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in #j5 years ago

Who hired all of these sheriffs in America? Follow the money. Please follow the money. Different people got them hired but one of the biggest is a global terrorist by the name of George Soros who pretends to be a saint like Bill Gates and others. | I Disagree With Trump On Copyright Enforcement | SnowDay3 | History is being made right now. You can be part of history if you want. You can join people who love family first values. All you have to do is go to Banned.Video for more information on what is happening in the world. You would not believe what is happening both good and bad. You do not want to miss out on the party. What are you waiting for?

I Disagree With Trump On Copyright Enforcement
07:03 PM - Steemit | Free Square | Wordpress | WP | Edu Blog | Dissenter | Busy | Blogspot | Bear Shares | Dream Real | Weku | Sapien | Cent | Minds | Telegram | Gab | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Discord

If somebody stole your intellectual property, would you rather government lock that person up or would you rather we the people utilize peer pressure, exposure, and boycotts on the person? Most people tend to prefer the former over the latter. However, America was founded on principles that align more on the latter over the former. In this article, I'm going to talk about how I disagree with how we should be giving government too much power in making too many decisions that we the people should be making ourselves on the local level.....

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2020-01-15 - Wednesday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-15 02:38:46.png
The Expanse Show

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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October 2012

01:05 AM - Steemit

Yeah, that's right. This is like diary, a flash back to October of 2012. Now, technically, it is just a rough draft outline. Facebook terminated my one account which means I have a bunch of holes in my biography, my journal. So, I'm basically trying to rebuild my timeline, my life. So, I enjoy trying to analyze my life, step by step as if I was a scientist haha.

The Expanse

2020-01-15 - Wednesday - 01:14 AM - 01:58 AM - The Expanse 209

The Mars chick comes to earth. She takes pills or injections to help her handle the increase in gravity as earth is a bigger planet than Mars is.

The Vietnamese records a video but is unable to send it as a message.

That is retarded futuristic tech.

Mirror. Window clear. Close.

Window commands.

People live on communism on the earth.


Mars calls Earthers lazy and they are right.

They questioned her and she lied.

Am I a prisoner?

2020-01-15 - Wednesday - 01:59 AM - 02:41 AM - The Expanse 210

What is a vax suit?

Like vaccines?

She saw a man on a planet or rock with no air without a vax suit?

Am I a prisoner, again?

Yes, no?

Was the skin glowing from radiation?

Oh, just a rumor.

So, the doctor said not to spread such stories.


How dare you says Greta.

Don't tell me what to do, madam doctor.

Vietnamese guy talked about good bacteria.


She opens the window.

Terrible window.

She sneaks out.

This episode talks about how the UN destroyed earth via communism.

A black guy was trying to be a doctor since he was a teen and was now like 52 years old and was still on the waiting list which is almost as long as the waiting list in Canada in real life.

VN guy said that distilled water is bad and that you must use mineral water. But that is only true if the mineral water is pure and clean. But in real life, mineral water is polluted which makes distilled water better in most cases, well unless if you can filter and distill the mineral water to clean it up.

2020-01-15 - Wednesday - 02:42 AM - 03:25 AM - The Expanse 211

This Hawaiian Mars girl is hot.

Not authorized to shoot.


They find the daughter and blow her up.


I believe I can fly with RL Kelly. It is good to have a thing that can make you warm and cold by the main television set. I had a dream where I saw Rich Evans and the dad from That 70's Show and other adult men and something happened during the dream where they ended up stuck to the lawn of the house like zombies or like the sick people in The Expanse where stuff grows off them thanks to the proton cell or something. I forget the first part of my dream but something went wrong and somebody must have played God with these men and took out their brains or something because I walked by them and they were almost living a dream like state of existence. They became different people in a sense.


10:30 AM - Trump signs 'phase one' of China trade deal

It is snowing. I took 3 pictures and 3 videos. I cleared the sidewalks with snow 2 snow shovels. Mom then did some snow clearing too. In 2019, I built a snow fort. This year in 2020, I may resort to the minimum. We got a heater and air conditioner thing installed today. Kelly came with around five or so guys and worked on that for like five hours until like 1 PM or something like that. They had to shut down the power a few times. I created a file log system on my laptop. I make folders that outline how many files and GB or MB or how much data for the different folders and files and everything for my laptop and I log it by the date and I have a 1 TB hard drive on my laptop. The one main folder or partition seems to be at 830 GB. I also have 60 GB free. So, I think I'm still not sure about the other remaining 100 GB. Mom heard a humming bird near the feeder outside. She got that close.


