamp, or something like that. Before the 1800's, I think it had another name. So, in other words, this one area has had different names over the years. So, I would love to dig up what might be in the ruins of these places in Europe.


I love the philosophers who came out of Greece, people like Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, which I've learned about from people like @stefan.molyneux. I love the history of some of the ancient cities like Athena for example. Athena was named after Athena. Wasn't Athena the Greek god of like wisdom? Was there a historical person named Athena that the Greek god was based on? I should write articles about history like you are doing. Good work.

How do we help the poor?

11:57 AM - Steemit

Do you hate capitalism? It sounds like you believe that every human should have the same amount of money as every other person on the planet. In other words, it seems like you are against competition which means some people win more and more and some people lose more and more. We have seen gaps between the richest people on earth and the poorest for thousands of years. How do we help the poor? Should we only give the poor a bunch of welfare? Is that the only way we can help poor people? Dp you try to help poor people? It is not a question of do we help the poor but more a question of how to help the poor.

Being Aware

12:10 PM - Steemit

Hello ladies, my last name is Arnold but my dad was adopted, meaning I'm not really an Arnold by blood but I believe that Arnold means the strength of an eagle. I like what you guys are saying in regards to identifying energies both good and bad as seen through the different things happening in the world both large and small because awareness is a first step within the realm of perspective which then presents people with opportunities at that horizon of illumination.

The Fascism of FDR

12:17 PM - Steemit

Do you want to talk about fascism of FDR? I'm reading a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam which talks about the marriage between governments and corporatism which is also a child of authoritarianism as it was birthed from certain legislation, laws that came about in 1871, 1913, and especially 1933. For example, outside of how they manufactured the great depression, we could talk about how (thanks to Executive Order 6102) the United States banned gold from 1933 to 1974. That is only just one thing we could talk about. There are so many different things we can talk about. We can look at the patterns found in history. It is all a long story.

DNS Question of the Day

12:37 PM - Minds

My question of the day is the following: Can I download a DNS program like maybe BIND in order to do my own DNS services on my behalf or would I have to keep my own DNS running on servers continuously online, always on, and does it cost money? I wonder if DNS services have to pay or rent or whatever from ICANN/etc or how does Unstoppable Domains and others do it? Do you have to register as like a company in order to perform DNS services and whatever else that is needed to do DNS services?


12:43 PM - Free Square

I believe it would be Global Service Providers or Regional Service Providers. But then again, technically speaking, that might be more in regards to DNS services, AKA the address book mechanism, AKA the linking system, which is only one of systems of the Global Internet it seems. So, I am still connecting dots right now.

Alternative DNS Routes

12:56 PM - Minds

There are alternative DNS services meaning if the ICANN DNS system is blocking Mike Adams websites, that means you should route through alternative DNS services to get around the main DNS system which is currently ICANN which is governed as of 2016 by the UN via the ITS, a child company or agency or whatever of the UN.

But doesn't WAN have to use DNS to connect to the global net?

How far can a Mesh Network reach?

MESH Networking

01:42 PM - Minds

Is that term, Mesh Network, general in definition, and is it or does it include more specific things like peer to peer (P2P), ad-hoc, IPFS, Bit Torrent, VPN, proxies, alternative DNS services, etc, etc?

Is Site 5 a web hosting site like Godaddy? I wonder how they compare with Godaddy.

MESH sounds like a general term like you said to include all of those things. That's good.

Is Sprint giving people trouble?

Qlink appears to be a blockchain or similar to how a blockchain works in some ways, am I right or am I being too generic?

Eat your bats if you want to pass on viruses.

Fighting Eye Viruses How-To

02:53 PM - Facebook

Vitamins C, D, and E can help. Start with those three, especially C, secondly, D. It is vital to keep your immune system as strong as possible. And maybe stay away from people. Try not to eat too many bats, snakes, rats, etc, lol, of course.

Rock work for several hours. Dishes. Shower.

Fox News

07:59 PM - Sen. Ted Cruz reacts to latest in impeachment trial

Mecha Random4

08:23 PM - 🔴Mario Kart 8 - 18+ Chill Stream

@Kairozart the Picard character is mostly Patrick Stewart being Patrick Stewart.

@Turbo Alpha @Kairozart the Picard show is not aligned with STNG.

STNG Old Picard had a beard and was kind of mean. But I like that kind of Old Picard. But this Fake Old Picard has no beard and seems to like kids now which is ok but out of character.

NG Old Picard was forced to retire and 2020 Old Picard chose to retire.

@Jimmy Foppiano I used to play Jeopardy on the NES.

Taylor Swift at the boards

just sell your cards on ebay

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
That is a cute crab. I've not been to Da Nang, Vietnam, but I've heard good things about that city.
-Mom, let's go show what snowman we made today)
She creates art from recycled material? That's amazing.
Survival Saturday #36: Soybeans for health and nutrition!
I was watching Jon yesterday on the AJ show. I like what Jon says.
I Hate When People Do THIS When They Talk About Bitcoin 🙄
We Finally Got A Bathroom Door On & Trim Around Window/Door! Woot, 7 Pics! 💪📷 I ...

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Are the US Elections Internal US Affairs?

A True Patriot and a World's Hero

Corona virus coming to a neighborhood near you!

Virginia governor and cronies, immediately attack the First Amendment; right after looking like Idiots after the Rally!

So I keep seeing people suggesting Coronavirus is an escaped bio weapon...

Why would anybody not vote for Trump again?

The Impeachment Charade... Undoing a Republic

Novel Corona Virus resources and prevention methods

Coronavirus - which are the reliable sources of information?

I'm taking extra vitamins C, D, and E, to fight against the Corona Eye Virus.

Thieve's Oil...GET IT NOW...You may need it.

Challenge - start making money with 0 funds - 12

Retro Film Review: Mississippi Burning (1988)

The real son of lightning

Right Mesh


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