Are the US Elections Internal US Affairs?

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

I was wondering today after reading a couple of related news: Are the elections in the USA , all of it, really an internal matter for the US citizens to decide?

Can someone help me understand how the #US elections are internal US affairs?
Every citizen in every country that has a US military base in it, around it, threatening it, or under US sanctions should have a voice in the US elections, even a vote in it , imo.
Prove me wrong.

I'm very serious because the presidential elections in the USA do nothing positive for the US citizens but have a global effect because the US simply interferes negatively in every other country on the planet, including its own allies, except of course for Israel which we consider the US preferred state number 51...

The screenshot is from my Twitter account

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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No they aren't, they interfere in every other country and that's why every other country has the right to interfere in theirs. Not much difficult.

@arabisouri, Your questions are fair and deserve a better response than I could give. The shortest version I can think of would take me days to ponder so I will skip much of what to say.
The U.S. Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to vote, if they choose to. Unfortunately most of our Congress has been seated for so long they no longer have ANY idea of what their Constituants want or need. Instead they all have their pockets open to the wealthiest and take routine payoffs for approximately 2% of our population.
As this continues to happen many become disillusioned with the process and simply quit voting, this further allows the "Incumbents" to further their search for wealth.
Our "News Media" was originally created to be a fair, non-partisan information clearing house (for lack of better description). They now exist solely on the propaganda that is paid for by the wealthiest 1% of our population.
Places like "Cambridge Analytica" have been formed to shape the opinions of the young adults to make them believe they DO NOT NEED TO VOTE to be "cool" since voting does not do any good anyway.
Some Social Media also attacks the majority of the voting public intimidating them to vote "their way".
Remember the opening where "Our Constitution Guarantees" to every citizen? This includes our military ersonel overseas and Embassy staff in other countries. Unfortunately most of these folks are heavily influenced by "Acts of Congress" and their "Commander in Chief".
So, I guess you could say our elections are all flawed to some extent and that NOT enough Voters are overly concerned with what is going on in the world.
Hope I didn't scare you with the abreviated answer... Mitch

You missed the main point of the post, I, like millions of people in other countries, are suffering in multilevels including losses of loved ones because of the US interventions in our countries, that is only possible by the people of the US prioritizing destroying other countries over building their own, imagine if just one of those missing and those spent trillions of dollars spent on the US infrastructure, imagine how much the whole world will benefit, instead, you have created endless enemies for you and your children and grandchildren for generations to come. Thus, everybody should intervene in all ways and methods in the US to effect a much needed regime change. Sooner than you think and due to the USAians failure to fix their systems, others will do so, or just count the months until karma hits back, and this time in all means not only economic like the 2008 one, even this will be much more severe by itself.

Posted using Partiko Android

Two different things. The first thing is in regards to the voting system in America. The second thing is in regards to how the U.S. should not have military bases outside of U.S. territory.

But the US is already intervening in every country and the voting system in the US is only bringing politicians following the same path!

Posted using Partiko Android

I like the voting system but I don't like all the voting machines that Soros bought in the United States, Latin America, etc. I don't like it when dead people vote, I mean Democrats in the names of dead people again and again. Globalists have bunkers in places like New Zealand. Globalists must be stopped.

@joeyarnoldvn, Kind of good and valid points. Although historically the "dead people" voting have been from (sorry) Republican States. When the Republicans did a "Voting enforcement" search to limit voter fraud, out of nearly 150 Million people they found 87 instances of voter fraud. In the 2016 general election there were, in retrospect, nearly 2 million instances of ELECTION FRAUD caused by a Repulican invention called "Cross Check". Mitch, out

Why are you lying?

Not debatable. Don't go by major media as it is all bought and paid for propaganda. Chris Cobain (I think his name is) wrote the code for a program called "Cross Check" which identifies similar names in multiple states. Unfortunately how many "Jim Browns" are there or maybe "Susan Smiths" That program, paid for by the RNC eliminated over 3 million votes.

What do you think about Soros?

The whole voting system is a scam and is corrupt and there is no government, we live in a world run by corporations who control the government. It doesn't matter who gets elected in, they work for the same people. Many people believe in the government here and that is because they are brainwashed.

The best interests of the citizens is not the goal for this society. The goal is to enslave everyone and make everyone dependent on the state so that a few people can make money. In this society there is greed, and many people are sick in their minds and bodies.

This is a very low-functioning place and unless people wake up and refuse to go along with the program, then nothing will change. You can't help people who don't know they are imprisoned and manipulated.

The other fact is that everyone who is in North America are living on stolen Indigenous Land and they have justified their theft of our land and resources by using racism and discrimination. They called us subhuman and they believe they are entitled to our land. People do not want to face the facts and they are not willing to give up their stolen land and reconcile with the Indigenous Nations.

So you see we are living in a society composed people who are in denial of how they came to be where they are. The government here in Canada, run by the corporations are trying to wipe us out here and destroy our way of life.

We are currently resisting the intrusion of our land by the oil and gas companies and we need allies from around the world to stand up to this corruption.

The Wet'suwet'en are protecting their land and I believe that their resistance can help us move away from this colonial state. They are fighting for their survival and we can unite worldwide and make changes today.

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