Mount Rushmore Fireworks Returns

02:10 PM - Trump signs 'phase one' of China trade deal

For the first time in like twenty years, they are set to having fireworks at Mount Rushmore for the first time since maybe the 1990's or something like that as it was illegal or banned or whatever for environment reasons but then they got it approved. That is what they told Trump and Trump got it approved for 2020 Independence Day and I hope that continues from that point on for July 4th of each year for America. They said environmental reasons. Trump was like huh, what is going to catch on fire as it is all just stone, right? So, they got fireworks display approved for that for this year and from now on I hope.

I Disagree With Trump

I disagree with Trump in regards to copyrights, etc....

Node vs Server

06:02 PM - Steemit

Is a node basically a type of server that is for blockchains like Steem for example? Good work with your node.

I Disagree With Trump On Copyright Enforcement
07:03 PM - Steemit | Free Square | Wordpress | WP | Edu Blog | Dissenter | Busy | Blogspot | Bear Shares | Dream Real | Weku | Sapien | Cent | Minds | Telegram | Gab | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Discord

If somebody stole your intellectual property, would you rather government lock that person up or would you rather we the people utilize peer pressure, exposure, and boycotts on the person? Most people tend to prefer the former over the latter. However, America was founded on principles that align more on the latter over the former. In this article, I'm going to talk about how I disagree with how we should be giving government too much power in making too many decisions that we the people should be making ourselves on the local level.....

I disagree with Trump in regards to copyrights, intellectual property, trademarks, trade secrets, etc., for three main reasons. Hypothetically, copyright is good in theory but generally not so much in practicality in regards to copyright enforcement, etc. If government was absolutely perfect, pure, good, holy, not too big, not too aggressive, not too evil, not too bad, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipresent, then government could enforce copyright, perfectly, accurately, completely, on time, all of the time, in all cases, etc. That would be a dream. But in the real world, the more corrupt centralized governments become, then the more corrupt and everything their enforcement and everything can become. Generally, it is better to at least attempt to limit the roles of governmental bodies, agencies, etc. Copyright, etc, means more work in the same way that more tax regulations, code, etc, means more work, etc, for the IRS, etc. It is dangerous. Hypothetically awesome but practically dangerous and it increases risks, generally speaking.....

Bill Gates, Blockchain, & Murder

07:23 PM - Bear Shares

Did you know that Bill Gates was behind a bunch of bad vaccines which killed people in India and also a lot of babies in America?


09:18 PM - Steemit

Reminds me of that animated cartoon movie called Coraline from 2009.

Couch Surfing

09:23 PM - Steemit

haha i was on it years ago until they banned me because they didn't like the kinds of questions i would ask and i would try to talk to everybody and they would say that it is spam if you try to talk to too many people all at once

Three-Letter People

10:21 PM - Steemit

You are WBP. I'm JSA. So, some of what I would ask them might be on my blog. But I'm still working on writing it all down.

Back Story

I went to Vietnam in 2012. So, I was on Couch Surfing a lot around that time. I went to Vietnam to work at a school and then when I got there, they said no. So, I was running around looking for work and everything, online and offline.

Random Questions

I asked so many questions I cannot even remember all of them. Most of the questions were simple and possibly like jokes or like bargaining tactics.


I would ask if I could rent an apartment for ten dollars a month in Saigon, Vietnam early in 2013. Now, I actually ended up finding a way to do that. I was sometimes couch surfing. I was sometimes staying at different places. Sometimes for free or $10/mo or $100/mo, etc. But some people got mad at me and would say it was impossible to do that or other things. And then I would go on to prove them wrong. But they would go on to block me on Couch Surfing, Facebook, etc. I kind of enjoy proving people wrong about things. I sometimes pretend to look retarded just so people can say stuff about me and then I can turn around to make them look like fools or whatever.

Other Examples

I would ask for advice and for help with random things. Like I would wonder if I could get a cheap phone or get help with finding a lost phone. If somebody did something bad to me, then I would try to tell everybody and some people would call me the bad guy. Some people would tell me to go use Google and to stop asking stupid questions. I would respond with how there would be no need for social networks with that kind of mindset. Like, people talk to each other and that is good. It is not always that we have to. But it is like important in relationships, in friendships, in fellowships, etc. It is very valuable. Life is a process. Life is amazing.

Very Random

On Couch Surfing, I would tell everybody like, "You, I'm Oatmeal, I'm an English Teacher, add me." I would copy and paste those types of messages and comments to people online again and again. I would do that on Facebook, etc, as well, since like 2012 or whatever. So, like off and on these past eight or so years, I've done things like that. I've even done it on Steemit a lot. So, there were times that Steemit Cleaner and other bots would flag my posts and comments. People would call me spam and everything. Sometimes, I accidentally say the same thing to different people and the Steem bots consider that to be spam as it is repetitive. Like, I might accidentally write the same exact sentence to different people. I've written over like 40,000 comments on Steemit. Not every one is as long as this one. I usually just write yo cool. Like hello. Like hey there you are cool or cute or hot or crazy. And then like 300 people later, you might accidentally call somebody cute again or other words that you already used.


I actually try to spam less and I sometimes try to argue with people about what is spam or what is this or what is that.

For The Record

I like keeping a collection of my blog, of what I do online, and I can reference it later and I can simple remind myself, "Oh, you already had that debate and that is on the Internet for the world to see."

Moving On

So, therefore, I can tell myself that I really don't have to have certain kinds of arguments with people assuming I already did. So, in other words, pick your battles.

Getting Older

So, I try to fight less with people. You know like, I mean well because I only want to help but the problem can be if I'm not really persuading people enough. So, I'm trying to get wiser as I get older haha.


10:36 PM - Steemit

In my article, I forgot to mention that some people like welfare from government. But it is better if they learn how to rely on each other in local communities.

Leftist Twitter Mobs

@rootdraws, speaking of what you said, it is interesting that the leftist Twitter mobs went after Roseanne and others for example. They went after that one actor the other day because he talked to Trump at a sporting game.


The leftists can be wrong about some things but the principles behind trying to raise awareness to con artists is a good thing and not a bad thing. So, some conservatives may say that they don't want to do what NPC SJW couch potato robot zombies do. It is important to always find ways to educate patriots and others towards understanding the principles, the values, that have withstood the test of time and that do in fact work, you know? Like, instead, some conservatives end up discrediting and disassociating themselves from anything that progressive liberals might do.

The Mind of Chrst

10:43 PM - Steemit

That relationship with Christ is a critical one to develop. That reminds me of Philippians 2:5 which talks about having the mind of Christ.


10:49 PM - Steemit

One approach to setting boundaries is simply to tell yourself what you will do and say beforehand. Now, this can be tough sometimes. So, it is critical to talk to yourself or with some friends. You have to check in periodically and make sure you have a plan each day, week, month, hour, moment, or however often as you want.

Be Ready To Say No

It is critical to be prepared to say no as that is a way to set a boundary. That does not mean you have to say no. You can allow yourself to change your mind to say yes. But it can be harder to stop yourself from saying yes in order to say no in order to enforce your boundaries.


11:01 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 1/15/20

Alex Jones talks about working hard so that we can stand in front of the Creator someday to hope to be found worthy to be allowed to be graduated into the next level afterlife and everything. That sounds like Mormonism. That doesn't mean Alex is a Mormon. I guess I don't totally know what he believes or what he means when he says things like that. Salvation is by grace and through faith according to Ephesians 2:8 and the next verse says it is not of works lest anyone should boast. I don't know if Alex is promoting works salvation or not but it almost sounds like works salvation. Now, that does not mean that there are not different levels or different things that we don't know about that may happen after death. Perhaps, there is a lot we don't know about everything. So, I can't say he is wrong about how people may die and go on to the next level, to higher dimensions.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


YouTube emailed me the claims and I took down the videos and YouTube still terminated those channels. YouTube does this to some people. You need to know that I'm not the only person with these issues. So, you might be unaware of what I'm talking about. If you are aware, then from the voice of Greta, I have to say how dare you.

2006 Alex Jones is boring. I generally don't watch David Knight. So, you should watch David. I prefer fire. I prefer the passion of Alex. I would yell at people in Vietnam sometimes like Alex a few times when some people were denying Jihadism and Globalism and other big things and I would sometimes ask people if they want freedom or safety. Do you want government to take care of you because you guys are big babies?

Free Speech applies on your own property and on public property. It should not apply to the private property, the land, the ownership, the places, of others outside of town squares, etc.

If the CIA and other agencies helped create and fund the creation and formation of Life Log into Facebook in 2004, if American tax payers did in fact pay for those agencies, those projects, then Facebook would be not private property but public property and therefore owned by government and/or we the people meaning Facebook would be a platform and not a publisher, especially if Facebook also gets liability protection, etc. Similar things might be said about Google, etc.......

If David Knight is so much better, then why do more people still watch Alex Jones than they do David? If most people hate all the Alex Yelling, then why won't they simply stop watching Alex and simply watch David and other people instead? Why are the ratings not going down? Why not?

@Hoeg Law But if you take a photo of my baby, do you own the photo? But it is my baby. Imagine that I shared the photo. But imagine that you copyrighted the photo. But imagine that it is my baby. Then imagine that I edited the photo to comply with Fair Use, to transform the photo. Then imagine that the photo was taken on public property. Imagine if the baby just so happened to be in the background of the photo.

Better yet, imagine that 300 photographers took photos of President Trump during a public speech and then imagine that each photographer copyrighted their photos even as all the different photos are nearly identical to each other.

If somebody infringed upon the rights of one of the copyrights, how is that not like an infringement upon all of the copyrights on the grounds that they are all basically photos of the same person during the same hour or the same exact minute in the same exact place?

Jabba the Joe Hutt slurping on the kiddy slurpies.

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